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Does My Dog Have Allergies Sneezing

Allergies Cause Dog Sneezing

Dog Allergy Sneezes

Allergies are one common cause of dog sneezing. Just like you can be allergic to various kinds of pollen, so can your dog. It can help to pay attention to any patterns you see with your dogs sneezing.

Does it happen more during certain times of the year? Is it also accompanied by a runny nose or watery eyes? If you can pinpoint some patterns, you might be able to identify the allergen that is causing his sneezes.

A Form Of Communication During Play

Sometimes dogs sneeze when they play as a form of communication. Dogs use their whole body to communicate, and sneezing is a displacement gesture that helps them calm down and refocus.

When playing, a dog can compulsively sneeze to release their energy, frustration, or nervousness. It can help them calm down and indicate to their playmates that the situation isnt stressful. If your dog sneezes during play, then it generally isnt something to worry about.

What to Do When Your Dog is Sneezing to Communicate

Dont worry. It is a coping and communication sneeze that isnt signaling a more serious problem.

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Why Do Dogs Sneeze

Why do dogs sneeze? Dog sneezing is a common occurrence. In most cases, dogs sneeze because theres an environmental irritant in their airway like dust or a household chemical spray. They also sneeze if there is a minor foreign object up their nasal passage. For instance, some dirt they may have gotten into while digging or a pesky gnat that was flying around their face.

If you have a brachycephalic breed dog that comes with respiratory-related medical conditions like an English bulldog, Boston terrier, or pug, for example you probably hear them sneeze quite often due to their genetically compressed nasal passages. These breeds all have what is known as brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome . Sneezing is only part of the list of symptoms associated with BAOS.

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Other reasons for dog sneezing include nasal mites, seasonal allergies, nasal infection, play sneezing, and whats called reverse sneezing .

These are all possibilities for why your pup could be sneezing. Take a look at each cause to determine if its nothing to, well, sneeze at, or if Fido needs a visit with the vet.

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What Can I Give My Dog For Seasonal Allergies

Dogs can take over-the-counter medications like Zyrtec and Benadryl. Your pup may also benefit from an allergy supplement that can help treat and soothe their itchy skin. If youre looking for a more natural solution, coconut oil can sometimes be applied topically to a dogs hot spots. As with any treatment, its best to always check with your vet to determine what might work best for your pup.

When Should I Take My Sneezing Dog To The Vet

Dog Allergies Sneezing

If your dog keeps sneezing, it might not be a medical emergency. Instead, it could be a sign of seasonal allergies that you and your vet can treat at your next appointment. Seasonal allergies are not life-threatening, and your dog can live a happy, healthy life, so theres no reason to panic if your dog gets seasonal sneeze attacks every spring due to pollen, dust, or mold.

However, if your dog is sneezing frequently or has a bloody discharge from their nose, they could have mites or another illness, such as a tumor, that could be impacting their ability to breathe. Sneezing with blood is a sign that something is seriously wrong with your dogs health, so any time your dog is bleeding from its nose, they need to be taken to the vet immediately. You should always take your dog to the vet when they have a fever or swelling of the nasal cavity.

Additionally, if your dog is wheezing, it might need medical attention, especially if they dont normally wheeze. Wheezing may also sometimes accompany sneezing. While wheezing might be due to seasonal allergies or asthma, it can also be a sign that your dog has ingested one of many dog poisons, especially if accompanied by a cough. If your dog cant breathe, take them to the nearest emergency vet immediately.

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Seasonal Or Environmental Allergies

Like humans, some dogs have allergies and sneezing is a typical symptom. Certain foods such as beef, chicken, and dairy can be allergens, but a recent report on pet health finds that environmental allergens are the more likely culprit.

While these irritants fluctuate based on region and climate, many are found in your home dust , pollen, dander, mold, fabrics, medications, and cleaning solutions. If your dog has a runny nose, watery eyes, and wheezing along with the sneezing, it could be a sign of seasonal allergies.

What to do about it: Consider adding an allergy supplement to your dogs diet. PetHonestys AllergySupport Chews offer relief from environmental, skin, food, and seasonal allergies while supporting your pet’s immune system. You can also talk to the vet to determine which type of allergy testing is right for your dog.

3. Playing

It sounds silly for humans, but “play sneezing” is a real thing for dogs. If you’ve ever seen the excitement of your pup playing, you’ve more than likely seen your dog “play sneeze.”

This snort-like behavior is nothing to worry about it’s your dog’s way of communicating to other dogs that the roughhousing is all in good fun. There are also some experts who posit that when dogs are playing and getting a little rambunctious, it kicks up dust, dirt, pollen, or other irritants that can cause a dog’s sneezing.

Should I Be Worried If My Dog Is Sneezing

It depends really. If your dog sneezes once or twice but otherwise appears well then its unlikely to be anything to worry about. But you know your dog better than anyone and if you think theyre distressed or unwell then its worth seeking advice from a vet. There are times when sneezing could be a sign of something more serious or life-threatening, like breathing difficulties or something stuck up their nose, and this would definitely be a time to take action and .

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Final Thoughts About Dog Sneezing

Good dog owners are aware of changes in their dogs behavior. If youre wondering why is my dog sneezing all the time, it might be time to take him for a visit to his favorite DVM. Your dogs health comes first.

It may be nothing more than a tickle in his nose or seasonal allergies, but if its something more serious like a nasal infection or a nasal tumor, youll be glad you got him in for some treatment. Its what best friends are there for!

Why Is The Inside Of My Dogs Nose Pink

How Do I Know If My Dog Has An Allergy? | Pets | People

If your dogs nose turns from its usual dark color to pink or brown, specifically during the winter, your dog may have what is commonly referred to as dog snow nose or winter nose. The condition, which is called hypopigmentation, typically causes a dogs nose to lighten in colornormally to a pink or light brown.

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What Causes Reverse Sneezing In Dogs

Dogs reverse sneeze for similar reasons that they sneeze normally or cough, which is to expel an irritant.

A regular sneeze helps expel an irritant in the nasal cavity. Coughing helps expel irritants located further down in the trachea. A reverse sneeze is the bodys way of expelling an irritant thats slightly further down, at the nasopharynx .

Some possible causes of irritation of the soft palate that results in reverse sneezing include:

  • Pulling on the leash while attached to a collar

  • Objects in the throat area

  • Elongated soft palate

  • Eating/drinking

Is A Nose Bleed Serious

Nosebleeds arent usually serious. However, frequent or heavy nosebleeds may indicate more serious health problems, such as high blood pressure or a blood clotting disorder, and should be checked. Excessive bleeding over a prolonged period of time can also lead to further problems such as anaemia.

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Can I Treat My Dogs Sneezing At Home

You should never try to treat your pet for any conditions, including sneezing, without consulting a vet. In some cases, it might be as simple as calling your vet and asking them what you can give your dog for seasonal allergies. Other times, your vet might want to see your dog in person to diagnose whats making them sneeze excessively.

Trying to treat your pet without first talking to a vet can be harmful to their health. For example, some over-the-counter antihistamines are safe for dogs when dosed correctly. However, others can be poisonous to them. Additionally, you could be easily treating your pet for the wrong cause of sneezing because they havent been diagnosed by a professional. Instead of trying to treat your dog yourself, its always a good idea to take your dog to the vet and let them know what your dogs symptoms are, when they started, and how often your dog sneezes.

A vet will likely run some tests to determine the exact cause of your pets sneezing before coming up with a treatment plan that can help your pet stop sneezing.

Does My Dog Have Allergies These Signs Are Enough Proof

Why Do Dogs Sneeze When They

Whether youre a seasoned dog owner or a newbie, dealing with instances of dog allergies can be overwhelming. Sometimes you ask yourself, Does my dog have allergies? When youre unsure about the state of your dogs health, these SIX signs can help you figure if your dog has allergies.

Once you establish this, you can then proceed to seek remediation solutions. Going natural during the treatment process is the best option. Further, dealing with any causative factors that may accelerate the problem.

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Home Remedies And Their Effectiveness

The only situation where you can safely deal with your dogs sneezing at home is if you suspect the cause is an airborne irritant or chemical, like air freshener or household cleaners. If you think you can identify a potential cause that could have triggered the sneezing, try removing it from your dogs environment and see if they stop sneezing.

Treatment For Your Dogs Food Allergies

While you cant exactly treat the underlying food allergy, there are ways to reduce your dogs symptoms from an allergic reaction.

Along with diagnosing the underlying cause and treatment, your allergy dog will need supportive care to stop the itch, prevent irritation and treat any secondary bacterial infection, Dr. Burch said.

Two popular prescription allergy medications are Cytopoint and Apoquel.

Cytopoint is an injection that works to reduce your pups itching. One injection can last four to six weeks.

Apoquel, on the other hand, is an oral tablet youd give your dog daily for his allergy symptoms. It works by suppressing your pups immune system so he doesnt have such a strong reaction to the things hes allergic to.

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When To Call Your Vet

When your puppy is sneezing, the cause can range from a benign environmental allergy or irritant to rather serious condition . The occasional dog sneeze is not a problem and relatively normal. When the sneezing is considered abnormal, various diagnostic tests may be recommended including blood tests, radiographs , sedation with fiberoptic scoping of the nasal cavity, cytology, and culture of any discharge.

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What Does Reverse Dog Sneezing Sound Like

Sneezing in a Dog

Reverse sneezing sounds like the dog is actually inhaling their sneezes, hence how the name reverse sneezing came about. Its a loud snorting sound that can sometimes sound like a goose honking.

The first few episodes of reverse sneezing that a dog has can be scary if you have never heard it before. Thats why its best to have your dog evaluated by a veterinarian to determine if its simply a reverse sneeze or something more concerning such as coughing or choking.

If possible, take a video of the episode to show your veterinarian, and if you have any concern that your dog may be choking, call your vet immediately.

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Help My Dog Won’t Stop Sneezing

Does your dog sneeze a lot? Most often, Fido sneezes for the same reasons we do: because small particles of dust, dirt, grass, or other materials got into his nose. Our canine buddies do use their noses to explore the world, after all. But if your dog sneezes frequently, or wont stop sneezing, there may be something more going on.

Here are some of the most common reasons that dogs sneeze:

What Dog Breeds Are Prone To Sneezing

All dogs sneeze at one point or another, but sneezing is more common in dogs with flat faces . Brachycephalic breeds include the Pekingese, Boxer, Pug, French and English Bulldogs, and Boston Terrier. Dogs with flatter faces may also snort, which is similar to a sneeze, but because their faces are flatter, it produces a different sound.

Of course, any dog, especially those with allergies, is prone to sneezing. Sneezing is a dogs natural response to an allergen, so dogs with all types of faces and snouts can sneeze if theyre in the presence of dust and pollen. Additionally, dogs will sneeze if they get dirt in their noses while sniffing the ground and exploring outside.

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When Is A Sneeze Not A Sneeze

A sneeze isnt always actually a sneeze in dogs. Sometimes your dog may be snorting, which if you have a healthy dog is usually a sign of an upper airway obstruction, so you should take your dog to a vet to have it looked at. Snorting is also common if your dog is overweight as the excess weight can make it harder for them to breathe.

Your dog may also be experiencing a reverse sneeze. This is most common in small breed dogs and brachycephalic breeds. When experiencing a reverse sneeze, air is pulled quickly and loudly in through the nose, resulting in a sudden loud noise like a honk. In fact, some owners think it sounds like the dog is laughing. Your dog will also stand with their elbows apart, head forwards or back before making the sound. Reverse sneezing rarely requires treatment, so you dont usually need to worry if your dog does this.

To find out more about your dogs behaviour, read our guide to why dogs bark.

Is Your Dog Sneezing Here Are 6 Possible Causes

Achoo! The most likely causes for your pet

Have you noticed your dog sneezing recently? Sneezing is fairly common in dogs, but if your dog is sneezing a lot, you might find yourself wondering if theyre really okay. Frequent sneezing can be alarming and concerning whether youve had dogs before or this is your first canine friend.

In the article below, youll find more information about what might be causing your dog to sneeze. Read through these possibilities and use them to help you determine whether or not you should take your dog to the Lakeland Animal Clinic for a further checkup. If you still have questions, give us a call at .

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When To Call The Vet

When your dog doesnt stop sneezing, it is a sign of a more dangerous problem. Here are some other symptoms that signal a more significant problem:

  • Honking sound when they sneeze
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Excessive discharge from eyes or nose

If your dog shows any of these other signs, you need to call your vet as soon as possible. It could possibly be influenza, a cold, or a tracheal collapse.

What Does Bloody Mucus Mean

Blood in the sputum is a common event in many mild respiratory conditions, including upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and asthma. It can be alarming to cough up a significant amount of blood in sputum or to see blood in mucus frequently. In severe cases, this can result from a lung or stomach condition.

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Can Dogs Get Nasal Infections

Its possible for dogs to get nasal infections like rhinitis. Depending on the type of infection, symptoms will vary. Some dogs may have thick, yellow-green mucus coming out of their noses in addition to sneezing. They could paw at their face, breathe more loudly than usual, gag, and even cough. These signs could all point to rhinitis.

You will know the condition is serious when the dog has a high body temperature and poor appetite. The best home treatment is rest, but a vet trip is wise if the symptoms worsen. If there are other pets in the house, the sick dog must be isolated to avoid contaminating their housemates.

Tumors Growths Or Polyps

When to worry about your Dog Coughing and Sneezing!

Dogs can develop growths in their nasal cavity that can be either benign or cancerous. The most common nasal cavity tumors are sarcomas and carcinomas, both of which can cause damage to the nose, mouth, or skull. Initially, there may be no symptoms at all, but as a growth becomes larger it may cause nasal irritation, sneezing, or noisy breathing. Over time the growth may also become infected, leading to blood or pus from the nose. In severe cases, you might notice a bulge or strange shape to the nose when looking at your dog.

If your dog suddenly starts sneezing more frequently or has other symptoms, you should arrange an appointment with your veterinarian.

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