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HomeCauseDo Allergy Shots Cause Weight Gain

Do Allergy Shots Cause Weight Gain

They Can Take A Few Years To Really Work

Reasons For Your Weight Gain (8 Surprising and Often Missed Causes!)

Allergy shots aren’t a quick fix: While some people may start to feel better during the build-up phase of their treatment, most people won’t experience noticeable improvement until they’ve been in the maintenance phase for six to 18 months, says Dr. Dziadzio.

In fact, a 2017 British study found that it took three full years for allergy shots for hay fever to be more effective than placebo shots. The maintenance phase for most allergy shots is usually continued for three to five years. Some patients experience long-lasting relief after that, and some may need continued treatment.

Weight Loss During Pregnancy

Experts dont recommend trying to lose weight during pregnancy. It can rob the growing baby of needed nutrients and contribute to an increased risk of illness. There are rare cases when a person is extremely overweight, and their weight may endanger the pregnancy, that weight loss may be recommended.

Again, working in conjunction with your healthcare provider is critical to achieve a healthy pregnancy weight for you.

What Can Affect How Well They Work

The effectiveness of the treatment does vary. Often this is to do with the length of the program a person is undertaking or the dose of the allergen.

Some people will have lasting relief while others may have a relapse after treatment has stopped. If a person experiences no improvement after 12 months of allergy shots, it could be due to several factors:

  • wrong dose of the allergen in the allergy shot
  • missed allergens in the individual when they are first evaluated
  • high levels of the allergen in the environment the person is in
  • exposure to non-allergic triggers, such as tobacco smoke

If allergy shots are not working, for whatever reason, then an allergist or immunologist will be able to discuss alternative treatment options.

Normally, the only side effect that people experience after having an allergy shot is redness or swelling at the site of the injection. This can happen immediately after the injection or a few hours afterward.

In some cases, people can experience increased allergy symptoms, such as:

  • sneezing
  • nausea
  • dizziness

Anaphylactic shock needs to be treated immediately with an injection of epinephrine, which is also called adrenaline.

A second anaphylactic reaction called a biphasic reaction can occur up to 12 hours after the initial shock.

Allergy shots have traditionally been the most common form of immunotherapy and are known as subcutaneous immunotherapy or SCIT.

This treatment is when an allergen is injected under the skin.

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Shots To Desensitize You To Your Allergy Triggers

The substances you are allergic to are called allergens or triggers. Once it’s determined what you are allergic to, immunotherapy involves a series of repeated injections of that allergen. The theory is that by exposing your body to the allergen, it will become desensitized to the substance .

So, do allergy shots work? The short answer is yes, but not for everyone. Allergy shots are not a treatment option that should be taken lightly. There are many considerations, including a substantial time commitment, the risk of an allergic reaction to the shots, and the possibility that only some of your symptoms may be cured, or none at all.

While new options are becoming available that mitigate some of the inconveniences of immunotherapy, these options are still new and not available for everyone.

Is Your Allergy Medication Making You Gain Weight

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Allergy season is here. We are experiencing record pollen counts this year and you may be experiencing symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. Many people treat seasonal allergies with over-the-counter antihistamines, but did you know that these medications could be making you gain weight?

Studies have shown that people with obesity are more prone to allergies, and this may have to do with the medications used to treat seasonal allergies. Scientists from Yale University published a study in 2010 in the journal Obesity showing that people who took antihistamines gained weight.

Histamine is known to affect body weight. The appetite control center of the brain known as the hypothalamus contains receptors for histamine. When histamine receptors are blocked by an antihistamine medication, the brain doesnt receive the Im full signal like it normally would. The body also cant burn calories effectively when the histamine receptor is blocked, lowering metabolism. These biological changes result in increased appetite, overeating, slower fat breakdown and weight gain. Antihistamines can also make you feel tired and unmotivated to exercise.

Antihistamines that can cause weight gain include:

  • Diphenhydramine

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Can The Steroids In Your Asthma Inhaler Lead To Weight Gain

Inhalers are common methods of taking asthma medication and reducing your symptoms. It can literally save your life and many asthma sufferers count on this vital medication. But can it lead to putting on weight?

The short answer is yes. But it is a bit more complicated than this. Let’s start with what is in your inhaler.

What is in your inhaler?

A metered inhaler has a canister which contains the medication that is administered by pressing the pump. The medication in the canister is usually a beta-agonist called albuterol.

This drug works by relaxing the bronchial muscles in the lungs, opening up the airways to allow in more oxygen. Along with albuterol, your inhaler also contains steroids to ease inflammation.

The main kind of steroids in your inhaler is corticosteroids, but other forms of steroids are also used in inhalers. The dosages vary depending on your type of pump and the medication prescribed.

But can steroids cause weight gain?

Steroids used for the treatment of inflammation can alter your metabolism and increase your appetite. The higher your daily dose, the more likely you are to suffer from these side-effects.

Some experts however argue that the amounts of steroids in asthma inhalers are too small to have this effect on the body. Steroids are inhaled straight into the lungs, which means that only a minimal amount enters the bloodstream. This small amount shouldnt affect your weight in the same way steroids in tablet form would.

Other factors

How Can An Immunologist Help

Your allergy doctor is the first professional to contact when your allergy flare-ups cannot be controlled by over-the-counter medication. Prescription medication can do a great deal to lessen the severity of your symptoms and reduce your discomfort.

You should definitely contact an immunologist if you have seasonal allergies that contribute to:

  • Asthma flare-ups
  • Breathing challenges after exercise

Your Robbinsville immunology professional can provide immunotherapy to reduce the severity of your reactions over time. Allergy medications work to suppress the response and relieve symptoms, while immunotherapy works to lessen allergic reactions altogether. Even if you never get to the point where you can celebrate the spring and the ragweed that comes with it, you can avoid the pain of sinusitis and the drowsiness of being overmedicated.

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These Brands Have The Greatest Impact On Your Weight

The Yale study specifically looked at two types of antihistamines which, at the time of the study, were only available by prescription: Zyrtec and Allegra. Today, these brands are available as OTC allergy treatments alongside Benadryland the Obesity Medicine Association reports that because they “have the same strength as the prescription versions,” they most likely trigger the same side effects. And for more on essential medical news, If You Take This Medication, U.S. Officials Have a New Warning for You.

Are Antihistamines Safe For Dogs

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Diphenhydramine is a common medication used to treat allergies, hives, food allergies, anxiety and other conditions in dogs. However, you should consult your veterinarian about the use of diphenhydramine in your pet. The dosage in dogs is based on their weight plus your veterinarian will want to examine your dog to be sure an antihistamine is the correct drug for the correct diagnosis. If an antihistamine is needed, your veterinarian will want to prescribe a brand that is specific to animals and at a dosage correct for your pet.

Also Check: Is Zyrtec Good For Allergic Reactions

They Can Improve Mental Health Too

It’s not just physical symptoms that can get better with allergy shots mental state can improve, as wellespecially if severe allergies have really taken a toll on your health and happiness.

This may be especially true for insect allergies, a condition that can cause serious distress and affect a person’s ability to enjoy the outdoors. One 2014 study found that patients with insect-venom allergies who received immunotherapy not only had a lower risk of anaphylaxis and death than those who didn’t, but also had lower anxiety and depression scores.

Do Allergy Shots Cause Weight Gain

Unlike antihistamines, allergy shots and weight gain dont appear to be linked.

We can answer this rather clearly, Dr. Siddiqui says. No, allergy shots are not associated with weight gain. By their very nature, allergy injections are exposing an individual to varying doses of a substance or substances that induce an allergic reaction. Allergy injections, or immunotherapy, are not antihistamines.

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They’re Not Just For Seasonal Allergies

Allergy shots can be effective for people with hay fever and other seasonal allergies, but they can also work for year-round indoor allergieslike mold, dust mites, and animal danderand allergies to insect bites or stings.

“In the case of stinging insects, the shots can be close to curative,” says Dr. Dziadzio. “That’s the one time I really push people to get the shots no matter what, because it’s such a dangerous allergy.” Allergy shots may also be a good choice for people who don’t like taking medications or can’t avoid the thing they’re allergic tolike a pet or the great outdoors.

Whats The Difference Between First

KIH Clinic

Just like the name implies, the first generation antihistamine were the first type approved by the Food and Drug Administration . They began to be approved in the United States in the 1930s and are still prescribed today.

They work on histamine receptor in the brain and spinal cord along with other types of receptors. Most notable about this generation of antihistamines is that they cross the blood-brain barrier, which results in drowsiness.

Second-generation antihistamines were approved by the FDA and first came to market in the 1980s. The second-generation antihistamines do not cross the blood-brain barrier to the extent that first-generation do and therefore do not cause drowsiness at standard dosage levels. Second-generation antihistamines are considered to be safer than first generation antihistamines because they dont cause drowsiness and interact with fewer drugs.

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Allergist In Robbinsville Nj

Your immune system is crucial for keeping you safe and healthy by fighting off threats. If you suffer from allergies, however, its because your immune system is viewing a harmless substance, such as pollen or peanut butter, as a threat. While a pollen allergy can simply mean a few days of sneezing and coughing here and there, there are some allergic reactions that can be extremely dangerous. The professionals at Becker ENT and Allergy in Robbinsville, NJ, can help you determine the source of your allergies, create a treatment plan, and help you control your symptoms for a happier, healthier life.

Evidence Of Antihistamine Weight Gain

Older antihistamines, such as Benadryl , have well-known side effects such as drowsiness. While others, like Allegra , tend to have less of these side effects.

A study published in the journal Obesity found an association between the use of antihistamines and obesity. Of the almost 900 people studied, those taking antihistaminessuch as Zyrtec and Allegrawere more likely to be overweight or obese than those not taking antihistamines.

The reasons for this weren’t clear, and it’s important to note that this association doesn’t mean that antihistamines directly cause weight gain.

The researchers theorized that antihistamines have a similar chemical structure to certain psychiatric drugs that are known to be associated with weight gain. Antihistamines may also increase appetite, which can cause weight gain.

Anecdotally, people using Xyzal an antihistamine similar to Zyrtec they have noticed they have put on extra pounds, which is what a very small percentage of patients who used the drug during trials experienced.

Older antihistamines, such as Periactin , have actually been used for the purpose of increasing appetite and weight gain in underweight children and cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

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Food Allergies And Weight Gain: Is There A Connection

Medical Perspectives | Lifestyle & Wellness

Hives, rash, swelling and even anaphylactic shock. Food allergies can range in severity from mild intolerance to a life threatening reaction.

But did you know that food allergies may also play a role in weight gain?

Your doctor can help determine if your symptoms are the result of allergic reaction or a food sensitivity, and also recommend an allergy management plan that works for you. Read on to learn about the relationship between food allergies and weight gain.

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Medications That Make You Gain Weight

Were not 100% sure why, but its believed that histamines, chemicals produced by your immune system to fight allergens, have a role in appetite control, says Dr. Reid. That means that antihistamines may cause you to eat more, she says. A study from Yale University confirmed that there is a correlation between regular prescription antihistamine use and obesity. Dr. Reid points out that some antihistamines such as Benadryl also cause drowsiness, which could make you less apt to exercise.

What you can do: If you suffer from seasonal allergies and are constantly taking antihistamines, talk to your allergist about alternative treatments such as nasal steroid sprays, nasal antihistamines , leukotriene inhibitors such as Singulair or allergy shots, suggests Dr. Jeffrey Demain, founder of the Allergy Asthma and Immunology Center of Alaska. He also says that managing your environment using a HEPA filter, washing your sheets frequently in hot water and keeping pets out of your bedroom can help reduce the need for allergy medication. While youre at it, do an inventory of any prescription medications youre taking that are known to cause weight gain and discuss with your doctor if there are equally effective alternatives that dont affect weight, says Dr. Reid.

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Food Allergy Vs Food Sensitivity

Food allergies and food sensitivities are often lumped together when it comes to the symptoms experienced after eating certain foods. However, there are critical differences between the two.

If youve felt discomfort, bloating or lethargy after eating a particular food, then you may be experiencing sensitivity to a certain food.

Food sensitivities occur when the body is unable to digest certain compounds, especially proteins found in items like milk, eggs, wheat or soy. Once your body ingests these foods, you experience those uncomfortable symptoms.

A food allergy, on the other hand, is an immunologic response. When you eat something to which you are allergic, your immune system negatively responds to the allergen. Since its your immune systems job to protect the body, your immune system tries to fight the allergen by unleashing natural biochemicals that cause the allergic reaction you experience.

These reactions vary, but may include hives, rash, swelling or anaphylactic shock.

Food sensitivities tend to show symptoms later than food allergies. For example, if you eat or drink something to which you have a food sensitivity, you may not notice symptoms for up to 24-72 hours. With a food allergy, a reaction may be immediate.

What This Means For You

The study notes that your weight before pregnancy impacts your childs health. Working to achieve a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise before becoming pregnant can diminish the risk of your child dealing with allergic diseases. The effort beforehand can lead to a healthier outcome for both parent and child in the end.

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Manage Allergies And Weight Gain Symptoms

It is critical to visit your primary care provider if you suspect you may have a food allergy. Your doctor can recommend treatment and testing to determine the source of your symptoms.

Read more: When Are Allergies a Medical Concern?

If your symptoms are not severe, your doctor may recommend keeping a log of all the foods you eat, noting any that cause symptoms.

If the cause of your allergic response is easily identified, you might try an elimination diet. In an elimination diet, you will completely cut out the trigger food from your diet. This can jumpstart successful weight loss for many people, but can be difficult if the food causing your symptoms is one you love or is something you eat frequently.

Focusing on the healthy, nutritious foods you can have rather than the few foods you cant have due to allergies also helps you commit to healthier eating overall.

When your symptoms persist despite these initial treatment methods, your doctor will refer you to a specialist for further testing. You may see an allergist, who can pinpoint specific allergies through blood tests or allergy skin testing.

If you feel that you have a food sensitivity or allergy, PartnerMD can help. PartnerMD takes the time to look at your health history, pinpointing trends that may show what is triggering your allergic reactions.

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Build Up And Maintenance

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Completing immunotherapy may mean you’ll have to go to the healthcare provider’s office one or more times per week for several months. The treatment is broken up into two phases called the build-up phase and the maintenance phase. During the build-up phase, you are given increasing amounts of the allergen weekly for three to six months.

The second phase is called the maintenance phase. During the build-up phase, your healthcare provider will determine the best dose of medication for you. This is your maintenance dose, which is what you’ll receive for the remaining allergy shots and what your practitioner feels you respond to best. The good news is that during the maintenance phase, you will only need to get shots every 3-4 weeks. The maintenance phase lasts about three to five years.

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