Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Stomach Upset
My wife often starts a few young seedlings of spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes in a sunny window before they go outside for the spring.
Recently, when we had a few baby plants in the house, I started having headaches and stomach upset and couldn’t find a cause until I spotted a few little sprouts of pollen that had shot up from the baby spinach.
Once the offending plant was moved outside, my symptoms went away.
As a functional medicine doctor, I am used to seeing new patients who have been misdiagnosed for years due to symptoms that don’t quite fit the mold of a standard diagnosis.
There are, no doubt, many people unnecessarily suffering because of a misunderstanding of how we think of certain conditions.
How To Deal With Allergy Induced Nausea
Can allergies cause nausea? Yes, then what to do about it? Of course, a reliable way to deal with allergy induced nausea is to avoid coming into contact with the foods that one is allergic to. However, it is still likely that you will come into contact with the foods at one time or another. Besides, it is not easy to identify all the foods that you are allergic to.
Usually, you will vomit or experience diarrhea after taking in a food that you are allergic to. These serve to expel the food from your body, and once this is done, your system will get back to normal. In other words, the symptoms of the food allergy will subside. Granted, some minor symptoms may linger for a while. These can be handled using over the counter medications. However, more severe cases of allergic reactions to foods will necessitate a doctors attention. In the worst cases, a patient will have to be injected with epinephrine.
You can treat vomiting by:
- Drinking clear liquids over some time. It is best to avoid taking grape juice and orange juice since these are too acidic and can worsen the situation.
- Avoiding eating of solid foods.
- Taking an oral rehydrating solution. This option should be resorted to only if the vomiting or diarrhea is severe and has lasted for over 24 hours. Pedialyte is the most commonly used drug for this purpose.
When nauseated, you can avoid vomiting by:
Histamine & Liver Congestion
Often, excess histamine and underlying infection combine to make allergy symptoms particularly severe.
Ideally, your liver would remove any excess histamine caused by seasonal allergies but when it is congested from the strain of an underlying infection, it gets ‘behind’ at clearing away this excess histamine.
This is why you may have had mild allergies before but now the symptoms are unbearable.
There is a certain threshold, a certain amount of toxin or infection that your body can comfortably handle but once it passes that point your body falls behind and your symptoms drastically change.
This could mean that your symptoms get more severe, you have them more often, you have different triggers or they are a different set of symptoms entirely.
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How To Overcome Nausea Caused By A Sinus Infection
There are some simple and easy tricks to relieve nausea associated with sinus infections. These include:
1. Ginger
Ginger can help calm your stomach and ease nausea. It is also a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatory. Ginger can also help with nausea caused by dizziness. You can take ginger in capsule form or boil one cup of water and steep one teaspoon in a tea bag. They also make ginger lozenges to suck on that work very quickly.
2. Hot Tea
It’s really annoying to suffer a sinus infection. Nausea makes it much worse. This is when hot tea can come to help. Hot tea is one of the oldest and best remedies for any upper respiratory infection including the sinuses. The steam will help open things up and the warmth will settle your stomach. Plus, you can drink tea all day long for relief.
3. Dry Toast
Dry toast can help to soak up stomach acid and mucus, relieving nausea.
4. Peppermint
Not only does the menthol oil in peppermint help relieve sinus congestion, it can also help relieve nausea by soothing the stomach. Suck on a peppermint hard candy or even just breathe in the essential oil.
5. Nasal Rinses
6. Steam
Getting into a hot shower and breathing in steam can help relieve sinus pressure fast. This will help you breathe better and get rid of excess mucus that causes nausea.
7. Rest
Best Medicine And Treatment For Allergies And A Cold
A cold and seasonal allergies can be treated with over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines or decongestants. Be sure to use the medications as described and contact your primary care provider or pharmacist to make sure you are not double-dosing.
If you are giving children allergy or cold medication, then make sure you confirm with your primary care provider or pharmacist the allergy medication is safe for children and closely follow the dosage instructions.
If you think you might have a cold, then avoid spreading the germs to others. Colds are contagious, Weston added. You should stay home until youve been fever free for 24 hours.
If your nasal congestion becomes overwhelming, rinsing your sinuses with a nasal irrigation pot can help remove allergens and prevent infection in your sinuses. Nasal irrigation systems can work to help prevent infection in your sinuses, Weston said. Just be sure that youre using it as directed and with bottled or previously-boiled water.
Be sure to contact your primary care provider if your fever does not go away, or if you have trouble breathing or keeping food or fluids down. Although complications are rare, they are a possibility and should be caught early. Similarly, colds and allergies can trigger asthma, so getting an early grasp on them is important.
Media contact: Dee Dee Grays, , 979.436.0611
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When To Talk To Your Doctor
If youre experiencing frequent dizziness or vertigo, you should make an appointment to get checked out and if you know youre also in the midst of a bout of bad allergies, be sure to tell your doctor so they can best assess the cause of your symptoms.
To learn more about allergies from Dr. Aronica, listen to the Health Essentials podcast episode Dealing with Spring and Summer Allergies. New episodes of the Health Essentials podcast publish every Wednesday.
Reactions To Allergy Shots Pictures
Ive included a few of my photos after allergy shots. The first allergy shot picture is the same day and is about 5 hours after the shot.
I believe this is normal and nothing to worry about. Conversely, if there was no reaction at all Id think the shot was too weak.
The second photo is the 2nd day after getting my shot. Notice the redness has significantly decreased. By the 3rd day there is no mark.
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Side Effects Of Allergy Shots In Adults
Over the course of my allergy shots , Ive experience 5 side effects. If youre considering allergy shots its important to know the possible side effects.
Your reactions will likely be different than mine, but I hope my experience provides valuable insight! After all, the last thing you want is to begin receiving allergy shots and experience reactions or side effect that were unexpected.
Choosing to go through with allergy shots is a long-term health decision that can result in significant improvements to your quality of life. They do, however, require patience and a significant amount of time.
If youre really struggling with your allergies more than just a few weeks of the year allergy shots can bring relief.
Below, Ill share my experience with side effects from the beginning until now and Ill share my thoughts on whether allergy shots are effective. I hope you find relief just as I have.
When Allergies Are A Problem
If your allergies are particularly severe, you are dependent on allergy medication or your symptoms are getting worse then you should see your doctor to rule out other conditions.
I specialize in chronic, complex conditions using non-pharmaceutical, scientifically backed techniques to achieve lasting health.
There are ways to address underlying chronic conditions and inflammation so that your reactions to environmental allergies are not as severe.
If you would like to speak to me to ask questions about functional medicine, allergies or how I can help you, please schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation or call or text my office at 913-728-5291.
My clinic offers functional medicine appointments as well as manual chiropractic treatments. I do online consultations for those out-of-state or outside of the United States.
If you think that you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. Nor should you ever delay seeking medical advice or treatment due to the information contained on this Website.
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Signs Your Allergy Symptoms Are A Sign Of Something Much Worse
Find out when you should stop blaming spring and call your doctor.
When it’s spring, you might be inclined to write off that congestion, coughing, and sneezing as “allergies” rather than admit that you’re sick. While an estimated 50 million Americans suffer from Real Seasonal Allergies, it’s notoriously difficult to figure out what actually triggers certain symptoms.
Pull the ol’ allergy card, and you could end up ignoring a more serious diagnosis and deter yourself from getting to the bottom of it ASAP.
“The treatment for allergies is so different from the treatment for the flu or a cold,” says Beth E. Corn, MD, associate professor of clinical immunology at the Allergy and Immunology department of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and spokesperson for the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. If you treat a viral infection with antihistamines , you subject yourself to side effects such as loopiness when all you really need is cough syrup and lots of liquids, Dr. Corn explains.
“The quicker you find out what it is, the sooner you can make interventions to feel better,” Dr. Corn promises. So look out for the signs your symptoms aren’t allergies, but an actual, potentially contagious illness like a sinus infection, cold, or the flu.
Allergy Dos And Don’ts: Drink Alcohol
When you’ve got a bad cold or flu, probably the last thing you want is a drink. So is drinking alcohol an allergy do or don’t? It’s a don’t especially if you are taking sedating antihistamines for your allergy symptoms. “First, you can have a double-sedating effect from the alcohol combined with the antihistamine,” says Novey. “Second, alcohol tends to cause redness and swelling of the same tissues that are affected by allergies, making them feel worse.”
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How To Treat Your Dizziness
The best way to treat allergy-induced dizziness is to treat your allergies themselves. Whether you have spring allergies or fall allergies , management looks pretty similar: Avoid allergens, if you can, and turn to medication if you cant.
When I see patients with dizziness, we try a nasal steroid spray to see if that reduces inflammation and opens up the Eustachian tubes, Dr. Aronica says. If their dizziness gets better, that suggests cause and effect.
Prescription nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone can ease the inflammation in your nose, sinuses and Eustachian tubes.
You can also ease your allergies with over-the-counter medications and prevent your symptoms from getting worse by keeping outdoor allergens out of your home. Keep your windows closed, bathe outdoor pets frequently and wash your clothes after youve spent time outdoors, especially if youre doing something allergy-inducing, like hiking, raking leaves or mowing the lawn.
Can Seasonal Allergies Make You Feel Nauseous
Among some of the lesser-known symptoms of seasonal allergies are stomach upset, constipation, diarrhea, GERD, acid reflux, nausea, and stomach cramping. These digestive symptoms can come with little or no upper respiratory symptoms which is why it can be difficult for these symptoms to be traced back to their source.
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Things You Should Know Aboutallergy
- 09 Jul, 2020
Allergies can cause all kinds ofunpleasant, distracting symptoms, from digestive upsets and headachesto respiratory trouble and runny eyes. However, you may also haveexperienced another few hallmark symptoms of allergy problems:fatigue, drowsiness, and mental sluggishness.
If you have had noticeable troublegathering your thoughts, maintaining your alertness, or even stayingawake during the day, you need to understand how your allergies maycreate or aggravate your tiredness. Take heed of the following fourkey points about allergy-related fatigue.
1. Allergens Cause BiochemicallyBased Fatigue
An allergic reaction occurs when yourimmune system goes into battle by mistake, attacking a harmlesssubstance as if it were a virus or other germ. It does this byinstructing mast cells to produce antibodies for release into thebloodstream. These antibodies belong to a category known asimmunoglobulin E.
In addition to immunoglobulin E, theimmune system releases a substance called histamine. When both ofthese substances produce an inflammatory reaction in the body, youmay experience a sense of tiredness alongside other, more obviousallergic symptoms.
2. Allergic Sinusitis Can CauseBrain Fog
Individuals who feel dazed and unableto think well often describe their problem as brain fog. While brainfog may occur in association with many health problems, most notablyfibromyalgia, it can also occur as a side effect of a conditioncalled allergic sinusitis.
What If Your Dizziness Is Caused By Something Else
If a steroid nasal spray doesnt work, I encourage patients to follow up appropriately with their primary care physician or the doctor who referred them just to make sure were not missing something else, Dr. Aronica notes.
A number of other conditions can cause dizziness and vertigo, so if your allergies arent the culprit, you may need to see a neurologist or an otolaryngologist to figure out whats going on.
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Your Allergies Are Getting The Best Of You
NasalCrom Nasal Allergy Symptom Controller
Along with watery eyes, an itchy throat, and constant sneezing, seasonal allergies can cause post-nasal drip, meaning excess mucous in your nose trickles down the back of your throat rather than out of your nostrils. This can easily irritate your throat or cause a cough, but when that mucous makes its way down your esophagus and into your stomach, nausea may hit.
Nix the nausea: First things firsttry to avoid anything that seems to trigger your allergies . Keeping your mucous under control with some over-the-counter allergy medslike NasalCrom Spray and Claritincan also help. Just be sure to discuss with your doc. If your allergies become unbearable overall, he or she may recommend prescription-strength medication or even an allergy shot.
Can Allergies Make You Feel Hot
Hot flashes and chills are symptoms that are never linked to allergies. 3. You feel pain in your cheeks. While allergies can trigger sinus pressure around the eyes and temples, pain that extends through the cheeks and even to the teeth can signal inflammatory build-up thats common in sinus infections not allergies.
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Can Allergies Cause Nausea
Allergies are common all around the world. They result from an overreaction of the immune system to certain external stimuli such as pollen and mold. Common symptoms of allergies include running nose, blocked nose, coughing and sneezing. But what about nausea? Is it one of the symptoms of allergies too?
Allergy Shots Side Effects For Adults
Allergy shot side effects or reactions are usually minimal and easy to manage. Because youre being injected with allergens sometimes your body can overreact.
For this reason its important to always carry an Epi-Pen with you to the doctor, in your car, to work/school. Ill explain the side effects and reactions Ive experienced during my 5 years of allergy shots.
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Can Allergies Cause Fever
According to the National Institutes of Health, allergies dont cause fever. Yes, allergies and colds have similar symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, or sneezing, which can also make you feel sick.
You experience allergy symptoms when your immune system mistakes the environmental intervention and fights harmless particles like pollen or pet dander. This can generate an inflammatory response from your immune system.
On the other hand, the symptoms of cold and flu are caused by viruses that compromise your respiratory system. As a result, your immune system works to keep these viruses out of your body.
A Symptom Of Anaphylactic Shock
Dizziness is one possible symptom that may accompany a severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylactic shock. Food allergies, medication allergies and allergic reactions to insect stings are commonly linked to anaphylactic shock, which may be life-threatening. You may experience:
- swelling in your throat or tongue
- trouble breathing
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The Primary Difference Between Allergies And A Cold
According to Weston, the primary difference between seasonal allergies and a cold is that a cold often manifests with a fever, and allergies do not. Seasonal allergies often manifest with itchy or irritated eyes and noses, and colds do not.
Many people think the long length of their symptoms suggest allergies over a cold, but this is not necessarily the case. A cold can be very tricky because some of the symptoms may linger, Weston said. Sometimes your cold may be gone, but your cough could persist for another month.
Seasonal allergies usually last the duration that the pollen or allergen is around for you to be exposed, which is usually the entire season. If a cough from a cold lasts for weeks, then the symptoms can get confusing.
The answer is simple and can be reached with a few simple questions. Do you have a fever? If yes, then you most likely do not have allergies. Do you have itchy eyes and nose? If yes, then you most likely have allergies. However, it is possible to simultaneously suffer from a cold and seasonal allergies. If you are confused or unsure of your symptoms, then call your primary care provider for more guidance.