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Why Do Allergies Cause Itchy Throat

What Is Allergic Rhinitis

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Allergic rhinitis is the medical term for hay fever or allergies. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that dont cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens. Your bodys overreaction to the allergens is what causes symptoms.

There are 2 forms of allergic rhinitis:

  • Seasonal : Caused by an allergy to pollen and/or mold spores in the air. Pollen is the fine powder that comes from flowering plants. It can be carried through the air and is easily inhaled. Symptoms are seasonal and usually occur in spring, late summer, and fall.
  • Perennial: Caused by other allergens such as dust mites, pet hair or dander, or mold. Symptoms occur year-round.

Hay fever is the most common form of allergy. Symptoms of hay fever are seasonal. You will feel worse when the pollens that affect you are at their highest levels.

Treatments And Prevention For Scratchy Throat Allergies

The best news is that allergies that cause a scratchy throat can be avoided and the throat irritation can be prevented. If you do happen to run into your allergen, treatments can be found over the counter, if not already in your own home! And, most are extremely cost effective.

For treatment of allergic rhinitis caused by pollens, dust, and molds antihistamines can be used. Air conditioning and/or the use of a humidifier is another effective treatment since the air conditioner filters out the pollen, dust, and pet dander. If you suffer from a sore, itchy throat and/or mouth, make sure that you drink plenty of water and to rinse the mouth regularly using salty water. Gargling with warm, salt water is a great way to clean and treat your throat. Another is hot tea with honey and lemon. The lemon cleans while the honey coats the throat for relief. It is also wise to avoid spicy foods Pain medication, especially Mortin, helps to reduce the swelling and pain in the throat. Also, the steam from hot showers and baths helps to clear the nasal passages and relax the muscles in the throat for temporary relief.Saline sprays and drops help to wash down the congested nose and throat. Adding baking soda to a small amount of table salt in warm water creates the saline solution. Use a dropper to put some of that solution into the nose, and this will ease the discomfort that a congested nose creates to the throat.

A Gargle Salt Water To Soothe A Sore Throat

Gargling with salt water

Saltwater can soothe your sore throat fast. The concentration of salt on the outside of the cells in your neck will reduce the swelling. The inflammation will reduce and the tickle will go away. Heres how to gargle with salt water.

  • Half-fill a glass with lukewarm water.
  • Add half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Mix to make a salt solution to gargle with.
  • Sip into your mouth and lean our head backward at a 45-degree angle, your face facing upwards.
  • Gargle with the water by making the g sound repeatedly, with the water in the back of your mouth.
  • Saltwater gargles will help cut through the phlegm and reduce the tickling.

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    Constant Tickle In The Throat That Wont Go Away

    Constant tickle at the back of the throat that keeps you coughing, sometimes every morning and that lasts for weeks could be a sign of a more serious problem. It could mean serious allergic problems, a throat infection or even cancer. Constant coughing can cause your uvula to swell or enlarge.

    In case you experience inflammation in the throat that wont go away or heal, see an ENT doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Other symptoms may include the following, depending on the cause of the problem:

    • Body aches
    • Bad taste in the mouth
    • Scratchy throat and hoarse voice or losing voice, normally due to singing or shouting
    • Chest pains
    • Dry mouth or burning mouth
    • Painful swallowing
    • The feeling of a lump in the throat
    • Jaw pain and swollen lymph nodes in the neck

    How To Treat A Sore Throat Caused By Allergies

    Why Does My Throat Itch After I Eat Certain Foods?

    Allergy meds are usually the best place to start. Antihistamines, like Claritin, Zyrtec, or Benadryl, can help tame inflammation and ease your symptoms overall, Dr. Mehdizadeh says. Nasal sprays, like ipratropium, and nasal glucocorticoids, like fluticasone, are good for easing postnasal drip, too.

    Natural remedies could also make a difference. Gargling with warm saltwater can help get rid of irritating mucus, and drinking plenty of water or inhaling steam may soothe scratchiness.

    Of course, prevention might be the most effective tactic of all. Minimizing your exposure to allergenssay, by keeping your windows closed and showering as soon as you come inside after being outdoorscan keep your symptoms from flaring up and help stop that sore throat before it starts.

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    How To Tell If A Sore Throat Is From An Allergy Or A Cold

    Pain, irritation, and swelling are common symptoms of a sore throat. Allergies, common colds, flu, and other respiratory infections can cause a sore throat. Knowing what has caused a sore throat allows a person to treat it more effectively. Sore throats due to allergies, colds, and the flu generally respond well to home treatment. However, when someone has mononucleosis, tonsillitis, or a more serious case of the flu, a sore throat may require medication.

    In this article, we describe how to tell if a sore throat is due to an allergy or a viral upper respiratory infection, such as the common cold or the flu. We also cover the treatment and prevention of allergy symptoms and when to see a doctor.

    Is It Allergies Or A Cold

    Cold and allergy symptoms often overlap, so its easy to mistake cold symptoms for allergies, and vice versa. Understanding the cause of your symptoms helps you choose the right treatment. It also gives you a better picture of your overall health.

    Clinicians use the 5 factors below to help distinguish between colds and allergies.

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    Find Out Why Allergic Rhinitis Causes An Itchy Throat And See What You Can Do To Address The Issue

    Allergic rhinitis is mostly associated with sneezing and watery eyes, but an itchy throat is often a sign of the condition as well. So, to provide you with more information on the issue, here our allergy advisor Louise Baillie focuses on the problem in detail. She also offers some handy tips on self-help and provides information on the wide variety of treatments available as well.

    Louise BaillieAsk Louise

    How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Cold And Allergies

    What’s the Best Way to Ease an Itchy Throat?

    Both allergies and viral infections can cause symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose, headaches, and congestion. So how can you tell whats actually making you feel crummy?

    How your symptoms begin are often a big clue: Colds tend to creep up slowly, while allergy symptoms usually flare up shortly after youre exposed to an allergen, per the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. If you start to notice itching, stuffiness, or an annoying tickle in the back of your throat after spending some time outside, for instance, youre probably dealing with allergies.

    Other clues to watch for: If your sore throat tends to get worse or makes it hard to swallow, or you develop a fever, chills, or body aches, youre probably dealing with a cold or infection, Dr. Mehdizadeh says. If your allergy medications dont seem to be helping, thats also a sign it could be a cold, flu, COVID-19, or something else.

    The bad news? Colds and allergies can exist at the same time, Dr. Reisacher says. So if you cant figure out what youre dealing with, talk with your doctor.

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    Itchy Nose And Seasonal Allergies

    If a man thinks about his nose at all, he’s likely to think of it as a simple organ of smell. It’s true, of course, that the nose is responsible for the sense of smell, but smell means much more than the ability to enjoy pleasing scents. Because smell contributes importantly to taste, it plays a central role in maintaining good nutrition. Smell can also warn us of dangers ranging from toxic fumes and smoky fires to spoiled food.

    Allergic rhinitis can blunt the sense of smell, and it can also interfere with the other important functions of the nose. When your nasal passages are functioning normally, about five to eight quarts of air pass through them each minute. Your nose has the job of conditioning that air before it reaches the sensitive tissue of your lungs. Your nose adds moisture, but to do that, it must produce large amounts of mucus. It also warms the air, with help from a large network of blood vessels. Finally, the nose traps small particles, keeping them out of the lungs.

    If you have allergies and your nose traps pollen or other particles to which you are sensitive, an inflammatory process starts right in your nose. Immune system mast cells in the nasal tissue release chemicals such as histamine and leukotrienes. Blood vessels swell, causing nasal congestion, and mucus production soars, creating a runny nose. Just like that, you’ve developed some of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and some of your nose’s normal functions have been compromised.

    How Can I Treat Or Prevent An Itchy Throat

    Treating an itchy throat is primarily dependent on the cause, of course, but there are some remedies that can bring relief regardless of the underlying condition. If you have a cold or the flu, there is no cure, but you can mitigate the discomfort of a scratchy throat with a time-honored remedy like honey. Either eaten directly by the spoonful or mixed into hot tea, the honey acts as a gentle coating in your throat that can make it feel better almost immediately. The following are some other treatment and prevention ideas that are known to be soothing and helpful at keeping your throat itch-free:

    • taking antihistamines
    • using cough drops or throat lozenges
    • sipping hot tea
    • using over-the-counter nasal sprays
    • avoiding cigarette smoke
    • avoiding alcohol and caffeine
    • drinking water or other fluids regularly

    Some causes of throat itchiness are somewhat unavoidable, like the seasonal allergies that can be a nuisance for certain people. In terms of diseases or infections that can lead to a variety of symptoms, the best prevention method is the same advice that is relevant to the cold, flu, and COVID-19: wash your hands regularly, remain socially distanced from people outside your household, and wear a mask when you have to be out in public.

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    What Food Changes May Be Needed For Allergic Esophagitis

    You may need to stop eating certain foods for a while to see if your symptoms improve. Start eating these foods again one at a time as directed. If certain foods cause your symptoms, do not eat them. Some common examples are dairy, nuts, eggs, and seafood. You may need to change what you eat to relieve your symptoms. You may need to see a dietitian to help you get the right amount of nutrients.

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    Why Do I Feel Like I Have A Tickle In My Throat

    Why Does My Throat Itch After I Eat Certain Foods?

    Weve all felt it at the worst of times. Youre sitting in class, at a meeting, or in church and suddenly you get an itch in your throat that demands a coughing fit to get rid of. This itching can be due to irritation in your mucus membranes or it can be caused by something in the environment that you inhaled.

    If you experience this uncomfortable feeling on a regular basis, it can interfere with your professional and personal life. You may want to visit a chronic cough doctor in Los Angeles.

    A tickle in your throat is also referred to as postnasal drip and can be caused by inhaling cold, dry, or polluted air. You may need to check the air quality before leaving your home if your cough is due to external factors. Chronic throat itchiness can also be a sign that you have a medical condition.

    LaryngitisThose with laryngitis will feel a throat tickle that wont go away. This is likely to occur after a long night out or any other stressful event on your vocal cords, such as a play rehearsal or speaking tour. Its usually due to overuse of the vocal cords, but laryngitis can also be the result of viral and bacterial infections.

    Common coldA common cold may be the source of your throat tickle. This viral condition causes symptoms in your upper respiratory tract, including your throat. A cold symptom that may lead to a throat tickle is postnasal drip, which causes mucus to run down the back of your throat.

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    Home Remedies For Itchy Throat

    Aside from medications, there are home remedies you can try to ease an itchy throat. For starters, it is recommended that you drink water, as your throat may simply be dry. Here is a list of other effective home remedies to help an itchy throat.

    • Gargle salt water
    • Make a honey, lemon, or ginger tea
    • Drink apple cider vinegar you may wish to dilute it in water
    • Use a humidifier
    • Avoid talking too much, singing for prolonged periods of time, or shouting
    • Know and avoid your allergy triggers
    • Use throat lozenges

    A Note On Safely Removing Earwax

    Before you reach for the q-tip, remember that, if pushed too far, a q-tip can cause irreversible damage to the eardrum that can lead to infection or hearing loss. Instead, use a q-tip to clean only the outside of your ears, rather than inside the ear canal.

    If youd prefer to avoid q-tips all together, you can also gently remove earwax by wetting a washcloth with warm water and gliding it around the outside ear.

    To soften earwax, use an eyedropper to apply a few drops of baby oil inside your ear canal. After a few days, use an eyedropper to apply warm water, then irrigate. You can also soften earwax with over-the-counter ear drops

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    Scratchy Throat Allergies Seasonal Allergies

    Itchy, scratchy throats from allergies are annoying and uncomfortable. We go to the doctor and are turned away saying that we just have to let it pass. But that can be days or even weeks before we may find relief. But that doesnt have to be the case! Understanding what causes scratchy throats, like allergies, is the first step to relief. Once you know what causes them, youll understand how to prevent and treat them.

    How To Get Rid Of Itchy Throat

    Soothing Itchy Throat Remedies That Really Give Faster Relief

    There are hundreds of home remedies that claim to treat an itchy throat. Do a quick Google search, and youll find everything from saltwater gargles to drinking warm water to gargling with apple cider vinegar. Youll even find suggestions to use turmeric, herbal tea, menthol, and anti-inflammatory over-the-counter lozenges. While these can mask symptoms, most dont do anything to address the root cause especially if the issue is caused by dehydration.

    So when youre trying to figure out how to get rid of an itchy throat, the best way is to find the underlying cause. If your itchy throat is caused by allergies, find the irritant or allergen that causes the reaction. Avoid the allergens by lowering time spent outdoors. You can also use HEPA filters and humidifiers. Stay away from triggers like animals, dust mites, mold, and pollen. You can also use antihistamines to fight hay fever.

    Drinking fluids and staying hydrated may also dramatically improve an itchy throat. Fluids help to lubricate a scratchy throat, which can offer brief relief if your throat irritation is caused by allergies or an infection.

    Since dehydration can cause throat pain and discomfort, maintaining adequate hydration is key. Thats why its a good idea to have an oral rehydration solution like DripDrop ORS on hand.

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    An Air Purifier Can Help

    Now that you know what the top symptoms are for dust allergies, you may be thinking, Im pretty sure I have it. What can I do about it?

    If possible, the best thing for you to do is perform a deep cleaning of the area thats causing you the most problems. Then, add an air purifier to the space.

    What this product does is constantly strips the air of any dust particles and dust mite waste that may try to make their way back into the room.

    Take a look at our article on the best air purifiers for dust mites and why they work so well.

    If you have a dust allergy, this simple device can help you eliminate dust particles and dust mites from your home.

    Having an air purifier in the space that collects the most dust can drastically reduce your allergy issues.

    About Katherine Dyson

    Katherine is the lead Staff Writer. She conducts in-depth research and interviews with industry experts in order to produce a wide range of content for the site. Her main role is to write helpful articles that aid people who are seeking to improve their indoor air quality and comfort.

    What Are The Symptoms Of Coronavirus

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , COVID-19 symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and a fever. You just dont get fevers from allergies like you do with the flu, COVID-19, or the common cold, Kobernick says.

    It is also rare to have a stuffy or runny nose with COVID-19. The disease causes symptoms like body aches and tiredness that arent associated with environmental or perennial allergies.

    Unlike allergies, a viral infection occurs as a cascade of events, mediated by chemical messengers as a result of being infected. The cause is different, says Kobernick, but the end result can look very similar.

    Allergies are generally prolonged, whereas COVID-19 symptoms are contracted and progress more seriously over a shorter period of time.

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