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HomeMust ReadCan A Humidifier Help With Allergies

Can A Humidifier Help With Allergies

How To Maintain Your Humidifier

How Humidifiers Can Help Allergies

When you do not clean your humidifier, they cause further health issues especially when you already have an allergic or asthmatic condition you are trying to combat. Hence, we have outlined some tips to assist you to take proper care of your humidifier:

  • Ensure you rinse and dry the reservoir after each use.
  • You can utilize vinegar weekly to remove residues of hard water before storing it.
  • Ensure you clean it before use when you are just bringing it fresh out of storage.
  • How To Choose The Best Humidifier For Your Home

    Compare mist options. Humidifiers either use warm mist or cool mist to add moisture to the air. Ultrasonic humidifiers can be either warm mist or cool mist, and some units include the option for both.

    The type you choose is ultimately up to you, but in general, cool mist humidifiers are the safest option , according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Warm mist humidifiers, meanwhile, run hot and have the potential to cause burns if you get too close. Also, evaporative humidifiers often spit out invisible mist, so dont be alarmed if they dont appear to be working.

    Measure your space. The best size for your humidifier depends on the size of the room in which you plan to use it. Personal or travel-sized humidifiers typically only reach 25 to 100 square feet. Check the square footage your machine can reach on its packaging before you invest in one.

    Pick an easy-to-clean option. Its best to regularly change the filter or clean your humidifier, preferably daily, but at least every two to three days, so pick an option with cheap filters, plus parts that are easy to wash. Otherwise, mold could grow inside the device due to standing water and get blown through your home, making life pretty awful for those with mold allergiesor anyone, really. Better yet, use distilled water in your chosen machine if possible, since tap water contains minerals that can breed bacteria and irritate your sinuses.

    Top 5 Best Humidifiers For Allergies Reviews And Buying Guide

    If you have severe allergies and are looking for an easy way to get some relief from them, getting a humidifier for your home is great. This means that some extra water will be pushed into the air, which can help keep your nasal passages moist and clear of any debris. Here are 5 of the best humidifiers you would want to use for your allergies, along with everything you need to know to make the best choice.

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    Maintenance Of A Humidifier:

    It is well-known that humidifiers are helpful in reducing allergy. But still, complaints come that it doesnt work that effectively. Do you know the reason behind it? Yes, the reason is lack of proper MAINTENANCE. If you do not take care of your humidifier, then how can you hope that it will render you an excellent service? Here are some tips for you:

    • Replace your wick filter at least once a month
    • Try to use water that contains low mineral
    • Clean your humidifier according to the direction
    • Make sure that the area where you have placed your humidifier is not wet or dump

    Does A Humidifier Help With Allergies

    Can Humidifiers Help With Allergies?

    If you suffer from seasonal or pet-related allergy issues then help is often needed. We explore if a humidifier helps with allergies & to buy one.

    July 19, 2021by Josh M

    Theres no doubt about the fact that humidifiers are great for bringing moisture back into a dry home. If you live in a dry climate or youre suffering from wintertime dryness, then investing in a humidifier is the way to go.

    But did you know that a humidifier can be used for more than just general dryness? Some of the best humidifiers are used for allergy relief, and many sources claim that a humidifier can remedy several different types of allergies.

    In this guide, well explore the question we all want to know the answers to: does a humidifier help with allergies?

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    Top 5 Best Humidifiers For Allergies

    There will be plenty of options that you can purchase or look at when it comes to humidifiers and which one will be ideal for you. Here are 5 of the top ones that we have reviewed with the required information to help you make a choice, so keep reading to find out more.

    For those who want a humidifier installed in the basement near the furnace or even attached to your heat ducts, then the AirCare MA0800 digital whole-house humidifier is a great option. This machine can handle a home of around 3,000 square feet depending on the model you purchase, and it comes with a separate humidistat for you to change or see the current levels.

    This is a small machine, and you can easily have it installed in the basement so you can forget about it until it is time to have it cleaned or turn it on and off. It has a capacity of 12 gallons of water every day, and you only need to replace the water panel once every season.


    • It can be installed on either side of the furnace or air ducts
    • Easy to install even if you donât have previous experience
    • Affordable model

    The design is also sleek, and the tank is easy to remove, and there is a section on the side where you can see just how much water is left. It holds around 1 gallon of water before it needs to be filled again, and it can take care of a room of about 18 feet by 10 feet.







    • Bottom filled tank

    Other Ways To Improve The Air Quality Of Your Home

    There are many other ways to clean the air in your home and minimize allergic symptoms. NS NASA Air Purification Research Many foliage plants have shown that they can filter irritants in the air through their root system and scrape some of the air in your home. Plants such as English ivy, spider plants, spathiphyllum, and bamboo palms filter the surrounding air to remove toxins and particles.

    Other cheap and easy ways to help with home allergies include keeping small windows open for ventilation, frequent cleaning and dusting, and regular brushing and bathing of pets. That is included.

    Best Humidifier Deals Today

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    Do Humidifiers Help With Pollen Allergies

    Are you suffering from pollen allergies? We know how complicated life can get when you canât breathe properly and have that horrible itching feeling in your nose each time the flowers start blossoming. Your eyes are watery and itchy, and you feel like the world is ending, right?

    Besides eating allergy pills like candy , you can take a different kind of approach. We are talking about humidifiers.

    But, keep in mind that they can help you only while you are in your home . Once you are outside, the âforce fieldâ is unfortunately off.

    However, feeling relieved while you are in your home is a major bonus when the allergy season kicks in. If you are in an area with eternal summer, having a safe zone means a lot, wouldnât you agree?

    So, how do humidifiers help with pollen allergies? Itâs not rocket science; actually, itâs quite simple, and here is what happens.

    The 4 Best Humidifiers For Allergies

    How Humidifiers Help Get Rid of Allergies and Other Health Issues In Winters?

    If youâre an allergy sufferer, having one of the best humidifiers for allergies in your home can make a huge difference. Breathing in higher humidity air can help relieve common allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, sore throat, watery eyes, and discomfort by reducing inflammation. The water vapor that the humidifier releases into the air moistens your nasal tissues and soothes, making it easier to expel allergens and irritants from your nose to breathe better, too.

    For healthy indoor air, the ideal humidity level is between 30 to 50%, according to the Mayo Clinic. Using a hygrometer will allow you to measure the humidity level in your home so you can determine whether they are too low or high, and many more expensive humidifier models have this function built in, including one on this list.

    There are several different types of humidifiers, but the biggest thing you should decide between is whether you want a warm or cool mist. Warm mist humidifiers are better at thinning out mucus and soothing congested sinuses. However, cool mist humidifiers are also helpful with this and provide a few other valuable attributes: They provide a cooling vapor thatâs usually more ideal in warmer climates, and since thereâs no hot water coming out of the unit, theyâre also safer to use around children and pets. However, cool mist usually requires more frequent cleanings since thereâs no heat involved to kill off bacteria.

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    Does Dry Air Affect Your Allergy

    Breathing in dry air is bad for everyone. Of course, you may ask why it is so bad for allergy sufferers in particular. We put together some of the ways dry air can harm those with allergies.

    • It dries out your mucous membranes in your nose and throat. What do these mucous membranes do? They catch and filter out items entering your body when you breathe. Mucus membranes help prevent these items from entering the rest of the respiratory system. They catch viruses, bacteria, dust, pollen, mold, and other items that can trigger your allergies. They are not as effective as when fully moisturized. So what can happen if they are too dry to catch these items? Bacteria, dust, mold can enter the respiratory system and trigger your allergic response.
    • Dry air irritates the sinuses. Right, where many allergy sufferers feel their symptoms the most. Since you mostly breathe through your nose, your sinuses get hit hard by dry air.
    • It also can dry out the things that trigger your allergies, such as dust mites and pollen. That is not good news. If they are dried out, they become lighter and better able to travel in the air and into your lungs.
    • Many allergies cause skin reactions. When the air is dry, it will dry out the skin, making it more susceptible to reactions.

    Using Humidifiers For Allergy Relief And More

    The dry air caused by heating systems, especially forced-air heating systems , can bring on a number of problems for allergy sufferers. Dry air can irritate nasal passageways, leading to sinus infections or sinusitis. Dry air can also lead to increased mucus production, which can pose dangers for asthmatic individuals. Furthermore, dry air can irritate sensitive skin, exacerbating eczema and causing discomfort for those with sensitive skin.

    Making sure the air in your home maintains the proper level of humidity is one of the best ways to alleviate these concerns. Humidifiers re-introduce moisture to dry air, creating an environment thats healthy for allergy sufferers.

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    Dehumidifier Types & How They Help Allergies

    Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

    A refrigerant dehumidifier is a dehumidifier that works like your fridge. This process involves using a fan to bring air into the machine and then cooling it quickly over metal plates. As the moisture condenses, water will drip into the tank.

    Refrigerant dehumidifiers are the most popular style but work best in hot climates. If you live in a cooler climate, we recommend a desiccant dehumidifier.

    Desiccant Dehumidifiers

    A desiccant dehumidifier tends to be the best option for small dehumidifiers. They are quiet machines and highly efficient.

    Unfortunately, they are the most expensive option for dehumidifiers. These dehumidifiers are particularly effective at pulling water out of hard materials such as concrete and hardwood. They are an excellent choice for basements.

    Whole House Dehumidifiers

    Whole-house dehumidifiers come in three types: refrigerant dehumidifiers, desiccant dehumidifiers, and thermo-electric dehumidifiers. All three of these types work well depending on your particular situation.

    Thermo-electric dehumidifiers are the most affordable and include small desktop models .

    However, refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers are generally more powerful. A whole-house dehumidifier is large enough to dehumidify your entire home. These work best long-term but can be expensive to purchase and install.

    How Does A Humidifier Help With Allergies

    Do Humidifiers Help With Allergies?

    A humidifier increases relative humidity levels in the home. Humidifiers are recommended by medical professionals to relieve common allergy symptoms.

    A humidifier is a great preventative measure for allergies and can aid in relieving congestion, sore throats, watery eyes, sinus pain, and inflammation.;

    It is always recommended to speak with your doctor before using a humidifier to reduce the severity of your allergy symptoms, especially if you suffer from asthma.

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    Best Humidifiers For Asthma & Allergies

    Using a humidifier can be a great way to bring relief to asthma and allergies. Much like a lotion does to human skin, a humidifier moisturizes the air, adding humidity to the otherwise dry air.

    We can feel humidity on our skin and when we breathe. Too much humidity and we feel stuffy, too little and we feel parched. Given the right circumstance, humidifiers are the perfect way to soothe allergies in both babies and adults.

    Ill admit that learning I had allergies was a big disappointment. My immune system had failed me and allergies were controlling my life. You might feel the same way.

    But the more I learned about allergies the more I realized I wasnt alone. Allergies are on the rise in the U.S. and there are many people just like me who are searching for relief.

    Humidifiers can help babies, children, and adults. In this article, Ill share my experience using a humidifier and the best humidifiers for allergies.

    How Humidifiers Can Help Relieve Allergies

    The cold and flu season is also a good time to have a humidifier in your home, and thats especially true if you have young children and are hesitant about giving them over-the-counter cold and cough medicine. With a humidifier running you can relieve yourself of the frustration of having a runny nose, sore throat, and coughing. Skip the scratchy nasal passages and throat this winter season by setting up a humidifier in your home.

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    What Does Humidifier Do For Allergies: Explaining How Humidifier Works

    A humidifier as earlier said, works by adding a right amount of moisture to the atmosphere, hence increasing the overall moisture content and hence humidity level.

    The device adjusts the levels of humidity to a good standard , which is the primary way by which they combat allergens in the home, especially against low moist thriving allergens.

    Some humidifiers also come with filters, which is another mechanism of allergen eradication, filtering the water used for making mist, passing it through a screen or some sort of purification system that removes allergens directly from the source before releasing fine mist into the environment.

    Can Humidity Cause Sinus Problems

    Do Air Purifiers Work for Allergies? (Can Air Purifiers Help with Allergy Symptoms?)

    Temperature and humidity changes trigger the membranes inside your nose and sinuses. Due to which your sinuses do not get drained as well as they should be.

    The congestion caused can often lead to pain and other sinusitis related problems.

    Maintaining proper humidity at home helps a lot in relieving the sinuses and symptoms such as headache, sore throat, ear pain, etc.

    However, the thing to remember is that too little or too much humidity can cause a further problem for you by aggravating the symptoms.

    Hence it is recommended to monitor the quality of air inside and keep a check on the humidity level by installing a good humidifier that can track and maintain the proper humidity levels automatically.

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    How Will A Humidifier Help With Allergies

    As we mentioned, dry air can worsen your allergy symptoms by irritating your nasal passages. It can lead to a sinus infection too. If you have asthma too, this can be a serious problem.

    But by moisturizing the air in your environment you can solve this issue. Humidifiers can help too and will keep your nasal passages free of mucus. Plus, you will get a well-balanced level of humidity at home.

    Klarstein Monaco Ultrasonic Humidifier Ionizer Air Purifier

    This one is ideal for allergies as it combines both a humidifier and an air washer that purifies the air. The ultrasonic humidifier emits cool mist into the air balancing the humidity level of your room, and air purifier cleanse the air from all the pollens, bacteria and other dust particles. The unit has a capacity of storing 1.6 liter of water. It comes with an antibacterial filter that removes the mineral deposits and other microbes out of the water. The air purifier system also removes the unpleasant odors from the air making it more healthy and comfortable.


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    Taotronics Cool Mist Humidifier Ultrasonic

    The TaoTronics humidifier is very similar to our last option and comes at a good price point as well. It uses an ultrasonic vibration to quietly disperse water in the air and is great for babies with allergies and adults too.

    TaoTronics has an adjustable vapor setting to keep humidity and mist flow at a level you prefer. Its also smaller than the first 2 humidifiers and holds 4 liters of water.

    Sure it will need refilling more often, but it will also take up less space in a room. The humidifier is perfect for rooms around 500 square feet and works well in a child or adult room or in an office at work.

    Converse to the previous humidifiers, TaoTronics doesnt have the ability to diffuse essential oils into the air and the company advises against putting essential oils into the water.

    Over 500 customers like how this humidifier works with the only negative comments coming from people who dont like using distilled water .

    I like the design and the colors. Its mostly white but has one side that is blue/clear to show the water level. Overall this is a good humidifier for smaller rooms and it comes at a fair price.


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