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HomeFactsWhat Doterra Essential Oils Are Good For Allergies

What Doterra Essential Oils Are Good For Allergies

Eucalyptus + Lavender + Lemon + Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Blend

Best doTERRA Singles & Blends For Allergies And Asthma – Essential Oils Us


  • Eucalyptus do not apply on or near the face as it may have an irritating effect on skin and eyes.
  • Lemon may cause increased sensitivity to the sun. Avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours after applying lemon to the skin.
  • Chamomile do not use during pregnancy.

How to Make it:

Add 2 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of lavender, 2 drops of lemon, and 2 drops of roman chamomile essential oils into a 10ml glass roller bottle.Fill with fractionated coconut oil, replace the rollerball and cap, then roll back and forth in your hands to blend.

If needed, you may choose to increase the number of essential oil drops up to 15 drops total. Remember to use less for children.

My Switch To Natural Remedies

A few years later, I began working at a chiropractic wellness center, and we had an allergy department.; Seeing as treatments were completely free, I decided to give them a whirl!; If you can find a BAX treatment center near you, Id totally recommend it!;

After my treatments, I went from three months of Zyrtec to three weeks!; Amazing!; I was doing so much better.

And then I had a late-spring baby, and LactMed mentioned that a nursing mama taking Zyrtec could lead to a sleepy baby!; That might sound great to some people, but Landon was already a little too sleepy from jaundice and having some difficulties nursing .; I decided Id rather be sneezing than deal with more baby troubles.;;

So, I ditched my Zyrtec and asked an essential oil friend for her recommendation.; She gave me this essential oil allergy recipe.; I dont think she made it up.; I think its been around for quite a while, and I cant properly attribute it to the original author.;

Ive seen some other essential oil allergy blends floating around Pinterest, but theyre more complicated.;This one is simple and uses fairly inexpensive essential oils.;

Our Experience Using Essential Oils To Help With Seasonal Allergies

My husband and son deal with spring allergies every year. Before we discovered these natural home remedies for seasonal allergies, my husband would sneeze frequently and end up with watery, itchy eyes. Sometimes his eyes would get so red, it was almost scary looking!

My 9-year-old son would end up congested and sneeze a lot. Both of them were miserable if they didnt use over-the-counter allergy medications. But we prefer to try natural remedies if possible and thankfully weve found that essential oils for allergies work really well for us.

A couple of years ago, my friend recommended an essential oil allergy blend recipe using a roller bottle with 3 common essential oils. She said it worked great for her symptoms.

It was easy to make the allergy roller and my son began to experience relief in just an hour! His congestion improved and his sneezing subsided too.

Now we use this roller blend of essential oils for allergies regularly and at the first sign of any seasonal discomfort.

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Ease Your Allergy Symptoms The All

Many individuals;suffer from allergies. An allergy is the immune system’s abnormal response to contact with a specific substance. This substance is called an allergen and the allergic reaction is also known as a histamine reaction.; There are many allergens in our environment, including food, grass, pollen, mold spores, insect bites, fabrics and much more. Allergy symptoms vary from person to person;but can often include swelling, itching, runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Since more than 40 million people in the United States suffer from various allergies, it’s important to have treatment options readily available. If you are looking for an all-natural alternative to popular;medications, you’ve come to the right place. We spoke to Dr. Patrick Fratellone, an expert in naturopathic medicine and the founder of Fratellone Medical Associates, to find out which essential oils he prefers to use in his practice. Here are five of his favorite picks:

1. Melaleuca – This is a commonly used essential oil from the botanical myrtle family. The leaves of the Melaleuca tree have been used for centuries for a variety of conditions including healing cuts, wounds, and skin infections. Dr. Fratellone frequently uses this oil for treating mold and fungi allergies.


Allergy Relief With Essential Oils

Doterra Allergy Blend

An allergy is an over-reaction of our immune system to certain substances such as dust, pollen, animal hair, synthetic materials or foods. ;Common symptoms triggered by allergies include runny nose, sneezing, and red, itchy eyes. There are several essential oils for allergies that can help you to relieve and treat the common symptoms of allergic reactions. ;Essential oils serve as a natural and safe way to treat the symptoms of allergies, boost our immune systems, and to feel better. Below is a list of our favorites and how to use them!

1. Lavender Oil: it;works as a natural antihistamine and possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties to treat and relieve most allergic reactions. It works great for treating skin rashes or headaches. Not only will it ease your allergic reactions, it has a calming and relaxing effect on both body and mind.

Diffuse: Lavender essential oil can be used in a cold-air diffuser to treat allergies. Diffuse for 15 minutes every hour for the best effect or diffuse next to your bed to promote a better nights rest.

Inhalation: Rub 1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil into the palms of your hands. Cup them over your nose and take 4-6 deep and slow breaths.

To make a chest rub: dilute 2 to 3 drops in a carrier oil of your liking and massage your chest for a few minutes to ease your allergic reactions.

Quick Allergy Diffuser Blend:

Peppermint Essential Oil: 3 drops

Lavender Essential Oil: 3 drops

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What Are Allergies Caused By

What exactly are allergies? According to WebMD allergies or;Allergic rhinitis, the medical term for;hay fever;happen when:

Your;immune system;overreacts to particles in the air that you breathe-you are allergic to them. Your immune system attacks the particles in your body, causing symptoms such as;sneezing;and a;runny nose. The particles are called;allergens, which simply means they can cause an;allergic reaction.

Common allergy symptoms include;runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, congestion, sneezing, coughing, sinus pressure and headaches. Some people may even experience symptoms like fatigue. Other common seasonal allergy symptoms include:

  • Post-nasal drip
  • Hives and skin irritations

Its important to pay attention and recognize what triggers your allergy symptoms so;you can take steps to minimize symptoms.;Left untreated, seasonal allergy symptoms can for some be quite miserable.;While tree pollen and mold are two of the major spring allergy culprits, grass and weed pollen can be triggers as well.

For those who are really affected by seasonal allergies experts recommend avoiding allergens as much as possible. You can do things like keep your windows and doors shut in your home and in your car, limit the amount of time you spend outdoors and make sure air filters in your home are changed regularly.

Ensure Youre Buying Quality Essential Oils

Not all essential oils are created equally. Dr. Kim emphasizes the importance of doing your research and opting for essential oils that are pure and have been properly formulated. If essential oils are not properly formulated, they may not offer any benefits at all. Or worse, they could contain toxins or additional ingredients that could be harmful to your health, she says. Visiting a brand’s website and seeing what information they provide about where they source their ingredients can tell you a lot.

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Rosemary Essential Oil To Stop Itching

If you are battling a flaky, itchy scalp, the soothing;properties of rosemary essential oil;make it a great ingredient for home remedies to stop itching. Studies have shown that rosemary essential oil has strong antimicrobial activity.

When used in tandem with shampoo and;applied to hair;and scalp, it may soothe and condition soreness, itching, and flaking.

Doterra Oils For Allergies

ALLERGIES & Essential Oils “The TRIO”

You develop an allergic reaction when your immune system starts reacting to potentially harmless substances known as allergens. Your body’s immune system is designed to protect you from foreign invaders that can cause infection. In case of allergies, your immune system mistakenly attacks harmless substances and leave you with some debilitating symptoms. Usually, antihistamines are taken to relieve the allergic symptoms. Some people would like to try essential oils with antihistamine, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties, and one of the commonly used brand for dealing with allergies is doTerra oils. DoTerra oils have been a hot topic since 2008 when a group of business professionals and healthcare experts joined forces to develop pure therapeutic-grade essentials oils.

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Seasonal And Environmental Threats

1 in 6 Canadians suffer from seasonal allergies and that number continues to grow. ; A study done by Johnson and Johnson, the pharmaceutical giant, concluded that 10 million Canadians may suffer allergy symptoms and that Ontario is home to the largest amount of sufferers while the Atlantic Provinces have the least. ;Individuals are not born with allergies. ;Allergies begin when individuals who are predisposed to allergies are exposed to allergens. ;Who is predisposed?If both your parents suffered from allergies, theres a 66 percent chance you will, too. If one parent had allergies, your risk drops but only to 60 percent.;Allergens are, for most people harmless substances. ;Most common seasonal and natural allergens ;are:; pollen, dust, mold, insect stings, animal dander, grass, ragweed and trees. The most common tree allergies are: ;Ash, Aspen, Beech, Birch, Box elder, Cedar, Cottonwood, Elm,Hickory, Mountain elder , Mulberry, Oak, Pecan, and Willow. ;And the most common grass allergies are: Bermuda grass, Johnson grass, Kentucky bluegrass, orchard grass, rye grass, sweet vernal grass, and Timothy grass.;Some of these allergens are a threat all year around and others are more seasonal. ;For example, a cat in the house can be a threat year round as could dust. ;Whereas tree allergies will peak in April and May, grass in June and July, mold peaks midsummer, and ragweed will peak in the late summer.

The Good News About Help For Pet Allergies

There are several essential oils for pet dander that can help ease the pain of allergies to cats and dogs. They can be used in combination with an over-the-counter medication if you so choose, or can provide a natural alternative to the over-the-counter medications altogether. The good news is that essential oils are natural and effective, using them to alleviate symptoms caused by pet dander can be a healthy alternative solution to over-the-counter medications.

Over the counter drugs, like antihistamines, typically help by blocking the chemical that triggers allergy symptoms. Decongestants reduce swelling and relieve congestion.

These essential oils are intended for use on humans not on the pets themselves! Be sure you are aware that essential oils can be toxic to cats and toxic to dogs. If you are a pet owner, start with this guide on essential oils for pets.

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Powerful Essential Oils To Offer You Quick Relief From Irritating Allergies

Because youre tired of feeling miserable

If youre one of the 50 million Americans suffering from allergies, theres no doubt you absolutely dread certain times of the year.

Whether you have seasonal or skin allergies, left untreated, they can make you feel fed-up and miserable – a runny nose, blocked sinuses, watery eyes, sneezing, a scratchy throat, coughing fits, inflamed itchy skin, and even asthma attacks – are amongst the many symptoms.

And while you may have tried your share of meds like antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants, these often have side effects and might just be making it worse

Its no wonder many are turning to natural home remedies like essential oils for quick and immediate allergy relief

What You Can Do Now For Congestion Relief

Allergy Shot

If you have sinus congestion, make sure you eat a healthy diet. Avoid dairy, chocolate, and processed foods. They may increase mucus production. Make sure youre drinking enough fluids to help thin your nasal mucus. Put a humidifier in your bedroom to increase the humidity while you sleep.

If you have any of these essential oils on hand, try steam inhaling them a few times per day:

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Tea Tree Essential Oil As An Itch Reliever

There are several;benefits of tea tree essential oil;including its natural antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal activity and ability to improve dandruff. In a 2013 study, tea tree essential oil was shown to inhibit growth of;Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium often found in cases of eczema.

If eczema is the cause of your discomfort, consider using tea tree essential oil for itchy skin relief.

Which Essential Oils Are Safe For Children

Even though essential oils can support health in many different ways, there are a few oils with safety recommendations to keep in mind regarding use in children. These are:

  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Spike lavender

Peppermint contains menthol, which, while it creates a feeling of free and easy breathing in adults, can stimulate certain receptors in your childs lungs when overused that slow breathing, sometimes to dangerously low levels .

Eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils are high in 1,8 cineole which can create breathing problems and nervous system interactions in children when overused.

Take care to not apply these oils directly to the face or neck of young children, and always speak with your integrative doctor if you have questions about the safety of essential oils for your child.;

Dont let allergy season catch you by surprise, make an appointment with a CentreSpringMD provider today. Its simple and easy!;

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Do Doterra Oils For Allergies Work

Yes they do work for allergies as proved by the positive comments by those who have used them. Take note that it does not ensure to work for everyone because no two bodies are alike, but its worth trying. You can consume doTerra when attending outdoor events, traveling, or going to a place where environmental elements are high. As for relieving allergies, you can consume doTerra safely on a daily basis. ;For example, TriEase, a soft gel that blends lemon, lavender and peppermint oils is created by doTerra, which aims to treat seasonal allergies. Such oils can help with clear breathing and healthy response to inflammation.

Using Essential Oils For Skin

Top Uses for doTERRA Peppermint Oil

Want smooth, clean skin? Because they are soothing, purifying, and calming, essential oils provide a natural option for creating a clear, glowing complexion.

If you are wondering, How do I use essential oils for skin? youll be happy to know that there are dozens of ways to use essential oils to maintain healthy-looking skin. Whether your skin is dry, oily, irritated, or lackluster, weve complied the best essential oil DIYs to give you the beautiful skin you are looking for.

Dont delaygive one of these DIYs a try and help soothe, moisturize, or cleanse your skin today!

Essential Oil Cuticle Cream

Dry, peeling, unhealthy cuticles can be a painful annoyance. If youve tried desperately to bring moisture and softness back to your cuticles and the skin around your nails without success, you might need a little help from essential oils. This essential oil Cuticle Cream will help to moisturize dry or cracked areas around the cuticles.

Fractionated Coconut Oil, Myrrh, and Lavender oil will soothe dry, damaged cuticles as Shea butter and beeswax moisturize and soften the skin. If you experience uncomfortable dry skin in other areas, this cream can also be applied to the hands, lips, and anywhere else you might need an extra dose of moisture.

Strawberry Lime Sugar Scrub

Bronzing Lotion Stick

Whipped Peppermint Foot Lotion

Essential Oil Clay Facial Mask

Razor Relief Serum

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Breathe Easy Diffuser Recipe Blend

Things to note when using essential oils:

  • Essential oils can be harmful to pets and young children so if you are using an essential oil diffuser be sure to keep them out of the room. You can;check here for a list of essential oils;that may cause your pet to have an adverse reaction. If you are unsure if a certain essential oil may be harmful to your pet or child be sure to consult your veterinarian or pediatrician for advice.
  • Undiluted essential oils can cause skin irritations. All essential oils should be first mixed with a carrier oil, such as jojoba oil, almond oil,;coconut oil, or olive oil and skin tested;to determine if youre allergic or not.
  • For best and safest results when using essential oils, be sure to consult a doctor or a qualified aromatherapist before treatment. Especially if you currently have a known health condition or are on any medications.

Using Tea Tree Oil For Allergies

How it helps: Anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, decongestant, antiseptic

Best for: Home allergens, skin allergies, runny nose, hives, bug bites, itchy skin, eczema, psoriasis, mold

Because it helps destroy all those airborne allergy triggers in the home – like bacteria, viruses and fungi like mold – tea tree oil is one of the most powerful essential oils to treat your allergies. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil also help bring down sinus swelling to provide you with welcome relief from a stuffed or runny nose.

Studies have also found that tea tree oil significantly reduces swelling from histamine-induced skin inflammation – in some cases its been found to be more effective than prescription creams. It can be applied directly to bug bites, rashes, hives and eczema to help reduce itching, lessen the redness and calm the skin. No more discomfort or irritation

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Allergies

Diffuse: Diffusing tea tree oil throughout your home will eliminate airborne bacteria and kill mold.

Topically: Use tea tree oil topically to treat skin rashes, allergic eczema and hives. Add 2-3 drops to a cotton ball and apply to the affected area. Do a patch test beforehand.

Cold compress: Soak a clean wash cloth in a bowl of cold water with a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes to reduce swelling and redness. Repeat every few hours.

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