Wednesday, July 24, 2024
HomeHealthIs Coughing Normal With Allergies

Is Coughing Normal With Allergies

About Author: David Pruitt

How your allergies can cause cough? (Expert interview with Dr Rajeev Nerurkar)

David Pruitt is a writer for the Marketing & Communications division of OSF HealthCare. He has a bachelors of journalism from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and worked as a reporter before joining OSF HealthCare in 2014. An avid golfer and fisherman, David was born and raised Alton, Illinois, which is where he currently resides with his son, James.

Are There Home Remedies To Help With Cough

There are several home remedies you can try which may help with easing your persistent cough.

A warm drink of honey and lemon can reduce the irritation at the back of your throat and ease your cough, even if only temporarily. The lemon acts as a disinfectant to prevent any infections from developing or worsening your conditionKeeping hydrated by drinking plenty of water is important. This will not only help to prevent your throat from becoming dry or irritated, but also flush out any pollen which has lodged in your throat and paletteAvoid dry or smoky atmospheres, and if possible, avoid going outside at times when the pollen count is high.

Start With Some Home Remedies For Cold And Allergy Symptoms

When you start feeling icky, some simple home remedies can provide temporary relief. For starters, try to get more rest. Both allergies and colds can cause tiredness, so listen to your body and take it easy.

Also, take advantage of saltwater to soothe irritated nasal passages and scratchy or sore throats.

For your nose, use a neti pot. A neti pot can be picked up at any local drugstore or online, and typically comes with packets to mix with warm, distilled water to create a saltwater solution to pour through your nasal passages.

For your throat, simply mix a quarter or half teaspoon of table salt into an 8-ounce glass of warm water. Take a sip and gargle for a few seconds like you would with mouthwash. Then spit and repeat until the solution is gone. You can do this a couple times a day.

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Can Allergies Cause A Sore Throat

So, the short answer here is yes, Evan Li, MD, an allergist and assistant professor of medicine specializing in immunology, allergy and rheumatology at Baylor College of Medicine, tells Health. A sore throat can be from a direct inflammatory effect of allergens on the back of your throat, from mucus draining down into your throat, or from the irritating effect of coughing.

Sneezing, congestion, itchy eyes and nose, and runny nose are the most common symptoms associated with seasonal allergies, Kelly Simpson, MD, an allergist at Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, Texas, tells Health. But sore throat can also be added to that list, often caused by whats referred to as postnasal drip. This is when increased mucus in the nasal passages drips down the back of the throat. As it drips down, it irritates the throat.

Postnasal drip, other than causing sore throat, can also cause the sensation of something getting stuck in your throat, tickling or itching in the back of your throat and also irritation that leads to cough, Dr. Li says.

No one allergen is more prone to causing sore throat than others, but the more potent the allergen, the more likely it is to cause symptoms of allergies overall, Dr. Li says. Some of the most potent allergens are grasses, ragweed, dust mites and cat dander.

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What Are The Causes


Hay fever occurs when natural allergens enter the body and cause an allergic response.

Some people with hay fever develop sensitivities because of over-exposure or recurrent exposure to an allergen. Many others are born with sensitivities, or have conditions that increase the likelihood of sensitivities developing.

Seasonal hay fever tends to be caused by a different group of allergens from those that cause perennial hay fever, though some people experience both conditions.

Any foreign material can cause an allergic response. While most people are only sensitive to one allergen, others are sensitive to several, and these allergens are usually related.

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Can We Tell Them Apart

Fever, sore muscles or muscle weakness

Hayfever, despite its name, does not cause increased body temperature. Flu-like illnesses do cause fever, and sore muscles , malaise and fatigue.

Allergies such as hayfever may cause a slight malaise without the other symptoms, probably due to a stuffy nose and poor sleep.

Snoring, dark circles under the eyes and sleep

The nasal congestion from hayfever and other types of rhinitis often increases the potential to snore during sleep. And if you have those dark circles under the eyes, thats likely down to chronic poor-quality sleep, as nasal congestion and snoring worsen.

Itchy nose and eyes, plus sneezing

An itchy nose and eyes are classic hayfever symptoms, as is intense, prolonged sneezing.

You can sneeze with a cold or flu, but usually only in the first few days of the infection.

Longer-lasting symptoms

Allergic reactions tend to come and go from day to day, or even from hour to hour, particularly if some environments are the source of the offending allergens. Perennial rhinitis can be present for weeks or months, far longer than any viral cold or flu.

It is rare for a cold to last more than a week, as the body has fought off the virus by that time. Exceptions to this are the cough and sinus symptoms that were triggered by the virus but persist for other reasons.


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Can Allergies Cause A Cough Symptoms Between Covid

Have you ever thought about sneezing COVID-19 or any other serious health problem while struggling with an itchy/sore throat or runny nose? Well, it could be any ordinary seasonal allergy, flu, or even COVID-19. However there is no need to put your mind in excessive worries because allergies are more likely to be blamed for coughing, runny nose, and itchy throat.

Its very important to understand and differentiate between the signs and symptoms of COVID 19 sneezing and allergies. Remember, the symptoms of allergy are very easy to diagnose as compared to COVID 19 which requires PCR testing for diagnosis. Before we move forward, lets discuss some basic information about cough to understand the relation between cough and allergy.


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Finding Chronic Cough Causes And Cures

Don’t ignore a chronic cough but don’t panic just because your cough lingers for more than three or four weeks. Most often, the puzzle can be solved without elaborate tests, and the problem can be corrected with simple treatments. In fact, you may be able to diagnose and treat yourself, especially if postnasal drip or gastroesophageal reflux is the culprit. Even so, your doctor can also help. In most cases, it won’t take much more than a stethoscope and a treatment trial or two. But if your cough is accompanied by sputum production, bloody sputum, fever, weight loss, night sweats, breathlessness, undue fatigue, or chest pain, you should consult your doctor without delay.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Cold

Is Coughing a Sign of Asthma? | Family Allergy and Asthma

When youve got a mild cold, the only symptoms might be a runny nose, mild sore throat and cough, and general fatigue. If your cold is more serious, you may also have body aches, and all over pains, a fever, trouble sleeping, and your cough and sore throat may be worse.

While some of these symptoms are the same as other conditions, you wouldnt usually experience aches and pains, or a sore throat with allergies.

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Learn How To Manage Symptoms

The good news is that todays treatments for and allergies mainly medication and inhalers are very effective.

Theyre relatively easy to use and have minimal side effects, Dr. Purcell says. When symptoms are more severe or do not respond to other measures, allergy shots is very effective.

One option that should not be on the table is letting allergic asthma ruin your quality of life. The goal is to manage your condition so that it never limits the activities you love because they trigger an allergic reaction, he says.

Working with your doctor will help you find a treatment plan that works for you.

Can A Dry Cough Be Contagious

Yes, depending on the cause, a dry cough can be contagious. Dry coughs can be due to post-nasal drip, or mucus dripping from the back of the nose into the throat. Additionally, a dry cough can also be due to smoking . Certain allergies can also lead to a dry cough. However, none of these causes are contagious. If you have a dry cough as part of a cold or infection, it can be contagious. Take precautions, like more frequent hand-washing and covering your mouth.

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Do I Ever Need To Worry About A Cough

Something important to remember: A coughno matter its causeshouldnt be your norm.

Colds usually run their course within a couple of weeks, which means a cough associated with a cold should go away in about three weeks time , according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. The length of an allergy-related cough will vary depending on how you’re treating it.

But if you notice youre still barking after two months of symptoms, see your doc. You could either be dealing with an allergy youre not aware of or potentially suffering from another issue such as asthma , reflux, pneumonia, or bronchitis, says Dr. Bryson.

And if something is bothering you enough to disrupt your life, don’t put off getting it checked out. If nothing else, seeing a doc will give you peace of mind and maybe even speed up your recovery time.

Diagnosis & Treatment Options


We know how discouraging a chronic cough can be and look forward to helping you achieve relief. One of our physicians will perform an exam and discuss your medical history. Further testing may be necessary to narrow down the specific cause of your cough.

Your individualized treatment plan will depend on the underlying cause. We will work with you to find the most effective medications given your preferences and medical history.

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How Do I Know My Cough Is From A Cold

You know how allergy coughs are typically on the drier side? Coughs from colds tend to be on the wetter side .

Coughs that come along with a cold usually come along with stuffiness, along with postnasal drip , which can cause a sore throat or chest discomfort. A low-grade fever may also signal a cold instead of allergies.

Colds aren’t as immediate as allergies. Instead, they tend to develop over the course of a few days, says Dr. Bryson.

You can try a few different things to help relieve a cough. Decongestants can work for, well, congestion. And ingredients like dextromethorphan can can help ease the coughing itself. Just make sure you take any products as-directed.

It should be said, however, that a dry cough isn’t always allergies, just like a wet cough isn’t always a cold. Allergies can plague your nose, for example, causing post-nasal drip , while mild colds might not leave you stuffed up enough to produce any phlegm.

How To Deal With That Nagging Cough

If youre dealing with a nagging cough that is lingering for days, weeks or months, youre not alone.

Coughing is one of the most frequent reasons patients see doctors, and it ranks in the top five reasons patients come to see us at the Ear, Nose and Throat and Allergy Clinic, said Christine Franzese, MD, an allergist with University of Missouri Health Care.

Coughing is part of the bodys defense against disease. It pushes out bacteria, mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract to protect the lungs from infection and inflammation. While coughing has a purpose, it can also cause its share of problems.

It can disrupt your sleep, affect school and work performance, it can even prevent people from being socially active or going places because they are so self-conscious, Franzese said.

A physician can diagnose the cause of the cough and identify the proper treatment. There are many reasons for lasting coughs. The most common causes for nonsmokers are postnasal drip, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease , chronic bronchitis and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for high blood pressure. Smoking is the primary cause of chronic coughing that can lead to more serious health problems, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and lung cancer.

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Allergies Follow A Pattern And Symptoms Tend To Stick Around Longer

If you have allergies, your symptoms will flare up at certain times throughout the year when the allergens youre sensitive to are present. For example, if you have a tree pollen allergy, your symptoms will first appear in the early spring.

This also means that your symptoms can last for several weeks until that particular allergy season has ended. To put that into perspective, colds usually only last about a week.

Cold viruses are present all year, so you can catch one at any time. However, the winter cold season is when getting sick is more likely.

Get Your Allergies Under Control

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Schedule an appointment with your doctor if youre experiencing persistent coughing that you suspect may be related to allergies. Your doctor will perform a physical examination, ask questions about your medical history and may recommend allergy testing to determine what substances are triggering your cough.

Learn More

Take the medications your doctor prescribes. Your treatment plan may include an antihistamine to reduce stuffiness, a decongestant to help dry up mucus and possibly a prescription or over-the-counter cough medicine. If you have allergic asthma, take your asthma medicines as prescribed.

Follow up with your doctor if she recommends immunotherapy, commonly called allergy shots. This treatment decreases your sensitivity to allergy triggers and, over time, can reduce your symptoms, including persistent coughing.

  • Schedule an appointment with your doctor if youre experiencing persistent coughing that you suspect may be related to allergies.
  • This treatment decreases your sensitivity to allergy triggers and, over time, can reduce your symptoms, including persistent coughing.

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How Is The Cause Of Coughing Up Blood Diagnosed

Since coughing up blood can range from mild to serious, its important to diagnose the underlying cause of your symptoms so that you can be properly treated.

Your healthcare provider will begin an exam by asking how much blood you have been coughing up, for how long and how much is mixed with mucus.

The following tests may be done:

  • A computed tomography chest scan.
  • Chest X-ray to look for tumors or fluid in the lungs.
  • Lung scan.

Could A New Medication Be Causing My Throat Clearing

Certain medications can cause throat clearing as a side effect. A class of blood pressure and heart medications called ACE inhibitors can cause coughing and throat clearing due to a buildup of substances that irritate the airways. Inhaled steroids can also cause throat clearing in this case, the medication causes direct irritation to the larynx.

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How You Can Tell The Difference Between Cold And Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

With both allergies and colds, its typical to have congestion or a runny nose, and to sneeze often. You may also feel tired and drowsy. But there are several other symptoms that dont often overlap between allergies and a cold. Here are some of the telltale differences between cold symptoms and allergy symptoms.

Why Does My Dry Cough Make Me Vomit

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Severe coughing can trigger vomiting. Vomiting in this situation is uncommon and should be evaluated by a medical professional. Chronic coughs like cough-variant asthma, gastroesophageal reflux , and post-nasal drip usually do not cause vomiting. A cough from a severe cold or a severe string of coughs from some irritant can cause vomiting.

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An Introduction To Cough And Seasonal Allergies

A persistent cough can be one of the most irritating symptoms of seasonal allergies, particularly if it is persistent. These coughs are usually dry and caused by pollen irritating the back of the throat or air passages, triggering the natural body reaction of coughing to clear the irritant.

Coughs associated with seasonal allergies may also be caused by what is known as the postnasal drip. When pollen irritates the nasal passages, excessive fluid is produced by the inflamed membranes. This builds up and drops down the throat, irritating it, giving rise to a dry cough.

Is It A Normal Cough Or An Allergy

Have you been coughing quite frequently? Arent you finding any relief in spite of undergoing several doses of antibiotics? Well, lets first know what type of cough it is. The unexpected and cyclical occurrence of a cough will clear out many breathing channels. The reaction of a cough has three stages, and they are breathing stage, breathing out and finally the discharge of air from lungs with a different resonance. This cough is known by its extent, character, feature, and stretch period.

Now lets know what an allergic cough is. Its a cough when the harmful substances like dust mites, pets, pollen, insects, and moulds in the environment hurt our resistant system. An allergic cough will also have stifling nose and recurrent sneezing.

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