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HomeHow Long Do Fall Allergies Last

How Long Do Fall Allergies Last

You Don’t Have These Symptoms

How Long Does Allergy Season last? — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

Colds and allergies share many of the same symptoms, so it can be tough to tell which one you’re going through. Because they share symptoms — such as coughing and congestion — it’s helpful to consider the symptoms that these two conditions don’t share.;

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have a cold:

  • Fatigue
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat

Another way to tell the difference between a cold and allergies is the duration of your symptoms. Colds usually go away on their own in seven to 10 days, whereas allergies persist until they’re treated or until the trigger is gone — which can take months depending on what you are allergic to.

If you know you’re allergic to pollen, you can try an app like Zyrtec AllergyCast to check the pollen counts and see if it’s a good idea to go outside.;

When Is Allergy Season

Allergy season often refers to a specific type of allergy, called allergic rhinitis , that can be triggered by pollen.;

Trees, flowers, and grasses typically release pollen in the spring and summer months. However, certain allergies can also happen in the fall, like those caused by weeds.;;;

It all depends on what type of plant you’re allergic to and when that plant pollinates. Here’s a breakdown of seasonal allergies during the spring, summer, and fall.

What Are The Symptoms Of Fall Allergies

  • Watery, itchy, or generally irritated eyes
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Aggravated asthma symptoms, including coughing or wheezing
  • In severe cases, trouble breathing or anaphylaxis

Its important to note that fall allergy symptoms overlap with the common cold, flu, or COVID-19. One distinguishing factor for allergies: They do not cause a fever.

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What Causes Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies ;also known as hay fever are most commonly due to the proliferation of pollen that is in the air at specific times of the season. Pollen is that yellow, powdery substance ;that clings to everything outdoors.

Pollen is the fertilization agent of plants. Seeds, fruit, and the reproduction of different forms of wildlife all rely upon this natural process in order to survive.

The problem for us is that certain microscopic pollen grains carry a type of protein that can result in allergic reactions in humans. Immune system cells, known as B cells, overproduce antibodies in reaction to pollen, which leads to the activation of white blood cells. White blood cells produce histamines, causing blood vessels to dilate. Seasonal allergies essentially occur due to our hypersensitivity to these bodily effects.

Narrowing Down The Cause


One key to finding the cause of your rash is to observe how long the rash persists. A rash that keeps coming back may be related to hay fever, rather than temporary exposure to something.

Also, what time of year does the rash normally appear? If you notice youre developing recurring rashes consistently during certain seasons , it may be related to the pollens of that season. This is known as seasonal allergies.

Note that allergic reactions arent limited to the pollens in the spring. Fall allergies are common and, in some areas, trees and certain plants grow in the winter and summer that can cause skin irritation. Ragweed and grass can cause hay fever during spring and summer, the two best-known seasons for allergy problems.

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Treatment Of Fall Season Allergies In Dogs

The veterinarian will offer a variety of treatment options for you to choose from. He may want to start slowly and see what works for your companion and then build up any medication if needed. Treatment options include:


Allergy medications for specific symptoms may be recommended by your veterinarian. Since your dog is suffering from seasonal allergies, they may be only temporary just to get him through the fall season. There are medications on the market that are formulated to control itching, such as antihistamines and mild steroids.


The veterinarian may recommend that you shampoo your dog regularly with special shampoo created just for allergic skin. Regular bathing with special shampoo will allow your dog’s skin to calm down and be less irritated.

Desensitization Therapy

For dogs with more serious fall season allergies, there are therapies that are stronger available on the market. Immunosuppressants or desensitization therapy with injections may help the dog’s system build up immunity to the fall allergens.

What Triggers Fall Allergies

;;;;As mentioned, Ragweed is the biggest allergy trigger in the fall. Though it releases pollen in August, it can last through October. For some people who are allergic to ragweed, certain fruits and vegetables can also cause allergy symptoms: sunflower seeds, certain potatoes, cucumber, banana, cantaloupe, zucchini, honeydew, and watermelon. Mold is another fall trigger and can be found both indoors and outside. It may be present all year long, but it thrives and grows in damp piles of leaves during autumn months. Dust Mites are the last fall allergen on this list and are a year-round indoor allergen as well. They typically only thrive indoors; however, they are a seasonal fall allergy because they can get dispersed into the air when you first turn on your heater, making ones reaction more severe.

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What Should You Do If Your Usual Allergy Meds Don’t Work

Many treatments are available to ease your allergy symptoms, including nasal sprays , eye drops, and; antihistamines. “Oral antihistamines help the itchy, sneezy and runny nose, while intranasal antihistamines help the itchy, sneezy, runny, and congested nose,” explains Rhonda J. Myers, MD, PhD, allergist with Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Orange County, California. Another option is intranasal corticosteroids, which help all these symptoms but must be used daily to be effective, Myers tells Health.;;;

If your usual meds aren’t working, it’s time to see your doctor again. “An allergist has advanced training and experience to properly diagnose your condition with a good history, examination, skin testing, or a blood test,” Dr. Fonacier explains. “They can help you identify your allergy triggers, provide advice on how to avoid them, and even detect complications early.;

There are several possible reasons for your meds not working, including the wrong diagnosis , high exposure to the allergen, or inability to avoid the exposure. You might also have started your treatment too late, Dr. Fonacier says. Whatever is at the root of it, your doctor can help you get to the bottom of itand hopefully find some relief from the sneezing.

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What Are The Treatments For Allergic Rhinitis

How To Tell Whether You’re Sick Or Just Have Allergies

The first and best option is to avoid contact with substances that trigger your nasal allergies . When prevention is not enough, consider using over-the-counter or prescription medicines:

  • Antihistamines are taken by mouth or as a nasal spray. They can relieve sneezing and itching in the nose and eyes. They also reduce a runny nose and, to a lesser extent, nasal stuffiness.
  • are taken by mouth or as a nasal spray or drops. They help shrink the lining of the nasal passages which relieves nasal stuffiness. These nose drops and sprays should;be;taken short-term.
  • Nasal corticosteroids are used in nasal spray form. They reduce inflammation in the nose and block allergic reactions. They are the most effective medicine type for allergic rhinitis because they can reduce all symptoms, including nasal congestion. Nasal corticosteroids have few side effects.
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists block the action of important chemical messengers other than histamine that are involved in allergic reactions.
  • Cromolyn sodium is a nasal spray that blocks the release of chemicals that cause allergy symptoms, including histamine and leukotrienes. This medicine has few side effects, but you must take it four times a day.

Nasal allergy symptoms may disappear completely when the allergen is removed or after the allergy is treated. Talk to your pharmacist and health care provider about what is best for you.

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Can Hay Fever Cause A Rash

While other symptoms of hay fever are traced to breathing pollens and other allergens, hay fever rashes can often be traced to allergens coming in direct contact with the skin.

For instance, you may be touching various pollens in plants and flowers when youre working in your yard. When compounded by the fact that youre stirring up these pollens by working in flowerbeds, you have a recipe for a skin irritation that can develop into a full-blown skin rash or hives.

A rash may be mistaken for hives. Hives are generally caused by an allergic reaction to something thats been ingested or inhaled. However, hives can occur as a result of hay fever.

The first symptoms youll notice are itchiness and possibly red patches or eruptions on the skin. These look more like welts than bumps, with edges that are clearly defined. The surface of the skin will appear swollen, almost as if youve been scalded.

As time goes on, the spots may increase in size. They may even disappear and later reappear. Hives specifically tend to turn white when pressed.

What Are The Most Common Allergies And When Do They Surface

Pien said that ragweed pollen typically peaks around Labour Day and the particles keep circulating, spelling misery for those with allergies.

Ragweed pollen is airborne so it can travel up to 400 miles from the origin of where pollen came from. So even if youre not seeing a ragweed plant directly in front of you, you could still be impacted by the wind-borne pollen, Pien said.

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Ragweed is a wild shrub that is native to Eastern and Central North America. There are several species and they range in colours and sizes.

Ragweed allergies in the fall are quite regional in Canada, affecting southern Ontario and western Quebec only, Fischer warned.

Grass is another culprit but its a mixed bag. It all depends on the amount of rain that falls to encourage grass pollination.

This time around, rain encouraged ragweed growth, which means were dealing with a bad season in Canada, Fischer said.

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When Do Seasonal Allergies Hit Their Peak

Seasonal allergies start as early as February when trees begin to pollinate. This is followed by grass pollination in the spring and summer months. Climate and weather changes can also dictate how fast plants begin to pollinate. For instance, large amounts of rain in the spring can spur on more rapid plant growth, which leads to an increase in mold ;another big allergy trigger.

In the fall, ragweed largely reigns supreme as the key contributor to allergy symptoms. Though they only live for one season, one ragweed plant can produce up to one billion pollen grains! This can last from early August and all the way to October. Mold also occurs in the fall, as it grows underneath damp piles of leaves.

Fall Allergies And Sinusitis

Itchy Scalp

Autumn has arrived, and you canât stop sneezing and sniffling. You may be suffering from allergic rhinitis or hay fever.

Autumn has arrived, and you donât feel so good. You canât stop sneezing and sniffling. The return of cool weather leaves you feeling not invigorated but miserable.

Whatâs going on? You may be suffering from pollen allergy, a.k.a. allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Thirty million Americans do, and symptoms typically flare in fall.

Like all allergies, hay fever stems from a glitch in the immune system. Instead of attacking harmful foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses, it tries to neutralize âinvadersâ that ordinarily are quite harmless — in this case weed pollen grains that fill the air from August through October .

In someone with hay fever, inhaling these tiny particles triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions, resulting in the release of histamine, a protein that causes the all-too-familiar symptoms. In addition to sneezing, congestion, and fatigue, histamine can cause coughing; post-nasal drip; itchy eyes, nose, and throat; dark circles under the eyes; and asthma attacks.

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Causes Of Fall Season Allergies In Dogs

With allergy sufferers, an over-reactive immune system is the culprit to specific allergens. Specific causes of fall season allergies in dogs are:

  • Hypersensitive immune system to a particular agent
  • The immune system attacking an agent that is otherwise harmless
  • The overactive immune system causing an allergic reaction, such as atopic dermatitis

The Complete Guide To Florida Fall Allergy Season 2020

Most people in Florida look forward to autumn with its pumpkin spice lattes, mild sun and cooler air. But if youre one of the estimated 40 million fall allergy sufferers in the U.S., this time of year can be very unpleasant.

It doesnt have to be that way, though

With the proper precautions and correct allergy treatments, you can enjoy all that autumn has to offer.

While most people often associate allergies with spring and the pollen produced by flowering plants, fall can be the worst season to deal with allergies. As the weather here in Jacksonville cools, plants tend to release more pollen and the moist, cool air leads to increased mold growth on leaves and other surfaces.

Combined, these factors can trigger severe allergic reactions.

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How Can I Tell If My Symptoms Are Allergies Or Covid

Before you stress out, know that there’s one positive aspect when it comes to allergens in the year 2021: “Masks mean less inhalation of pollen through the nose or mouth, and that may translate to decreased symptoms for some sufferers,” explains Manisha Relan, MD, a board-certified allergist. Noted!

That said, if you’re worried about telling the difference between symptoms, whenever they do arise, listen up: The COVID and allergy symptoms that typically overlap are headaches, wheezing, and sore throat. It’s also possible to experience nasal congestion, a runny nose, and sneezing with COVID, too, though these are more commonly allergy symptoms. A dry cough, shortness of breath, and loss of smell, are all likely COVID-19 symptoms, though there’s always the possibility that these are the side effects of allergies.

Overall, though, if you’re having trouble telling if your symptoms are allergies or COVID, your best bet is to check in with a doctor’s office or urgent-care center.

What Are The Symptoms Of Severe Allergies

How do we identify if the person has Allergic Bronchitis or Asthma? – Dr. Bindu Suresh

Those with allergies often experience these allergy symptoms:

  • Sinus Congestion
  • Coughing
  • Itchy or Watery Eyes

These symptoms are also very similar to that of a cold, so we have many patients ask, whats the difference between a cold and allergies?

Dr. Warrier talked to Lexingtons ABC 36 about the difference between a cold and allergies. Many of the symptoms are the same; you have the nasal symptoms, the congestion, watery drainage, the sneezing, so many of those symptoms overlap. However, with a cold, that is caused by viruses whereas with allergies the reason you have those symptoms is your bodies immune system is responding to the pollen, mold, or dander that you are breathing in.

So while the symptoms are similar, the cause of the symptoms are different and so is how you manage it. Cold symptoms can last for a few days to a few weeks. Allergies symptoms last a lot longer and are recurrent, so many notice their symptoms come back during the same time of year.

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What Makes Allergy Season Worse

While the timing and severity of allergy season varies across the country, the following climate factors can influence exposure and symptoms:

  • Temperature. Mild winter temperatures can cause plants to pollinate earlier, and allergies may occur sooner in the spring. Tree pollen also thrives during cool nights and warm days, which is common in the spring and early summer.;
  • Rain. While rain can wash pollen away, it can also increase pollen counts, because rain bursts pollen particles, releasing smaller particles into the air at a much higher concentration. A rainy spring can also promote rapid plant growth and lead to an increase in mold, exacerbating allergy symptoms.;
  • Wind. Pollen counts increase on windy days because the particles are small, light, and dry. Wind keeps pollen particles airborne and can spread them over long distances. Hot, dry, and windy weather signals greater pollen and mold distribution, and therefore, worsened allergy symptoms.

Climate change has also increased the duration and severity of allergy seasons. “Tree pollen starts earlier, grass pollen extends further into the summertime, and we are seeing more severe ragweed seasons,” says Stadtmauer.;

Does Your Child Have Fall Allergies

Many kids have seasonal allergies in the fall. Here’s how to detect and minimize symptoms.

For many children, cooler weather comes with an onslaught of fall allergy symptoms. The main culprit is ragweeda flowering weed that grows across the nation. Mold is also a common allergen this time of year, as the piles of leaves on the ground coupled with a moisture spurs mold growth. Here are fall allergy symptoms and treatment options that parents need to know.;

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Is It Allergies Or A Cold

Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference between allergies and the common cold. There are more than a hundred strains of cold viruses. Each tends to become widespread at certain times of the year, which is why you may mistake a cold for a seasonal allergy. Allergies occur at the same time every year and last as long as the allergen is in the air . Allergies cause itching of the nose and eyes along with other nasal symptoms. Colds last about one week and have less itching of the nose and eyes.


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