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Can Thyroid Problems Cause Allergies

How To Know If You Are Allergic Or Sensitive To Your Thyroid Medication

Hives, Histamine intolerance and Hypothyroidism- The Connection between Hives and the Thyroid

Identifying a drug sensitivity can be challenging, whereas an allergy is more straightforward given the severity of the symptoms. If you suspect you cannot tolerate your thyroid medication, try to keep a daily journal of your symptoms. Track when you take all of your medications, the foods you eat, and anything else that may be relevant.

Take your journal to your thyroid doctor and share your concerns and findings. Making a diagnosis of a drug sensitivity or allergy requires a thorough history of your symptoms, so a journal can be a valuable tool for your doctor.

Your doctor may offer several diagnostic tools to help figure out the cause of your symptoms, including:

  • A lactulose breath test
  • Allergy testing
  • A tTG-IgA test to test for celiac disease

Although switching your thyroid medication brands is usually discouraged, your doctor may try you on a different medication if you struggle with some of the ingredients in your medicine. For example, if you have a lactose sensitivity, you may need to switch to a medication like Tirosint, a levothyroxine brand free of acacia and lactose.

Some people may also benefit from natural desiccated thyroid, which has fewer inactive ingredients.

Could Thyroid Problems Cause Skin Rashes

Could Thyroid Problems Cause Skin Rashes?

There are many symptoms to be expected when it comes to the different thyroid problems, given how important and involved the thyroid is with body functions.

But are skin rashes expected to develop as well? Can skin rashes be used to detect the underlying presence of a thyroid problem of some kind?

What Causes Allergy Symptoms

Several factors contribute to the digestive problems that give rise to both allergy symptoms and autoimmune disease, including:

    • Dysbiosis: This is a very common scenario in which bad bacteria in the gut overwhelm the beneficial bacteria. Processed foods, a diet lacking in cultured and fermented foods, and antibiotic use contribute to dysbiosis.
    • Gluten and other food intolerances: Gluten has been shown to damage the lining of the intestines. Also, many people have an immune reaction to gluten and other foods, such as dairy or soy. Eating these foods constantly provokes the immune system and damages the lining of the intestines. A number of studies also link gluten intolerance to Hashimotos hypothyroidism.
    • Low stomach acid: This may seem counter-intuitive as so many people complain of an acidic stomach, but, in fact, low stomach acid often underlies heartburn and acid reflux. When stomach acid is low, undigested food backwashes into the esophagus , opportunistic bacteria overtake the stomach, improperly digested food degrades the intestinal lining, and bacteria and other pathogens are able enter into the intestines. Sufficient stomach acid is also necessary to trigger the gallbladder to release bile and the pancreas to release enzymes, two important processes for digestion.

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The Difference Between A Drug Allergy And Sensitivity

People often use allergy and sensitivity interchangeably. But these are two very different responses that need defining.


An allergy is a reaction to something outside of your body that triggers an immune response. Usually, an allergy results from an immunoglobulin E mediated reaction. IgEâs are antibodies that cause your body to react when exposed to an allergen immediately. This immediate immune response causes histamine to be released, which can lead to several severe symptoms, including:

  • Hives and itching
  • Airway constriction, wheezing, and shortness of breath
  • Swelling
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

This type of reaction can sometimes lead to anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.


A sensitivity is also sometimes called an intolerance. This type of response from the body is usually because your body cannot break down specific proteins in foods or additives in medicine. Typically, people develop a sensitivity if they:

  • Do not have the proper enzymes to break down particular proteins, such as the lactase enzyme necessary to break down lactose,
  • Are sensitive to caffeine and other chemicals used in pharmaceuticals, or
  • They are sensitive to sugars that are naturally in certain types of food.

The most common types of sensitivities occur with food. Not surprisingly, most of the symptoms associated with a sensitivity occur in your digestive system. These symptoms include:

  • Cramping

Symptoms Of Overactive And Underactive Thyroids

Thyroid and Itchy Skin: The Link

Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet

Tendency to flush

Increased infections

As I have found from talking to others suffering from either of these conditions, it seems that some of the symptoms can be interchangeable, making it more difficult to diagnose. If you suspect you have a faulty thyroid, I suggest you ask for a blood test because this will let you know for sure. I was lucky that my thyroid hadn’t completely bombed out and was still able to rectify things with an iodine supplement.

Whether blood tests indicate under or overactive thyroid function, there are interventions that can help normalize the problem. These treatments range from taking thyroxine or radioactive iodine to surgery.

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Why Not Conduct Food Allergy Testing Before Beginning Such A Protocol

I am definitely not opposed to doing some testing for food allergies before a patient begins a natural thyroid treatment protocol. In fact, many years ago, before I personally went through my very first detoxification, I obtained an Elisa food panel, which is a blood test which determines many of the different foods one is allergic to. This is a great test, although some people need additional testing, such as Cellular Immune Food Reaction tests, which can detect more subtle food allergies which are not picked up by the Elisa panel.

The company Diagnos-Techs has a GI Health Panel which consists of a group of screenings of the gastrointestinal tract, consisting of both saliva and stool specimens to help determine GI function. They also have a FIP Food Intolerance Panel that detects four of the most common food intolerances. So there are numerous options out there for food allergy testing and for determining overall gastrointestinal health.

Common Thyroid Symptoms You Probably Arent Aware Of

The following symptoms are fairly common among those with thyroid disease even if theyre a surprise to you.

Other symptoms of thyroid disease include hoarseness, mood swings, fertility problems, peripheral neuropathy, constipation, poor temperature regulation, muscle weakness, eye pain and pressure, vertigo, depression, headaches, shortness of breath and wounds that heal slowly.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and havent been diagnosed with thyroid disease, we suggest contacting your Portland ENT specialist for an examination.

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For Mild Symptoms Or Uncertain Allergies

If your symptoms are mild, you may wish to continue the medication and keep a symptom diary, using allergy medications as needed to control your symptoms until you have a better idea if you have a problem with Synthroid or not.

With lactose intolerance, there is the option of using lactase supplements as well, if you do not wish to change your medication. Lactase supplements themselves, however, may trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Common Problems: Hypothyroidism And Hyperthyroidism

Do Thyroid problems cause weight gain? – Dr. Karthik Prabhakar

More than one in 10 people will develop a thyroid problem in their lifetime, estimates the American Thyroid Association . Many of these problems can lead to either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

The more common of the two, hypothyroidism, happens when the thyroid makes too little hormone. This underproduction can slow down body functions like digestion and metabolism, leading to symptoms such as tiredness, weight gain and constipation. Up to 3.7% of people in the United States have hypothyroidism.

When the thyroid makes too much hormone, it’s known as hyperthyroidism. This overproduction can speed up your body’s functions, leading to symptoms like restlessness, weight loss and diarrhea. Just 0.8% of people in the United States have hyperthyroidism.

Though the two conditions can cause opposite symptoms, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism share something in common: They are each the result of an underlying problem, usually an autoimmune disorder. For example, the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s disease can cause hypothyroidism, while Grave’s disease can lead to hyperthyroidism. If you have a thyroid problem, your healthcare provider will be able to help you determine the underlying cause.

Other causes include too much iodine or thyroid nodules and prior thyroid treatments . Thyroiditis, which is when the thyroid becomes inflamed, can also cause hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

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Allergy In Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases

As mentioned above, Hashimotos thyroiditis is more common among people with allergic rhinitis than in the general population.

That means people with allergies, at least some of them, are more prone to autoimmune thyroid diseases. But does vice versa also apply?

Molnar et al. conducted a study to evaluate the relationship between allergy and autoimmune thyroid diseases i.e., whether people with these conditions are more prone to allergies. For that purpose, they enrolled 259 patients, of whom 149 had Graves’ disease, 110 had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and 65 controls with small euthyroid goiter.

They analyzed participants’ thyroid hormone levels and allergen-specific IgE levels. Immunoglobulin type E is a type of antibody that plays a central role in acute allergic reactions and chronic inflammatory allergic diseases. Their findings revealed that the prevalence of respiratory and food allergen-specific IgE levels were higher in subjects with Graves’ disease compared to people with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and healthy controls.

Moreover, the study also showed that the seasonal allergen-specific IgE levels increased more in Graves’ disease patients without ophthalmopathy than in subjects who had this eye disease. Scientists also found that the presence of allergen-specific IgE levels was linked to changes in thyroid hormone and anti-thyroid antibody levels.

How To Tell If You Have An Allergy Or Sensitivity

âTrue allergiesâ to foods and chemical products are rare, but sensitivities are relatively common. Yet, the symptoms of either can be concerning and may lead you to seek a firm diagnosis.

Allergy testing is one of the best ways to determine if you have an allergy or not. People can get allergy testing for various things, including foods, animals, pollens, dust, mold, and drugs.

There are several different ways to test for allergies:

Scratch test

âA scratch test is performed on your back. An allergy doctor will determine what needs to be tested based on your concerns and will apply a little serum with the allergen inside it with a small prick on your back. The prick is just light enough to alert the immune system that damage has occurred and sends immune cells to investigate and heal. If you have an allergy to the serum in that specific area, you will develop a wheal that becomes red, itchy, and inflamed. Your allergist will measure the size of the reaction to determine how allergic you are to the item in question.

Patch test

âSometimes, allergists apply a patch on your back with chemicals or ingredients you suspect may be triggering symptoms. The type of reaction detected by a patch test is a little bit different than an IgE-mediated reaction. However, it can help identify if you are sensitive to certain chemicals found in medications, cosmetics, and common household goods you are exposed to regularly .

Blood test

  • Dyes
  • Acacia

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Can One Avoid Food Allergy Testing Altogether

If someone doesnt want to spend the money to obtain a food allergy test, there are definitely other options they can take. For example, once someone goes through the initial thyroid diet that consists of avoiding all of the common allergens, they can gradually reintroduce one food at a time. If taking this approach then its important to only reintroduce a single food at a time, and the process involves eating the food for three days, and then seeing how your body reacts.

So if someone wanted to begin by reintroducing gluten into their diet, they would eat gluten based foods for three days, and see how their body reacts. Its probably a good idea to keep track of this, so that whenever you ate gluten, you would actually document how you felt immediately after eating it, as well as 30 and 60 minutes thereafter. You dont want to go overboard though, as you wouldnt want to constantly eat gluten throughout the day during this 3-day period, but instead would want to consume gluten at a few different intervals throughout the day.

About the Author

Questions or anything to ask Dr. Osansky about food allergies? We want your thoughts in the comments sectionPlease!

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How To Manage Thyroid Symptoms

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Thyroid problems can be common and theyre not always easy to manage. However, thyroid symptoms can vary from person to person and its important that you know the best way to treat them.

Combat Fatigue: Thyroid symptoms can include fatigue, muscle weakness, weight gain, or loss. You can combat these by getting regular checkups with your healthcare provider.

Take Medication Properly: Its important that you take thyroid medication as advised and at the right time of day. Taking it too late in the evening might cause insomnia while taking it too early might cause your thyroid medication to interfere with the absorption of other medications.

Eat a Healthy Diet: Your thyroid needs certain nutrients in order for you to feel good and stay healthy. Its important that you eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of leafy greens, proteins, whole grains, and dairy products among others. If youre not eating healthy, thyroid symptoms might worsen.

Get Plenty of Sleep: Your thyroid gland needs plenty of rest to function properly so its important that you get enough sleep at night. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night or having trouble falling asleep, try taking a warm bath before bedtime and avoid drinking coffee after noon.

Drink Plenty of Water: Water helps you feel refreshed and keeps thyroid problems at bay. Make sure that you drink plenty of water every day to stay hydrated and healthy.

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Effect Of Methimazole Treatment On Serum Levels Of Ige And Thyroid Parameters

Before treatment with methimazole, serum levels of T4 were the same in 19 patients with IgE elevation and in 47 patients with normal IgE. During methimazole treatment, serum levels of T4 decreased progressively but variably in both groups . Before methimazol treatment, serum levels of TRAb were slightly but insignificantly greater in elevated IgE group than in the normal IgE group. During methimazole treatment, serum levels of TRAb decreased progressively in both groups, but a decrease was significantly greater in normal IgE group than in elevated IgE group . In patients with or without IgE elevation, serum IgE levels did not fluctuate markedly during methimazole treatment .

Changes in serum levels of T4, TRAb, and IgE after methimazole treatment in hyperthyroid Gravesâ disease patients with IgE elevation and with normal IgE, according to the length of time. Panels A, B, and C show changes in serum levels of T4, TRAb, and IgE, respectively. Serum levels of T4, TRAb, and IgE were measured every 2 months. Data represents mean ± sd. IgE was analyzed with logarithmically transformed data. Hatched bars, patients with hyperthyroid Gravesâ disease with IgE elevation open bars, patients with hyperthyroid Gravesâ disease with normal IgE.

Managing Your Hypothyroidism In Every Season

A change of seasons can bring warming temperatures, incoming snowstorms, or falling leaves. If you have a thyroid problem, such as hypothyroidism, the seasonal transition can introduce a whole new set of symptoms or even bring some relief from the ones you had. Learning how to manage your hypothyroidism in all types of weather can help you feel better year-round.

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Ways To Boost Your Thyroid And Eliminate Your Allergies

If youre hypothyroid, theres a good chance your levels of histamine and prostaglandin are too high.

Theres a lot you can do to help fix that.

Here are 7 tips to lower your levels of these inflammatory chemicals in your body, get relief from your allergies, and boost your thyroid all at the same time.

Can Thyroid Disorders Cause Allergies

Can Food Allergy Testing Help Hashimotoâs Hypothyroid
  • note:
  • This article was written by a Medical Doctor and reviewed by the thyroid health experts at ThyroMate.

    ThyroMate articles uses only proven, accurate, credible sources in order to provide accurate, fact-checked information about thyroid health that is helpful and objective. All references are linked throughout the article and sources for each are cited at the end. Visit these links to learn more about the research studies and conclusions drawn from the research methods.

    Information contained on this website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always consult your physician for questions related to your health.

Allergies are defined as a hypersensitive immune response to a substance that either enters the body or touches the skin.

Millions of people in the United States and across the globe have an allergic reaction to something and experience symptoms that vary from mild to severe.

The exact cause of allergies is unknown, but various factors can make our body react in that manner.

Could thyroid problems cause allergies?

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Skin Problems And Thyroid Disease In Pets

Many systemic diseases can affect the skin, and thyroid disease in pets is no different. As your pets skin experts, we understand that these conditions must be diagnosed and treated before we can make headway in getting your pet feeling better.

When a pets thyroid gland isnt behaving normally, we can see skin problems including:

When Good Skin Goes Bad: Thyroid Disease In Pets

The thyroid gland can be a very interesting topic. This small gland in the neck area has a lot of power over our bodies. The thyroid plays a major role in regulating metabolism, and when things go awry, there can be consequences..

Thyroid disease in pets can trigger a variety of symptoms, including problems with the skin. The Animal Skin and Allergy Clinic wants pet owners to understand how thyroid problems and skin problems can be intertwined.

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