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Can Allergies Make You Lightheaded

What Causes Sinus Dizziness

Why your allergies might be causing vertigo

Dizziness can be a symptom of nasal allergies. You get nasal allergies when your immune system mistakes certain substances called allergens for threats. When you encounter an allergen, your body releases histamines. Histamines help your body get rid of harmful substances, but they are an overreaction to an allergen. They cause symptoms like:

  • Sneezing

Airborne allergies can cause a number of ear and sinus symptoms, including:

  • Sinus congestion
  • Inflammation of the lining of the eustachian tube, also called the auditory tube

The auditory tube normally equalizes the pressure in the middle ear. When it’s blocked by inflammation, pressure builds up. This is what makes your ears feel plugged. Sometimes, this can result in dizziness or balance problems.

Your allergy medication may cause dizziness as a side effect, too. It can also make you feel lightheaded. Most oral antihistamines can cause dizziness.

Dizziness is sometimes confused with vertigo or lightheadedness. Dizziness and vertigo are similar, but they are distinct symptoms. Dizziness is when you feel off-balance, while vertigo is the feeling that you or your surroundings are in motion. You can experience dizziness and vertigo at the same time.

These sensations are distinct from lightheadedness, which is a feeling like you might faint.

Reduce Quick Head Movements

Especially when dizziness is a primary symptom, do not stand up quickly or spin around. Notice how you may feel sicker when cleaning or cooking, activities which have a surprising amount of quick stooping and getting up.

If you do have to be very active, take breaks. Applying a cool compress to the back of the head often helps nausea and feelings of dizziness.

What Causes An Asthma Attack

Asthma triggers cause muscles around your airways to tighten. They also cause inflammation. This makes the lining of the airways swell. And thick, sticky mucus forms.

The result: breathing becomes more difficult.

As Joseph Allen, MD, Family Medicine of Vandalia, explains, A lot of people relate it to breathing through a straw where they just feel like they cannot move the air in and out of their lungs. So, you get this inflammation, it constricts the bronchioles .

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What happens to the body when person has an asthma attack?

Most asthma attacks are moderate flare-ups. In this case, symptoms include:

  • Tightening chest

Asthma attacks can rise to a life-threatening, emergency level when you have the following symptoms:

  • Severe breathing difficulty
  • Being too short of breath to talk or walk
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy, like youre going to pass out
  • Lips or fingers turning blue
  • The strength of your exhalations measure under 50 percent of your personal best on a peak flow monitor

Severe asthma attacks like this can cause brain damage or death. This is because your lungs lose their ability to take in life-giving oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.

Call 911 or get someone to call for you when you experience any of the above symptoms, especially if you cannot immediately relieve them with your prescribed quick-relief medication.

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Recommended Reading: Zyrtec Anti Allergy

Can Allergies Make You Weak And Shaky

Allergies can cause all kinds of unpleasant, distracting symptoms, from digestive upsets and headaches to respiratory trouble and runny eyes. However, you may also have experienced another few hallmark symptoms of allergy problems: fatigue, drowsiness, and mental sluggishness.

Can sinus issues cause lightheadedness?

When its blocked, its no longer able to equalize pressure in the ear and maintain balance in your body. These middle-ear disturbances can cause symptoms of dizziness in people with allergies, colds, and sinus infections. Lightheadedness may also be a symptom of allergies.

Can allergies make you tired dizzy?

When you feel dizzy after being around certain pollens, you may be allergic. Pollen allergies will cause your immune system to release chemicals that fight off the allergen. This can cause a buildup of mucus in the upper respiratory tract and ears, which can make you feel dizzy.

Why do seasonal allergies cause brain fog?

Brain Fog During Allergy Season Is Not All in Your Head. A similar study used neuropsychological tests to demonstrate changes in cognitive function among people with seasonal allergies when they were exposed to ragweed pollen. Allergies adversely affected a broad range of cognitive functions, according to the researchers,

Can seasonal allergies cause dizziness and fatigue?

What Can You Do

Allergies and Vertigo

Address diet certain foods such as smoked meats, walnuts, cashew nuts, milk-based products and foods with artificial colourings are high in histamine so these are best avoided when suffering from allergic rhinitis. However, there are foods low in histamine that you can eat instead such as fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, as well as herbal teas.

Try Echinacea – the immune system has to work extra hard when suffering from allergic rhinitis in order to fight off allergens. This puts it under a great deal of strain so any extra assistance you can give it could be beneficial. Echinafoce Echinacea Drops are ideal for this as they are made from fresh Echinacea in order to fully support the immune system.

Try nettle tea this is a natural antihistamine so it should help you deal with the symptoms that come about as a result of this chemical. Such symptoms include inflammation and, therefore, dizziness too.

Up your vitamin C intake vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and is great for the immune system too. This means its a great addition to your diet when youre suffering from allergic rhinitis. You can obtain vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges, but dont forget that strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes and leafy greens also contain vitamin C.

Also Check: Fast Acting Allergy Medicine Non Drowsy

Healthy Air Is On The Way

Find an Aprilaire professional near you.

Whats the State of Your Air this fall? Lets take a look! Depending on where you reside in the nation, your air quality could be impacted by unplanned weather-related events, like drought, flooding, or poor air quality from nearby city smog or local wildfires.

As we fall into autumn, there are three distinct air quality inhibitors that we think about depending on where we live. Keep reading to find out what you should be on the lookout for this season and how you can protect your home and family from the residual effects outdoor air can have on your Indoor Air Quality.

What Is An Asthma Action Plan

Your healthcare provider will work with you to develop an asthma action plan. This plan tells you how and when to use your medicines. It also tells you what to do if your asthma gets worse and when to seek emergency care. Understand the plan and ask your healthcare provider about anything you dont understand.

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Why Pollen Allergy Season Causes Vertigo According To Science

Pollen is really out here trying to ruin all our lives. For some allergy sufferers, it can can cause intense and seemingly random dizzy spells.

Vertigo is a symptom some people experience alongside various illnesses. Itâs a feeling of being dizzy to the point of disconnection at worst, a person might feel completely disoriented and even nauseous.

Since weâre right in the middle of a truly terrible allergy season, it makes sense some allergy sufferers are experiencing vertigo. Because allergies affect a personâs sinuses, congestion in this area contributes to feelings of disorientation.

According to the Silverstein Institute for ear, nose, and throat treatment, allergies can irritate âthe middle ear down to the back of your throat.â This region, called the Eustachian tube, is partly responsible for keeping us balanced.

âWhen it is clogged, it cannot equalize the pressure in your ear and help your body maintain its balance and thatâs when you feel the dizziness,â SI reports.

Sinus congestion and, thus, vertigo are caused by your bodyâs response to something foreign. In this case, the alien body is pollen. When the bodyâs immune system works into overdrive to âattackâ these bodies, we experience allergy symptoms like nasal congestion, throat irritation, and more.

If youâre feeling sick or tired from allergies, just know that the worst will be over soon â hopefully.

Can Allergies Cause Dizziness

Can menopause cause dizziness and light-headedness?

Have you ever felt faint, lightheaded or unsteady on your feet when you were experiencing an allergic reaction? It doesnt happen often, but there are a number of reasons why having allergies may make you feel dizzy.

Fortunately, its possible to treat dizziness caused by allergic reactions, which should help you feel steady and stable once again.

Dizziness is a rare but possible side effect of allergies, and once you identify the cause, its possible to treat it and feel like your usual self, says Mohammad Younus, M.D., an allergy and immunology specialist at Hackensack Meridian Health.

When youre having an allergic reaction, these factors may cause dizziness:

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Bppv Or Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo:

This condition is one of the most frequently seen causes for the feeling of giddiness. It is the condition when the patient experiences a spinning sensation with mild to severe giddiness. The spinning sensation is called vertigo. Any change in the position of the patients head can trigger the sensation. It can also be caused by lying down, sitting up or turning over in bed. BPPV is caused by problems with the inner ear.

The inner ear has tubes or canals that are filled with fluid that moves in accordance with the persons head rotation movements. The canals also have hair-like sensors that detect movement in the fluid thus telling the brain about the persons position. The ear also has Otolith Organs that have crystals that are sensitive to gravity and can detect the up and down, back and forth as well as the right and left movements of the person. When these crystals get dislodged they tend to move to the fluid containing canals. This confuses the bodys mechanism for sensing movement and sends confusing signals to the brain causing the spinning sensation of vertigo.

Q What Medicine Is Good For Dizziness

  • Dizziness usually gets better without receiving any form of treatment. The body starts adapting to whatever is causing the condition within a few weeks. However, if the symptoms affect your day to day activities, and you seek treatment, your doctor will try to identify the cause of your condition and symptoms. The treatment may include medication and balance exercises.
  • In case your dizziness persists without any causes, prescription drugs, and other treatments can help alleviate the symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications.
    • Water pills: A water pill or a diuretic is prescribed when your dizziness is caused due to Menieres disease. The medication, coupled with a low-salt diet, can effectively reduce the episodes of dizziness.
    • Antihistamines and anticholinergics: Such medications are known to provide immediate relief from dizziness, vertigo, and nausea. Many of them may cause drowsiness.
    • Anti-anxiety medications: Examples include benzodiazepine drugs like Diazepam and Alprazolam. Like antihistamines and anticholinergics, these medications can cause drowsiness as well.
    • Anti-anxiety medications: Examples include benzodiazepine drugs like Diazepam and Alprazolam. Like antihistamines and anticholinergics, these medications can cause drowsiness as well.
    • Preventive medicine for migraine attacks

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    The State Of Fall Allergies In 2021

    Yes, allergies come back around in the fall and after a pretty pollen-filled spring season, we dont have much relief to look forward to this time around. And, with air pollution playing a critical role in triggering allergy symptoms, all regions of the nation will be impacted. Are you a fall allergy sufferer? Heres what you need to know this year.

    The spring allergy season usually sets the tone for fall. If theres too much rain in the spring, it could lead to mold growth that forces your symptoms to last throughout the fall. Another common trigger of fall allergies? Ragweed! Ragweed pollen can trigger your sneezes, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, certain climate factors could contribute to your symptom severity, including high heat and humidity that causes mold growth and warm winds that cause pollen counts to surge.

    While its almost impossible to control your exposure to outdoor allergens, you can suppress your exposure when indoors, thanks to Aprilaire whole-home Indoor Air Quality solutions.

    Fall Allergy Season: Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality

    Sudden Drop In Blood Pressure

    Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Lightheaded?  Action Against Allergy

    The autonomic nervous system helps the body regulate the shift in blood pressure when we stand up. As we get older, this system may deteriorate, causing a temporary drop in blood pressure when we standknown as orthostatic hypotensionresulting in lightheadedness. This may be a long-term problem, but there are medications to treat it, such as midodrine and fludrocortisone , so this too warrants a trip to your doctor.

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    Are Asthma Medicines Safe When Youre Breastfeeding

    Asthma medicines do get into your breast milk, but the amounts are very low and are safe for the baby. If you take high doses of certain asthma medicines, like theophylline, your baby may become irritable or have trouble sleeping. To help prevent this, take your asthma medicines 3 or 4 hours before the next feeding. Your provider and your babys provider can help you adjust your medicine schedule so you and your baby can get the health benefits of breastfeeding.

    Last reviewed: November, 2013

    The Link Between Allergies & Dizziness

    Now that its winter, allergies arent top of mind for most people in Boone and Jefferson, but they can occur year-round. In fact, theres often a spike in December. After all, its the one month during the year where youre likely to find a tree taking up space in the living room. This can trigger the usual allergy symptoms, and might even make you feel dizzya fact thats got nothing to do with all those gift receipts youre filing away.

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    Q What Are The Home Remedies For Vertigo

  • Vertigo can restrict a persons activities and make them feel uneasy. While there are medications available to treat vertigo, natural home remedies to work well without any side effects. Some of the home remedies for vertigo are:
    • Epley manoeuver
    • Ginkgo biloba, an herb that relieves dizziness by managing blood flow to the brain.
    • Drinking ginger tea may help with dizziness and nausea.
    • Dehydration can worsen the symptoms of vertigo. So, staying hydrated is important.
    • Essential oils, including peppermint, lavender, ginger, and lemon, can be topically applied or inhaled through an infuser to treat the symptoms of vertigo.
    • Acupressure can help manage vertigo by stimulating the pressure points in the body.

    What Causes Lightheadedness

    The Cause and the Treatment Of Allergies and Dizziness At Home | Daniel Natural Health Tips

    The main causes of lightheadedness are:

    • dehydration this can happen if you haven’t had enough to drink, if it’s very hot, or if you are sick
    • side effects of some medicines
    • a sudden drop in blood pressure when you stand up quickly
    • low iron levels in the blood
    • losing a lot of blood

    Sometimes people feel lightheaded when they have vertigo, a sense that the room is spinning. This is normally caused by a condition in the inner ear.

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    Allergies And Dizziness 101

    Itchy and watery eyes, coughing, and running noses are often signs of allergies. But dizziness? Its actually a more common allergy symptom than you think.

    Thomas Chacko, MD, an Atlanta-based board-certified allergist, and immunologist, says many things can trigger dizziness, including allergies.

    My goal is if we can treat the allergies and decrease the allergic inflammation, the symptoms of dizziness may improve, explains Dr. Chacko, who served as president of the Georgia Allergy, Asthma Immunology Society.

    The issues can be complex when dealing with dizziness, he says, and finding the cause and cure usually involves some work with your doctor.

    Heres what you need to know about allergies and dizziness, including treatments and when to see your doctor.

    Why Do People Miss The Connection Between Allergies And Vertigo

    Vertigo is a symptom of many vestibular disorders, such as vestibular neuritis, as well as potential neurological issues. Because it feels frightening and often indicates a larger medical problem, patients may not always connect the dots between their existing allergies and their vertigo. If you have unexplained vertigo and also suffer from seasonal allergies, pursue the connection by contacting your doctor.

    How Can I Treat Allergy-Related Vertigo?

    The good news is that allergy-related vertigo will respond to typical allergy treatments. The first step is to identify what specific allergens are causing the reaction. Once a patient has a confirmed diagnosis, it is much easier to identify effective treatments for the symptoms caused. Over-the-counter allergy medications and nasal steroid sprays, as well as daily saline rinses, will bring some immediate relief. It may take a patient some trial and error to find the combination that works for them.

    Long-term relief will come from successfully treating the allergies themselves. There are a number of options for patients, including allergy shots and sinus reconstruction surgery. Patients can also take steps to reduce their exposure to allergens, such as installing air filters in their home and sweeping more frequently.


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    You’re Taking A New Medication

    Anyone who’s ever sat through an antibiotic commercial is well aware that most pharmaceuticals come with a hefty list of potential side effects. If you’ve ever actually listened to that list , you may have noticed that “dizziness” is a regular offender. Per Scientific American, dizziness is one of the most common side effects of prescription drugs. If a short-term antibiotic is making you dizzy, you can probably hack it for a few days, but if a new, longer-term prescription has you feeling off your game, it’s probably worth it to check in with your doctor.


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