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HomeMust ReadCan Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure And Headaches

Can Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure And Headaches

How To Prevent Sinus And Allergy Symptoms

Sinus Pressure Caused by Weather

If you experience allergies, there are ways you can reduce your exposure to allergens and prevent symptoms:

  • Track pollen counts. On sunny or windy days, there will be more pollen in the air. Check your local forecast to see when pollen counts will be highest.
  • Shower and change after spending time outside at Grand Park. Youll want to remove allergens right away so you dont spread them through your home.
  • Install a HEPA filter. These high-efficiency particulate air filters can reduce the amount of allergens in your home or office.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with an allergy expert, call the House Institute today.

What Are The Symptoms Of Sinus Headaches And Migraines

Sinus headaches and migraines have the following symptoms in common:

  • Pain in the head especially the forehead
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Worsening pain when you move

Migraines tend to also have some of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light or sound
  • Severe pain located on one size of the head

Sinus headaches and migraines are often confused, and its important to know which type you have so you can receive treatment thats more likely to help.

If youre experiencing headaches,;make an appointment;today for an evaluation at Houston Sinus Surgery at the Yeung Institute. Well correctly diagnose the type of headache you have as well as any underlying issues that are causing them and devise an effective treatment plan.

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How To Relieve Sinus & Nasal Pain Caused By Barometric Pressure

Barometric pressure–the weight of atmospheric air pressing on a geographic area–changes continuously, accompanying local weather shifts. If you have preexisting sinus diseases or migraine headaches, barometric pressure changes can trigger agonizing sinus and nasal pain 6. You can take steps to relieve the pain and determine what is causing your sinuses’ reaction to barometric pressure changes.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

Keep a diary of sinus pain attacks, listing the dates and symptoms, so that you will have a record for your doctors. Write down the weather conditions on those days, including the barometric pressure 2. Ask your relatives if any type of sinus headaches runs in your family 6.

Consult an allergist and an ear, nose and throat specialist to find out if other medical problems are making your sinuses reactive to barometric pressure, as recommended by MedlinePlus, a service of the National Institutes of Health 1.Once these problems are healed or stabilized, your sinus attacks may disappear through treatments such as antibiotics, nasal allergy sprays or surgery.

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Can Sinus Pressure Cause A Migraine

Sinus headaches and migraines have many symptoms in common, but theyre not the same type of headache. Once the underlying sinus issue is resolved, sinus headaches should go away. But with migraines, ongoing medication may be needed to help prevent them from recurring.

Sinus pressure may be somewhat linked to migraines, however. If you have allergic rhinitis, your nasal passages can become inflamed and irritated in response to an allergen. Its thought that the histamine release that occurs as part of the allergic reaction can cause migraines. In fact, people who have allergic rhinitis are more than 10 times more likely to suffer from migraines.

Allergy Sinusitis And Sinus Headache Resources

Causes of Sinus Infection and Temple Pain

There are a number of very good resources available for people suffering from allergies, sinusitis, and sinus headaches:

  • Al-Hashel, J. Y., Ahmed, S. F., Alroughani, R., & Goadsby, P. J. . Migraine misdiagnosis as a sinusitis, a delay that can last for many years. Retrieved from;
  • Bono, F., Messina, D., Giliberto, C., Cristiano, D., Broussard, G., Fera, F., . . . Quattrone, A. . Bilateral transverse sinus stenosis predicts IIH without papilledema in patients with migraine. Retrieved from;
  • Cady, R. K., & Schreiber, C. P. . Sinus headache or migraine? Retrieved from;
  • Chronic sinusitis. . Retrieved from;
  • C.; . Sinus Headaches. Retrieved from;
  • December;62:752-754, J. F., & Author: Christopher Boisselle, MD Richard Guthmann, MD, MPH Kathy Cable, MLS. . What clinical clues differentiate migraine from sinus headaches? Retrieved from;
  • ENT Health. . Sinus Headaches.
  • Migraine Symptoms. . Retrieved from;
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    Ocular Migraines Coming From Sinus Inflammation

    Asked by matthewjames83

    Ocular Migraines Coming From Sinus Inflammation?

    For 2 years now I’ve been experiencing what I would call ocular migraines that I believe are caused by sinus inflammation. I’ve spent thousands of dollars with CT scans, MRIs, etc… If someone feels they can assist with what I’m experiencing, please let me know.

    Here’s a quick summary:

    Kaleidoscope like visuals start in a very small area of my vision, making it difficult to focus on printed words or small objects. The kaleidoscope visuals grow in size, larger and larger over the period of about 30-40 minutes. Note: I see this in both eyes, not just one. After 30-40 minutes, the visuals will completely disappear and be followed by a severe migraine that typically lasts anywhere from an hour to 4 or more hours.

    I’ve never had much of any headaches in my life until these started in 2011. I’m 30 years old. Doctors sent me for a CT scan and MRI, which showed nothing but very inflamed sinuses. I was not sick or suffering from allergies at the time, but I’ve had sinus issues all of my life. Can the headaches be caused by the swelling/inflammation of the sinuses? Anything that can be done to reduce that swelling?

    The Lowdown On Stressed Sinuses

    A flare-up of seasonal allergies, called hay fever, causes stuffy noses and irritated sinuses. But allergy sufferers will notice mainly that they have a runny nose with clear output and itchy, watery eyes. Their symptoms are also often tied to certain times of year and specific allergens like animal dander, dust, pollen or mold.

    If youre plugged up with thick mucus thats green or yellow, you could have an infection. Sinus infectionswhether caused by bacteria or a viruscan also bring along other symptoms like mild headache, fatigue, weakness or a cough. Viruses are far more likely to be the cause of sinus infections. Certain symptoms increase the probably of bacterial sinusitis:

    • Persistent sinusitis symptoms for longer than 10 days, especially with double worsening. This means symptoms start to improve and then get worse a few days later.
    • A fever, especially a high one over 102 .
    • Asymmetric pain in one or more sinus areas. These include under or above the eyes and above the bridge of the nose.

    Pain in the face for a few days in a row along with worsening symptoms may require treatment, Dr. Hood explains, but noted that determining the difference between a bacterial and viral infection isnt always clear-cut.

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    How To Get Rid Of A Sinus Pressure Headache

    If you suffer from allergies, you may have congested sinuses as well, and this can lead to a sinus pressure headache. If youre wondering how to;get rid of a sinus pressure headache, the first;thing you need to understand is that;these types of headaches can have several causes. Consequently, sinus headaches have a few different remedies.

    When To See Your Doctor

    Sinus Pressure and Headaches.

    Although many allergies can be controlled with judicial use of OTC medications, its always wise to consult with your doctor. If allergies are negatively impacting your quality of life or interfering with your daily activities, its in your best interests to explore treatment options with your doctor.

    Your doctor might recommend that you see an allergist. This is a physician specializing in diagnosing and treating allergic conditions, such as asthma and eczema. An allergist might offer you a number of suggestions for treatment, including:

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    How Are Sinus Headaches Treated

    Sinus headaches treatment is usually directed toward sinus headache pain reliefand treating the infection. Treatment might include antibiotics for the infection, as well as a short period of pain and fever reliever , decongestants , or antihistamines to treat the sinus headache symptoms and provide sinus headache relief.

    Analgesics can relieve headache pain while the nasal decongestants relieve sinus congestion and pressure, help clear nasal passages, and shrink swollen membranes.

    If the sinus headache pain continues after using pain-relievers, corticosteroids may be prescribed to further decrease the inflammation. When an allergen is causing the sinus flare-ups, preventive allergy therapy is often needed. If you have questions or concerns about your sinus headache pain and how to treat sinus headaches, consult your doctor. Medication should be used as directed.

    Managing Allergy Headaches And Triggers

    The key to managing your allergies and reducing headaches is limiting exposure to allergens and triggers.

    • Stay indoors and keep the windows shut when pollen counts are high.
    • Wear glasses or sunglasses outdoors to keep pollen from getting in your eyes.
    • Use the air conditioning in your home and in your car. Make sure to change out the air filters regularly and keep AC units clean.
    • Use mite-proof covers in your bedroom for pillows, comforters, and mattresses to reduce exposure to;dust mites.
    • Keep your homes humidity at 30-50% to reduce exposure to mold. Clean your kitchen, bathrooms, and basement regularly and use a dehumidifier in damp, humid places.
    • Wash floors with a damp mop or rag to avoid dry-sweeping or dusting.
    • If you are allergic to a pet, keep them outside of your home. If a pet must be kept indoors, keep it out of the bedroom so you are not exposed to allergens while you sleep.
    • Replace carpeting with hardwood, tile or linoleum to reduce dander in the home.

    Many sinus headache triggers are airborne and difficult to avoid. Discuss your options with your allergist to decide which treatment options are best for you.

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    What Natural Items Help Clear Your Sinuses

    There are a few things that can help clear sinuses. These include:

    • Fresh fruit
    • Lean protein sources such as fish and poultry
    • Whole grains like brown rice or quinoa
    • Neti pot
    • Soup broth with chicken stock for flavor
    • Salty snacks to bring up fluids in the body
    • Proper breathing is one of the most important things you can do if you want to get rid of a congested nose
    • Tea made from peppermint leaves or even ginger works good
    • Power nap
    • Garlic
    • Inhale steam from boiling or simmering soap

    Some of these are recommended because pasteurization may kill important immune-supporting properties of this food product as well as those beneficial enzymes which act as a natural anti-inflammatory in the body.

    Inhale steam from boiling or simmering soap. This is done by using a pot of water on the stove, and then placing your head over it with a towel draped to cover you up. You can also purchase an electric steamer, which will be more convenient for those who suffer from frequent sinus headaches because they wont need to worry about balancing hot pots of boiling water around their home in search of relief.

    So Can Sinuses Cause Dizziness

    Migraine and Sinus Headache: How to Tell the Difference

    The answer is yes, and its not uncommon for people to experience this issue. It can be caused by allergies or a cold, but there are also other causes that well talk about in the following paragraphs.

    If youre experiencing dizziness and want to know if your sinuses may be the cause, then keep reading!

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Sinus Headaches

    Sinus headaches are associated with a deep and constant pain in the cheekbones, forehead or bridge of the nose. The pain usually intensifies with sudden head movement or straining. The pain is usually accompanied by other sinus symptoms, such as nasal discharge, feeling of fullness in the ears, fever, facial swelling, sinus pressure and sinus congestion.

    Whether your headache symptoms can actually be attributed to the sinuses will need to be determined by your doctor. If your sinus headache is caused by a sinus blockage, such as an infection, you will likely have a fever.

    What Is The Connection Between The Sinuses And The Jaw

    We have sinuses between our eyes, in the cheekbone and above the bridge of the nose, which means that they take up a considerable amount of space in the facial area. When the sinuses become swollen and inflamed, the pain and pressure that we feel in these areas can easily move to the jaw. This causes jaw pain, as well as headaches, earaches and general facial tenderness and discomfort.

    If you suffer from allergies on a regular basis, it can be difficult to know if your sinuses are your main concern, or whether you are suffering from TMJ. In many cases, however, both of these issues play a part.

    Some common symptoms of seasonal allergies and sinus inflammation include a stuffy nose, headaches, pain in the ears, a sore throat, and swelling or tenderness in the face, especially around the nose and eyes. Some of the symptoms of TMD can feel quite similar ear pain and pressure, headaches, jaw pain, and swelling of the face can all occur.

    Also, if you suffer from congestion, it is likely that you breathe through your mouth this can lead to additional pressure on the jaw.

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    People With Allergies Will Experience Dizziness For A Number Of Reasons

    Dizziness is a general feeling of vertigo or instability. It can be accompanied by nausea and headaches.

    There are many potential causes for dizziness including allergies or a cold , blood pressure changes, increased intracranial pressure from an illness like meningitis or brain tumor, dehydration, and orthostatic hypotension to name but a few!

    In addition, some people who are sensitive to certain chemicals that exist in everyday products like scouring powder, detergents, and paint thinners have been known to suffer from chronic sensitivity reactions such as sinusitis due to their exposure.

    This is because when these substances enter the body through inhalation or ingestion it triggers an immune response which inflames cells lining the airways causing inflammation leading to mucous production and allergic symptoms including sneezing, coughing, and nasal blockage also sometimes called allergic rhinitis.

    Dizziness will come up due to that inflammation which is causing a pressure increase in the sinuses.

    The best thing for this type of problem and all other related problems such as chronic allergies maybe with long-term treatment strategies involving lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers or symptoms relieving medications when necessary.

    In some cases, surgery will also help remove any obstructions in throat passages for example but only under strict guidance from medical professionals due to potential side effects and complications arising during the procedure itself.

    Should I See My Dentist

    Sinus Headache & Facial Pressure with Head & Neck Surgeon Dr. CT Nguyen

    If you feel pain in your jaw, its always a good idea to seek professional help. This will help to rule out any underlying conditions, like problems with your jaw or oral health issues like cavities and gum disease. If, however, none of these issues are diagnosed and you are feeling congested, it is possible that you have a sinus infection or severe allergies, which could be causing you discomfort. In this case, we may refer you to a general practitioner who will be able to provide you with the appropriate treatment.

    If we find that you are suffering from both TMD and allergies, we will help you manage your jaw pain. The treatment is most likely to be non-surgical, and we may consult with other healthcare practitioners to ensure you receive the most effective treatment.

    If you are suffering from jaw pain, we encourage you to come in and see us. Our team is dedicated to providing the very best care for each patient, and we pride ourselves on our friendly service and high-quality treatments. Our surgeons are highly specialised and experienced, and happy to address any of your questions and concerns. To find out more about our team, please take a look here.

    To find out more about the treatment and management of jaw pain, or to arrange a consultation, please dont hesitate to get in touch.

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    Can Allergies Cause A Sinus Headache

    Headache is not a very common symptom, in and of itself, of seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis, says Katherine Hamilton, MD, an assistant professor of clinical neurology and a headache specialist at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia.

    With allergies, its much more common to have symptoms such as nasal congestion, like a stuffy nose or runny nose, and eye-watering, she says.

    But allergies, or allergic rhinitis, can increase your risk of a sinus infection, according to the CDC. One indication of whether you have allergies or sinusitis is your nasal discharge: In allergies its normally thin and clear, whereas in a sinus infection the mucus is yellow or green and thick, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    If you do have a headache that persists, it may not be just allergies, but rather an indication that you have migraine, says Dr. Hamilton.

    Typically, headache can be due to a sinus infection or viral or bacterial infection, but it’s rare to have a significant headache from just allergy symptoms, she says.

    How Do Allergies Cause Sinus Pressure

    Your sinuses are hollow cavities lined with a thin layer of mucus that have the important job of filtering and moistening the air you breathe, as well as trapping dust and germs. There are four major sinus cavities:

    • Frontal, located in your forehead.
    • Ethmoid, located behind your nose and between your eyes.
    • Maxillary, located behind your cheekbones, between the bottoms of your eyes and the top of your upper jaw.
    • Sphenoid, located deep in your head behind your nose.

    When youre exposed to allergens and the immune system responds, this causes increased mucus production and swelling of the nasal tissues. This swelling blocks mucus from draining, causing it to become trapped. The result is pain and pressure in the sinuses.

    If you experience any of the following symptoms, bacteria may have made its way into the sinuses and become trapped, requiring treatment from a doctor:

    • Thick, discolored drainage from the nose.
    • Postnasal drip .
    • Headache.
    • Feeling of fullness in the ear.
    • Cough.
    • Toothache.

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