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Can Food Allergies Cause Dizziness

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Dizziness

The Cause and the Treatment Of Allergies and Dizziness At Home | Daniel Natural Health Tips

Seasonal allergies can cause a lot of different symptoms. But can seasonal allergies cause dizziness? If you are struggling with dizziness, then you are probably uncomfortable and also maybe afraid. While some types of dizziness are no big deal, other types are undoubtedly serious. Below, we will explain different dizziness causes and also when to see a doctor.

The State Of West Coast Air In Fall 2021

Fall for West Coasters looks a little different. While the air may cool slightly, making way for activities like hiking, autumn and its weather concerns can leave you on the edge of your seat.

No matter how far you are from the source of a wildfire, the threat of smoke-filled skies, property damage, and health concerns can stir up feelings of worry throughout your community. Wildfire burns create excessive amounts of smoke, polluting the air outdoors for miles. And since wildfires travel quickly, smoke can enter your home at a moments notice, impacting the health of you and your family and potentially creating long-term respiratory issues. Even if you are able to evacuate, there will still be lingering smoke in your indoor air after its been deemed safe to return.

Wildfire Season: What to Expect in 2021

You guessed itthis wildfire season is also predicted to be above-average, and we have the climate crisis to thank for that. With most of the nation currently experiencing droughts and higher temperatures, experts predict wildfire season could last longer than normal.

Wildfire Season: Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality

When To See A Doctor

Can other serious conditions cause dizziness? Yes. It is important to understand that if you are unsure whether your dizziness is due to an allergy, and you have other symptoms, you need to contact your doctor. If you have serious symptoms like fever, seizures, fainting, shortness of breath, or severe head pain, you need to get emergency medical help right away.

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Kidney Or Thyroid Disease

The kidney plays a vital role in regulating your bodys blood pressure. As a consequence, any condition disrupting the kidneys performance, may trigger the feeling of light-headedness after eating. Similarly, diseases affecting the thyroid gland, e.g thyroid nodules, trauma to the thyroid, or any disease affecting the thyroid gland may make you experience dizziness after eating.

Symptoms Of Food Intolerance

Can Food Allergies Cause Dizziness

Symptoms of food intolerance can include:;

  • nervousness
  • burning sensations on the skin
  • tightness across the face and chest
  • breathing problems asthma-like symptoms;
  • persistent dizziness or collapse
  • becoming pale and floppy .

Several factors can influence the severity of anaphylaxis, including exercise, heat, alcohol, the amount of food eaten, and how food is prepared and consumed.To prevent severe injury or death, a person with anaphylaxis requires an injection of adrenaline .;People who are considered by their doctor to be at risk of anaphylaxis are prescribed an autoinjector which contains a single fixed dose of adrenaline. They are designed to be used by non-medical people and should be administered into the outer mid-thigh muscle in the event of a severe allergic reaction.;Adrenaline autoinjectors are also available directly from a pharmacy.;

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Is Dizziness A Sign Of A Gluten Allergy

An allergy of any type causes the body’s immune system to respond to the “invasion” of this foreign product by producing large quantities of immunoglobulin E , an antibody that produces inflammation-causing histamine. People who have an allergy to gluten may find that the consumption of gluten triggers a range of unpleasant symptoms, from migraines and lethargy, to gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea or constipation, to skin problems, including chronic rashes and hives. In addition, people with gluten allergies often suffer from the malabsorption of vitamins and minerals causing anemia and other related symptoms and problems.

The frequency and severity of these symptoms will vary from person to person. Nevertheless, dizziness and clumsiness are documented symptoms of gluten allergies, especially in people with celiac disease. Accordingly, difficulties absorbing sugar, minerals and other nutrients not only cause anemia, but may also result in low blood sugar levels, symptoms of vertigo, a lack of coordination , autoimmune injuries to the ear, and inner ear infections affecting a person’s balance.

Citric Acid And Citrus Fruits Should Be Ruled Out First

Citrus foods often cause allergic reactions but are often one of the last types of foods people think of when looking for a cause of hives. Vertigo is also commonly experienced as a symptom of allergies to citrus. But not just citrus as in oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes. You also need to closely inspect the ingredient labels on the prepared foods you are eating. You will be surprised to find out how many of the prepared foods you purchase contain citric acid. And while it is known that allergic reactions are often the cause of hives, vertigo presence can often quickly help you narrow down that allergy to citrus fruits or citric acid.

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Allergies Dizziness And Hearing

Timothy C. Hain, M.D.

Allergies are unwanted reactions of the immune system to foreign substances — typically inhaled pollon, but also foods, rubber such as latex — nearly anything that people contact. We are not going to discuss allergy in general, as this topic is far too large. Instead, we will focus on allergy as it relates to dizziness and hearing.

Allergy has been growing rapidly, perhaps due to greater contact with pollutants. For example, in China, the prevalence of asthma increased almost 5 fold in Shanghai betwen 1990 and 2012 .

Reaction Signs And Symptoms

What are the causes of Allergy?

Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction so that you can give life-saving treatment early.

  • Do not ignore early symptoms.
  • Always take a possible reaction seriously and act quickly.
  • Not every reaction will always look the same; a person can have different symptoms each time.
  • Anaphylaxis can occur without skin symptoms or hives.
  • A child may describe their symptoms differently than an adult: for example my throat is tingly or my tongue feels scratchy.

An allergic reaction usually happens within minutes after being exposed to an allergen, but sometimes it can take place several hours after exposure.

Symptoms and severity of a reaction can differ each time. Keep in mind that an allergic reaction can start with mild symptoms that can get worse quickly.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis generally include two or more of the following body systems:

  • Skin: hives, swelling , itching, warmth, redness
  • Respiratory : coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain/tightness, throat tightness, hoarse voice, nasal congestion or hay fever-like symptoms , trouble swallowing
  • Gastrointestinal : nausea, pain/cramps, vomiting, diarrhea
  • Cardiovascular : paler than normal skin colour/blue colour, weak pulse, passing out, dizziness or lightheadedness, shock
  • Other: anxiety, sense of doom , headache, uterine cramps, metallic taste
*Simons FER, Sampson HA. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2015.

Make sure to talk to your doctor about how to recognize anaphylaxis.

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Neck Pain May Be Caused By Sinuses

Its a common misconception that the sinuses can contribute to neck pain. Studies have shown that many people with chronic neck pain have them in other places, such as their shoulder joint and at the base of their skull.

So if youre experiencing any type of headache or inflammation in your neck area, it would be unusual for those symptoms to be related to your sinuses.

For mild headaches due to allergies, however, we recommend seeing a physician for prescription medication instead of purchasing OTC medicines.

Yes. When you get sinusitis, the nasal cavities swell with mucus and tighten up near the back of your throat, causing post-nasal drip that can go down into your esophagus and stomach.

When you swallow the irritating liquid, it may also go through a narrow opening called the Eustachian tube to your inner ear on its way to the stomach.

There it gets behind a thin sheet of tissue called a tympanic membrane also known as membrane or eardrum which vibrates when our ears are plugged up or clogged with fluid.

So while sinuses dont usually cause neck pain directly, they can indirectly by triggering infection in the Eustachian tubes that lead to the ears.

This infection can cause an earache and sore throat, which will also lead to neck pain as you try to turn your head or bend down for relief.

It helps to avoid all of these symptoms is by getting a sinus infection treated quickly with antibiotics from your doctor before it worsens.

Can Allergies Cause Headache

Allergies can cause headaches and one of the most common allergy headaches is the headache with hay fever. Allergy headaches are usually triggered by smoke, some specific foods, stress and nasal congestion. Symptoms of allergy headache include throbbing pain along with nausea and localized pain on specific areas like sinus area. The allergens tend to clog the sinuses, which leads to increased pressure on your eyes and temples. .

If your allergy headaches are triggered by a specific food, then simply refrain from consuming that to get rid of the allergy and allergy headache. It the reaction is caused by air-borne allergen the try to keep your windows shut in the morning when there is high concentration of the allergen in the air. You can also use air purifiers at home or use vacuum to get rid of the dust.

Though allergy doesnt have any cure, it can be prevented up to some level. To do that you need to follow certain food rules. Watch this video to know about them.

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Food Allergy Vs Food Intolerance

Did you know the term food allergy is widely overused? Manypeople believe they have a food allergy when they actually have a foodintolerance. The two are commonly confused because they produce some of thesame symptoms.

A food allergy causes an immune system reaction that canaffect numerous organs in the body every time a certain food is consumed,touched or inhaled potentially causing life-threatening symptoms. On theother hand, a food intolerance occurs when a certain food irritates thedigestive system because your body is unable to properly digest it.

Food intolerances are much more common than food allergies.In fact, almost everyone will experience a negative digestive response aftereating at some point in their life. Unlike allergies, intolerances are oftendose-related, meaning symptoms may not present until a large amount is eaten orthe food is eaten frequently. The most common food intolerance is an intolerance to lactose, which is found inmilk and other dairy products.

Food intolerance symptoms commonly include:

·;;;;;;;;Nausea or stomach pain



·;;;;;;;;Wheat and other grains with gluten


These foods, and any ingredient that contains proteinderived from one or more of them, are officially designated as the main foodallergens by the FoodAllergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act.

Symptoms Of Food Allergy And Intolerance

What is the Connection Between Allergies and Dizziness?

It can be difficult to tell the difference between the symptoms of food allergy and food intolerance. Usually, symptoms caused by food allergy develop very soon after consuming the food. While symptoms caused by food intolerance can be immediate, they may also take 12 to 24 hours to develop.Food intolerance reactions are usually related to the amount of the food consumed. They may not occur until a certain amount of the food is eaten, but this amount varies for each person.The symptoms of food allergy and intolerance can also be caused by other conditions, so it is important to see your doctor for a medical diagnosis.;

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Treating Food Allergy Or Intolerance

The easiest way to treat a food allergy or intolerance is to eliminate the offending food/s from the diet. Sometimes, the body can tolerate the food if it is avoided for a time, then reintroduced in small doses, particularly for food intolerances.;Before you eliminate or reintroduce foods, seek advice from a specialist doctor and dietitian.;

What To Do If You Have An Allergic Reaction

For minor allergic reactions, over-the-counter decongestantsand antihistamines can usually provide relief. Antihistaminescan help prevent and treat symptoms like hives, while decongestants can helpclear a congested nose. Both options are usually available in tablet, eye dropor nasal spray forms at your local pharmacy or drug store.

For skin irritation, ice and topical creams that containcorticosteroids can help alleviate swelling, redness and itching. If theseover-the-counter allergy solutions dont do the trick, make an appointment withyour doctor.

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What Is The Connection Between Allergies And Dizziness

Several allergies have dizziness as one of their symptoms. The primary connection between allergies and dizziness is that many conditions affect the ears and the Eustachian tube within them, which is important in helping the body to maintain balance. Dizziness can also be the result from the body working overtime to protect itself from allergens. Treating ear pressure and congestion in the chest and nose can alleviate both allergies and any dizziness caused by them.

Allergies often affect the proper functioning of the Eustachian tube, which regulates balance in the human body. The tube connects the middle ear to the pharynx, which is a part of the throat. When it is functioning properly, the Eustachian tube drains mucus from the middle ear. If the tube becomes swollen due to allergies, mucus becomes trapped, and it is no longer able to equalize pressure in the area and thus maintain balance in the body. This is a common connection between allergies and dizziness.

Do You Need To Follow

Why your allergies might be causing vertigo

Let the person’s primary healthcare professional know about the reaction later if he or she was not involved in their treatment.

An allergy specialist can determine the difference between true food allergy and food intolerance.

  • The allergist will ask about the sequence of events that led to the reaction and record a thorough dietary and medical history.
  • He or she may use special tests to find out which food is responsible for the allergic reaction.

The first step in evaluation for food allergies is testing.

  • Skin test: Dilute extracts of various foods are placed on the skin. The allergist looks for the formation of a bump on the skin after 10 to 20 minutes. Swelling at the site of the test can mean that the person is allergic to that particular food.
  • Blood test: This may be used to check for antibodies against specific food allergens. These results are confirmed with the oral challenge test in which small doses of the suspected food are given in a mixture of different foods to look for a reaction. If symptoms develop, then the person is proven to have allergies to the particular food.
  • Elimination diet: With this test, the person stops eating foods that may be triggers. Gradually these foods are reintroduced back into the diet. The allergist will then be able to pinpoint the allergy-causing food if a reaction occurs.

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Suggestions For Relieving Vertigo

To combat the adverse effects of inflammation in your body, you should try to eat whole foods that provide the essential fats, vitamins and minerals your body needs, along with antioxidants that can help cleanse your body of toxins. Certain foods have been proven helpful in eliminating or improving the symptoms that often accompany vertigo.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids The healthy omega-3 fat is known to help with inflammation. Omega-3 foods are recommended for a vestibular migraine diet as well as for other inner ear disorders. Fish, especially oily fish, is abundant in omega-3, and certain vegetables and nuts are good sources as well.

Read more: Foods Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Vegetarians

Foods That Contain Antioxidants Shiitake mushrooms contain a special antioxidant called ergothioneine, which is a cell protector that concentrates on oxidative stress in your body.

Green tea contains nutrients and antioxidants that may help fight inflammation. For example, Japanese matcha tea contains seven times more antioxidants than dark chocolate and 17 times more than wild blueberries, according to Mercola.

Read more: What Foods & Drinks Are High in Antioxidants?

Foods Containing Vitamin D A deficiency of vitamin D is associated with symptoms of vertigo. A 2013 study, published in the Journal of Neurology, found that subjects with low vitamin D levels had up to 23 times greater odds of having positional vertigo compared to the control group.

A Side Effect From Allergy Medication

Many people reach for over-the-counter antihistamine pills to treat allergies. Dizziness may be a possible side effect, depending on the type of antihistamine that you take.

The oldest antihistamines on the market which tend to cause drowsiness as a side effect are more likely to cause other side effects, including dizziness, in some people.

If this happens, your doctor may recommend that you switch to newer antihistamines, which dont tend to cause side effects like dizziness or drowsiness. Talk to your doctor about which medication may be right for you.

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Allergic Rhinitis And Dizziness

Dizziness, when associated with allergic rhinitis, is difficult to understand. However, as our allergy advisor Louise Baillie explains, it usually comes about as a result of other symptoms associated with the condition such as inflammation. Here Louise provides more information on the issue and offers some tips about the various treatment options available as well.

Louise BaillieAsk Louise


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