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Can Allergies Cause Salivary Gland Swelling

Swollen Lymph Nodes Diagnosis

4 Ways to Treat Salivary Gland Swelling at Home

Your doctor will start by asking you about your medical history and giving you a physical exam. They might be able to get an idea of what’s making your glands swell by where they are in your body.

They also may recommend one of these tests to find out more about what’s going on:

  • Blood tests

  • X-rays

  • Ultrasound. High-frequency sound waves are used to let your doctor see whatâs happening inside your body.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging scan . A powerful magnet and radio waves are used to make detailed images of your organs and tissues.

  • Biopsy. Lymph node tissue is removed and looked at under a microscope.

  • PET scan. This looks at the chemical activity in parts of your body. It may help identify a variety of conditions like some cancers, heart disease and brain disorders. This is done less commonly.

  • CT scan. A series of X-rays are taken from different angles and put together to form a more complete picture.

How Salivary Glands Become Blocked

There are several ways in which salivary glands can become blocked or partially obstructed. Since a blockage of the salivary gland or salivary duct can inflict serious harm, it is important that readers are mindful of how these blockages develop over time. Here are some of the most common methods of salivary gland blockage.


Also known as salivary stones, sialoliths are the most common medical cause of swollen salivary glands. Salivary stones are hard, built-up deposits of crystallized saliva that sometimes obstruct the flow of saliva in the mouth. When salivary stones prevent saliva from flowing, it can cause swelling, pain, and irritation of the mouth and will eventually become infected if untreated.


Commonly referred to as salivary gland infection, sialadenitis is a simple bacterial infection of the salivary gland. This infection arises due to duct blockages in the parotid gland. Eventually, strange-tasting pus will accumulate in the mouth because of this infection.

Cysts and Tumors

Cysts and tumors can develop on or around salivary glands if injuries or infections are left untreated. Although they may be benign, it is crucial that tumors of the salivary glands are always closely supervised by medical professionals.

Poor Oral Hygiene


Treatment For Salivary Gland Disease

Your doctor will usually take either a medical or surgical approach for treatment of a salivary gland disorder, depending on the underlying cause and its progression. Any abnormal lump or swelling will require a biopsy to rule out the possibility of cancer.

If you are diagnosed with a tumor, then surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a combination will probably be recommended. Surgery might involve removing a portion or all of the salivary gland and any cancerous lymph nodes.

An otolaryngist familiar with salivary gland diseases is best equipped to come up with a suitable treatment plan and will make a recommendation based on your symptoms and condition.

Call Allergy & ENT Associates at for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Q: What Are Lymph Nodes Or Glands

A:In the neck, there are two areas that we call glands:

  • The salivary glandsprovide saliva to the mouth to keep it moist. Theyre under the jaw and on theside of our face.
  • The lymph glands,also known as lymph nodes, are mostly on the side of the neck.;

The lymph glands are the bodys sophisticated sewersystem. They get rid of things that our body doesnt want, such as bacteria,viruses and other things that enter our system.

There are about 600pea- to bean-sized lymph nodes throughout your body, from your legs to yourjaw.

Swollen Lymph Node Treatment And Home Remedies

Diseases of Salivary Glands

If your swollen lymph nodes arenât caused by something serious, they will go away on their own. A few things may help with any discomfort while you wait for it to run its course:

  • Warm compress. A washcloth rinsed in hot water and placed on the area that hurts may help ease pain.

  • Rest. Getting good rest can help you get over a mild illness faster.

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen may make you feel better.

If something more serious is causing the swelling, treatment can include:

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How To Diagnose Your Symptoms

The physician will review with you your medical history, current medications, and diet, followed by a physical examination. Depending on your symptoms, history and physical findings, the physician may order one or more of the following tests:

  • X-rays to detect and locate salivary gland stones.
  • MRI or CT scans. These tests can detect stones and tumors not seen on X-rays.
  • Blood tests to look for bacterial infection, nutritional deficiencies, and viral infections.
  • Sialography so that saliva flow can be seen, a dye is injected into the gland’s duct.
  • Salivary gland biopsy is the removal of a piece of tissue sample to diagnose a tumor, cyst, or Sjogren’s syndrome.
  • Fine-needle aspiration uses a thin needle to remove cells from the salivary gland to determine whether a tumor is cancerous.
  • Eye tests to look for evidence of Sjogren’s syndrome.
  • Salivary function test to help diagnose Sjogren’s syndrome.

Causes Of Salivary Gland Problems

Many different problems can interfere with the function of the salivary glands or block the ducts so they can’t drain saliva. The following are some of the more common salivary gland problems:

Salivary stones, or sialoliths. The most common cause of swollen salivary glands, salivary stones are buildups of crystallized saliva deposits. Sometimes salivary stones can block the flow of saliva. When saliva can’t exit through the ducts, it backs up into the gland, causing pain and swelling. Pain is usually off and on, is felt in one gland, and gets progressively worse. Unless the blockage is cleared, the gland is likely to become infected.

Salivary gland infection, or sialadenitis. Bacterial infection of the salivary gland, most commonly the parotid gland, may result when the duct into the mouth is blocked. Sialadenitis creates a painful lump in the gland, and foul-tasting pus drains into the mouth.

Sialadenitis is more common in older adults with salivary stones, but it can also happen in babies during the first few weeks after birth. If not treated, salivary gland infections can cause severe pain, high fevers, and abscess .

Infections. Viral infections such as mumps, flu, and others can cause swelling of the salivary glands. Swelling happens in parotid glands on both sides of the face, giving the appearance of “chipmunk cheeks.”

Warthin’s tumor is also benign and affects the parotid gland. Warthin’s tumor can grow on both sides of the face and affects more men than women.

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Blocked Salivary Gland Home Remedy: How To Deal With It

Our salivary glands work hard to keep our mouths healthy and functioning properlyin fact, they produce between 0.5 and 1.5 liters of saliva every day. Saliva does more than just swirl around in our mouths. In fact, saliva contains enzymes that play an important part in breaking down food for digestion and cleaning out our teeth.

Thats why a blocked salivary gland can pose serious health risks if left untreated. When your salivary glands become obstructed, your mouth dries out and your food is left without the enzymes necessary to fully break it down. Plus, blocked salivary glands can lead to bacterial infections and nasty viruses that can cause permanent damage.

Do you have a blocked salivary gland, or want to find a blocked salivary gland home remedy? In this article, our experts go in-depth to detail everything you need to know about salivary glands, how they become obstructed, and how to use natural home remedies to treat them.

Without chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs, our remedies are proven to help clear out salivary glands and get your mouth back to running normally.

What Questions Should I Ask My Doctor

Blocked salivary gland home remedy | Why Is My Jaw Swollen and How Can I Treat It?
  • What is the cause of my salivary gland problem?
  • Do I need further evaluation with imaging or a needle biopsy?
  • What are the signs of salivary gland infection? When do I need antibiotics?
  • What will I experience if my salivary gland needs to be removed?
  • What are the possible side effects of surgery or radiation therapy?
  • Can you recommend medications or other conservative treatments?
  • How many times have you performed this type of procedure?
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    How Sublingual Glands Get Infected

    Bacteria naturally reside in our mouth. In normal condition, the saliva periodically wash these bacteria away, so that bacterial overgrowth leading to infection can be kept under control. When due to certain risk factors the saliva is unable to wash these bacteria away properly, the risk of overgrowth and thus, clogged salivary glands rises. When salivary gland ducts are blocked, it may swell as a result of infection. Several bacteria, including the Staphylococcus bacteria are responsible for these clogs and salivary gland infection. In addition to bacterial infection, swollen sublingual glands may be caused by other risk factors, such as:

    • Mumps, which is a viral infection that is common among children who have not been immunized.
    • HIV.
    • Bad oral hygiene.

    How Does Your Doctor Make The Diagnosis

    Diagnosis of salivary gland disease depends on the careful taking of your history, a physical examination, and laboratory tests.

    If your doctor suspects an obstruction of the major salivary glands, it may be necessary to anesthetize the opening of the salivary ducts in the mouth, and probe and dilate the duct to help an obstructive stone pass. Before these procedures, dental x-rays may show where the calcified stones are located.

    If a mass is found in the salivary gland, it is helpful to obtain a CT scan or a MRI . Sometimes, a fine needle aspiration biopsy in the doctors office is helpful. Rarely, dye will be injected through the parotid duct before an x-ray of the gland is taken .

    A lip biopsy of minor salivary glands may be needed to identify certain autoimmune diseases.

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    Associated Atopic And Autoimmune Disease

    Allergic symptoms were present in 39 cases, including asthma in 19, rhinitis in 28, and eczema in one. However, atopic disease was only documented in 25 cases, defined by the presence of one or more of these symptoms in conjunction with positive serum IgE to aeroallergens or percutaneous allergy testing, with or without elevated total IgE level. The remaining 14 patients included seven with negative IgE serology or percutaneous allergy testing and seven without such testing reported. Glandular swelling coincided with asthma flares in four patients. Allergic symptoms were absent in 20 patients, including three with positive serum IgE serology and/or percutaneous allergy tests , four with negative percutaneous allergy testing and/or IgE serology, and 13 without reported percutaneous allergy and/or IgE serologic testing. Elevated total IgE levels and peripheral blood eosinophilia were present, respectively, in 23/32 and 22/31 patients in whom it was reported.

    The diagnosis of Sjogrens syndrome was sought in 17 patients and established in one with anti-SSA antibodies and a positive biopsy.

    What Can You Do To Treat Parotid Gland Swelling

    Floor Of Mouth Swollen On One Side

    The treatment of problems affecting salivary glands varies, depending on the disorder:

    1. Sialolithiasis

    Non-surgical treatments sometimes involve antibiotics, drinking plenty of fluids, and eating lemon wedges or sour candy to encourage the flow of saliva. You can massage the gland, take pain relievers, or apply a warm compress to help alleviate the pain. If the stone doesnt pass on its own, your dentist may be able to help dislodge it.

    2. Sialadenitis

    Treatments often involve antibiotics and over-the-counter or prescription medicines for pain, discomfort, or fever as directed by your physician. You can also apply an ice compress for 15-20 minutes, every 2 hours to the salivary gland for 24 hours. Remember to place the ice in a plastic bag with a towel around it to prevent the skin from frostbite. However, surgery may be needed to drain the abscess.

    3. Infections

    Viral infections tend to always go away on their own. Treatments that focus on relieving symptoms include plenty of rest, plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, and taking acetaminophen to relieve pain and reduce fever. Bacterial infections require antibiotics and extra fluid either by mouth or intravenously. Warm compresses can be placed on the infected gland, while chewing lemon wedges or sour candies will encourage the flow of saliva.

    4. Cysts

    Small cysts usually drain on their own. However, larger cysts can be removed using either laser, or traditional surgery.

    5. Tumors

    6. Sjogren’s Syndrome

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    Your Nose The Guardian Of Your Lungs

    You might not think your nose is a vital organ, but indeed it is! To understand its importance, all that most people need to experience is a bad cold. Nasal congestion and a runny nose have a noticeable effect on quality of life, energy level, ability to breathe, ability to sleep and ability to function in general.

    Why Is Your Nose So Important?

    It processes the air that you breathe before it enters your lungs. Most of this activity takes place in and on the turbinates, located on the sides of the nasal passages. In an adult, 18,000 to 20,000 liters of air pass through the nose each day.

    Your Nose Protects Your Health By:

    • Filtering all that air and retaining particles as small as a pollen grain with 100% efficiency.
    • Humidifying the air that you breathe, adding moisture to the air to prevent dryness of the lining of the lungs and bronchial tubes.
    • Warming cold air to body temperature before it arrives in your lungs.

    For these and many other reasons, normal nasal function is essential. Do your lungs a favor; take care of your nose.

    TIP: Keep a list of all your medications, know all the potential side effects and discuss possible interactions with your doctors.

    So, it is important to treat nasal symptoms promptly to prevent worsening of lung problems.

    Tips To Improve The Health Of Your Nose And Lungs:

    Medications Prescribed To Treat Nasal Problems:

    Be aware of the nasal effects of other medications

    What Exactly Are Swollen Glands

    When people talk about swollen glands, they’re usually referring to their lymph nodesthe small, bean-shaped structures that are part of your body’s immune system, per the National Cancer Institute . You have hundreds of lymph nodes, and they’re found all over your body, including clusters that are found in your neck, armpits, chest, abdomen, and groin.

    Your lymph nodes, which are connected to each other, filter out substances that travel through your lymphatic fluid, the NCI explains. They contain lymphocytes that help your body fight off infections and diseases.

    When your body is fighting off an infection, you may get swollen lymph nodestechnically called lymphadenopathyin that part of your body, Thomas Russo, MD, professor and chief of infectious disease at the University at Buffalo, tells Health. “If you have a respiratory tract infection, for example, you could get some swollen glands in your head and neck,” Dr. Russo says.

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    Where Are My Salivary Glands And What Do They Do

    There are three main salivary glands, which come as a pair with one of each on each side of the face:

    • The parotid glands – situated just in front of your ear.
    • The submandibular glands – situated under your jaw line.
    • The sublingual glands – situated under your tongue.

    There are also several much smaller salivary glands dotted around your mouth. Tubes carry the saliva from the gland into your mouth. The role of saliva in your mouth is to:

    • Keep it lubricated.
    • Help with chewing and the start of the process of digesting your food.
    • Protect your teeth.

    What Is The Treatment For Salivary Gland Disorders

    Parotid Gland Swelling or Parotitis

    This will entirely depend on the cause. See the separate leaflets on the individual conditions, where available, for details. Briefly, treatment of some of the more common causes is as follows:

    Mumps. This gets better on its own over a week or so with no treatment. Paracetamol or ibuprofen may help with the symptoms. Avoid school or work for five days after symptoms start. See separate leaflet called Mumps for more information.

    Bacterial infections. These are treated with antibiotics. Encourage the flow of saliva by drinking enough fluid and by sucking lemon drops or chewing gum. Warm compresses may be helpful.

    Stones. Many of these pass through the duct eventually on their own without needing any treatment at all. Others may need help from a specialist surgeon. Stones can be removed in a number of ways. See separate leaflet called Salivary Gland Stones for more information.

    Tumours. If you are thought to have a tumour in your salivary gland, you would be referred to a specialist team. Usually the tumour, or in some cases the entire salivary gland, is removed with an operation. Surgery may be followed by radiotherapy. The exact plan will depend on the type of tumour and where it is.

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    Swollen Parotid Gland Causes Other Symptoms Treatment

    The parotid gland is the largest of the sailvary glands lying on either side of the face, towards the back of the jaw and slightly below and in front of the ears. These two glands produce and secrete saliva along with the other salivary glands in the mouth. Like any organ, the parotid gland can become afflicted with a range of diseases and disorders. Swelling of the parotid gland is one such problem that may be encountered.

    Clearing The Blocked Salivary Duct At Home

  • 1Drink a lot of water to keep the mouth hydrated. One of the first steps you should take if you have a blocked salivary glad is to increase your water intake. Drinking water can help you to stay hydrated and increase saliva flow, which may relieve dry mouth. Keep a bottle of water at your side and sip some throughout the day to ensure you stay hydrated.XResearch source
  • It is recommended that women drink about 11.5 cups of fluids per day, while men drink at least 15.5 cups per day. Of course, this all depends on your activity level, environment, and weight. If you exercise frequently, live in a hot and humid environment, or are overweight, plan to drink more water.XResearch source
  • 2Take over-the-counter medications to relieve pain and swelling. If youre experiencing intense pain from a blocked salivary gland, relieve your symptoms with an over-the-counter pain reliever. Some common medications to alleviate pain and inflammation include ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Make sure to follow the instructions when taking these medications so you know when and how often to take it.XResearch source
  • Eating something cold such as ice cubes or popsicles can also help to reduce pain and swelling if you dont have medication at home.
  • Massage your salivary gland as many times as you need to until the blocked duct is cleared. Stop the massage if it becomes too painful.
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