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Does Vitamin B Help With Allergies

How Do You Get Rid Of Allergies Permanently

How Quercetin & Vitamin C Are GREAT Antihistamines!

Unfortunately, allergies are here to stay and cannot be permanently eliminated. While some have found promising results through immunotherapy, the allergy itself doesnt disappear but simply results in less severe reactions. Allergy shots may ease allergy symptoms and may provide longer relief but have to be done every few months to remain effective.

This is typically suggested for those who are not getting relief from medications, are unable to avoid the allergens, or need an alternative as allergy medicine is interfering with more essential medications. It is typically offered in the approach of shots, as liquid drops or in tablet form.

While allergies are a nuisance to all those who suffer, perhaps some comfort can be taken knowing that natural help for allergies does exist. Finding the right combination of what works for you may take some time, but hopefully, in reading this post, we have helped you narrow down your options.

Natural Allergy Remedies: 3 Tips For Safety

When it comes to allergy supplement safety, here are three things to keep in mind.

Risks and interactions. On the whole, the top allergy supplements seem to be reasonably safe. But check with a doctor before taking a supplement if you

  • Have any medical conditions
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are under 18 years old

Always follow the dosing advice of your doctor or pharmacist — or at least the directions on the label.

Long-term use. The longer you take any supplement , the greater the potential for toxicity and harm. Unfortunately, thereâs little evidence about the safety of using these natural allergy remedies for extended periods. So be cautious. Get your doctorâs opinion on any long-term treatments you want to try.

Allergic reactions. Thereâs another problem for people seeking allergy supplements: Many of the plants used for allergy treatment — such as butterbur, echinacea, and several others – are distant cousins to ragweed. So if youâre suffering from a ragweed allergy, a dose of allergy supplements could theoretically make your symptoms worse.

âIâve seen people who come into our offices because their ragweed allergies are being aggravated by their allergy supplements,â says Rakel. âUsually, the first thing we do is get them off all the stuff theyâre using. The human body doesnât generally need a handful of supplements every day to stay well.â

What Is The Best Natural Alternative To Antihistamines For Natural Allergy Relief

Considering that most allergies are from natural substances, dander, pollen, dust, to name a few, it stands to reason that there would be natural allergy remedies for these allergy triggers. These natural alternatives are plant-derived and are believed to be just as effective to improve symptoms. Allergic skin reactions can also occur during allergy season.

What is often preferred about using natural supplements for allergies is that they dont come with the side effects that OTC medications often do. The following are side effects that some people experience when they take OTC or prescription allergy medicine:

  • Fatigue or drowsiness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Feeling nervous or anxious

Now, lets address some of the more popular natural supplements for allergies, what they do, and why they are effective.

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Are There Any Vitamins Or Minerals That Help With Allergy Symptoms

Yes, Vitamins and minerals work to maintain overall health. Vitamins like Vitamin C that we discussed above can be helpful for allergies. When taken in combination with natural allergy supplements our bodies become more efficient at fighting off allergies. Lets take a look at some of the most commonly beneficial ones.

Using Natural Allergy Remedies: Plan

Does Vitamin C for Allergies Work?

Most people donât think about their allergies until their symptoms flare up. But if youâve already got a drippy nose and watery eyes before you reach for a bottle, it may be too late.

̢Once an allergic reaction starts, it̢s very hard to stop Рeither with supplements or medications,̢ Leopold tells WebMD. ̢That̢s why it̢s always important to focus on prevention.̢

Whether youâre using an allergy supplement or a drug, you should plan ahead. Start taking a natural allergy remedy a few weeks before ragweed season starts or before your visit to the aunt with six cats. That way, you can potentially prevent the allergic reaction from happening at all.

Leopold says that while some people are able to control their allergies with supplements alone, others canât. Even if it canât do the whole job, however, an allergy supplement may still be a good addition to your drug treatment.

âBy adding on a supplement like quercetin or butterbur, you might be able to take a lower dose of the prescription drug while getting the same benefits,â says Leopold. âAnd by keeping the medication at a lower level, you decrease the side effects.â

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What Helps Treat Allergies Fast

Helping to eliminate allergies fast may be more of a question of taking a preventative stance as sometimes OTC antihistamines take time before they work. These preventative measures may include the following:

  • Removal of dust and pollens through regular cleaning of clothes and washing of the skin
  • Remove indoor allergens such as pet hair and dander through regular cleaning and air purification
  • Including a wide variety of fruits and vegetables for optimal nutrients and as a way to promote a healthy immune system
  • Drinking of warm liquids to aid in regular hydration and to help alleviate congestion
  • Avoiding the use of harsh chemicals
  • Wearing a mask to protect from harsh chemicals or known allergens
  • Avoiding cigarette smoke as this may worsen symptoms
  • Inhaling steam to clean up nose and back of the throat

Potential Dangers Of Vitamin C

Too much of anything is never good, no matter how beneficial it can be. Vitamin C has so many wonderful health benefits, but its important to be cautious. Some dangers of ingesting too much vitamin C are diarrhea, nausea, cramps, heartburn, and vomiting. If possible, only add supplements to your diet under the supervision of a physician if not, take special care to follow the recommended dosage on the packaging.

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What Is The Best Vitamin For Allergies

A large number of allergy sufferers find that traditional methods for treating allergies namely antihistamines and allergy shots are too harsh, causing symptoms like drowsiness and dry skin. Consequently, people look to supplements and vitamins to help combat allergy symptoms. Here are some common vitamins and supplements for allergies:

What Causes Seasonal Allergies

Top 3 Natural Ways to Treat Allergies Dr.Berg

Allergic reactions occur when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance like pet hair, food, or another irritant for seasonal allergy sufferers, this usually means a substance like pollen or mold spores. Your immune response is the creation of antibodies that identify allergens as harmful, even if it isnt, causing you to sneeze and cough to expel the substance. To put it plainly, allergy sufferers have immune systems that are a bit dramatic and prone to over-reacting.

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How Is It Treated

The best treatment is to never eat the foods you are allergic to. Learn to read food labels and spot other names for problem foods. For example, milk may be listed as “caseinate,” wheat as “gluten,” and peanuts as “hydrolyzed vegetable protein.” When you eat out or at other people’s houses, ask about the foods you are served.

If you have a history of severe food allergies, your doctor will prescribe epinephrine . An epinephrine shot can slow down or stop an allergic reaction. Your doctor can teach you how to give yourself the shot if you need it.

You can have symptoms again even after you give yourself a shot. So go to the emergency room every time you have a severe reaction. You will need to be watched for several hours after the reaction.

If you have had a serious reaction in the past, your chance of having another one is high. Be prepared.

  • Keep epinephrine with you at all times.
  • Wear a medical alert bracelet to let others know about your food allergy.
  • Check the expiration date on the epinephrine. Replace it as needed.

May Reduce Symptoms Of Anxiety Or Depression

While B-complex vitamin supplements are not a cure for mental health conditions, they may help improve symptoms of depression or anxiety.

A study in 60 adults with depression showed that treatment with a vitamin B complex for 60 days led to significant improvements in depression and anxiety symptoms, compared with a placebo .

B vitamins may also enhance treatment response when given in combination with antidepressant medication.

One study found that supplementing with a vitamin containing B12, B6, and folic acid led to a more enhanced and lasting antidepressant response over 1 year, compared with a placebo .

Note that low blood levels of certain B vitamins, including B12, B6, and folate, have been linked to an increased risk of depression, which is why its important to rule out nutrient deficiencies if you are experiencing symptoms of depression (

33 ).

If you are deficient in B vitamins, you may need to supplement with higher doses to address the deficiency.

For these reasons, its important to choose a B-complex supplement based on your individual requirements for each B vitamin.

Speak with a healthcare professional about your specific nutrient needs based on your age and health.


The recommended intake for B vitamins varies depending on age, nutrient demands, biological sex, and health status.

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B Complex Vitamin Allergy Causes And Remedies

Erin is a licensed and registered dietitian who worked as a health educator for many years. She is an expert in vitamins and supplements.

Learn about our Editorial Policy.

Believe it or not, some people have allergic reactions to vitamin supplements, including B complex vitamins. Because B vitamins are essential nutrients your body requires regularly to function properly, it’s important to know the symptoms of vitamin allergies and how to get relief.

Other Nondrug Allergy Treatments

Getting Enough Vitamin C with a Citric Allergy

Supplements arenât the only alternative to medications. There are a number of other methods you can try to treat or prevent allergies, some of which have very good evidence backing them up.

  • Environmental control. Reducing the amount of allergens in your home, especially your bedroom, can take a lot of work and vigilance. But the payoff can be tremendous. Wrap your mattress in plastic, vacuum regularly, and follow other suggestions for environmental control.
  • Nasal irrigation. It might seem odd, but thereâs good evidence that flushing out the nasal passages with salt water can help allergy symptoms. Some use simple neti pots and others more elaborate devices.

âI think more Americans need to get used to nasal irrigation,â says Leopold. âItâs very effective and it makes clear sense. Youâre flushing away the things that are irritating your nasal membranes.â In one study of children with allergies, nasal irrigation three times a day dramatically improved their symptoms after three to six weeks. It also allowed them to take lower doses of their allergy drugs.

To enhance the effect, Rakel recommends adding a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil to the salt water. âI think it works really nicely,â he says. âThe eucalyptus constricts the blood vessels, reducing the inflammation.â

Show Sources

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Cobalt And Vitamin B12 Allergy

Cobalt allergies most often develop in people exposed to it in eye makeup, tattoos, or industrial products.

Once you’re sensitized to cobalt, you’ll develop allergic contact dermatitis whenever you’re exposed.

If you have a B12 deficiency, a cobalt allergy can make it hard to manage. Talk to your healthcare provider about how much B12 is safe for you.

Symptoms Of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 has very specific and very important functions. A prolonged deficiency will result in a slow deterioration characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Weakened reflexes
  • A smooth tongue
  • Dementia or psychosis

If treated quickly enough, the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can often be resolved. However, if left unaddressed for six months or more, there is a higher likelihood that the nerve damage will become permanent. If pernicious anemia is the cause of the deficiency, then leaving it untreated can become fatal.

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When Should You Call Your Doctor

Give an epinephrine shot if:

  • You think you are having a severe allergic reaction.
  • You have symptoms in more than one body area, such as mild nausea and an itchy mouth.

After giving an epinephrine shot, call 911, even if you feel better.

911 if you have:

  • Rapid swelling of the throat or tongue.
  • Trouble breathing, are wheezing, or have a deep cough, a pale face, or blue lips or earlobes.
  • Signs of shock, including:
  • Light-headedness or a feeling that you are about to pass out.
  • Restlessness, confusion, or a sense of impending doom.
  • Moist, cool skin, or heavy sweating.
  • Weakness, thirst, nausea, or vomiting.
  • Been given an epinephrine shot, even if you feel better.
  • If you see someone having a severe allergic reaction and the person becomes unconscious, 911 or other emergency services immediately.

    If your food allergy symptoms are getting worse, call your doctor. It’s important to know which foods are to blame so that you can avoid them.

    If your food allergy symptoms don’t get worse or aren’t too severe or bothersome, you can try removing suspect foods from your diet to see if symptoms disappear.

    Folic Acid May Help Treat Allergies Asthma

    How to fight allergies naturally, histamine and antihistamine food
    Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
    Folic acid, or vitamin B9, essential for red blood cell health and long known to reduce the risk of spinal birth defects, may also suppress allergic reactions and lessen the severity of allergy and asthma symptoms, according to new research.

    Folic acid, or vitamin B9, essential for red blood cell health and long known to reduce the risk of spinal birth defects, may also suppress allergic reactions and lessen the severity of allergy and asthma symptoms, according to new research from the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center.

    In what is believed to be the first study in humans examining the link between blood levels of folate the naturally occurring form of folic acid and allergies, the Hopkins scientists say results add to mounting evidence that folate can help regulate inflammation. Recent studies, including research from Hopkins, have found a link between folate levels and inflammation-mediated diseases, including heart disease. A report on the Hopkins Children’s findings appears online ahead of print in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology.

    Cautioning that it’s far too soon to recommend folic acid supplements to prevent or treat people with asthma and allergies, the researchers emphasize that more research needs to be done to confirm their results, and to establish safe doses and risks.

    Other findings of the study:

    Co-investigator on the study: William Matsui, M.D, of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.

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    Here’s Why Vitamin B Can Cause Side Effects Like A Rash Hives And Flushing

    B vitamins are an essential nutrient that help your body function at its best. But in certain cases, you may experience side effects from taking a supplement, like a vitamin B rash, hives or other skin-related symptoms.

    Video of the Day

    This group of nutrients helps your body process energy and form red blood cells, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine . These are the different varieties of the vitamin:

    • B1
    • Folic acid

    Food is the best way to get the nutrient. Per the NLM, good include:

    • Fish like salmon
    • Poultry like chicken and turkey
    • Meat like beef or lean pork chops
    • Leafy greens like spinach
    • Legumes like beans, peas and lentils

    Still, many people bolster their vitamin B intake by popping a supplement. But sometimes supplements can cause adverse reactions, the symptoms of which can include the aforementioned skin issues.

    If that sounds all too familiar, here are the reasons why you may have a vitamin B rash, plus what to do about it.


    Dietary supplements and injections contain large doses of B vitamins, which may increase the risk of side effects and allergic reactions. That’s why it’s important to remember the FDA does not require supplements to be proven safe or effective before they are sold, so thereâs no guarantee that any supplement you take is safe, contains the ingredients it says it does or produces the effects it claims.

    Ascorbic Acid & Vitamin C Allergies

    Ascorbic acid and vitamin C are similar in chemical composition and are therefore classified by the FDA as the same substance. Ascorbic acid does contain very similar components but lacks some other nutrients found in naturally occurring vitamin C found in foods. If you are allergic to ascorbic acid and vitamin C, you will only experience an allergic reaction when you take supplements. Vitamin C in its natural state will not cause an allergic reaction. Because most supplements are synthetic, your immune system may not recognize the substance and attack it, causing an allergic reaction.

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    Can You Be Allergic To Vitamins

    Fact Checked

    According to the Health Tree website, more than 80 percent of people taking vitamin supplements are stressing their bodies out from a vitamin allergy, which manifests with the same symptoms as a food allergy 123. If you experience adverse reactions after taking your vitamins, stop taking them and talk with your doctor. Be sure to disclose all supplements you are taking.

    If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

    Summary And Future Directions

    Vegan, Gluten

    Dietary changes are a proposed mechanism underlying the increasing prevalence of asthma and allergic disease worldwide. Several observational studies and a few small interventional trials have attempted to assess the role of dietary methyl donors in the development and treatment of asthma and allergy. Due to the interest in the early origins of asthma and allergic diseases, and because of recommendations for folic acid supplementation in pregnancy for the prevention of neural tube defects, folate intake has been investigated as a potentially modifiable exposure in pregnancy. However, the results of the studies investigating prenatal folate intake or folate status published to date have been mixed, limiting any definitive conclusions on the role of prenatal folate with regards to its association with asthma and allergy. Studies investigating postnatal folate intake or status in childhood or adulthood have also been mixed, and studies of other dietary methyl donors have been limited.

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