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Can You Give Cats Allergy Medication

Dosage Of Chlorpheniramine For Cats

How to Give Oral Medication to Your Cat at Home

The following is a guideline for typical use of the drug in cats and must not replace your veterinarians advice for your individual pet.

Vets generally prescribe chlorpheniramine for cats in doses of one or two milligrams administered every twelve hours.

If your vet prescribes this medication, its important to always follow the exact dosage and administration instructions. This includes the length of time you should give the medicine to your cat.

Benadryl Dosage For Cats

A typical dosage used is 1 miligram per pound twice a day, Dr. Ochoa said. However, you should absolutely check with your veterinarian before trying to use it on your own.

If your vet recommends Benadryl, you can purchase it in a liquid or tablet form, though liquid is usually the better option because its easier to give your cat an exact amount.

Tablets can be split, or owners may wish to purchase the liquid form, Dr. Simon said. This is an especially good option for smaller cats who require more accurate dosing.

Your vet might recommend more or less Benadryl for your cat than whats typically recommended, so you should really make an appointment before giving your cat Benadryl.

Always consult your veterinarian first before administering, Dr. Conrad said.

How To Give A Difficult Cat Liquid Medicine

Cats are notorious for not wanting to take their medicine. But no matter how feisty your cat may be, he still needs his medication. If you’re wondering how to give a difficult cat liquid medicine, a popular strategy is to try hiding the medicine in food he likes. But there’s more than one way to help your cat if that approach doesn’t work.

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Allergy Medicine For Dogs And Cats: Whats Safe And Whats Not

Veterinarians take a multi-faceted approach to treating pet allergies. The first step is to make the dog or cat feel better by treating the clinical signs of an acute flare and any secondary bacterial or yeast skin or ear infections, Dr. Sypniewski says.

Depending on the allergen, and the reaction it causes, treatment can include:

  • Prescription shampoo
  • Prescription ear flushes
  • Itch relief medication, such as Apoquel for dog allergies or Atopica for cats
  • Injectable monoclonal antibody therapy
  • Corticosteroid therapy

These medications are usually very effective to stop itching quickly, which will improve the quality of life for both the pet and their owner, Dr. Sypniewski notes. Veterinarians consider the effectiveness as well as side effects of each of these medications prior to recommending treatment.

If your pet has mild seasonal allergies without a skin infection, over-the-counter antihistamines might be an option for allergy relief. Benadryl , Zyrtec , and Claritin are commonly used allergy medicine for cats and dogs.

If your veterinarian recommends these medications, it is important to avoid formulas with added ingredients, such as decongestants or pain relievers, as they may be harmful to pets, Dr. Sypniewski explains. Its also important to note that these OTC products are much less effective in dogs and cats than in humans and can also result in side effects such as making your pet drowsy or hyperactive.

Tips For Giving Your Cat Pills & Medications

10 Best Medication for Cat Allergies in 2021

Being sick is no fun, especially when you have to take medicine in order to feel better. It’s no different for your furry friends. Whether for an illness or allergies, medicine for cats is sometimes required to improve their health.

Use these helpful tips on how to give your cat a pill to make the process less stressful for both of you, and help get her on her way back to feeling better.

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The Information Below Is A General Guide For Treating Allergies In Cats The Instructions That Are Specific For Your Cat Have Been Checked

____Your cat has a flea allergy or has enough fleas to make another allergy problem worse. Flea control is very important and should include treating your cat and its environment. Bear in mind that flea allergies often accompany other types of allergies, especially inhalant allergy . Year-round monthly flea prevention is recommended for all cats, especially those with flea allergy dermatitis.

Recommended flea control protocol for your cat:




____ Your cat was given an injection of corticosteroids. Relief should be apparent within twelve to twenty-four hours. If not, please call the clinic. Your cat should feel better and itch less for about two to four weeks. If an increase in water consumption or urination occurs, please report this to us for future reference. These side effects are common with steroid administration and usually go away in a few days without treatment.

____Return for further evaluation when the first signs of itching recur.

____Your cat has been started on oral corticosteroids. If this is not controlling your cats itch, please contact the hospital immediately. The goal is to receive the medication once every 2-3 days for maximum safety.

Medication and dosage prescribed:__________________________________

Contributors: Tammy Hunter, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

Most Common Cat Allergens

Flea saliva is by far the most common cat allergen.

Cats can also have hypersensitivity reactions to mosquito and other insect bites, but this is less common than flea bite hypersensitivity.

The next most common allergy is environmental allergies.

In dogs, this is generally termed atopy or atopic dermatitis, but in cats its usually called non-food, non-flea hypersensitivity dermatitis.

This is an allergen to things in the environment- pollen, cleaning products, weeds, trees, dust mites, dander, and cigarette smoke are all possible allergens your cat might have a hypersensitivity reaction to.

Food allergies make up about 1-5% of skin disease cases in cats.

Food allergies are built up over time- a cat can have eaten chicken-based food his whole life and still develop an allergy to chicken!

The most common food allergies in cats are beef, chicken and fish- all of which are common in feline diets.

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Cat Owners May Be Allergic To Their Feline Friends

To realize a cat allergy after living with a cat for a long period of time is not uncommon, according to Ronald Ferdman, MD, physician in the Division of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. This is something we see very commonly. Certain people with allergic tendencies can get desensitized to their own pets. As soon as they stop contact for a prolonged time the desensitization wears off and they get significant allergy symptoms upon re-contact with the animal, Ferdman explains.

The allergic reaction is caused by the proteins in cat dander , saliva and urine. Allergies to cats are the most commonmore so than dogs and other small animals. Both long- and short-haired cats can cause allergies. If you are curious of hypoallergenic cats, unfortunately those do not exist. Children may react to some cats and not others, to the fallout from other peoples family pets, or even when pets aren’t around, as the allergen sticks to clothes.

Best Antihistamine For Allergic Cats: Basic Care All Day Allergy Cetirizine Hcl Tablets

How to Give a Cat Medication

Cetirizine, the active component in Zyrtec, is a relatively safe second-generation H1 receptor blocker thats typically used in humans, but which is considered safe for cats as well.

Although its registered for human use only and there are no veterinary formulations of the drug, its widely used as an allergy medicine for cats and is regularly recommended by veterinarians. As always, this OTC product is best administered under the supervision and guidance of your veterinarian.

Dr. Shelley Knudsen, DVM of All Feline Hospital in Lincoln, Nebraska recommends that you give your cat ½ of a 10mg tablet once daily. There are very few side effects to this.

The side effects include sedation, lethargy, vomiting, drooling, and loss of appetite.

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How To Manage Pet Allergy Medications

Over-the-counter drugs are also one way to help you deal with your pet allergies and they can be pretty effective. Nasal steroids are typically the number one treatment for allergies and those help with nasal congestion, dripping and draining, Dr. Hong says.

Other options include antihistamines, like Benadryl, which are good for alleviating itching and sneezing. And allergy shots are another helpful option but Dr. Hong notes that theyre not effective for everyone. Those shots mostly help those allergic to cats and dogs but you may see less success with dogs.

Depending on the pet and the person, more serious allergies could develop, leading to increasing sinus infections. It can also cause asthma to flare up for some and even cause more upper respiratory infections.

While medications can help with many of these symptoms, Dr. Hong says, the downside to relying on those medications should be top-of-mind, especially since some can result in drowsiness. For kids, those medications can keep them from being able to focus on schoolwork. The same goes for adults, who may be at work but also not able to focus.

And Dr. Hong also advises us to remember that while drugs may help us feel better around animals were allergic to, those medications arent cures. Rather, she says, they simply mask our symptoms.

Allergy Symptoms In Pets

The most common symptoms of allergies in cats and dogs are:

  • Skin itching, indicated by redness of the skin, paw licking, scratching, or head shaking
  • Respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, or sneezing
  • Digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhea

Dr. Sypniewski says pet owners may also notice symptoms such as a pets hair loss or skin color changes and crusting. In rare cases, severe allergy can trigger anaphylaxis. If your pet has trouble breathing, seek emergency medical care immediately. This can be life-threatening.

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What Are The Symptoms Of An Allergic Reaction To A Cat

Animal allergens, including cat allergens, can cause sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion, postnasal drip, watery or itchy eyes, and facial pressure. They can also cause asthma symptoms such as cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and difficulty breathing and even trigger an asthma attack. Skin symptoms of an allergy to a cats dander may include eczema, itching, and hives .

Your primary care physician may refer you to an allergy medicine specialist who may perform allergy testing consisting of a blood test or skin tests to identify the allergen.

Symptoms Of Allergies In Cats

How Much Allergy Medicine Can I Give My Cat

Allergic cats most often exhibit symptoms of skin irritation, showing scabbing, itchiness, and over-grooming.

Cats with allergies often have a skin reaction called miliary dermatitis. This causes hundreds of little rash-like, scabby lesions on your cats skin, especially along the back and neck.

They are also itchy- you may see them itching with their paws or grooming more often. Overgrooming their itchy skin can also lead to patches of hair loss. Some cats will be more prone to ear infections.

Cats that are allergic to airborne allergens such as pollen might also show allergy symptoms such as runny eyes, itchy eyes, sneezing, or even coughing and fast breathing.

Lastly, cats with allergies to their diet may have some gastrointestinal symptoms as well, such as loose stools, excessive gas, and occasional vomiting.

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Natural Remedies For Cats With Seasonal Allergies

If your cat suffers from seasonal allergies and you want to use natural remedies instead of steroids or drugs, there are several options that might help your kitty.

Seasonal allergies can cause sinus inflammation, sneezing, coughing, excess mucous, runny eyes, yeast infections, and skin irritations like rashes and hot spots.

These natural remedies can fight those symptoms while avoiding the harmful side effects of many medications. However, you MUST discuss them with your vet before making any changes.

Here are ten natural remedies for cats that can help provide relief from seasonal allergies.

Household Changes To Help Your Cats Allergies

If your cat has seasonal allergies, you can make a few simple changes at home to help him feel better.

Keep your cat indoors when the pollen count is high.

Also, keep your home allergen free. Vacuum and wipe often, and change your HVAC filters monthly.

In addition, consider purchasing an air purifier to remove dust and pollen from the air.

Make sure your cat is flea free. Flea allergies are common in cats, and all it takes is one bite to trigger the allergic response.

Is your cat itchy and scratchy around his mouth? If his food dish is plastic, he might be allergic to the bowl. Try switching to glass, metal or ceramic.

Switch cat litter. Some cats are sensitive to chemicals and scents in many cat litter brands. Find a bag of low dust, chemical free brand and give it a try.

Do you like to cook? Try a home-cooked diet for cat allergies. Often limiting ingredients in a cats diet helps allergy symptoms.

PET | TAO Limited Ingredient Recipe is the perfect food for allergic cats.

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How To Give Medicine To A Difficult Cat

Some cats are unwilling to take a pill or capsule. This makes it truly impossible. With these cats, its just not going to happen, so youll need to find an alternative.

Pill Guns

I dont know. Maybe these work? For some people?

A pill gun, or pet pillar, is a short plastic implement where you place the pill and send this little plastic tube down into the cats mouth and push, and the pill is supposed to go down the throat.

This way, your hands stay clear of teeth and you have a better chance of getting the pill in the sweet spot where swallowing is easier than spitting it out, says Dr. Tony Johnson, DVM, DACVECC.

As you can imagine, however, it often does not go down well when the cat sees a white implement coming at them face forward, so Im pretty skeptical of pill guns for cats.

Liquid Medication

Many people prefer to give liquid medication to their cat, and this is possible with many medications.

So, how to give a difficult cat liquid medicine? You do this in much the same way as with a pill: You try to open the cats mouth and give the dropperful of medication directly to the cat.

Watch out. The folks at Washington U. warn that liquids are more likely to accidentally enter the windpipe compared to pills or capsules. To avoid the cat inhaling liquid into the windpipe, DO NOT tilt the cats head backward.

Can you put liquid medicine in cat food?

The most common question Im asked when I prescribe a liquid is Can I mix it with her food?

Final Thoughts On How To Give Medicine To A Cat

How to Administer Oral Medication to Cats

Ive been at this a long time. One of the worst things for a feline veterinarian is working up a fabulous kitty and figuring out what is wrong and prescribing medication and then finding out the loving pet parent cant give it.

And they dont tell me.

So, please: Talk to your vet. Get more instructions if you cant give the medication prescribed. Look for alternatives.

If you cant talk to your vet honestly, find another one. We are out there.

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Check With Your Veterinarian

Its always best to talk to your veterinarian before giving your cat any new medicationseven an over-the-counter product like Benadryl. As the overseer of your cats overall health, they are in the best position to point out potential problems. For example, Eddy says that if the cat is already on another antihistamine, adding Benadryl could cause sedation issues.

A Possible Problem With Dry

Pills can easily get stuck in a cats esophagus and cause major problems.

The esophagus is the tube that leaves the mouth and brings food and medications into the stomach. Cats are at strong risk for having pills get lodged in the esophagus and not move.

When a pill gets stuck in the cats esophagus, it begins to cause irritation. That irritation can go on to create a kind of scarring that narrows the esophagus and can lead to the cats inability to have food pass through the esophagus into the stomach.

Some medications, such as doxycycline, an important and frequently prescribed feline medication, are particularly toxic to the esophagus. Most vets dispense a drug like doxycycline only in a liquid form.

Recent studies about feline esophageal strictures have recommended that pet parents give about 5 ml of water to a cat after giving a pill. Yikes! You thought the pilling was bad enough? Now force a syringe full of water down your cats mouth? Good luck with that.

Heres an instructive video from Concierge Mobile Animal Hospital on how to give a cat liquid medicine as well as a pill:

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What Is Antibiotics Allergy

Antibiotics are used in cats to treat a variety of illnesses. Antibiotics treat infections. Although these are quite effective in treating a cats illnesses, there are times in which cats may show an allergic reaction to a specific antibiotic. As with other allergies, a cats immune system may be very sensitive to a specific antibiotic and treat the medication as a foreign substance that must be fought. As these medications are being fought by the immune system, a cat may show certain symptoms that may be a cause for concern.

Antibiotics also have a variety of side effects that occur when taking them. Side effects from antibiotics are usually not a cause for concern if they are mild. When a veterinarian prescribes a cat an antibiotic, he will communicate with the pet owner the possibility of side effects and when to immediately stop giving the medication. An allergy, however, is different, since the cat is actually having a reaction to the medication due to an over reactive immune system rather than having a typical side effect. Side effects and an allergy may present themselves in similar forms, thus, if a cat is showing any severe symptoms, it is very important to call a veterinarian.

Antibiotics allergies in cats are due to cats being allergic to specific antibiotics prescribed by a veterinarian to fight an existing infection. Allergic reactions to antibiotics can be very mild to severe, and need medical attention.


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