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HomeHealthWhat Milk To Give Baby With Dairy Allergy

What Milk To Give Baby With Dairy Allergy

How Is Cma Diagnosed

Does your Baby Have Lactose Intolerance Or Cows Milk Allergy?

Diagnosis of IgE CMA is usually obvious if symptoms occur soon after having cows’ milk or other dairy foods. This can be confirmed by your doctor after taking a medical history and using allergy tests. Allergy tests can be used to confirm the presence of IgE antibodies. The diagnosis of non-IgE delayed allergic reactions is more tricky. This is made by a specialist paediatrician or clinical immunology/allergy specialist. This usually involves excluding cows’ milk and other dairy foods from your baby’s diet for a trial of 14 weeks to check for improvement. Then your doctor would advise you to gradually introduce some cows’ milk and other dairy foods to see if the symptoms come back. Some forms of non IgE dairy allergy require more cautious food reintroduction.

What Causes Milk Allergy In Babies

The causes of milk allergy are not known.

The physiology of the condition is that when food passes into the small intestine, the immune system mistakes it to be a foreign body and attacks it, causing an allergic reaction.

Genetics and environmental factors seem to be the fundamental cause of food allergies , while other factors increase an infants risk of developing milk allergy.

Signs That Your Baby Is Ready For Solid Foods

Your baby will be ready to try solid foods when she is between four and six months old. Look for these cues:

  • She can sit in a highchair or feeding seat.
  • She can hold her head up and her neck steady.
  • She opens her mouth when food comes her way.
  • She loves to watch you eat.
  • She can swallow food instead of pushing it back out with her tongue.

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So What Can My Baby Eat

After reading this you might be worried that theres not much left that your little one CAN eat. It can be so easy to focus on all of the foods that your little one needs to avoid that you forget about all of the wonderful foods that they can enjoy!

There are lots of foods that are naturally free from dairy. Fruits and vegetables, meats, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts and seeds, grains such as rice and couscous. The list really is endless. If youre struggling to think of the foods that your little one can eat, have a chat with your dietitian who will be able to give you some more ideas.

Commonly Asked Questions About Offering Dairy Like Yogurt And Cheese To Your Baby

How to detect cow milk allergies in babies

Many parents wonder when they can offer their babies dairy products such as yogurt and cheese. Some common questions are: Should I give my baby full fat dairy products? and Can I use milk in recipes that my baby will be eating?

On this page you will find a compiled a list of common questions and answers concerning giving your baby yogurt and cheese and dairy products in general.

If you do not see your question here, please contact us. If we cannot answer your question about offering your baby dairy products, we will point you in the direction of someone who may. We are always eager to add information to this site. The more information that we have based on your questions, the more informed our visitors will be.

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Substituting Milk For Allergic Toddler

Q: Our 18-month-old daughter is allergic to cows milk. Im somewhat confused about what to use in its place. Does it depend on her age? Can you help?

Alisa Bar-Dayan, RD: Its common for parents to be concerned about a childs nutrition with an allergy to cows milk, since its a source of calcium, vitamin D and fat. These are important nutrients for growth and development, and to keep bones strong. However, many children thrive without consuming cows milk.

If you are breastfeeding your 18-month-old, you may continue to do so. In some cases, mothers who consume milk can pass allergenic proteins through their breast milk. If this is suspected, you may need to avoid milk products. In other cases, cows milk proteins are not passed through. Always consult your doctor or a dietitian before altering your diet while breastfeeding. Removing milk from your diet wont be recommended unless absolutely necessary.

If you are not breastfeeding your daughter, she should drink soy formula until the age of 2. Soy formula is a complete source of nutrition and will provide enough calcium, fat and protein. Your doctor or dietitian can advise you on how much formula to give based on your childs age, height and weight.

Young children who cannot eat or drink cows milk products must continue on soy formula or extensively hydrolyzed formula until age 2. Goats milk is also not a suitable alternative for a child allergic to cows milk, as those with this allergy may also react to goats milk.

Will Your Baby Outgrow An Allergy

Even if your doctor recommends you eliminate dairy, you don’t necessarily have to stay away from dairy for as long as you breastfeed. Once you’ve eliminated all the dairy and your child is feeling better, under the direct supervision of your doctor, you can wait a few weeks or months, then slowly reintroduce some dairy products back into your diet.

If your baby starts to react, you can stop the dairy once again. With your doctor’s go-ahead, you can keep trying to add back dairy every few weeks or so, and as your baby gets older, they may be able to tolerate it more and more, as it’s quite common for children to grow out of their milk allergy.

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Understanding Milk Protein Allergies In Infants

A milk protein allergy most often happens in babies who are fed cows milk formula. This occurs when the bodys immune system perceives cows milk protein as harmful and causes an allergic response.

According to a 2016 study published in the British Journal of General Practice, up to 7 percent of babies who are formula-fed are allergic to cows milk protein.

In some cases, though, it can occur in breastfed babies. According to the same 2016 study, up to 1 percent of babies who are breastfed develop an allergy to cows milk.

Certain genes have been identified in milk protein allergy. Up to 8 out of 10 children will outgrow the allergy by age 16 years, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

For More Information About Diary Products Click Below:

How to Make Baby Less Gassy, Fussy | Avoid Cow Milk Allergy with Breastfeeding or Formula

Yogurt & Your Baby In depth Information about giving your baby yogurt.

Feeding Cheese to Your Baby Read about Cheese for Your Baby Ideas

Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.

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Meats Fish Poultry And Cheese

  • Baked, broiled, boiled, roasted or fried: beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, organ meats, or tofu
  • Sausage, deli/luncheon meats, or ham if made without milk products

Note: A small number of people with cow’s milk allergy may develop a reaction to beef. Thus, those with cow’s milk allergy should be careful when consuming beef or foods containing beef.

Not allowed:

  • All cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese
  • Some sausage products, bologna, frankfurters
  • Breaded meats, meatloaf, croquettes, casseroles, hamburgers
  • Commercial entrees made with milk or milk solids

Ive Seen Other Tests I Can Buy Online Are These Any Good

There are lots of alternative tests marketed to diagnose allergies such as IgG, vega testing, iridology, hair analysis, kinesiology or cytotoxic testing. These are widely available online and the costs can vary.

However, none have scientific evidence for their use and cant diagnose an allergy or intolerance.

The only evidence based methods of diagnoses are the ones outlined above and all others should be avoided.

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Milk Allergies In Babies

When it comes to milk allergy symptoms in babies, theres quite a variety. Theyre often similar to the symptoms of other common conditions that your baby might experience – colic, reflux and constipation being just a few examples1.

Here, youll find a wealth of information to help if you think that your baby may have a cows milk protein allergy, and what to do if thats the case.

What You Should Eat

Milk Allergy In Infants

You can have a well-balanced diet even without eating any dairy. You can get plenty of protein from fish, beef, chicken, eggs, nuts and beans. You can use calcium-fortified soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, coconut milk, hemp milk, or fortified orange juice to supply you with 1,000 mg of calcium each day, or you can take a calcium supplement.

You will also want to continue taking a multivitamin. Be sure to read the labels on your vitamins and any medications that you are taking. They may also contain hidden allergens.

It can take a month or more for your babys symptoms to improve. If your baby shows no signs of improvement or his symptoms get worse after a month of the dairy-free diet, you may need to eliminate other foods such as wheat, eggs, soy, peanuts or nuts.

Sometimes babies are allergic to more than one food. You may need to stay on this restricted diet the entire time you are breastfeeding, or until your infant is 1 year old. Many babies outgrow their food allergies by their first birthday.

Breast milk provides important health benefits for your baby including protection from infections and higher IQ scores, and a reduction in chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

Next Steps

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What To Feed A Baby With Milk Allergy

The following foods are excellent, nutritionally equivalent, substitutes for cow milk:

  • Soy-milk or almond milk formula: Soy-milk formula is manufactured from soy protein that is derived from soybean. Similarly, almond milk is made from the almonds. It is naturally free from milk proteins and thus an ideal alternative for babies with milk allergy. Soy formula is recommended for infants with a clinically-proven milk allergy .
  • Hydrolyzed formula: In this hypoallergenic formula, the milk protein is broken down into smaller amino acid chains that do not elicit an immune system response . The formula can be either partially-hydrolyzed or extensively-hydrolyzed. Consult your babys pediatrician before choosing a hypoallergenic formula.
  • Calcium-rich vegetables: Milk is a good source of calcium for growing babies. However, you can get adequate quantities of calcium from vegetables too. If your baby is a solid food eater, then you can introduce calcium-rich vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, kale, and even carrots in their diet . All green leafy vegetables and beans contain significant quantities of calcium . Most vegetables can be safely introduced to babies at the age of six months.
  • Meat and eggs: Meat contains several micronutrients while eggs are an excellent source of vitamins. Meat, except fish, is safe to introduce at the age of six months. Eggs and fish can be introduced once the infant is a year old .
  • Rapid Onset Allergic Reactions To Cows Milk And Other Dairy Foods

    Rapid onset allergic reactions usually occur within 15 minutes and sometimes up to two hours after consuming cow’s milk or other dairy foods. Symptoms include one of more of the following:

    • Mild or moderate allergic reactions such as hives , swelling of the lips, face or eyes, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
    • Severe allergic reactions include noisy breathing or wheeze, tongue swelling, throat swelling or tightness, hoarse voice, loss of consciousness and floppiness in babies or young children. Anaphylaxis should always be treated as a medical emergency, requiring immediate treatment with adrenaline and calling for an ambulance.

    Diagnosis of allergic reactions is usually obvious if symptoms occur soon after consuming cows milk or other dairy foods. This can be confirmed by your doctor after taking a medical history and using allergy tests.

    Allergy tests that measure allergen specific antibodies called Immunoglobulin E to cows milk are usually positive for rapid onset reactions. There is no place in the diagnosis of cows milk allergy by unproven tests such as IgG, Vega, kinesiology, Alcat or allergy elimination tests.

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    Talking To Your Healthcare Provider

    If your baby has symptoms of an allergy to milk protein, it may be hard to determine if the cause is a simple upset stomach or an allergy.

    Dont try to diagnose the issue or change formulas yourself. Consult your healthcare provider to get a proper diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.

    Help your healthcare provider make the proper diagnosis with these tips:

    • Keep a record of your babys eating habits and symptoms.
    • If you breastfeed, keep a record of the foods you eat and how they affect your baby.
    • Learn about your family medical history, especially any food allergies.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Milk Allergy In Babies

    How to Tell if Baby Has Cow Milk Intolerance & Allergy | What is CMPI? | Pediatrician Explains

    The symptoms appear a few minutes to several hours after the consumption of milk or milk products. A baby with milk allergy will display the following signs :

  • Skin hives/ rashes: These are tiny, red or dark pink rashes that appear all over the body. They look like bumps, often appear in clusters and tend to be itchy.
  • Swelling of the face: Parts of the face like the eyelids, cheeks, mouth, tongue, and lips get swollen.
  • Shortness of breath and coughing: Muscles of the neck swell, making it difficult to swallow, and resulting in fits of coughing and shortness of breath.
  • Stuffiness and runny nose: The baby may show cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose and wheezing while breathing.
  • Abdominal discomfort: Stomach cramps and severe pain across the entire abdominal region.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Constant feeling of nausea, sometimes followed by vomiting.
  • Diarrhea: The infant may have diarrhea, and sometimes the poop may even contain blood.
  • Colic and fussiness: Constant crying accompanied by severe, uncontrollable fussiness.
  • The above symptoms occur at a higher intensity in the cases of severe allergic reaction to milk. Such a situation is called anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Take your baby to a doctor as soon as you spot any symptoms of milk allergy.

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    Choice Of Alternative Cows Milk Substitutes


    Breast feeding provides the best source of nutrition for your baby. Breast fed babies can react to milk proteins that are transferred in breast milk from the mothers diet. If it is suspected that a baby is reacting to cows milk protein via breast milk, a mother may be advised to avoid cows milk and dairy products in their diet while breastfeeding. This involves a trial of up to six weeks to see if the babys symptoms improve. If they do not and the breast-feeding mother had been following a strict cows milk free diet, she can then return to her normal diet.

    Hypoallergenic formula:

    Moving onto a hypoallergenic formula:

    It can be difficult to get a baby to accept a different formula and hypoallergenic formulas have a different taste and smell to ordinary infant formula. Most babies under three to four months of age will readily accept the change. For older babies and children who have delayed allergic reactions, it may help to gradually introduce it over a number of days, mixing it with their usual milk until they get used to it or, failing that, adding a drop of vanilla essence/extract to the bottle. You may notice during this change that your babys poo changes colour and they may also poo less often. This is quite normal and is not a cause for concern.

    Can I use soya formula instead of a hypoallergenic formula?

    Can I use lactose free formula?

    Milk substitutes for older children and for use in cooking:

    • How much milk substitute should I give?

    What Are The Signs & Symptoms Of Hives

    The hallmark red raised welts are the main sign of hives. The welts can:

    • have a pale center
    • change shape and location in a matter of hours
    • be tiny or as big as a dinner plate
    • itch, sting, or cause a burning sensation

    Someone who also has angioedema might have puffiness, blotchy redness, swelling, or large bumps around the eyes, lips, hands, feet, genitals, or throat. Other symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, or belly pain.

    Rarely, a person with hives and angioedema can also get anaphylactic shock. Signs of anaphylactic shock include breathing trouble, a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, or a loss of consciousness .

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    Dairy Allergy And Formula

    If your baby breastfeeds and takes formula, a cow’s milk-based formula can cause milk allergy symptoms. Milk allergy is actually more prevalent in formula-fed babies. If formula is the cause, you may need to change the brand you use. Soy formula is an option, but it can also cause allergies in about 10% to 15% of infants who are allergic to the cow’s milk protein. A hypoallergenic formula may be used instead.

    Guidance Regarding Specialised Formula Substitutes For Cows Milk Allergy

    Is Your Baby Allergic to Milk? Types of Dairy Allergies

    If an infants usual formula is unavailable, use table 3 to select suitable substitutes. The most straightforward approach is to select a product from the same group that the child is already on .

    Recommendations for a substitute formula should involve a review of factors that led to the initial choice, and any change in clinical history. For example:

    • A thriving child with non-anaphylactic IgE-mediated reactions to cows milk formula was established on eHF due to age being less than six months, but is now older than six months, therefore soy formula should be considered.

    When AAF for children older than 12 months is required, but is unavailable:

    • A paediatric allergy dietitian should be consulted to assist with modifying the recipe for a substitute AAF.
    • For all formula changes, recipe instructions should be reviewed with the family, as scoop to water ratios can vary substantially.

    For children older than 12 months, calcium fortified soy milk is an appropriate replacement for soy formula, if they are growing well and eating a wide range of family foods.

    For children with cows milk and soy allergies:

    Referral of infants and children with CMA to a paediatric allergy dietitian is recommended to assess nutritional needs.

    ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology/allergy specialists in Australia and New Zealand.

    For more information go to

    To donate to immunology/allergy research go to

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