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Does Air Conditioning Help Allergies

Schedule Yearly Ac Maintenance

Dirty HVAC systems contributing to allergies

This is by far the best thing you can do for your air conditioning system. When you schedule yearly AC maintenance with a trusted HVAC professional, they will inspect your entire system and ensure that everything is functioning as it should. Not only will this ensure that your investment lasts for years to come, but you can rest assured that your AC is in peak operating performance to help fight allergies.

While these are the two biggest pieces of advice we give Florida homeowners, here are a couple easy steps you can take to keep your air conditioning system ready to tackle allergy season:

  • Clean any debris around your air conditioning unit, both inside and out
  • Regularly dust all of the indoor registers and returns
  • Keep your doors and windows closed while your air conditioning system is running
  • Have your ductwork inspected by an HVAC professional to ensure there are no leaks or mold
  • Consider investing in an air purifier

Clear Away Dust And Debris:

The outdoor portion of your AC unit pulls in fresh air that will eventually be carried throughout your home. Any dust or debris around your outside unit can be pulled in through your HVAC system and introduced into your home. You should clean around the unit regularly to keep the area clear. The same goes for the indoor portion of your HVAC system. It is important to dust or sweep around the indoor unit to reduce the number of allergens being pulled into the system.

Consider Using An Air Purifier

Using an air purifier can significantly help get rid of allergy particles in your home. Think of your air conditioning and an air purifier as sort of a one-two punch. An air purifier will just add more layers of filtration within your home.

As air comes into your home through your air conditioning unit, it will be filtered if that unit is maintained properly. Then, the air will get filtered again if you have an air purifier, some of which actually have multiple filters. The filters will remove pollutants and particles from the air, and then release clean air into your home.

There are also different levels of air filters. You can get one for a small area of your home for about $200-600. Or, you can buy an air filter for the entirety of your home, for about $1000-5000 more than that.

Keep in mind though that similar to an air conditioning unit, an air purifier will also have to be maintained in order to clean the air properly. This mainly involves changing out the filters when they get a lot of gunk in them.

How often you change the filters on any air purifying units will depend on how often you are running them. To garner the maximum benefits of them, you should be running them almost constantly, so plan to replace the filters regularly.

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Avoid An Air Conditioner Allergy: Dont Duck Cleaning Ductwork

If your air conditioning system is not operating properly or if you have an inefficient filter, different allergens including pollen, mold and mildew can make their way to your ductwork where they accumulate and are circulated throughout your home or throughout the building you manage. Not only will duct cleaning improve your air quality, but will also improve the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

Get more information from this helpful guide: FAQ: Duct Cleaning and Your Indoor Air Quality

Common Allergens And Symptoms

Do Air Conditioners Help With Seasonal Allergies ...

Most people will have a wide variety of allergens naturally present in their homes from simply daily life. All humans shed layers of skin, which creates dust and food for dust mites. Many homes have pets today, and dog and cat hair and dander are common allergens as well.

During the growing season, pollen from trees, grass, and flowers can make their way into your home. Even the fabric of your clothing and tiny particles from things like paper and furniture can affect air quality. Add other items like mold, fungus, bacteria, viruses, pests, and rodents to the mix, and you can end up with significant allergies.

For homeowners, symptoms can range from minor sneezing and irritation to significant asthma and respiratory distress. Allergy sufferers can work to avoid the allergens by keeping pets clean or outdoors, cleaning frequently using high-efficiency particulate air vacuum systems, and installing air purification systems. In addition, having allergy medications or shots can help relieve symptoms.

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Contaminants That May Take The Blame For Your Air Conditioner Allergy

PollenPollen often enters your home through open doors and windows, but can be tracked inside on shoes and clothing. Consequently, pollen can become embedded in carpeting and furniture, which contributes to seasonal allergies. Many allergists recommend air conditioning as a means to filter pollen from the air. Though if you live in a city that is not exactly bursting with flora, your air conditioner allergy might be triggered by other allergens.

Dust mitesWhether your home is located in the city or suburbia, it is just about impossible to keep your home clear of dust mites no matter how fastidious you are with your dusting and vacuuming. Like some pollen, dust mites are fairly large particles and the larger the particle, the quicker they will settle from the air to a surface, which makes these two allergens a more common and persistent problem and routine reason for an air conditioner allergy.

Pet danderAccording to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, as many as 3 in 10 people with allergies have allergic reactions to cats and dogs in the United States. Most of us love our pets and would only give them up for adoption as a last resort if someone in our home was allergic to pet dander. Wed likely look for other solutions.

Moe Plumbing Systems Is Looking Our For You

Here at Moe Plumbing Systems, the last thing we want is for our customers to have to deal with increased allergy symptoms. Our Los Angeles HVAC experts want you to be able to enjoy your air conditioning in peace this spring, without having to worry about sneezing or coughing. For AC service designed to rid your system of allergens and help you breathe a little easier over the next few months, give Moe Plumbing Services a call today.

We are available by phone at 396-8002, or you can contact us online to learn more about our range of HVAC and plumbing offers.


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Be On The Lookout For Mold

Mold loves a moist, humid environment and can aggravate symptoms of allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. In extreme cases, it can lead to serious illness or even death.

Keeping your homes humidity level between 30 and 50 percent not only makes your house feel more comfortable, but it also inhibits the growth of mold and dust mites. The most convenient way to do this is with a whole-house humidifier that operates using your existing ductwork to keep your home at a constant humidity level.

Even with these precautions, you should still inspect the damp or humid portions of your HVAC system every couple of weeks for signs of mold. These areas include the drip pan and drain, air handler, evaporator coils, and ducts.

While you may be able to handle small mold spots on your own, you should leave significant problems to a professional mold remediation service.

How Optimizing Your Hvac System Can Ease Asthma And Allergies

Do Air Purifiers Work for Allergies? (Can Air Purifiers Help with Allergy Symptoms?)

09 22 2016 | Articles

HVAC systems play a bigger role in alleviating asthma and allergy symptoms than you may think, as they reduce allergens and improve indoor air quality. In fact, Englewood, Florida, homeowners like you can invest in additional HVAC accessories that can boost your homes air quality even more. If youre hoping to optimize your HVAC system to alleviate asthma and allergies, there are many easy options.

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Air Purifiers Pick Up Where Hvac Systems Leaves Off

While centralized HVAC systems work best with medium to high-efficiency air filters, adding an air purifier with a HEPA filter is the smartest option for trapping those allergens your HVAC cant handle alone. Whole-home air purifiers are great for anyone suffering from severe asthma or allergies because they improve the entire homes air quality, helping everyone in the family to breathe easier.

Maintenance Of Air Conditioners

Even a brand-new air conditioner with a high-rated air filter wont perform well if its not maintained regularly. While installing a top-quality filter is an excellent place to start, commercial HVAC experts recommend taking additional steps to make your air conditioner as allergen-free as possible.

  • Cleaning out your ducts. Pollen, dust, mold spores and other airborne contaminants can build up in your ductwork system. Let an experienced technician clean out all the filth thats collected in your ducts at least every three to five years.
  • Remove debris around the unit. Keep the area around your outdoor unit clean and free of dirt, vegetation and other debris. This will prevent the equipment from pulling in outdoor allergens and circulating them in your home.
  • Change your filter. A fancy air filter is of no use if its clogged with nasty allergens. Check your filter once a month and replace it every 30-60 days. If you have pets running around the house, its best to change your filter every month.

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How To Perform Maintenance On Your Air Conditioning Unit

To start off, you should be performing maintenance on your air conditioning unit at least once a year. Due to the timing of the weather, it would be ideal to do maintenance on your air conditioning every spring, before it is taken into use.

The first step you should take is to replace your air filters. You should be using HEPA air filters, as they can remove up to 99.9% of particles that are above a certain size. Just replacing your filters regularly will make a huge difference, but there are still plenty of other things you can do.

The next thing you can do is to clean your intake and output vents that are a part of your central air conditioning system. A lot of air particles can build up in these vents as well, so it is important to regularly clean them out.

You should also be cleaning out the ductwork that is either below or above your home. You should unscrew the duct covers, and use a brush and vacuum to clean out the ductwork.

This is a step that is a little bit easier but will definitely make a difference in cleaning any dust or debris that is inside the unit or around it. Make sure that you take the time to do this well, and you can look out for mold while you are doing it. If you do spot any mold, be sure to remove it right away.

While you are performing maintenance, keep an eye out for any water or material that has been damaged by water. This can be a source for the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria which will make allergies worse.

Can Air Conditioning Cause Sinus Congestion

Does Your AC Help With Allergy Symptoms?

Its hard to imagine surviving warmer weather without the cooling power of air conditioning. However, turning on the AC to beat the heat can trigger sinus issues or exacerbate existing problems.

At Advanced Allergy & Asthma in Ogden, Utah, our team specializes in acute and chronic allergies, asthma, and other related conditions. If youve noticed sinus congestion that appears or worsens when you enter a cool, dry room, it could be the air conditioner.

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How Does Air Conditioning Spread Allergies

Think about the environment that you live in and what triggers there are that might contribute to your increased allergies. Your air conditioning may be disturbing those airborne pollutants and delivering them throughout your home.

So which contaminants could be to blame?

  • Pollen – Pollen comes from plants and can enter homes through open doors and windows. It is a trigger for hay fever and other sinus-related allergies.
  • Mold and mildew – A damp humidifier, condensate pan, or cooling coil can be a breeding ground for mold and mildew.
  • Pet dander – Keeping your pets well-groomed can prevent pet dander from becoming airborne through your air conditioning system.
  • Bacteria and viruses – Airborne bacteria and viruses can include influenza, chickenpox, measles, and legionella.
  • Dust mites – Dust mites breed inside air conditioners and feed on particles of human skin.
  • Pollution – Air pollution is not just something found outdoors. Often, through open windows and doors, it finds a way inside your home.

Airborne pollutants, like those listed above, cause sixty percent of asthma cases. One simple way of determining whether these contaminants are circulating around your air conditioner is to check your filters. Dirty filters are one of the most common causes of particles being present in the system.

If you live in New York, you are more likely to suffer from pollution, than if you live in the countryside. However, on the flip-side, pollen then becomes a problem.

Air Purifiers Can Crimp An Air Conditioner Allergy

If you want to go the extra mile to ensure than pesky particles making you sneeze are removed from the air, you can consider installing an air purifier. Central air purification systems remove dust, mold, bacteria and viruses from the air circulated throughout your HVAC system. They utilize a heavy-duty HEPA filter to trap largest particles like dust and electrostatic fields to capture microscopic particles like viruses.

As you can see, there is no need to allow allergens to threaten the comfort of your living space. To determine what steps you should take, why not call in a professional from a qualified HVAC company, like Arista Air to inspect your system and make recommendations? Proper maintenance is a worthwhile investment to block an air conditioner allergy from invading your home.

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How Can I Control Indoor Allergens

Dust Mites. By eliminating dust, you can go a long way to reduce dust mites, which feed on the dust. If you suffer from severe allergies, bare floors and walls are optimal avoid wall-to-wall carpet if possible. Avoid heavy drapes and overstuffed fabric furniture. Reduce fabric drapes and blinds with shades or washable curtains. To eliminate dust mites in your bed, use allergen-resistant covers on your pillows and mattress. Using a mattress cover actually does a better job of reducing allergy symptoms from dust mites than air cleaners. Wash bedding weekly to kill dust mites.

Vacuum Frequently. Of course, vacuuming helps reduce atmospheric allergens. However, a poor quality vacuum could just stir up dust and push smaller particles back out into the air. Look for vacuums that are certified allergy and asthma friendly they have been specially built and tested to reduce airborne allergens.

Masks. If you do have allergies, you can wear a mask while performing household chores like dusting and cleaning, and doing lawn work.

Cleaning. When cleaning and dusting, use a cloth dampened with furniture polish or a product like Endust Free that actually collects and helps eliminate the dust.

Keep Doors and Windows Closed. This is especially true during the spring and fall when there is a high pollen count. Use air conditioning in warm weather to control dust mites and reduce humidity. Change your HVAC filters frequently.

Hvac & Allergies: Whats The Connection

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If youve got allergies to airborne particles, like pollen or mold, theres a big connection between your HVAC & allergies!

Its simple. Your HVAC system moves air throughout your space. When allergens get into your AC, heating, and ventilation equipment, they get spread around. In fact, when you first turn on the AC in spring, you might have an increase in symptoms. Thats why people think they have HVAC allergies the problem isnt the air conditioning itself, its because the system is blowing allergens around your space.

If you are suffering from allergy symptoms, call your HVAC service provider. There are things they can do to reduce pollen and other allergens from invading your space and making you sick, such as:

  • Installing HVAC allergy filters designed to remove pollen.
  • Cleaning your ventilation system to get rid of dust, mold and pollen build up.
  • Regularly cleaning and maintaining your equipment components to get rid of accumulated pollen.

BONUS: these strategies can also help to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission in your space as well. Learn more from our helpful guide: HVAC Strategies for COVID.

Lets explore the details of the HVAC allergy connection and why these tactics can make a big difference.

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Is My Ac Making My Allergies Worse

What is it that makes some wonder is my AC making my allergies worse when we cool our Michigan homes? As Michiganders, we try to make the most of the summer weather, so its tough when your home is not the respite from the heat you need.

Why is that? Could you be allergic to your air conditioning? If youre one of the growing number of Americans with asthma, do you feel your AC helps or hurts?

In this blog, well cover why some Lansing and Grand Rapids residents feel allergies flare when the AC comes on, common indoor allergens and steps to reduce allergy symptoms when the air conditioning runs.

How Your Air Conditioner Helps

Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or year-long allergens like pet dander or dust, your air conditioning can help you breathe easier. The air conditioner filters out irritant air particles and your indoor air quality is improved. These particles get stopped by the filter and arent allowed to continue through the system to make their way to your lungs.

Indoor air quality is also improved when your homes humidity is being controlled. Higher levels of humidity breed additional allergens like bacteria, mold, and mildew. Your air conditioning works hard to balance your homes humidity, thereby reducing the instances of these allergens and irritants.

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