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HomeHealthHow To Get Rid Of Pollen Allergies

How To Get Rid Of Pollen Allergies

Top 10 Ways On How To Treat Mold Allergies Naturally

Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Get Rid of a Pollen Allergy

Mold allergies occur as the immune system responds to mold spores erroneously, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, congestion, a runny nose fatigue, asthma and sneezing. Prolonged exposure can result in immune suppression as well as progressive lung conditions. You can see mold in almost any place, which is warm, humid and damp. Mold is a fungus type growing in filaments and reproducing through spores. Certain factors enhance the risk of suffering from mold allergies, including a weak immune system, family history of allergies, working or living in one mold-infested building and living in a place with poor ventilation or high humidity. Mold allergy symptoms can be removed by allergy medications, such as decongestants and antihistamines. But these medications may result in unwanted side effects including dry mouth and sedation. Instead, some certain natural cures may help to alleviate symptoms of mold allergies while decreasing the overall stress on the immune system. Continue to read this writing in the line of How To on to know more the ways on how to treat mold allergies naturally.

Risks And Side Effects

While most of the supplements and tips described above can provide natural allergy relief safely, there are some precautions to keep in mind.

When allergies are mild or moderate, they are usually not very threatening and go away with time. However, severe allergic reactions can be dangerous and require medical attention.

Anaphylaxis is the term for a severe allergic reaction, which can happen due to contact with food allergens, drugs/medications or insect stings. Symptoms usually affect the lungs, blood vessels or heart and can include:

  • trouble breathing
  • rash
  • vomiting

If you or your child experience these symptoms, head to your doctor or the emergency room right away to prevent complications.

What can you do for severe allergies? Your doctor may need to prescribe allergy shots or prescription asthma medications, such as bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids.

Discuss these options with your health care provider, and consider trying the natural allergy relief remedies described above in addition to using medications.

Can You Recover From Allergies

Allergy symptoms can vary during a persons lifetime, depending on where they live and what theyre exposed to. If your primary issue is fall allergies and then you move someplace where pollen is less abundant, youll probably experience a drop in symptoms when autumn comes around.

Ultimately, there is no cure for allergies. But by arming yourself with allergy medication, preventative measures and pollen forecasts, you can finally enjoy autumn, rather than sneeze your way through it.

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How Can I Manage My Grass Allergy Symptoms

The first step is to get properly tested and diagnosed. Once your allergist knows what specific allergens cause your symptoms, they can work with you to create a plan.

There are over-the-counter and prescription pills, liquids, or nasal sprays that can help reduce or prevent grass allergy symptoms. These medicines include antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids. Most allergy medicines work best when you start taking them before pollen season begins. This allows the medicine to prevent your body from releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause your symptoms.

But if you do not get complete relief from your grass pollen allergy symptoms from these medicines, you may benefit from immunotherapy . Immunotherapy is a long-term treatment that can help prevent or reduce the severity of allergic reactions. It can change the course of allergic disease by modifying the bodys immune response to allergens.

There are two types of immunotherapy available for grass allergy: allergy shots and allergy tablets.

Both forms of allergy immunotherapy are prescribed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor to get started on your allergy treatment plan.

Travel Wisely During Pollen And Mold Seasons

Discover ways to prevent, heal and reverse disease effectively

If you take a road trip when the pollen count is high, make sure to keep your car windows closed. Before you begin your trip, start the car and turn on the air conditioner, then get out and let the air inside the car cool. If you can, travel early in the morning or in the evening. Also avoid vacationing in a high-allergy destination. For example, you might want to stay away from damp, cold climates because of mold, and damp tropical climates because of mites, molds, and pollens.

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How To Get Rid Of Seasonal Allergies Without Taking Medicine

Fortunately, you can try a variety of home treatments to help you get through allergy season. In fact, avoiding going outside while pollen counts are high, which is usually around dark and dawn, is one of the greatest methods to lessen or relieve allergy symptoms . This isnt always practicable or possible, though. Thats why, after returning indoors, its a good idea to shower and change into new clothes. This will aid in the removal of any pollen from your clothing or skin.

Rinsing your nasal passages with saline solution is another effective technique to cure allergies. While nasal rinses wont totally alleviate your symptoms, they can help you feel better. Dr. Kara Wada, an allergist and immunologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Prevention, Sinus saline rinses can boost mucous clearance by around 30%, which can be quite beneficial in flushing out allergens. You can do the same thing with your eyes. Any allergies in your eyes can be rinsed out with eye drops or fake tears. It can also help them feel better if theyre itchy or runny.

Apple Cider Vinegar For Allergies

Would you not be surprised if this all-round medicine did not feature on this list?

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for many years to treat many different ailments internally and externally.

Asides it being a medicine, it can also be used for multitudes of housekeeping tasks.

It works great for seasonal allergy treatment as it reduces mucus production and cleanses the lymphatic system.

If you are up to it, you can just directly swallow a tablespoon of ACV.

If that is difficult because of its taste, you can mix it with a glass of water and honey.

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Home Remedies For Fall Allergies

Though the steps above will help you come into contact with less pollen, its just about impossible to fully avoid pollen. If youre still sneezy, get an assist from science and hit up a drugstore or pharmacy to try an over-the-counter medication designed to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Many allergy medications are safe and now available over the counter, including nasal steroid sprays like fluticasone and triamcinolone, and the long-acting, non-sedating antihistamines such as loratadine and cetirizine, Dr. Aronica says. These medications are generally very good at managing most allergies.

Take your allergy medicine before your allergies get bad, especially on days predicted to have high pollen counts. Local news channels and online weather websites offer pollen forecasts that can help you stay up to date.

Itchy Nose And Throat

How to Get Rid of Your Allergies

A common cause of itchy nose is when your body comes in contact with allergens. This is a substance that is reactive to your body and may be exhibited by symptoms such as itching, sneezing and skin rash. When the body comes in contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, a natural chemical that defends the body against such allergens.

The histamine produced is the cause of allergic rhinitis commonly known as hay fever. The most visible symptoms of this allergy are running nose, sneezing, itchy nose and eyes. Other symptoms will include watery eyes, stuffy nose, sores, and scratchy throat.

The cause of this allergy is triggered when the body comes into contact with grass, pollen grain, dust, mites, cockroaches, cigarette smoke and strong body perfumes. Hay fever is common and harmless, but severe cases of the symptoms can difficult to handle. You need to seek medical attention if you start noticing symptoms such as:

  • Regular headaches that take long to heal
  • General excessive body fatigue
  • Running nose

To treat an allergy-causing itching, the following can be used:

  • Antihistamine can be used to force the body to stop secreting histamine. If you are already under medication, make sure you talk to your doctor before starting a new medication
  • To relieve a stuffy nose, you can use a decongestant. For those with high blood pressure make sure you talk about this with your doctor before using the medication.
  • Also Check: What Kind Of Allergy Medicine Is Safe While Pregnant

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    Ways To Get Rid Of A Scratchy Throat

    Youve probably had to deal with a dry scratchy throat at one point in your life. Itchy throats arent normally a telltale symptom of a severe condition, but you will bear me witness that they are not fun, more so when it is a combination of scratchy throat and cough. Having a scratching and burning throat can be utterly depressing. Here are ten effective ways to get rid of a scratch throat without immediately rushing to your physician.

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    Find Out What The Pollen Level Is In Your Area

    Knowing the pollen count can help you plan an attack for allergy symptoms. How can you find out? Just turn on your favorite weather report. Many reports include the pollen count in your area. Or, go online to

    Taking a trip? The pollen count may be higher where youre headed. Check the count at your destination and take along medications just in case.

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    Natural Allergy Relief Options

    What helps relieve allergies fast? Watching what you eat, getting plenty of fresh air and drinking enough water are some of the natural remedies that can relieve allergies by improving functions of the immune system.

    It may take several weeks for your symptoms to subside, but they are likely to be better kept under control when you tackle the root causes. Here are nine ways to get natural allergy relief.

    1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Diet

    First and foremost, start eating an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce your risk for allergies and many other health problems. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance so it can fight off common allergies in your environment.

    Here are some of the best foods and ingredients to incorporate into your diet to help you beat allergies:

    Although its not abundant in many foods, vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage allergy symptoms. In fact, certain studies have shown that children who live farther from the equator are more likely to develop allergies and suffer higher rates of hospital admissions due to allergic reactions.

    You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without sunscreen and by eating foods like whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

    2. Local Raw Honey

    3. Apple Cider Vinegar

    4. Quercetin

    5. Neti Pot

    6. Stinging Nettle

    • Ginger
    • Horehound

    8. Probiotics

    Check Daily Pollen Counts

    What are seasonal allergies, and how can you get rid of ...

    Since pollen is the most common culprit of allergies, monitor pollen counts regularly. When the count is high, try to avoid extended periods outside. If you have to spend time outdoors, wearing sunglasses can prevent pollen from getting into your eyes. Filtered masks can also stop allergens from entering your respiratory system.

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    Drink Lemon Juice To Tackle Allergic Reactions

    Lemon contains the flavonoid hesperetin and vitamin C. Both these compounds have antihistamine properties and can help prevent an allergic reaction. One case study found that a woman who was sensitive to a variety of substances from detergents, dust, and pollen to perfumes experienced relief from symptoms when she had lemon juice. Interestingly, the lemon juice worked in half an hour and cleared symptoms of not only eye allergy but also nasal allergy.78

    What Do Spring Allergies Feel Like

    If you are one of the 50 million Americans dealing with allergies, you know the tale-tell signs all too well. Common symptoms include runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. However, some patients experience severe reactions to pollen like coughing, wheezing, and asthma attacks. Many also wonder if what theyre experiencing is caused by seasonal allergies or COVID-19. While some symptoms can be similar, like congestion and a runny nose, there are very clear differences between COVID-19 and seasonal allergy symptoms. Whether you feel mild or serious symptoms, allergies can put a damper on springtime fun. With a little more information on how allergies work and how to get relief, youll be able to get back into the swing of spring activities.

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    Wash And Cover Pillows

    After a long day, everyone looks forward to snuggling into their pillow.

    You know what else loves pillows? Dust mites. The horrifying factoid that pillows and mattresses get heavier over time from dust mites and their droppings? It’s true, says Dr. Sinha.

    Washable pillowcase dust covers are a must. Wash those and your usual pillowcases every 3 weeks. Depending on the kind of pillow you have, it can be washed or dry cleaned every 3 to 4 months.

    The Most Common Fall Allergies

    How to Get Rid of a Pollen Allergy

    Its such a pretty season, but you cant seem to stop sneezing. So what is it that youre actually allergic to?

    Fall allergens are generally weeds, Dr. Aronica says. He breaks down some of the most common allergens during this time of year.


    The most common fall allergen is ragweed, a member of the daisy family that starts to bloom in North America in late August and lives through autumn.

    Ragweeds flowers produce significant amounts of pollen, which makes it an especially potent allergen. A single ragweed plant can release up to a billion grains of pollen!

    Other seasonal weeds

    Ragweed may be the primary culprit of fall allergies, but it certainly isnt the only one. Other weeds associated with allergic rhinitis include:

    • Cocklebur.
    • Tumbleweed.

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    Effective Treatments Are Available

    Seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor about medications that will relieve your symptoms. Although medications do not cure allergies, they are much more effective with few side effects. It is important to use them correctly, and to avoid medications that can cause problems such as frequent decongestant nose sprays or tablets.

    Antihistamine tablets or syrups help to reduce symptoms , but they are not as effective in controlling severe nasal blockage and dribble. The advantage of antihistamines is their flexibility you can take them when you have symptoms, and avoid them when you are well. Antihistamine eye drops can also be helpful in controlling watery eyes due to allergies.

    Intranasal corticosteroid nasal sprays have a potent action on inflammation when used regularly . These need to be used regularly and with careful attention to the way in which they are used. Different brands of INCS vary in strength and effectiveness, so it is important to read the labels and check details with your pharmacist or doctor.

    Combination medications containing an antihistamine and intranasal corticosteroid nasal spray are available and offer the combined advantages of both medications.

    unblock and dry the nose, but should not be used for more than a few days as they can cause long term problems in the nose

    Natural products such as salt water nasal sprays or douches can be effective in relieving symptoms.

    Watching What You Eat

    To ease your pollen allergy symptoms, start by strictly limiting your consumption of processed foods for at least a couple of weeks and, instead, emphasize fresh, quality proteins, fruits and vegetables. This often means avoiding almost all foods packaged in boxes, cans, bottles, jars, tubs and bags. Such packaging almost always indicates some degree of processing and a reduction in micronutrient levels.

    Its especially important to avoid eating wheat-, corn- and rye-containing foods, and dairy products. There are a couple of reasons for this recommendation. First, wheat, corn and dairy are among the most common food allergensand it only makes sense to reduce your total allergic burden. Second, grains are genetic descendants of grasses, and people with grass allergies may have some cross sensitivity. Cattle consume grasses or grains, and trace amounts of these foods appear to pass into milk and other dairy products. Try avoiding one food family, such as grains, then eliminate dairy. If your pollen symptoms ease, continue limiting these foods at least until your allergy season passes.

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    Ten Ways To Alleviate Seasonal Allergies Without Medication

    By Getwell Urgent Care

    When your immune system overreacts to an airborne substance that doesnt bother everyone around you, you have allergies. Pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold spores and insect stings are the biggest culprits of seasonal allergies.

    Increased pollen counts and higher temperatures across the globe are contributing to longer and more severe allergy seasons. This means many people whove never had an issue before are experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms for the first time. However, because these symptoms are so similar to the common cold, many just assume theyve caught a bug. If this sounds familiar, the best way to tell the difference between allergies and a cold is whether you have a fever. If youve been feeling unwell for 7 days or longer without a fever, you are probably suffering from seasonal allergies.

    When you seek medical treatment for allergy symptoms, your doctor will typically prescribe medications or injections to help you feel better. But the good news is that there are a lot of things you can do at home to alleviate seasonal allergies without medication.

    Move To The Desert For Allergy Relief


    Its a myth. Youll know this if you live somewhere like LA or Las Vegas. Grass and ragweed pollen is found pretty much everywhere . You might experience short-lived relief, but soon you could develop new triggers.

    However, it has been proven that dry places like the Great Plains and Mountain West regions are hosts to fewer dust mites . So if youre planning a vacation, it might be worth checking out desert climate locations.

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