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HomeHealthCan Allergies Cause Headaches And Dizziness

Can Allergies Cause Headaches And Dizziness

Visit Sinus Solutions Of South Florida For Top Sinusitis Vertigo Treatment

Why your allergies might be causing vertigo

If you regularly struggle with sinus infections and sinusitis vertigo, minimally invasive balloon sinusitis might provide you with the relief youre looking for. As an in-office procedure, balloon sinuplasty takes less than 20 minutes to perform and requires little-to-no recovery time. It has been proven to help with multiple types of sinus issues, including sinusitis vertigo, sinusitis and sleep apnea, and sinusitis congestion. 

Dr. Bequer of Sinus Solutions of South Florida is one of the top providers of balloon sinuplasty in the Tampa and West Palm Beach areas. He and his staff are happy to answer any sinus-related questions you have, including everything from Why is my sinusitis worse at night? to What is the difference between sinusitis and a cold

Life is crazy enough without the spinning sensations brought on by sinusitis vertigo. Let Sinus Solutions of South Florida help you regain your balance. Call us 790-7744 or request a consultation online today. 

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Dr. Bequer is a leading South Florida ENT & sinus doctor, providing nasal, sinus, and snoring relief through balloon sinuplasty and various procedures the in West Palm Beach and Tampa areas.

How Do You Know If Your Vertigo Is Serious

Sinusitis vertigo generally appears when your sinus infection has reached a more advanced and severe stage. If you have a sinus infection and start experiencing vertigo, go see a doctor. You need stronger treatment than whatever you are using to avoid long-term sinusitis complications.

If youve received treatment for your sinus infection and are still struggling with long sessions of vertigo , theres a chance that you may have Menieres disease. Menieres disease causes tinnitus, vertigo, a sensation of pressure in your ear, and hearing loss. As the condition progresses, these symptoms can worsen. 

Airborne Allergies And Dizziness

Airborne allergies can lead to sinus congestion as well as inflammation of the lining of the eustachian tube, which normally equalizes the pressure in the middle ear.

When the eustachian tube becomes blocked by inflammation, pressure builds and your ears feel plugged up, which sometimes can result in dizziness or balance problems.

You may also feel lightheaded or off-balance from the side effects of allergy medication. Most oral antihistamines can cause dizziness.

Recommended Reading: How To Help Indoor Allergies

Allergic Rhinitis And Dizziness

Dizziness, when associated with allergic rhinitis, is difficult to understand. However, as our allergy advisor Louise Baillie explains, it usually comes about as a result of other symptoms associated with the condition such as inflammation. Here Louise provides more information on the issue and offers some tips about the various treatment options available as well.

Louise BaillieAsk Louise

How Do You Prevent Allergy Headaches

Feeling Dizzy: Should You Worry?

Avoiding triggers whenever possible is the best way to treat or prevent headaches. 

If you arenât sure what is causing your allergy headaches, consider keeping a âheadache journalâ over a few days or weeks. This may help you identify potential causes and triggers for your allergies and headaches.

Once you have a better idea about what is causing your allergies and headaches, you can make any necessary changes to your home, schedule, or behavior. Depending on the triggers, you may need to alter the way you clean your home or the products you use, or make changes to your diet. You may have to remove specific plants or odors that can trigger your symptoms.

If you notice that your allergies and headaches are usually triggered outside, there are some options to limit your exposure.

  • Stay indoors when triggers like pollen or mold are at their highest, or when it is windy.
  • Keep windows closed, or avoid using window fans that can pull outdoor allergens into the house.

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Otc Medications For Allergies And Migraine Come With Potential Risks

If the symptoms of allergies and migraine are fairly mild, they could both be treated with just over-the-counter medications, says Hamilton. I would caution people who are self-treating who think their headaches are from allergies. They may take a lot of allergy medication, and certain ones like Sudafed can potentially cause a worsening headache if you take it frequently, she says.

Pain relivers such as aspirin, acetaminophen, NSAIDS, decongestants, and combination medicines that contain caffeine, aspirin, and acetaminophen or butalbital can all contribute to medication overuse headache , according to the American Migraine Foundation.

MOH is defined as a headache occurring on 15 or more days per month in a person with a preexisting primary headache and developing as a consequence of regular overuse of acute or symptomatic headache medication, according to the International Headache Society.

RELATED: 10 Things You Need to Know About Medication-Overuse Headache

Why Do People Miss The Connection Between Allergies And Vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom of many vestibular disorders, such as vestibular neuritis, as well as potential neurological issues. Because it feels frightening and often indicates a larger medical problem, patients may not always connect the dots between their existing allergies and their vertigo. If you have unexplained vertigo and also suffer from seasonal allergies, pursue the connection by contacting your doctor.

How Can I Treat Allergy-Related Vertigo?

The good news is that allergy-related vertigo will respond to typical allergy treatments. The first step is to identify what specific allergens are causing the reaction. Once a patient has a confirmed diagnosis, it is much easier to identify effective treatments for the symptoms caused. Over-the-counter allergy medications and nasal steroid sprays, as well as daily saline rinses, will bring some immediate relief. It may take a patient some trial and error to find the combination that works for them.

Long-term relief will come from successfully treating the allergies themselves. There are a number of options for patients, including allergy shots and sinus reconstruction surgery. Patients can also take steps to reduce their exposure to allergens, such as installing air filters in their home and sweeping more frequently.


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How To Treat Sinus

To treat lightheadedness, get as much rest as you can because the light feeling in your head should pass when you lie down. For dizziness, you will need to treat your sinus problems.

When treating sinus or ear problems that cause dizziness at home, never use ear candling to remove wax from the ears. These products are so dangerous that the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning in 2010 against their use. The organization noted that this method poses a risk for burns and does not have any scientific evidence to support its use to remove ear wax or help ear infections.

If you have allergies that contribute to your sinus problems, take antihistamines to reduce the allergic reaction and mucus buildup in your sinuses. Next, try decongestants to reduce inflammation and congestion in your sinus passages. While decongestants can ease sinus pressure and subsequent dizziness, do not take them for an extended time without consulting with your doctor. Nasal decongestant sprays can have a rebound effect and cause worse congestion if used for several days in a row.

If you continue to feel dizziness or lightheadedness after treating your problem at home, call a doctor to see if you need a prescription or an alternative treatment to help your sinus or ear problems.

Diagnostic Criteria Of Diseases Associated With Sinus Headache: Neurology And Otolaryngology Guidelines

How To Prevent Sinus Pressure, Headaches and Dizziness from Wearing a Face mask

There are two main systems of classification and diagnostic criteria for sinus headache. The vast majority of sinus headache patients fulfill the International Headache Society diagnostic criteria for migraine , some of them for chronic migraine, the most common form of chronic daily headache. The International Classification of Headache Disorders, third edition , published by the IHS in 2013, defines chronic migraine as headache on 15 or more days per month for more than 3 months. On at least 8 days during the month, the headaches should have migraine features with or without aura and/or should respond to migraine drug treatment; in addition, a secondary cause of chronic headache must have been ruled out . Migraine may be diagnosed after the fifth attack of headache lasting 4 to 72 h if the headaches have at least two of the following characteristicsa unilateral location, a pulsating quality, moderate or severe pain intensity, and aggravated by or causing avoidance of routine physical activityplus at least one of the following: nausea and/or vomiting, photophobia, and phonophobia, not better accounted for by another ICHD-3 diagnosis.

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Food Allergies Can Cause Headaches

While just about any food can be a trigger for a migraine headache, the specific food that triggers a migraine is often difficult to pin down because it doesnt always cause a headache. For example, eating chocolate may trigger a migraine one day and not the next. In fact, in most cases, a so-called trigger will only cause a migraine occasionally. There is no rhyme or reason to it.  

Food allergy headaches are different because every time the offending food is eaten, it causes a reaction which, in some people, manifests as a headache. However, it is rare for a true food allergy to cause a headache. In most cases, a true food allergy is severe, causing reactions such as hives or anaphylaxis .  

Celiac disease, for example, is an autoimmune disease, so its not a true allergy to gluten. While the immune response triggered by gluten for those with a wheat allergy is similar to those in people with celiac disease, this response only occurs in the small intestine which damages the intestinal lining. 

In fact, most food-related headaches are caused by a food intolerance which is the result of your own biochemistry. Although there has not been much research in this area, food intolerances can cause significant health problems. A variety of foods can cause a food intolerance, but the most common offenders include: 

  • Dairy 
  • Citrus 
  • Grain Cereals 

Even If You Have Allergies Frequent Headaches May Indicate Migraine

Hamilton suggests talking with your primary care doctor if youre having frequent headaches with allergy symptoms. That might mean that your allergies are actually triggering migraines or contributing, she says.

In that situation it might be useful to try migraine medications both as-needed, or abortive, medications and potentially preventive medications, she adds.

If it is a migraine, treating the attack with typically wont be as effective as a targeted migraine treatment, says Strauss.

A good rule of thumb is that if youre not getting complete relief of your headaches from over-the-counter medications, or if the headaches are becoming more frequent or frequent enough that you’re having to take an over-the-counter medication several times a week, you should definitely seek a doctors care, says Hamilton.

Also Check: Can You Eat Before An Allergy Test

Sinusitis Vertigo Causes And Treatments

Not all individuals with sinus infections have sinusitis vertigo; however, the ones who do are frequently surprised by its symptoms.

While sinusitis vertigo is not life-threatening, its presence can and often does point to a worse-than-average sinus infection one that will likely require treatment that goes beyond what OTC medications can provide. 

Learn more about what causes sinusitis vertigo, what you can do to avoid sinusitis vertigo, and what sinusitis vertigo treatments are available to you.

Preventing Food Related Headaches

What Causes Headaches And Dizziness And Nausea Fluid Ear ...

Preventing food allergy headaches can be as simple as avoiding specific trigger foods once you figure out what your triggers are. But some triggers are difficult to avoid because they are found in most processed foods, this can also make those triggers difficult to find.  

If youre having difficulty finding your trigger foods, it may be time to talk to a headache specialist at a headache treatment clinic to learn more about how to prevent headaches caused from allergies. Contact the National Headache Institute for more information on our cutting-edge treatments including stem cell treatment. Call today to schedule an appointment at one of our convenient locations.

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Allergies Cold Feet And Hands:

Allergens are what triggers a series of reactions by the immune system during an allergic reaction. Chronic allergies can cause cold hands and feet. Actually, an allergy can lower your blood pressure, which will finally cause cold hands and feet.

One of the bigger problems of asthma is that it can trigger blood pressure. Low blood pressure is one of the main signs that an asthma attack is occurring. During an asthma attack, bronchioles constrict and air cannot pass through them as freely.

How Are Headaches Diagnosed

Your doctor will do an exam and get your child’s to help see what might be causing the headaches. The doctor will ask about:

  • how severe the headaches are and how often they happen
  • when the headaches first started
  • what the headaches feel like, and where they hurt
  • whether the headaches have a pattern or change over time
  • any other symptoms
  • any medicines your child takes
  • any allergies
  • any family history of headaches

To help pin down the problem, doctors often ask parents and older kids and teens to keep a headache diary. In the diary, list:

  • all headaches
  • how long they last
  • a few notes about what might have brought them on

The doctor will do a complete neurological exam. This can involve looking in the eyes, testing nerves, and having your child do things like walk or touch his or her nose. To look for medical problems that might be causing headaches, the doctor may order:

  • blood tests
  • imaging tests, such as a CAT scan or MRI of the brain

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Can Allergies Cause Headache

Allergies can cause headaches and one of the most common allergy headaches is the headache with hay fever. Allergy headaches are usually triggered by smoke, some specific foods, stress and nasal congestion. Symptoms of allergy headache include throbbing pain along with nausea and localized pain on specific areas like sinus area. The allergens tend to clog the sinuses, which leads to increased pressure on your eyes and temples. .

If your allergy headaches are triggered by a specific food, then simply refrain from consuming that to get rid of the allergy and allergy headache. It the reaction is caused by air-borne allergen the try to keep your windows shut in the morning when there is high concentration of the allergen in the air. You can also use air purifiers at home or use vacuum to get rid of the dust.

Though allergy doesnt have any cure, it can be prevented up to some level. To do that you need to follow certain food rules. Watch this video to know about them.

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Diagnosing And Treating Food Associated Headaches

Can allergies cause dizziness and head pressure ? | Protect your health – Health Channel

Diagnosing a food allergy headache is extremely difficult. While there is testing for food allergies, they are not very accurate giving a false positive result about 40 to 60 percent of the time.  

Other ways to diagnose food allergy headaches include an elimination diet or food challenge. An elimination diet involves removing all possible food triggers from the diet and adding them back into the diet one at a time and recording the result. When a trigger is found, it is removed, and the elimination diet continued to determine other triggers.

A food challenge entails giving the person increasing amounts of a food that is thought to be a trigger until a reaction occurs. This type of test is considered the most accurate way to check for a food allergy.  

A food diary is another way to check for food-related triggers and is a common practice in any migraine clinic. When you get a headache, you write down what you ate prior to the headache along with any symptoms or auras you had before the migraine or headache. This makes it easy to track foods and food combinations that may be triggers. A food diary can be an excellent ally for tension headache treatment as well as chronic headache treatment.  

Recommended Reading: How Does A Food Allergy Test Work

Allergies Could Trigger Migraine Attack In A Few Different Ways

It makes sense that allergies could trigger an attack in people who are predisposed to migraine, says Hamilton. If you’re having a lot of allergic symptoms, and you’re having a lot of inflammation in the body, that could make you more prone to migraine attacks in general, she says.

Some experts believe that the histamine release that happens during allergic reactions can potentially also play a role in migraine, she says. There are potential mechanisms that could explain an increased propensity for migraine when you’re having seasonal allergies, says Hamilton.

Histamine is a chemical found in some cells that can be released when a person is allergic to something, and it causes many of the symptoms of allergies. Histamine release may be involved in triggering a headache, specifically migraine, according an article published in March 2019 in The Journal of Headache and Pain.

Allergies may indirectly contribute to migraine by disrupting sleep, says Strauss. If youre very uncomfortable from all this congestion and postnasal drip, that could even be a trigger for headache, she says.

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People With Migraine Are More Likely To Have Allergies

Migraine and allergies are both very common conditions, and its not at all unusual for people to have both, according to Katherine Hamilton, MD, an assistant professor of clinical neurology and a headache specialist at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia.

Its also been shown in studies that people with migraine are more likely to have allergies, and people with allergies are more likely to have migraine, though we don’t understand exactly why that link exists. It may potentially be related to genetic factors, says Dr. Hamilton.

A study published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences found that migraine frequency in people with allergic rhinitis was four times higher than in those without allergic rhinitis. Of those with migraine, 95 percent experienced migraine without aura and 5 percent had migraine with aura.

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How Do You Stop Vertigo From Sinuses

What do you do when youve tried all home remedies and OTC medicine but your sinusitis wont go away and youre forced to deal with sinusitis vertigo on a daily basis? Visit your doctor. If you have a bacterial sinus infection, your ENT will be able to prescribe you an antibiotic. And if you have chronic sinusitis, they may be able to help you find a long-term solution for your sinus issues, such as balloon sinuplasty. 

Other Common Causes Of Dizziness

Headache Dizziness Fatigue Forgetfulness Up Blocked Ears ...

There are many conditions that cause dizziness. Ear infections are a common, usually harmless cause. However, other conditions can be a major problem. These are things like heart disease, anemia, and low blood pressure. Low blood sugar can also cause dizziness. Lastly, mental health symptoms can cause dizziness. Anxiety and panic attacks are both common culprits.

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Why Sinus Pressure Without Congestion Is Unique

It seems like everyone can remember at least one morning where they wake up and just dont feel good. The pressure in their nose paired with the struggle to breathe properly is something we have all experienced at some point. 

This issue is known as congestion, and it is that feeling you have when your nose feels blocked. In most cases, you will also experience sinus pressure when you deal with congestion. 

Sinus pressure and congestion go hand in hand as congestion is caused by the nasal cavities in your head getting backed up. When these cavities fill up, your sinuses feel the pressure of the added fluid and tend to feel uncomfortable. This is why so often you will see people dealing with both sinus pressure and headaches at the same time. 

Just because these two symptoms go hand in hand does not mean that they cant exist in isolation. As we will see, there are many causes of sinus pressure and dizziness that often dont come with added congestion. 

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Dizziness Tinnitus And Nausea

Due to the severity of this allergy season, people are having allergies that usually don’t, and others are having more severe symptoms.

Dizziness, tinnitus, and nausea can combine to form a feeling similar to motion sickness. This sensation, lasting days or months, can be a result of seasonal allergies.

Lets go over some of these lesser-known symptoms of allergies and 5 ways to help your symptoms!

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What Causes Headaches

Headaches are thought to be caused by changes in chemicals, nerves, or blood vessels in the area. These changes send pain messages to the brain and bring on a headache.

Most headaches are related to:

  • smelling strong odors such as perfume, smoke, fumes, or a new car or carpet
  • too much caffeine
  • some foods

What Can You Do

ENT Manifestations of Migraine 1: dizziness, tinnitus, sinus pressure but no headache

Address diet certain foods such as smoked meats, walnuts, cashew nuts, milk-based products and foods with artificial colourings are high in histamine so these are best avoided when suffering from allergic rhinitis. However, there are foods low in histamine that you can eat instead such as fresh fruit, vegetables and meat, as well as herbal teas.

Try Echinacea – the immune system has to work extra hard when suffering from allergic rhinitis in order to fight off allergens. This puts it under a great deal of strain so any extra assistance you can give it could be beneficial. Echinafoce Echinacea Drops  are ideal for this as they are made from fresh Echinacea in order to fully support the immune system.

Try nettle tea this is a natural antihistamine so it should help you deal with the symptoms that come about as a result of this chemical. Such symptoms include inflammation and, therefore, dizziness too.

Up your vitamin C intake vitamin C is a natural antihistamine and is great for the immune system too. This means its a great addition to your diet when youre suffering from allergic rhinitis. You can obtain vitamin C from citrus fruits like oranges, but dont forget that strawberries, broccoli, tomatoes and leafy greens also contain vitamin C.

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When Allergies Are A Problem

If your allergies are particularly severe, you are dependent on allergy medication or your symptoms are getting worse then you should see your doctor to rule out other conditions.

I specialize in chronic, complex conditions using non-pharmaceutical, scientifically backed techniques to achieve lasting health.

There are ways to address underlying chronic conditions and inflammation so that your reactions to environmental allergies are not as severe.

If you would like to speak to me to ask questions about functional medicine, allergies or how I can help you, please schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation or call or text my office at 913-728-5291.

My clinic offers functional medicine appointments as well as manual chiropractic treatments. I do online consultations for those out-of-state or outside of the United States.

If you think that you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.  No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information. Nor should you ever delay seeking medical advice or treatment due to the information contained on this Website.

Common Causes Of Allergy


When you feel dizzy after being around certain pollens, you may be allergic. Pollen allergies will cause your immune system to release chemicals that fight off the allergen. This can cause a buildup of mucus in the upper respiratory tract and ears, which can make you feel dizzy. Other symptoms include: itchy throat, stuffy head, and watery eyes.


A food allergen can also cause you to feel dizzy. When your body tries to get rid of the offending substance, it mobilizes all kinds of chemicals due to an immune system response. If you dont have pollen allergies but feel dizzy, you may be suffering from food intolerance. This is common with gluten, dairy and other food additives.

You may notice allergy symptoms within minutes of eating certain foods, but it can also happen a few hours or days later. Most food allergies show up within the first 30 minutes of eating a certain kind of food. You may not even notice that you have a food allergy if it is mild. With that said, a food allergy may have dizziness as its only symptom and you may not even know it was cause by something you ate. Allergy testing may reveal the cause as a food allergy.

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