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HomeHealthIs Palm Oil Safe For Peanut Allergy

Is Palm Oil Safe For Peanut Allergy

Again Keep All Labels

Why You Should AVOID Sugar & Palm Oil In Peanut Butter!

I cannot overstate the importance of keeping labels. It will help you in different ways.

The first way

Even after I learned alternate names for palm oil ingredients, sometimes I missed some ingredients. This happened to me with Glycerin, Glycerine, Tocopherols, Magnesium Stearate, and Mono- and Diglycerides.

My son got sick from eating products with each of these, and I didnt know why. I thought they were palm oil free. Palm oil and palm kernel oil werent on the labels.

It was only after keeping the food journal for months and looking back at the symptoms that I singled out these foods. I was able to go back and look through the ingredients again, and thats when I saw these palm oil derivatives. I knew to not let my son eat them again.

The second way

So many times, manufacturers change ingredients. When you save the labels, you will be able to compare the ingredients if you need to. Also, depending on where you live and where companies are sourcing their ingredients, ingredients and labels often differ.

You may wonder why a processed food that you ate awhile ago with no issues is now causing you to have symptoms. The reason could be a change in ingredients.

Controversies Regarding Palm Oil

There are several ethical issues regarding palm oil productions effects on the environment, wildlife and communities.

In the past decades, increasing demand has led to an unprecedented expansion of palm oil production in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand.

These countries have humid, tropical climates that are ideally suited for growing oil palm trees.

However, in order to accommodate oil palm plantations, tropical forests and peatland are being destroyed.

A recent analysis found that 45% of land in Southeast Asia currently used for palm oil production had been forest back in 1990, including more than half of all palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia .

Deforestation is anticipated to have devastating effects on global warming, as the forests play a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gasses by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere.

In addition, the destruction of native landscapes causes changes in the ecosystem that threaten the health and diversity of wildlife.

Especially concerning is the impact on endangered species such as Bornean orangutans, which are facing extinction due to habitat loss .

There have also been reports of human rights violations by palm oil corporations, such as clearing farmlands and forests without permission, paying low wages, providing unsafe working conditions and significantly reducing the quality of life .

Fortunately, experts say that there are more ethical and sustainable methods.

What About Other Nut Butters

If peanut butter isnt your go-to nut butter, you may be wondering whether you can share your almond or cashew butter with your pooch. 

Almonds are safe for dogs, but not always easily digestible. While theyre not toxic, be mindful of any discomfort that Fido may feel after indulging in almond butter. 

Dogs shouldnt eat raw cashews, as they contain a toxin that disappears when cooked.  Assuming the nuts in your cashew butter have been cooked or roasted, then cashew butter is a perfectly fine peanut butter alternative. 

Whole hazelnuts can cause choking hazards, but hazelnut butter is also safe for dogs to eat. 

Nut butters that should be avoided include pistachio butter, pecan butter, walnut butter, and macadamia butter, as these nuts can all be harmful to dogs. 

What Is Palm Oil

Palm oil comes from the fleshy fruit of oil palms. Unrefined palm oil is sometimes referred to as red palm oil because of its reddish-orange color.

The main source of palm oil is the Elaeis guineensis tree, which is native to West and Southwest Africa. Its use in this region dates back more than 5,000 years.

A similar oil palm known as Elaeis oleifera is found in South America, but its rarely grown commercially. However, a hybrid of the two plants is sometimes used in palm oil production.

In recent years, oil palm growth has expanded to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia. These two countries currently produce more than 80% of the worlds palm oil supply .

Like coconut oil, palm oil is semi-solid at room temperature. However, its melting point is 95°F , which is considerably higher than 76°F for coconut oil. This is due to the different fatty acid compositions of the two oils.

Palm oil is one of the least expensive and most popular oils worldwide, accounting for one-third of global plant oil production .

It is important to note that palm oil should not be confused with palm kernel oil.

While both originate from the same plant, palm kernel oil is extracted from the seed of the fruit. It provides different health benefits.

Bottom Line:

Palm oil comes from palm trees native to Africa, where it has been consumed for thousands of years. It is semi-solid at room temperature and differs from palm kernel oil in nutritional composition.

Peanut Oil May Improve Insulin Sensitivity

Skippy Smooth Peanut Butter 1.13kg  Ashton Farms Of Wiltshire

Studies have shown that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes.

Consuming any fat with carbohydrates helps slow the absorption of sugars in the digestive tract and leads to a slower rise in blood sugar. However, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, in particular, may play a bigger role in blood sugar control .

In a review of 102 clinical studies that included 4,220 adults, researchers found that replacing just 5% of saturated fat intake with polyunsaturated fats led to a significant reduction in blood sugar levels and HbA1c, a marker of long-term blood sugar control.

Additionally, replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat significantly improved insulin secretion in these subjects. Insulin helps cells absorb glucose and keeps your blood sugar from getting too high .

Animal studies also suggest that peanut oil improves blood sugar control.

In one study, diabetic rats fed peanut oil experienced significant reductions in both blood sugar levels and HbA1c. In another study, diabetic mice given diets fortified with peanut oil had significant reductions in blood sugar .

Summary Peanut oil may reduce heart disease risk factors. It may also help improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. It is also a great source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radical damage.

Look For The Palm Words:

  • Palm oil

, and Mr. Goodbar changed ingredients and are now using palm oil. In addition, several products that didnt contain palm oil are now discontinued. This is the case with many snack bars, cereals, granolas, candy flavors, and more.

Companies that make new flavors and introduce new products often use palm oil derivatives.

They may try to hide them in Tocopherols, Mixed Tocopherols, Tocopherols , and Tocopherols / Vitamin E. They are also common in Mono- & Diglycerides.

Eating Out With Peanut Or Tree Nut Allergy

The risk of accidental exposure to food allergic trigger/s can never totally be removed, but some simple precautions will reduce or minimise the risk:

  • Contact the restaurant, cafe or home cook that you plan to visit in advance, and let them know of the food allergy.
  • On arrival at arestaurant or cafe, ask to talk to the manager about any dishes that should be avoided,. Also ask them to let the chef know so they can take extra care in preparing your meal, to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
  • Don’t rely on the menu descriptions of what is in the food. For example, pesto and dips may have nuts in them, and many salads have nuts or seeds added for texture. Sometimes nuts can be added to gravies and sauces too.
  • Think about the cooking methods, possible cross contamination and the likelihood of shared utensils and cookware.
  • Teenagers or adults who are eating out can cautiously touch test a small amount of the food on their outer lip before putting it in their mouth. Tell-tale warnings such as a burning, chilli-like reaction, and tingling or swelling, should alert you to the possibility that food allergen is present.
  • If an adrenaline autoinjector has been prescribed, always have it and your ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis with you. For people who are not thought to be at risk of anaphylaxis and therefore have not been prescribed an adrenaline autoinjector, an ASCIA Action Plan for Allergic Reactions should be provided by a medical doctor.

Palm Oil In Peanut Butter

Palm oil is an edible, odorless, colorless, vegetable oil used in many dog treats and supplements. Some peanut butter also includes palm oil, which raises eyebrows for lots of pet owners. 

A quick internet search will likely lead you to articles warning against the toxicity of palm oil, urging pet owners to keep it away from their furry friends. These articles refer to palm oil discarded by large ships, often contaminated by bacteria and waste, and extremely toxic to dogs. 

Rest assured, palm oil in its pure form is perfectly fine. In fact, it has a better fatty acid composition than coconut oil. There is generally not enough palm oil in an entire jar of peanut butter to be a cause of concern, just as there is no need to worry about the trace amounts of palm oil found in PetHonestys supplemental chews.

What Is Peanut Oil

The 3 P’s – Palm Oil, Peanut Butter and Peat

Peanut oil, also referred to as groundnut oil or arachis oil, is a vegetable-derived oil made from the edible seeds of the peanut plant.

Though the peanut plant flowers above ground, the seeds or peanuts actually develop underground. This is why peanuts are also known as groundnuts.

Peanuts are often grouped with tree nuts like walnuts and almonds, but they are actually a type of legume that belongs to the pea and bean family.

Depending on processing, peanut oil can have a wide range of flavors that vary from mild and sweet to strong and nutty.

There are several different types of peanut oil. Each one is made using different techniques:

Peanut oil is widely used around the world but is most common in Chinese, South Asian and Southeast Asian cooking. It became more popular in the United States during World War II when other oils were scarce due to food shortages.

It has a high smoke point of 437 and is commonly used to fry foods.

Summary Peanut oil is a popular vegetable oil commonly used around the world. This oil has a high smoke point, making it a popular choice for frying foods.

Peanuts Tree Nuts And Seeds Are Hard To Avoid

Peanuts, tree nuts and seeds are widely used in Western and Asian foods. This poses significant problems for people with severe peanut, tree nut or seed allergy. Laws require that any product containing peanut, tree nuts or sesame must be clearly labelled. Therefore, it is important to check the labels of all foods before purchase. Further information about reading food labels, food selection and allergen avoidance is available on the ASCIA dietary avoidance information sheets. 

Is Peanut Butter Safe For Dogs

Peanut butter is a popular, versatile dog treat. It can be spread in hollow bones or toys to give a pooch a fun chewing project to work on . Alternatively, peanut butter can be licked directly from a spoon as a treat; its also a good way to sneak some pills to a stubborn pup or distract a restless dog during a grooming session.

Generally speaking, peanut butter is safe for dogs to eat. But safe doesnt necessarily mean healthy. Before you make peanut butter a regular part of your dogs diet, there are some things to take into consideration.

Mct Oil From Palm Oil

MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglycerides. These have become very popular in the last decade. People use MCT products in all sorts of ways as supplements, cooking, etc. 

While we have bought coconut oil to cook with, and buy products with coconut, we havent tried MCTs from coconut,. We wont ever buy or try MCTs made from palm oil.

Allergies To Palm Kernel Oil

Barney Butter Bare Almond Butter, Crunchy, 16 Ounce ...

Palm kernel oil is a highly saturated fat from tropical regions that is considered healthy by many. This type of oil has been common for years in body products but has, in more recent years, began showing up in food substances. Palm kernel oil is usually red in colour and can be used in the place of nearly any type of oil, particularly the similarly suited coconut oil.

Peanut Oil Is High In Vitamin E

Just one tablespoon of peanut oil contains 11% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin E .

Vitamin E is actually the name for a group of fat-soluble compounds that have many important functions in the body.

The main role of vitamin E is to function as an antioxidant, protecting the body from harmful substances called free radicals.

Free radicals can cause damage to cells if their numbers grow too high in the body. They have been linked to chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease .

Whats more, vitamin E helps to keep the immune system strong, which protects the body from bacteria and viruses. It is also essential for red blood cell formation, cell signaling and preventing blood clots.

This powerful antioxidant may reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, cataracts and may even prevent age-related mental decline .

In fact, an analysis of eight studies that included 15,021 people found a 17% reduction in the risk of age-related cataract in those with the highest dietary intake of vitamin E compared to those with the lowest intake .

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter

Yes. And most dogs love it! Peanut butter is packed with protein and contains healthy fats, niacin, vitamin B, and vitamin E, all of which contribute to your dogs overall health.

Whats the best way to serve it to your furry friend, and how much peanut butter is too much? Read on for tips and tricks as well as ingredients to avoid.

Palm Oil: Good Or Bad

All around the world, palm oil consumption is increasing. However, it is a highly controversial food.

On one hand, its reported to provide several health benefits.

On the other, it may pose risks to heart health. There are also environmental concerns related to the steady increase in its production.

This article takes a detailed look at palm oil and its effects on health, the environment and sustainability.

Is Nutella Safe For Tree Nut Allergies


4.6/5nut allergy

Foods and ingredients that indicate peanuts and other nuts Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut paste
Cashews, cashew nut paste
Nutella spread and other nut pastes
Peanut oil

It is possible to be allergic to one or several nuts. For most people the diagnosis of nut allergy is life-long.

Foods and ingredients that indicate peanuts and other nuts Peanuts, peanut butter, peanut paste
Cashews, cashew nut paste
Nutella spread and other nut pastes
Peanut oil

Similarly, can you be allergic to Nutella? These nuts, like other types of tree nuts, can cause food allergy symptoms that range from mild to severe. They’re also used to make chocolate nut spreads such as the popular product Nutella, and to make Frangelico hazelnut liqueur.

Also to know is, is Nutella made from tree nuts?

Nutella is described as a chocolate and hazelnut spread, although it is mostly made of sugar and palm oil. Nutella is made from sugar, modified palm oil, hazelnuts, cocoa powder, skimmed milk powder, whey powder, soy lecithin, and vanillin.

Is Nutella nut free?

A: Nutella® hazelnut spread does not contain peanuts or peanut ingredients. There is no risk of cross contamination with peanuts in the facility in which Nutella® is manufactured.

Reactions From Palm Oil Derivatives

Its difficult to know if palm oil may be affecting you. In our case, some of the symptoms were delayed and others were immediate.

Symptoms from Tocopherols and Tocopherols / Vitamin E

There were other times when he was getting sick from foods, and we didnt know why. Im grateful we kept the cereal and cracker boxes from these foods that made him sick because we learned they all contained tocopherols.

Tocopherols are sometimes made from palm oil.

When he would eat foods with tocopherols used to preserve freshness or as a Vitamin E supplement some or all of these symptoms would happen:

  • He became so lethargic and exhausted, completely wiped out
  • He would have a change in mood/temperament
  • Became itchy
  • Would get a few hives

After my son went through these experiences of being so tired, itchy, and very upset, there was no way we would ever take a chance on him having palm oil derivatives again.

Tocopherols arent usually labeled as to where they are derived from.

Some candy manufacturers are making their new flavors with Mixed Tocopherols . These are typically derived from palm oil.

We avoid all products with tocopherols and Vitamin E.

Glycerin and Glycerine cause symptoms

These are ingredients also typically made from palm oil. They are very prevalent in nutrition bars and other types of granola bars. Glycerin is in hard candy, cough drops, liquid soap and bar soap.

My son gets congested from products with glycerin and glycerine.

Symptoms from Mono- and Diglycerides

Avoiding Palm Oil Because Of A Palm Oil Sensitivity

Again, it seems the medical community isnt familiar with palm oil allergy symptoms and palm oil intolerance.

However, when you look online and in forums, including Facebook and other sites, you will find communities of people who avoid palm oil and palm oil derivatives because they get reactions from it.

There are many people who avoid palm oil because of the devastating environmental impacts the palm oil industry has on rainforests, animals and people.

We researched palm oil health to learn what the experts had to say.

How To Find Out If You Have A Palm Oil Intolerance

From our experience, we believe you may be reading food labels and being perplexed as to what is causing you or your child to have symptoms.

Perhaps youre wondering if it might be palm oil or palm oil derivatives.

In this post, weve used our own experience to teach how to narrow down ingredients to see if it might be palm oil and palm oil derivatives that you are intolerant to.

We continue to update this site. Please search for other posts on this site, especially if there is a food, self-care product, or other product you think you react to. We may have written about it.

We are not medical professionals. Please seek medical advice from your physician.

Scientific Name For Palm Oil

WhatRinaLoves: WOWBUTTER Review + Giveaway

Elaeis guineensis is the scientific name for the palm oil companies use in foods, cleaning products, self-care items and more. Its commonly known as the African Oil Palm.

The United States Department of Agriculture has a website where you can learn about the classification of plants.

Below is the information for Elaeis guineensis from the Kingdom Plantae to the Species Elaeis guineensis Jacq. 

Difference Between Palm Oil And Palm Kernel Oil

Palm oil is found in the fleshy portion of the palm fruit, while palm kernel oil is found in the seed or the kernel of the fruit. The two oils are very different in their fatty acid compositions In palm oil, only 50 per cent is saturated, whereas 82 per cent of palm kernel oil is saturated. This high saturation makes it more closely resemble coconut oil and will frequently be found in a solid state at room temperature.


Checking Ingredients For Palm Oil

When we are diligent about following it checking every single ingredient against this list of names for palm oil ingredients he hasnt had any issues.

I made and printed out a copy and referred to it literally in stores for two years before I bought my son anything packaged or processed. I walked around with the list in my purse. After doing this for three years, I know what types of products typically have palm oil and know the ingredients to watch out for.

We know whats safe for him to have and repeatedly buy those products.

Still at home, before he eats a new packaged food, I double check the ingredients. For the first year, I checked it against the list of palm oil ingredient names. 

All of his hygiene items are palm oil free.

My son and I have learned many of the hidden words for palm oil to look for so that we can scan ingredient lists quickly. This makes it a lot easier. Its also been helping my son for when he is out places without me.

Also, this helps us to support palm oil free products and to do our part to not support the palm oil industry.

Please note, palm oil can be hidden in Natural Flavors on ingredient labels.

Palm Oil Intolerance Symptoms

Weve had several readers write to us about palm oil intolerance symptoms, including stomach pains from palm kernel oil. Others wrote to share their stories about pain, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, etc. from palm oil.

So while its not our experience that palm oil causes diarrhea, it does happen. Palm oil causes contact dermatitis in some people as well. Others wrote to say palm oil causes inflammation. It seems palm oil affects people in many ways. This isnt medical advice. 

Is Peanut Oil Okay For Someone With A Peanut Allergy

New Guidelines Aim to Prevent Peanut Allergies in Children

The FDA exempts highly refined peanut oil from being labeled as an allergen. Some individuals with a peanut allergy can safely eat peanut oil . If you are allergic to peanuts, ask your doctor whether or not you should avoid peanut oil.

Highly refined peanut oil is not required to be labeled as an allergen. Studies show that most people with peanut allergy can safely eat this kind of peanut oil. If you are allergic to peanuts, ask your doctor whether you should avoid peanut oil.

But avoid cold-pressed, expelled, or extruded peanut oilsometimes called gourmet oils. These ingredients are different and are not safe to eat if you have a peanut allergy.


Our family chooses not to give peanut oil to our daughter with a severe peanut allergy. There are many other safe peanut-free oil options out there.

Related: 8 Brands of Peanut Free Dog Food

It May Reduce Heart Disease Risk

Peanut oil is high in both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, both of which have been researched extensively for their roles in reducing heart disease.

There is good evidence that consuming unsaturated fats can lower certain risk factors associated with heart disease.

For example, high levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood have been linked to a greater risk of heart disease. Many studies have shown that replacing saturated fats with MUFAs or PUFAs may reduce both LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels .

A large review by the American Heart Association suggests that reducing saturated fat intake and increasing your monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat intake could lower the risk of heart disease by as much as 30% .

Another review of 15 controlled studies had similar findings, concluding that reducing saturated fats in the diet had no effect on heart disease risk, although replacing some saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat may reduce the risk of heart events .

Yet these benefits were only seen when replacing saturated fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. It is unclear if adding more of these fats to your diet without changing other dietary components will have a positive effect on heart health.

Additionally, it is important to note that other major studies have shown little or no effect on heart disease risk when reducing saturated fat or replacing it with these other fats.

How Is It Used

Palm oil is used for cooking and is also added to many ready-to-eat foods in your grocery store.

Its taste is considered savory and earthy.

Some people describe its flavor as being similar to carrot or pumpkin.

This oil is a staple in West African and tropical cuisines, and its especially well suited for curries and other spicy dishes.

It is often used for sautéing or frying because it has a high smoke point of 450°F and remains stable under high heat .

Palm oil is sometimes added to peanut butter and other nut butters as a stabilizer to prevent the oil from separating and settling at the top of the jar.

In addition to nut butters, palm oil can be found in several other foods, including:

  • Cereals
  • Coffee creamers
  • Margarine

In the 1980s, palm oil was replaced with trans fats in many products due to concerns that consuming tropical oils might jeopardize heart health. However, after studies revealed the health risks of trans fats, food manufacturers resumed using palm oil.

This oil is also found in many non-food products, such as toothpaste, soap and cosmetics.

In addition, it can be used to produce biodiesel fuel, which serves as an alternative energy source .

Bottom Line:

Palm oil is used in cooking, especially in West African cuisines and curries. It is also found in certain foods, products and fuels.


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