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HomeCatHow To Test For Cat Allergy

How To Test For Cat Allergy

Symptoms Of An Allergy To Cats

All you need to know about cat allergies & what you can do about them!

The symptoms of a cat allergy are typically similar to those of other allergies such as hay fever1, as well as the common cold or flu1.

The best way to tell if your symptoms are from a cat allergy or a cold is when they occur1. If they only flare up when you’re around fluffy animals, the chances are it’s an allergic reaction to cats, not a cold1.

Within minutes of exposure to dander, or just seconds in some cases, sneezing may start, then a sudden runny nose and itchy, watery eyes.

Ongoing nasal stuffiness, sinus pressure over the eyes or cheeks and an itchy throat can follow.

The most common symptoms of a cat allergy include1:

  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Hives raised, red patches on the skin

If you have asthma, your symptoms may also trigger2:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • An audible whistling or wheezing when exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing

Understand Your Cat’s Allergy Test Before Visiting The Vet


Allergies are a deceptively common ailment in household cats its estimated that one in five cats have allergies. Cats can develop allergies to many different things over time. These may include outdoor allergens like mold or pollen, household substances like perfumes and cleaners and even foods like wheat or chicken.

Unfortunately, since cats interact with so many substances on a day-to-day basis, it can be very challenging to pinpoint what exactly is causing its allergic reaction. While the timing and type of reaction may help you narrow down whether the allergy is environmental- or food-related, youll need to work with an experienced veterinarian to determine the specific root of your cats allergy symptoms.

Although allergies are relatively common in pets, many pet owners are unaware of how allergy testing actually works. Heres what you can expect if you bring your cat in to be tested for allergies.

Strands Pet Intolerance Test

View On AmazonIf you want to know which food ingredients make your pup scratch, bite his paws, rub his face or have general discomforts, the 5Strands Pet Intolerance Test Kit is the best choice.

This test is designed to help you on an elimination diet. It tests for 255 food ingredients and preservatives and 100 environmental items. It uses a hair sample collection method and Bioresonance technology to identify temporary imbalances that cause stomach upset, headache, bloating, itching, and other common allergy symptoms.

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How Is Pet Allergy Diagnosed

A diagnosis of pet allergy is made based on your medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor might refer you to an allergy specialist for a skin-prick test or blood test for confirmation.

Avoid online or over-the-counter allergy test kits or other unconventional allergy tests. Many are not evidence-based, and dont provide accurate results.

In particular, avoid unproven tests and treatments such as applied kinesiology, the Vega test, hair analysis, serum-specific IgG tests, Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques , and cytotoxic tests such as ALCAT, FACT and Bryans test.

See your doctor for advice.

Class 2 Allergy To Dogs

Epithelial and cat hair allergy test

A Class 2 allergy is a positive result, with IgE antibodies in the blood between 0.71 and 3.50. Its the least severe conclusively positive result.

When a person has a Class 2 allergy, they can expect their allergic reactions to be mild and easily treated. Its common for people to experience a runny nose and watery eyes.

Other symptoms, like coughing and shortness of breath, may occur less frequently.

A person with a Class 2 allergy to dogs would generally only experience allergies after coming into physical contact with a dog.

They may also have a mild allergic reaction if theres a great deal of dog dander in their environment.

However, these allergies can generally be treated through over-the-counter medications, without the need for immunotherapy or prescription medications.

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How Are Cat Allergies Treated

Cat allergies can usually be controlled with standard allergy drugs. Your doctor might recommend:

  • Antihistamines, which are available over-the-counter like cetirizine , diphenhydramine , fexofenadine , and loratadine or some antihistamines such as azelastine come in a nasal spray
  • , like over-the-counter pseudoephedrine or allergy drugs that contain the ingredient pseudoephedrine such as Allegra-D, Claritin-D, or Zyrtec-D

    Nasal steroid sprays, which affect allergy or asthma symptoms in various ways steroid sprays are a common treatment for allergies. Budesonide , fluticasone , and triamcinolone are steroid sprays that are available over the counter.

Allergy shots are another option. Allergy shots are not always effective, and completing treatment can take years. Theyre also not used for children under age 5. But they can be a huge help to some people. Ask your doctor if they make sense for you.

Unfortunately, theres no way to prevent an allergy. Some studies have shown that exposure to pets as a young child seems to reduce the risk of developing pet allergies later. On the other hand, a child who already has allergic tendencies may get worse with exposure to a pet.

Allergy Testing In Cats

Does your cat scratch incessantly every springtime? It might be allergies. Instead of subjecting your kitty to the deleterious effects of repeated steroid treatments, why not find out what your pet is allergic to. Then you can have a medication specially made to help reduce the allergies, and to keep your cat healthy and happy.

Currently, there are three common methods used to determine what your cat is allergic to. Below are the 3 types of allergy tests in cats.

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Intradermal Testing In Cats

The intradermal testing or skin prick involves injecting very small amounts of different substances just under the skin of the cat. If the cat is allergic to a certain allergen, there will be a distinct reaction in the skin where the allergen was injected. Your vet will be checking for a localized allergic response that typically includes the formation of a hive, inflammation, or redness. One benefit of the IDST is that results are available immediately.

For this test, a portion of your cats hair coat needs to be shaved off for ease of injection and examination of any allergic reaction. The cat should not be given antihistamines and/or steroids before an IDST because these medications can affect the results. Withholding anti-itch medication can be uncomfortable for your pet.

How Long Does Cat Dander Remain In A Home After The Cats Are Gone

A Cat Allergy Test Without Food Trials or Blood Tests? Meet the Affordable Pet Test!

For homes with sensitive individuals, the best way to protect indoor air quality is to remove the animal from the home. However, pet allergens may stay in the home for months after the pet is gone because the allergens remain in house dust. Allergy and asthma symptoms may take weeks or even months to improve.

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Five Ways To Help Manage Cat Allergy Symptoms

  • Avoid being licked by your cat it could make symptoms worse!
  • Create cat-free zones in your home. Especially the bedroom.
  • Open windows for ventilation.
  • Keep the house clean and vacuum regularly to keep allergens at bay.
  • Speak to your GP about antihistamines or nasal sprays.
  • Are you allergic to your cats? You may be searching for tips on how to get rid of cat allergies naturally. Watch our helpful video on alleviating your cat allergy symptoms around your home.

    What Do People Think Of 5strands

    Amazon user

    I was skeptical but desperate to find out why my 3-year old cat had chronic diarrhea. I tried switching foods, a prescription diet and all kinds of tests and ultrasounds. The cat was diagnosed with IBD but without a clue as to the source of her condition. On a whim I bought this test and found out my cat is highly intolerant of guard gum, agar which are is found in almost all the grain free canned food I buy. So I experimented with a raw diet and within 2 days she had solid stool! If it wasnt for this test, this cat wouldve been placed on steroid medication! Im so happy I bought this test!

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    How To Build Immunity To Cat Allergies

    If youre one of the many people who suffer from allergies to cats, you may be wondering if theres any way to build up immunity to the problem. After all, it would be great to be able to enjoy the companionship of a feline friend without having to worry about sneezing, watery eyes, and other unpleasant symptoms.

    Fortunately, there is some good news on this front. A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that it is possible to build up immunity to cat allergies over time. The researchers found that people who are exposed to cats on a regular basis are less likely to suffer from allergies than those who are not.

    So, if youre looking for a way to reduce your allergies to cats, one of the best things you can do is to find a way to be around them more often. This may mean volunteering at a local animal shelter, or even just spending time with a friend or family member who has a cat. Over time, you may find that your allergies become less and less severe.

    How To Test For Cat Allergy

    Cat Allergy Test Kit Page 1 of 0

    Upon visiting an allergy specialist, they will perform a skin-prick test to diagnose a cat allergy. This involves placing a small extract of cat allergen on to your skin. Your skin is then pricked so the liquid can seep beneath the surface.

    You can also order at-home allergy testing kits, which you can perform yourself and send off to a lab for the results. These tests check for the number of cat-hair-specific IgE antibodies in your blood, telling you whether you are sensitised to cat dander and, therefore, possibly allergic to cats.

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    What Causes An Allergy To Cats

    While it is commonly thought that cat hair causes allergy symptoms, the truth is more complex its whats on the hair that is the issue. In fact cat allergies is caused by a protein produced in a cats saliva and sebaceous glands, which is then spread onto the cats hair and skin during grooming. Whenever a cat sheds their fur, hair and dander , the sticky protein attached is transferred into the environment. This often leads to the allergy symptoms you experience be it coughing, sneezing or watering eyes!

    However, cat hair can also act as a carrier of other airborne allergens: pollen, dust mites and mould, which can also cause allergic symptoms in individuals with hay fever, asthma or eczema

    Home Remedies Cat Allergy Symptoms

    Nasal lavage solves the adverse reactions that can result from cat sensitivities. Salinity is used to flush the nasal passages to reduce nasal blockage, nasal dribble and sniffling. A variety of over-the-counter brands are available. You can make your own salt water by mixing 1/8 teaspoon of table salt to 8 inches of water purified.

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    What Is The Best Dog Allergy Treatment For Humans

    This is a common question asked by dog owners, especially those who are considering getting a dog but are concerned about allergies. There are a few different options available for treating allergies to dogs, and the best one for you will depend on the severity of your allergies and your personal preferences.

    One option is to take medication prescribed by your doctor, such as antihistamines or corticosteroids. These can be effective in reducing the symptoms of allergies, but they may have side effects such as drowsiness or dry mouth.

    Another option is to get allergy shots, which are injections of a small amount of the allergen over a period of time. Allergy shots can be effective, but they require a commitment to regular appointments and can be expensive.

    There are also a few things you can do to reduce your exposure to dog allergens, such as:

    Keep your dog out of your bedroom and other rooms where you spend a lot of time.

    Bathe your dog regularly to reduce the amount of dander in its fur.

    Vacuum and dust regularly to remove allergens from your home.

    Consider getting a hypoallergenic dog breed that produces less dander.

    Whatever treatment you choose, its important to talk to your doctor first to make sure its safe for you.

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    Should I Keep My Cat If Im Allergic To It

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    There is not a single correct answer to this question. But before you decide whether to keep your cat, you must make sure that it is your cat causing the allergic reaction. You dont want to go through the stress and upset of rehoming a much loved pet if your allergic reaction is caused by dust mites.

    You have to decide whether the severity of your allergic reaction means you need to re-home your cat.

    In some cases, the symptom-easing tips included above are enough to make living with a cat sustainable, but other people find that their allergic reaction makes living with a cat unbearable.

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    Am I Allergic To My Cat

    Before you suspect that you might be allergic to cats, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of things you could be allergic to. Dust mites, for example, or perhaps you have a case of seasonal hay fever? That said, cat allergies are one of the most common allergies in the UK, particularly for those who also have allergic asthma or hay fever. So how do you know if you are allergic to cats?

    What Is The Best Treatment For Pet Allergy

    The best treatment is to avoid contact with cats or dogs or the areas where they live. Keep pets out of your home. If possible, try to avoid visiting homes with pets that you are allergic to. Avoiding cats and dogs may give you enough relief that you will not need medicine.

    Keeping the pet outdoors will help, but will not rid the house of pet allergens. Another option is to choose pets that do not have fur or feathers. Fish, snakes or turtles are some choices.

    Pet allergy can be a social problem making it difficult to visit friends and relatives who have cats and dogs . This may be especially troublesome for children who cannot participate in activities at the home of friends. Talk to your doctor about possible use of medication before these social exposures and specific measures to take after the exposure.

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    Allergies To Cats: Symptoms Treatment And Causes

    Although our feline friends are so fondly regarded that theyre found in an amazing one third of all households, cats are also the leading driver of pet allergies in the US.

    Contrary to popular belief, cat dander and saliva rather than fur are behind most allergies to cats.

    Avoiding cats altogether is the best way to minimize symptoms, but even then, there are no guarantees. With more than eighty-five million cats in US homes and nearly as many strays, just being out in public may expose you to enough cat dander so its important to be aware of what you can do about it.

    The good news is, if you like spending time around cats, or simply want to get on with your day to day without experiencing symptoms, preventative measures and treatment can help reduce or relieve symptoms.

    This might allow you to enjoy Fluffys company again going forward or at least not worry about it.

    What Causes Cat Allergies


    The immune systemâs job is to fight invaders like harmful germs and toxins that put your health at risk. Those who experience an allergic reaction to cats and pets have an over-sensitive immune system thatâs reacting to proteins found in pet urine, saliva, or dead skin cells .

    There are multiple ways someone can come into contact with irritating pet allergensâ the substances that lead to an allergic reaction. Pet allergens can cling to clothing, furniture, and wallsâsometimes staying there for months. This can meanâfor exampleâthat if youâre allergic to cats and you touch a couch where a cat was sitting, then you rub your eye, you may experience an allergic reaction.

    Many people are surprised to hear that the allergic reaction doesnât come from the dog or cat hair itself. Instead, the hair collects the urine, dander, and saliva that cause the allergies to kick in.

    Pet allergens can also become airborne after vacuuming, petting, or grooming. After the allergens are airborne, they can stay aloft for some time, leading to sneezing or itchy/watery eyes for the allergic person.

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    Does My Cat Have Allergies Or Asthma

    Cats suffering from asthma may show signs of difficulty breathing, wheezing, rapid breathing, coughing or hacking, open-mouthed breathing, or vomiting. These signs can vary in intensity, ranging from acute respiratory crises to chronic, low-grade coughing, elevated respiratory rate, or increased respiratory effort.

    The Ultimate Cat Allergy Tests Buyers Guide

    • One Click Order
    • Sample Collection
    • Read the Results

    Allergy testing can help you identify substances that trigger allergies so that future exposure to them is avoided. Weve shared some of the best companies to consider if you want more information about your cats potential allergies. Help Your Cat Live a Long, Healthy, Happy Life!

    • Explore Your Heritage

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    What Are The Signs Of Atopy

    The most common signs of allergic skin disease in cats are redness and itching. In some cases, cats may scratch themselves until their skin is raw, leading to more obvious skin lesions and secondary skin infections. These signs can be seen with any type of allergic skin disease: food allergy, flea allergy, or atopy. See the handout Inhalant Allergies in Cats for more information on this allergy.


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