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HomeCauseCan Allergies Cause Headaches And Body Aches

Can Allergies Cause Headaches And Body Aches

Why Sinus Headache Is A Diagnostic Challenge: Similarities And Differences

Why The Flu Causes Aches & Pains

Another common feature of allergic rhinitis and migraine is their seasonal exacerbation in the spring, fall, and summer months as a result of allergic triggers . A study from South Korea conducted between 2005 and 2013 showed that 13.5 % of migraine patients reported seasonal exacerbations . Moreover, the costs of migraine treatment are higher during allergy season , because many people with migraine experience an increase in headache intensity and frequency due to coexisting allergic rhinitis . Furthermore, ocular and nasal symptoms in allergic rhinitis may vary from day to day, depending on the allergen concentration in the atmosphere .

To avoid a misdiagnosis, it is important to realize that the pain characteristics of each condition may differ. Patients describe sinus-related pain as dull and pressure-like usually bilateral located in the maxillary, glabellar, periorbital, or frontal regions of the skull and worse in the morning. Those with migraine, on the other hand, usually describe the pain as throbbing or stabbing, mostly unilateral, moderate to severe in intensity, located in the temporal or retro-orbital area, and not worse during a particular time of day .

Is Asthma A Risk Factor For Severe Covid Infection

Early in the pandemic we were worried our asthmatic patients would have severe COVID infections, says Dr. Fung. But now, more evidence is piling up that asthmatics do all right. Theres more reason for worry with patients with COPD or other underlying lung conditions. If youre an asthmatic, and get a COVID infection, you should still alert your doctor and get help if symptoms are getting worse despite taking asthma medicines.

What Is An Allergy Headache

An allergy headache refers to the symptoms associated with your allergies more than an actual type of headache. Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is a common inflammation of the inside of your nose caused by allergens. That inflammation can present as pain that feels like a headache.

What does an allergy headache feel like? An allergy headache can feel like sinus pressure and facial pain throughout the nose, forehead, and cheekbones.

It can present with symptoms that resemble the common cold: sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes/watery eyes, nasal congestion, and nasal buildup.

What youre referring to as an allergy headache may be a different kind of headache, as well.

Your headache may be caused by a sinus infection, migraines, ice pick headaches, or other underlying conditions or triggers. If youre waking up with headaches, for example, that could be a sign of an undiagnosed sleep disorder.

Headaches could also be triggered by other factors outside of allergies, even among those who have allergies. Those include:

  • Cold or flu symptoms
  • Lack of sleep/Change in sleep patterns

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You Suffer From Chronic Constipation Despite Eating A High Fiber Diet And Drinking At Least Two Liters Of Fluid Per Day

This may be due to Lyme disease affecting the GI tract, food sensitivities and/or a lack of adequate magnesium in the diet.

Solution:Do a food allergy/sensitivity profile, try off grains such as wheat, and do a blood test for mineral deficiencies, including magnesium, with a serum and red blood cell magnesium level. Often, getting off sensitive foods and increasing magnesium in the diet will help with chronic constipation.

Can Pollen Allergies Cause Body Aches

Headache And Sore Throat And Body Aches

Pollen allergy is very common millions of Americans are affected by this allergic reaction. An individual can be allergic to the pet dander, pollen, foods, dust and even plants. But, can pollen allergies cause body aches?

Discomfort is the main issue with pollen allergy. Sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat and wheezing are common symptoms of pollen allergy. Hives, itchy skin, cough and body aches are not frequent.

Recommended Reading: Zyrtec.

How Is Allergic Rhinitis Treated

Several allergy medications can improve symptoms and help you live with hay fever. These treatments come in many forms, including liquids, pills, eye drops, nasal sprays and injections. Talk to your provider before taking any medication, especially if youre pregnant or have other health concerns. Your provider may suggest:

Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

  • Loratadine .
  • Fexofenadine .
  • Levocetirizine .

Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol when taking antihistamines, especially if youre going to drive.

These medications relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. You can take decongestants by mouth or use a nasal spray. They include:

  • Afrin® nasal spray.
  • Phenylephrine nasal spray .
  • Pseudoephedrine .

Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase®, Nasacort® and Rhinocort®. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

Your provider might recommend immunotherapy in the form of a pill that you place under your tongue.

Seasonal Allergies & Digestive Symptoms

Among some of the lesser-known symptoms of seasonal allergies are stomach upset, constipation, diarrhea, GERD, acid reflux, nausea, and stomach cramping.

These digestive symptoms can come with little or no upper respiratory symptoms which is why it can be difficult for these symptoms to be traced back to their source.

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Talk To Your Allergist Right Away If You Are Suffering From Body Aches And / Or Cfs

You do not have to live with chronic pain and you do not have to live with fatigue. At Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group we have helped many patients with allergies, joint pain, and much more. We highly suggest you call us right away at 805-658-9500 for an appointment. We can do through testing to get the most accurate diagnosis which will lead us to the right treatment plan.

Figure Out Whats Causing Allergies

What causes body pain, fever with headache? – Dr. Sharat Honnatti

Allergy symptoms are a sign your body is fighting off an allergen.

So to best manage those symptoms, its important to identify what youre allergic to.

If you have allergy symptoms that only happen certain times of the year you might have allergic rhinitis .

The most common causes of allergic rhinitis include:

  • Pollen, which usually causes allergies in the spring and early summer
  • Mold, or tiny fungi that float in the air like pollen, which usually causes symptoms in late summer and early fall

Other forms of allergic rhinitis also stem from environmental allergens, but they may occur year-round:

  • Animal dander
  • Dust mites, tiny organisms found in household fibers

Other common allergy causes may be easier to identify, because theyre not circulating in the environment:

  • Insects and insect stings
  • Foods
  • Medications

If you have persistent allergy symptoms and youre not sure what youre allergic to, speak with your doctor.

An allergist can diagnose you via allergy testing and recommend a treatment to help.

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Can Allergies Cause Dizziness

Dizziness caused by allergies is not very common but it can be one of the symptoms of allergies. There are different types of allergen and dizziness can be caused by allergens found in food as well as air-borne allergen. Allergens like pollens and dust present in the air usually affects the upper respiratory system and the Eustachian tube in the ears. The allergens exerts pressure on the Eustachian tubes and lead to extra fluid in the tube. This liquid then accumulates in the middle of the ear and causes dizziness. It can also lead to ear infection, troubled hearing and clogged ears. . Also Read – Pregnant Women Should Not Delay Covid Vaccination, Study Suggests

Allergens present in food can also cause dizziness and lightheadedness. The body produces a compound called Histamine, which fights the allergen and is also responsible for the allergic reactions. Dizziness can be one of the allergic reactions when your body encounters an allergen. You may experience the symptoms hours after you eat the allergic food or as soon as you eat it. Also Read – Covaxin For Children: Why Will Children Aged 15 To 18 Will Get Only Covaxin? Know What Expert Has To Say On This | Watch Video

Chronic Daily Headache And Allergic Rhinitis: Epidemiology And Burden

Chronic daily headache comprises a group of primary and secondary headache disorders in which headache is present on more than 15 days per month for at least 3 months . Approximately, 3 to 5 % of the US population suffers from chronic daily headaches, and the most frequent of which is chronic migraine . This debilitating disorder affects around 2 % of the general population and is the leading cause of outpatient and emergency department visits . According to the most recent health surveillance studies by the US National Center for Health Statistics, migraine affects roughly one in seven Americans annually, which is comparable to statistics from the previous 8 years . Surprisingly, a recent US study found that the proper diagnosis of chronic migraine is often elusive: only 20 % of patients who fulfill the criteria are diagnosed with the disorder . Several studies have provided evidence that migraine is one of the diseases that mimic allergic rhinitis .

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Managing Your Seasonal Allergies

One of the most important things someone suffering from allergies can do is to identify the triggers. While some people seem to blame one trigger, it is possible that there are actually multiple triggers. It is not uncommon for those who suffer from spring allergies to show symptoms throughout the year. Some ways to avoid triggers include:

  • Shower after being outdoors.
  • Monitor pollen and mold counts, which are available on TV or in the news.
  • Stay inside during peak pollen counts, which is the middle of the day of the afternoon.
  • Wear a filter mask when working outdoors.
  • Take preventive medication.

You can take other precautions as well, such as bathing and shampooing your hair each day to completely remove the pollen from your hair and skin. You should also wash your bedding in hot soapy water at least once a week.

You may need to wear sunglasses outdoors to protect your eyes from pollen. Those with severe allergies might find that a facemask is helpful during times when daily pollen counts are very high. It is also important to avoid line drying your bedding or clothes outdoors if the local pollen counts are high, as pollen can settle on these items.

When You Ache All Over

Sore Throat Ear Pain Headache

Muscle pain that affects a small part of your body is usually caused by overuse — sore arms from lifting boxes all day, for example. Or it could be a minor injury, like a bruised shoulder after a fall. But when you ache all over your body, itâs more likely caused by an infection, illness, or medicine youâve taken.

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Cleaning Your Nasal Passages

Regularly cleaning your nasal passages with a salt water solution known as nasal douching or irrigation can also help by keeping your nose free of irritants.

You can do this either by using a homemade solution or a solution made with sachets of ingredients bought from a pharmacy.

Small syringes or pots that often look like small horns or teapots are also available to help flush the solution around the inside of your nose.

To make the solution at home, mix half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into a pint of boiled water that’s been left to cool to around body temperature do not attempt to rinse your nose while the water is still hot.

To rinse your nose:

  • stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it
  • sniff the water into one nostril at a time
  • repeat this until your nose feels comfortable you may not need to use all of the solution

While you do this, some solution may pass into your throat through the back of your nose. The solution is harmless if swallowed, but try to spit out as much of it as possible.

Nasal irrigation can be carried out as often as necessary, but a fresh solution should be made each time.

Preventing Food Related Headaches

Preventing food allergy headaches can be as simple as avoiding specific trigger foods once you figure out what your triggers are. But some triggers are difficult to avoid because they are found in most processed foods, this can also make those triggers difficult to find.

If youre having difficulty finding your trigger foods, it may be time to talk to a headache specialist at a headache treatment clinic to learn more about how to prevent headaches caused from allergies. Contact the National Headache Institute for more information on our cutting-edge treatments including stem cell treatment. Call today to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations.

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Food Allergies And Joint Pain

Seasonal allergies arent the only type of allergies that can contribute to joint pain. Certain foods can cause your body to have an inflammatory response because of a pre-existing condition, a food sensitivity or allergy. Inflammation is what causes the joints to swell and create pain or discomfort. There are two main culprits for food-related joint pain:

  • Arthritis
  • Food allergy or sensitivity

If you already have arthritis, then you probably have experienced some amount of joint pain in the past. Although there are many different types, arthritis is basically inflammation that affects your joints, causing pain and stiffness. Some patients with this condition experience increased inflammation after eating certain foods. This is especially true of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes chronic joint inflammation, especially in the hands and feet.

Even though arthritis causes your body to be in a constant inflammatory state, its important to be aware of the triggers that can cause bouts of increased inflammation and lead to painful joint symptoms. Some foods known to impact arthritic patients and cause joint pain include:

  • Food allergy/sensitivity test
  • Elimination diet
  • Nutritional deficiency test

Whether it be gluten, dairy or an assortment of other foods, identifying and eliminating these triggers from your diet could help you manage joint pain. An anti-inflammatory menu will also be beneficial to your overall health and well-being.

Aches & Pains After Eating 5 Signs It May Be An Undiagnosed Food Allergy

Sinus Headaches: Causes & Treatment

If you experience unexplained chronic fatigue, joint aches, muscle pains, headaches, memory problems, or sleep disorders, it may be worth it to check what you’re eating.

People are frequently diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, or a psychiatric disorder, such as anxiety or depression, typically because physicians are unable to find another cause for their symptoms.

Can we do better? Patients who come to see me with chronic symptoms often have many potential overlapping medical issues contributing to their chronic illness. Some of the biggest culprits? Food allergies, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies. That said, your aches and pains could very well be caused by what you’re eating.

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Which Allergies Cause Headaches

Here are some of the common allergies that can lead to headaches:

  • Allergic rhinitis . If you have a headache along with seasonal and indoor nasal allergies, its more likely due to a migraine headache rather than allergies. But pain related to hay fever or other allergic reactions may cause headaches due to sinus disease. A true sinus headache is actually quite rare.
  • Food allergies. There can be a relationship between food and headaches. For example, foods like aged cheese, artificial sweeteners, and chocolate can trigger a migraine in some people. Experts believe its the chemical properties of certain foods that trigger the pain, as opposed to a true food allergy.
  • Histamine. The body produces histamines in response to an allergic reaction. Among other things, histamines decrease blood pressure . This can result in headache.

Treat an allergy headache the same way that youd deal with any other headache. If allergies are the source of the headache, there are ways to address the root cause.

How To Manage Symptoms

Although not often discussed, seasonal allergies can lead to body aches and pain in addition to other symptoms like congestion, coughing, and watery eyes. This is due to increased inflammation in the body. Repeatedly coughing and sneezing can trigger even more pain. Read more to learn how to better manage seasonal allergies and help prevent body aches.

Verywell / Mayya Agapova

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How Can Eating The Wrong Foods Make Us Sick

Many of the symptoms that we see in conditions like Lyme disease are due to inflammatory molecules in the body, called cytokines, which are produced during the infectious process. These can cause fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pain, mood swings, sleep problems and cognitive difficulties. These same molecules are also produced when we eat the wrong types of foods, and can contribute to resistant symptoms.

Seasonal Allergies Vs Sinus Infection

Sinus headache: Symptoms, treatments, and home remedies

Sinuses are a connected system of air-filled cavities behind the forehead and cheekbones and between the eyes . Normally, the mucous produced by the sinuses drain into the nose.

Seasonal allergies or hay fever is not the same thing as a sinus infection. Hay fever is a condition in which your immune system responds to some stimulus. It is often pollen but could also be dust mites, pollution or smoke. The immune system causes the nasal passages and sinus linings to swell and become inflamed.

Hay fever symptoms include the following.

  • Sneezing, often multiple times in a row
  • Watery eyes
  • Itchy eyes, nose and throat
  • Headache
  • A sinus infection or sinusitis is also an inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses. The same allergens that cause seasonal allergies can make a sinus infection feel worse. Still, the sinus infection is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, which leads to inflammation in the sinus cavities. It involves more than swelling of nasal passages and sinus linings.

    When you have a sinus infection, fluid fills the cavities, and the bacteria, viruses or fungi grow in the fluid. Some physicians prefer the use of the term rhinosinusitis because inflamed sinus cavities are usually accompanied by swollen nasal cavities. Rhino is the medical term for the nose when combined with another term.

    Symptoms of a sinus infection, per the Centers for Disease Control, include the following.

    • Stuffy nose
    • Facial pain or pressure
    • Chronic fatigue

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