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HomeMust ReadHow To Treat Oak Allergies

How To Treat Oak Allergies

Allergy Drops Can Help Build The Bodys Tolerance

Pollen problems: Doctor shares tips to alleviate allergy symptoms

When all your avoidance efforts and the over-the-counter medications dont do the trick, then its time to call your allergist. A board-certified allergist can prescribe more intensive remedies to bring your current symptoms under control and develop a preventative plan using allergen immunotherapy that can help you avoid the misery of seasonal allergies in the future.

Rather than reducing symptoms after they have started, allergen immunotherapy helps your body develop resistance to the pollen particles so that your symptoms are significantly reduced and much less severe. Oral allergy drops now offer a convenient, safe and effective option for patients who dont want to be bothered with weekly allergy injections in the doctors office. An individualized extract prescription is prepared for each patient based on the results of allergy testing. Patients then take a daily dose of their drops and advance through build up dilutions to reach their maintenance dose in just one month. That makes now a great time to consider allergy drops as a way to fend off your seasonal allergies.

Dr. Hallett has been offering his patients the high-dose European protocol allergy drops since 2009. Want to learn if allergy drops are right for you? Give Dr. Hallett a call today.

Natural Remedies To Help You Get Through Allergy Season

Bless you.

By Michelle Nash

I love trees. I was heartbroken last year when the huge oak tree in our front yard was uprooted by a crazy spring storm. We were on vacation that weekend, and returned home to a gaping hole in the ground where that big oak once stood and provided friendly shade against the Texas heat. I slowly realized, however, that with the tree gone, so were the bucketloads of pollen that covered my car every morning. And accompanied sneezes. And itchiness. And watering eyes as I sat in the yard trying to enjoy the spring weather and read my book. I love trees, but I hate seasonal allergies.

Apparently, more than 50 million Americans battle with allergies every year. Springtime, despite all its beauty, is an especially terrible time for allergies here in Austin. I know Im not the only one who, at the first sign of a cough, runs to the drugstore for antihistamines. But after awhile, I wondered what those meds and their side effects would do to my health long-term, and if I could try battling pollen the natural way.

Now that natural remedies are becoming more mainstream and accessible, it turns out there are some ways we can rely on mother nature herself to beat allergy symptoms.

During Which Months Oak Trees Release Pollen

Different species of oak trees release pollen from early spring to early summer.

In the San Francisco bay area, oak pollen is found in our air surveys from Mar-15th to June-30th.

Even though each tree release pollen only for six to eight weeks, the overall oak pollen season lasts nearly four months because of the sequential blooming of different species. In Northern California, the coast live species start the oak pollen season in March, and Holly and cork oaks end the pollen season in June. Most other red and white oak species bloom during April and May.

Each year, the pollen season shifts a little bit due to weather conditions. Therefore it is useful to learn about the oak trees and their pollen-producing habits to be able to accurately predict the pollen season each year.

However, if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, you have an easier way out! I do regular tree inspections and air sampling in the area to provide reliable pollen updates on our website

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Undergo Testing To Pinpoint Allergy Triggers

An allergist is your best ally to defeat springtime allergy symptoms. The allergist can test you for a variety of allergen triggers to determine exactly which plant pollens are affecting your system.

The most common pollen-type allergens are those from plants that rely on wind pollination. Plants that are wind-pollinated release mass quantities of tiny, lightweight grains that will hopefully be carried by the breeze to female flowers.

Showy, colorful plants are rarely the allergy-causing culprits, since bright ornamental flowers are mostly pollinated by insects.

Tree species with pollen that can cause allergies include the following:

  • Maple
  • Mulberry
  • Oak

The flowers on these trees are tiny, but they can pack an allergic punch. Most trees release their pollen from March to May.

Grasses release pollen throughout summer. Allergy-triggering grasses include Kentucky bluegrass, orchard grass and timothy grass.

Oak Tree Pollen Allergies

9 Best Home Remedies for Poison Oak to Prevent Allergic Reaction

Texas is wildly known for its wide variety of trees. One of the most common trees in Texas is the Oak Tree. Many people dont realize that there are actually over fifty different types of oak trees. Pollen from the oak trees are heaviest in the spring when patients typically see the yellow stuff on their cars. Oak tree pollen actually lasts longer in the air because of the warm temperatures in Texas. Oak tree pollen thrives in warm conditions and is easier to be picked up when it starts getting windy. Some of the most common oak tree pollen symptoms are itchy or stuffy nose, cough, red, itchy, or watery eyes, irritated throat, and sometimes fatigue.

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When Should You Consider Using Seasonal Allergy Medicine

Theres no cure for seasonal allergies , but taking over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines2 can help when natural remedies for seasonal allergies arent enough. If youre using allergy medications, its often helpful to take them before your symptoms even start. Most people take medication when their seasonal allergies begin to cause trouble, but you can get a leg up on things by starting earlier, Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with NYU Langone, who is allergic to grass pollen herself, tells SELF. Grass pollen starts becoming bothersome in springtime, so Dr. Parikh begins using allergy meds like antihistamines two weeks before the season starts. This helps her reduce symptoms or even avoid them altogether, she says. You can also try OTC nasal corticosteroids, which are sprayed or inhaled into the nose to help relieve your stuffy nose and irritation caused by allergies.

Its important to talk to your doctor, preferably an allergist if you have access to one, before trying any other natural remedies for seasonal allergies, like herbs or supplements. For example, some people who are allergic to ragweed, daisies, and marigolds can also be allergic to chamomile tea, according to the NCCIH, which could do more harm than good in that case.

Diagnosis And Treatment Of Tree Pollen Allergies

Trees often release pollen before other plants do. If you experience allergy symptoms early in the spring, you might have a tree pollen allergy. The symptoms of tree pollen allergies include:

  • Sneezing runny or stuffy nose
  • Red, watery, and puffy eyes
  • Itchy nose, ears, eyes, and mouth

To get a definitive diagnosis of tree pollen allergies, youll need to see a doctor. They can make a diagnosis through allergy testing.

Potential tests that doctors can use to determine your allergies include:

  • Skin prick test: For this test, ahealthcare provider places a small amount of tree pollen on your skin, then pricks or scratches the skin through the pollen. If redness, itching, or swelling develops at the site within 20 minutes, youre likely allergic to tree pollen. The severity of your reaction indicates the severity of your allergy.
  • Specific IgE blood test, Radioallergosorbetnt or ImmunoCap:For this test, you’ll need to give a blood sample. In the lab, a small amount of tree pollen is added to your blood, then a lab technician measures the number of allergy antibodies your blood produces to fight the allergen.

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How To Get Relief From Tree Pollen Allergies

First, letâs get it clear that the strategy to just âtough it outâ is a BAD way to handle your allergies. Your body isnât simply going to get better, and with allergy seasons only getting worse, so will allergic reactions and symptoms.

We hear from a lot of tree allergy sufferers, both jokingly and seriously, about how they need to âjust move out of Texasâ. The unfortunate news is that tree allergies can be bad across most of the country. So, unless you’re hoping on landing some sweet real estate in the North Pole or the Sahara, allergies are going to be a part of your life until you take the steps to conquer them.

Fortunately for allergies like oak tree allergies, you know when itâs coming and when itâs bad by just looking at the shade of yellow on your car ! Oak is an airborne pollen, which means that there are a few simple steps you can do to limit how much contact you have!

How To Kick Tree Pollen Allergies To The Curb

Live oak pollen allergies increase early | KVUE

By AOO on May 11, 2018 under Allergy, Immunotherapy

Spring allergies are in full swing, which can include tree allergies. If you are suffering from allergy symptoms, making it miserable to spend any time outside, it may be time to seek out treatment. Read on to find out how to avoid allergy triggers and what kind of treatment can help you.

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Where Are Oaks Found

As we mentioned, oak trees can be found just about everywhere. There are 90 species of oak in the United States alone. They tend to prefer cool temperate and tropical climates. You can find oaks in urban, suburban, and forest areas alike. Since oak is a wind-blown pollinator, you can expect the pollen to travel and affect the air around the trees.

Oaks can be found in just about every state, so it can be difficult to avoid oak pollen regardless of where you live.

Recovery Of Oak Pollen Allergies In Dogs

If your dog is afflicted with seasonal allergies to pollen, the pollen from the oak tree is very likely to provoke those allergies. There are some actions that you can take at home during a flare up of seasonal allergies as would be produced by the pollen of the oak tree. Keeping the coat short and keeping your allergic dog indoors on high pollen count days are good steps to take in reducing your pet’s reactions. Bathing your dog in fresh water may also remove allergens such as pollen that cling to the dogs coat, which will ease the discomfort of itchy swollen skin. Oatmeal baths are also especially soothing to the inflamed skin. Many weather apps also give a daily pollen count forecast which can help you to determine which days are high and low pollen count days.

Read Also: How Much Local Honey For Allergies

What Are Some Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

When your body is responding to an allergen, it lets you know. According to the mucus

  • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, or throat
  • Red, watery, and puffy eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Sometimes these symptoms can feel like a cold or another respiratory infection like COVID-19. If youre not quite sure what youre dealing with, pay close attention to other symptoms that might be surfacing. A cold or flu-like infection may also cause additional warning signs such as fever, chills, and body aches, Ratika Gupta, MD, an allergist and immunologist with New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, tells SELF. Allergies should not cause any of those things, Dr. Gupta says.

    Whats more, seasonal allergy symptoms tend to last longer, according to the National Library of Medicine . If youre unsure about whats going on and youve had symptoms for longer than a week, scheduling an appointment with your doctor can help you figure out whats driving your discomfort.

    Home Remedies For Poison Ivy Oak Or Sumac

    The best relief for poison ivy/oak/sumac rash {Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac ...

    Even though your rash can go away on its own in 1 to 3 weeks, your skin will feel better if you take some steps at home.

    To help with oozing problems, try over-the-counter creams or lotions that you put on the rash, such as those that contain:

    • Aluminum acetate
    • Calcium acetate

    For itchiness, apply calamine lotion, baking soda, or colloidal oatmeal to your skin.

    You can also get relief from a steroid cream if you use it during the first few days after you get a rash. But experts say over-the-counter steroids, such as 1% hydrocortisone, may not be strong enough to do the job. Your doctor may need to prescribe a stronger version.

    Some folks take antihistamines, but they won’t make your itchiness go away. Antihistamines that make you feel sleepy, though, such as diphenhydramine , can help you take your mind off the itchy feeling when you go to bed.

    Your skin will feel better if you soak in a bathtub with cool water and an oatmeal-based bath product. Or place a cool, wet compress on the rash for 15 to 30 minutes at a time, a few times a day.

    There are a few things to avoid. As tough as it is to resist, don’t scratch the blisters. Bacteria on your hands can get into the blisters and lead to an infection.

    Also, some creams or ointments can make your rash worse. Don’t use any of these:

    • Antihistamine creams or lotions
    • Antibiotic creams with neomycin or bacitracin

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    How To Prevent Pollen Allergies

    As with other allergies, the best way to prevent symptoms of a pollen allergy is to avoid the allergen.

    Pollen is difficult to avoid, though. Still, you may be able to minimize your exposure to pollen by:

    • staying indoors on dry, windy days
    • having others take care of gardening or yard work during peak seasons
    • wearing a dust mask when pollen counts are high
    • closing doors and windows when pollen counts are high

    To find out the pollen counts in your area, check an app or the weather section of your local newspaper.

    Limit Exposure To Primary Allergens

    Once you know which plant pollens are triggering your allergies, you can take steps to reduce your exposure to the troublesome material. Keep track of local pollen counts so you can stay indoors on heavy pollen days. Keep windows closed during peak pollen times, and use extra filtration if possible on your HVAC system.

    Change out of dirty clothes whenever you come indoors from outside. Place dirty clothes in the laundry as soon as possible. Shower and wash your hair before bed each night to remove pollen from your hair and body.

    Limit your exposure to animals and to mowing, raking, and other outdoor chores. Wear an allergy mask if you must be outdoors for prolonged periods. Wash your bedding well at least once per week.

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    Heres How Different Allergy Testing Options Work:

    Old-Fashioned Method: Skin Prick Test at Your Doctors Office

    Skin prick testing is typically what you would do if you went to the doctor for your allergy test. This test involves using a needle tipped with different allergens and scraping your skin with each substance in the panel. After a short time, the doctor will look to see if the skin is red, itchy, or swollen in any of the spots that were pricked. This test requires you to make appointments, go in for the test, and deal with an uncomfortable and unpleasant test. An at-home test is a much easier solution.

    Modern and Efficient At-Home Method

  • Get a Wyndly at-home test. We ship our CLIA-certified test straight to your door.
  • Take the allergy test and send it back to us. Our test requires just a quick finger prick so we can test your blood sample.
  • Receive your personal allergy profile. Once we receive your test, well examine it in our lab and create an allergy profile for you. Our doctors will then create a personalized treatment plan for you.
  • Allergy tests are great because they can show you every allergen that you should avoid, including both indoor and outdoor allergens. This makes it easier for you to treat symptoms and reduce your exposure.

    Five Natural Ways To Deal With Oak Allergies

    New oak allergy medication sold over-the-counter

    If you live in Central Texas, you’ve probably noticed the Oak pollen dust that adds a yellow coating on anything outside during April. Oak pollen not only sends many people to the carwash but can also send allergy sufferers to their doctor looking for ways to stop the sneezing and congestion. Before you schedule your appointment, try these five natural alternatives for dealing with oak allergies.

    1. Local honeyBuying honey from local beekeepers is great for the environment as well as your immune system. Local honey can also provide greater benefits due to the fact that it contains local pollens. By ingesting a small amount of the pollen in honey, your body does not have the same reaction when exposed to a large amount of airborne pollen. Honey has a huge range of benefits and has been shown to reduce cough and produce a natural anti-inflammatory effect. Not only is it great for all these reasons but by buying local you’re also supporting your neighbors and the bees!

    2. Saline spray or Nasal rinseAllergies can often cause nasal congestion or dryness. A sinus flush using a saline spray or nasal rinse can help to clear out any lingering pollen, as well as moisturizing your nasal passages. There are some health risks associated with using a Neti Pot or nasal rinse so be sure to follow all instructions when using these.

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