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What Helps Post Nasal Drip From Allergies

Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle To Stop Post Nasal Drip

Herbal Home Remedies : Natural Treatment for Post Nasal Drip

The combination of anti-inflammatory , as well as antibacterial properties of the apple cider vinegar, helps in getting rid of the excess buildup of the mucus in the throat and helps get rid of it for good.

What to do?

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water
  • Gargle with this every morning to break down the mucus build up
  • Rinse your mouth with normal water at the end

How often?

  • Twice daily

How Long Does Post Nasal Drip Last

Even though there are not much of an affirmation about the fact of how long the post nasal drip lasts for, it is believed that, for the most part, the same lasts from a week to 10 days.

Even then, the same depends on the kind of medications and remedies that are being administered as a cure for post nasal drip. It also depends on the kind of healing capabilities that a person has. If their immunity is restored better and faster, the condition is alleviated faster.

Why Does A Reflux Diagnosis Take So Long

Part of this issue is due to medical specialization.

The trend towards medical specialization has intensified over the last 50 years while simultaneously disenfranchising primary care physicians . Each specialist including lung doctors, ENT doctors and GI specialists just takes care of one part of the body. This has led to specialists who are unable to diagnose / treat reflux because they dont understand how the respiratory and digestive tracts are connected. They are directly connected at the upper esophageal valve, which is supposed to protect against reflux in the throat. There is also a direct connection between the throat and the lungs at the level of the vocal cords.

I have taken care of thousands of patients with reflux over the course of my career, and almost all have seen multiple specialists including PCPs, allergists, otolaryngologists, pulmonologists, and gastroenterologists.

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When To See A Doctor

Post-nasal drip is a routine complaint, but there may be times when home treatment is not enough or the symptoms may be too much to handle on your own. Seek medical attention if any one of the following incidents occur:

  • Difficulty swallowing this includes the inability to swallow saliva
  • Insufficient intake of air a choking sensation
  • Signs of a bacterial infection such as severe vomiting, cramping, diarrhea, and extreme fatigue
  • Post-nasal drip lasting more than two weeks

Post-nasal drip remedies are available in various forms and may include herbs, spices, and other natural products you use every day. This common ailment may not be harmful on the surface but could lead to, or be a sign of, an infection.

The excess mucus production and buildup may cause congestion, inflammation, a sore throat, coughing, and difficulty swallowing. Whether it is caused by the common cold or dryness conditions, post-nasal drip may be alleviated with home remedies.

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Rinses And Sprays Can Help

Rosh Review

There are a number of ways to thin mucus, help the nose drain more efficiently, and prevent infections. Rinsing aids such as NeilMed® Sinus Rinse, neti pots, or Navage® can be used to beneficially irrigate the lining of your nose. The irrigation products come with little pre-made salt packets you can add either distilled water or boiled tap water that youve let cool first.

Mist sprays can also help, although they are typically not as effective as a rinse. The mist sprays function to help moisturize the nasal passages but may not be as effective in clearing the mucus secretions and getting into the sinuses.

In addition to recommending a rinse or spray product, I typically prescribe Flonase®, azelastine, Atrovent®, or some combination. For people with posterior drip and sinus issues, these sprays can be very helpful. Continued use can help keep inflammation down and decrease mucus production to keep the nasal drip under control. And you dont necessarily have to use these medications indefinitely. After we control the symptoms, we can start to decrease medications while continuing to observe how youre doing.

Can home remedies also help? Sometimes. Non-drowsy antihistamines, saline sprays, sleeping with your head elevated, using a humidifier, and drinking chicken soup and other hot liquids can work to thin mucus a bit. Avoiding cigarette smoke can help as well .

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How To Tell The Difference Between Post Nasal Drip And Covid

Post nasal drip is often considered a symptom of other illnesses and conditions, such as the common cold or seasonal allergies. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Although COVID-19 affects people differently, post nasal drip is not considered a typical reaction to the virus. However, other similar symptoms associated with post nasal drip, such as a sore throat, congestion, and coughing, are also associated with COVID-19.

If you are concerned about your health and are experiencing symptoms of post nasal drip or COVID-19, please consult your physician immediately for professional advice.

Salt Water Gargle To Stop Post Nasal Drip

Yet another one of the effective remedies for post nasal drip treatment is the use of salt water gargle for the condition. The mind antimicrobial properties of the salt helps fight off any kind of infection in the throat that could be contributing to the excess secretion of the mucus. Not just that, the water helps in hydrating the throat and prevents the irritation.

What to do?

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water
  • Stir till the salt dissolves completely
  • Gargle with this water till you run out of it
  • Make sure to avoid swallowing the water and just gargle and rinse your mouth with it
  • Rinse your mouth with normal water in the end
  • How often?

    • 2-3 times daily

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    What Is The Best Medication For Postnasal Drip

    There is no one universal postnasal drip medication thats best for everyone. Individual symptoms and responses to treatment vary. A doctor can determine the best medication for postnasal drip based on an individuals symptoms, medical history, and response to treatments. Heres an overview of popular medications that a doctor may prescribe.

    Best medications for postnasal drip
    Drug Name
    Oral: comes as a tablet, capsule, liquid, and syrup 200-400mg taken every 4 hours or as directed by a healthcare professional Skin rash, nausea or vomiting, and dizziness. It is contraindicated in patients 4 years and younger

    A prescribing mental health professional determines the best dosage based on medical conditions, response to treatment, age, and weight. Other possible side effects exist. This is not a complete list.

    Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit

    (*Post Nasal Drip*) Relief

    The Ayr Saline Nasal Rinse Kit is another great choice for people looking for an effective product to combat post nasal drip. Mostly, this product relies on saline, which draws out the mucus by attracting it with salt. Once the accumulated mucus has been pulled out of the posterior portion of the nose and throat, its suctioned out using the included bottle.

    While it does offer effective and instant relief against mucus and congestion, the formula isnt quite as powerful as the first name on the list. Without the menthol property, relief doesnt last quite as long, requiring users to repeat the process when mucus accumulates hours later.

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    Drink Fluids Especially Hot Fluids

    Drink a lot of fluids to thin out mucus. The thinner the mucus, the easier it can pass through your nasal cavities.

    Drinking fluids will also moisturize your nasal lining. Hot drinks, like tea or broth, are the best choice. The warmth of these beverages will thin your mucus.

    Avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee, caffeinated tea, or soda. Caffeine has a diuretic effect, which may increase your risk of dehydration.

    How To Stop Postnasal Drip

    A combination of preventative measures and medications can help put a stop to postnasal drip. Healthcare providers may recommend:

    • Staying hydrated, which can also help to thin mucus

    • Use a humidifier or vaporizer to keep the air moist

    • Propping yourself up with extra pillows when you sleep, so the mucus doesnt collect in the back of your throat

    • An oral medication such as guaifenesin , which can thin mucus

    Its important to keep in mind that treatment for postnasal drip usually depends on what might be causing it. For instance, if your symptoms are caused by allergies, the first step might be trying to pinpoint what you are allergic to and avoiding those foods or triggers to the extent possible.

    As a next step, there are several over-the-counter and prescription medications that can provide additional relief. They can help treat postnasal drip by calming down inflammation and thinning or drying up the mucus. Lets take a look at the different types of medications that you and a healthcare provider can consider to help stop postnasal drip.

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    Avoid Sleeping On Stomach

    Sleeping on the stomach and even on the back without any kind of elevation worsens the condition associated with the nasal drip. Make sure that even if you are sleeping on your stomach, there is something under your abdomen to keep you elevated and to avoid the deterioration of the condition.

    If you have been seeking ways to stop post nasal drip, it is necessary and very crucial to stick to the common norms and not get diverted with the same because that is where majority of the people tend to aggravate the condition. These above mentioned remedies can actually help relieve the condition for good so, try it.

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    8 Post Nasal Drip Remedies For Immediate &  Lasting Relief
    • Home remedies for post nasal drip include proper hydration and sleeping on propped pillows.
    • Post nasal drip can also be treated with OTC medications like decongestants like Afrin and Mucinex.
    • If you have post nasal drip that lasts longer than a week with no sign of clearing up, see a doctor.

    During cold and flu season people experience a myriad of annoying symptoms. Chief among them is post nasal drip when mucus from your nose runs into your throat.

    Post nasal drip can trigger a tickling or blocked feeling at the back of your throat, causing a sore throat, cough, or the continuous need to clear your throat.

    It’s normal for your nose to produce mucus about one quart a day on average, says Christopher Thompson, MD, an ear, nose and throat specialist and otolaryngologist with Mission Hospital.

    “Mucus is important to humidify the upper airways and trap foreign particles such as allergens, irritants, viruses, and bacteria,” he says.

    However, infection, allergies, and gastrointestinal reflux can all cause the mucus to become more pronounced, leading to post nasal drip. Learn more about this uncomfortable symptom and the various remedies to treat it.

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    Avoid Alcohol And Cigarette Smoke

    Avoid alcohol, which can lead to dehydration and worsen postnasal drip. This is especially important if your postnasal drip is due to GERD, as alcohol can worsen your symptoms.

    You should also avoid cigarette smoke, including secondhand smoke. Cigarette smoke can increase mucus secretion and irritate your nose and throat. While quitting is difficult, your doctor can help you build a quit smoking plan that works for you.

    What Are The Treatment Options

    Diagnosing post-nasal drip may include a detailed ear, nose, and throat exam, endoscopy , or X-rays. Post-nasal drip can be difficult to cure, and treatment varies according to the cause:

    Related Conditions

    Several other conditions may feel like post-nasal drip but are swallowing problems caused by a backup of solids or liquids in the throat. Conditions that may be related to post-nasal drip include:

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    Other Approaches To Easing Post

    Sally Found that NAC helped ease her upper respiratory tract challenges:

    I have had COPD for several years . My lungs are the weak link in an otherwise healthy body.

    I take NAC and find that it helps break up things and clear my lungs and stop the nagging, little cough that is caused by COPD. Recently, I had a bad bout of pneumonia and bronchitis for which I took Mucinex. It was helpful but when I went back to the NAC things got better.immediately.

    Linda found that Mucinex plus a neti pot nasal rinse eased her symptoms:

    I had never had a sinus infection until I was in my early 60s and didnt know what they were. Then I got sick for weeks at a time. Finally I figured it out and went to a doctor for relief.

    Id been taking OTC cold tablets that didnt help at all and seemed to make it worse. I got so stuffed up and impacted that I couldnt breathe through my nose at all and didnt think Id ever get better. The doctor told me to only take a med with guaifenesin as the main ingredient. Around the same time I read about neti pots.

    From then on whenever I got a cold I took Mucinex with guaifenesin and used the neti pot to try and ward off getting a sinus infection. This has been a very successful regimen for me. I still get an occasional cold, maybe once a year, but they are milder now and dont last as long.

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    Postnasal Drip Treatment Options

    Natural Treatment for Post Nasal Drip

    Treatment options for postnasal drip depend on the underlying symptoms for each individual. For mild cases of postnasal drip there are a variety of natural and home remedies that can help the condition from gargling with salt water to nasal irrigation. For more severe or chronic cases of postnasal drip, there are OTC and prescription medications options. We will discuss all viable treatment options in the sections that follow.

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    Okay I Think Ive Got Itnow What

    Both post-nasal drip and sore throats will often go away on their own, but each can be a symptom of a larger condition. If the above treatments dont help, schedule an appointment with your doctor. If it turns out youre experiencing post-nasal drip and sore throat symptoms from allergies, then Picnic can help! We offer a number of allergy treatments, including a nasal spray designed to tackle symptoms like post-nasal drip and throat lozenges. Read our guide on and take our quiz to find out which post-nasal drip medicine will wait for itblow your allergies away.

    Upper Airway Cough Syndrome

    Upper airway cough syndrome is treated with first-generation antihistamines and medicines taken as tablets. A response to treatment helps confirm the diagnosis. Decongestants should only be used for a short time.

    Talk to your doctor if you are constantly clearing your throat or have an irritating cough. Finding out the cause of your symptoms and treating the cause should make you feel a lot more comfortable.

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    Irritants Like Smoke Or Dust

    Sometimes your post-nasal drip isnt caused by an internal issue . In these cases, the symptom is brought on by an external irritant instead, like smoke, air pollution, or dust. Thats because a big part of mucus role in the body is trapping airborne irritants when you inhale them, so they dont get to your lungs. So when your body realizes youre inhaling one of these substances, it kicks up mucus production.

    That means if youre already allergic to an airborne allergen like dust or pollen, the irritant itself and your immune systems response make it twice as likely youll get hit with post-nasal drip. Yeah, we dont like those odds either.

    Is Postnasal Drip Serious

    Will Nasal Drainage Cause Sore Throat

    Postnasal drip is not considered a serious condition. Some people may experience long-lasting postnasal drip because of allergies, and though its uncomfortable to live with, its symptoms are manageable. Postnasal drip has been known to cause further health problems like sinus and ear infections, so its important to see a doctor if your symptoms last more than 10 days, if you have a fever, or if you have blood and/or colored discharge when you blow your nose.

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    Post Nasal Drip Medicine

    Your body produces nose and throat mucus to help keep these areas moist and clean of bacteria and allergens. Even though it is constantly present, you dont notice the mucus as its just a normal part of everyday life. You typically swallow it along with your salvia. However, when you are fighting an infection or allergies, it thickens and there is a lot more of it. When it drains down your throat in this altered state, you may experience coughing and a sore throat.

    Do Essential Oils Work For Postnasal Drip

    Essential oils are concentrated liquids that have been extracted from plants. Theyre commonly used as natural remedies for various ailments. Some oils, like eucalyptus and peppermint, may offer relief from postnasal drip.

    According to a 2020 review, eucalyptus oil contains a compound called 1,8-cineole. This compound can reduce mucus by controlling genes involved in mucus production. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may soothe irritation.

    Peppermint oil contains menthol, which can improve the sensation of congestion and mucus buildup. It doesnt actually treat excess mucus, though. A 2013 study found that inhaled menthol doesnt have true decongesting properties. However, its cooling effect can help your nasal passages feel more open.

    The best way to use essential oils for postnasal drip is through inhalation. This is a form of aromatherapy.

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    How Do I Know I Have A Post

    The first thing you will probably feel is something thick at the back of the throat. You would also feel mucus dripping down inside your throat which prompts you to swallow. Symptoms like sore throat and severe cough especially at nights after lying down are also experienced. If you experience all this, you could be having post-nasal drip.


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