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HomeFactsHow To Help Pet Allergies

How To Help Pet Allergies

Home Remedies For Dog Skin Allergies: Itching Be Gone

Allergy Advice : How to Reduce Pet Allergies

While our home remedies for dog allergies are great for soothing skin-deep symptoms, you should also remove the allergens that caused the allergic reactions.

Increasing the fatty acids in your pets food can boost their immune system and lessen allergic reactions. Improve the doggy diet and see many more health benefits besides reduced inflammation!

Why Do Pet Allergies Cause You To Sneeze Anyway

First of all, its important to understand what causes your allergy flare-ups. Dr. Hong says that its actually a protein in the saliva, urine and feces of these pets that were allergic to. It gets on their fur and skin, she adds, explaining how it spreads so easily.

As for why some pets may bother you more than others, its because certain proteins last longer than others. Cat protein can last up to four months in your home environment, Dr. Hong explains, while dog dander can linger for shorter periods of time.

That doesnt mean a dog wont make you sneeze and wheeze. One of the reasons is that all of these proteins can linger in your home. They get attached to couches, any sort of cloth surfaces like rugs and carpets and other upholstery and they stain and linger there, she says.

Dr. Hong says one other thing to be aware of is that theres no such thing as a truly hypoallergenic dog or cat. Even hairless cats arent 100% hypoallergenic. Even if they dont shed fur and spread dander everywhere, theyre still shedding the protein were allergic to.

Understanding The Sneeze Threshold

The common knee-jerk reaction from health care professionals is to get rid of the pet. That is not going to happen for most pet lovers. The truth is, the allergens shed from pets tend to be sticky and stay in the environment long after a pet has left the premises, so giving the puppy away wont offer a night and day cure.

Also, since many pet-allergic people also react to other things, it may be possible to reduce the allergy threshold so that they have less reaction.

Picture an empty glass representing NO allergens and no reaction. As you add things like pollen and dust to the container, the glass fills up. Once it reaches the sneeze threshold, you react with allergy symptoms.

Everyone has a different threshold, though, with some folks able to tolerate one amount of exposure while others are more sensitive . But if you can reduce the number of allergens in your glass, that may drop the level to a tolerable level so that you react less to your pet.

Perhaps you react to puppy dander, grass pollen, and dust mites, and the three combined fill up your allergy glass. If you can have someone else dust the house or use other techniques to reduce pollen, that may drop the allergen level in your glass below your sneeze threshold.

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Bathe Your Dog Regularly

Bathe your dog one to two times a month with a gentle, shampoo made especially for dogs. Itchy dogs may benefit from soothing shampoo ingredients such as oatmeal and aloe.

Your vet may prescribe a medicated shampoo for more serious skin issues. When bathing, don’t forget to check the ears for signs of redness or discomfort as dogs with allergies are also prone to ear infections. If your vet has advised it, be sure to clean the ears, according to your vet’s recommendations.

If you suspect outdoor allergies , wipe off your dog when it comes inside so that fewer allergens will remain on its coat and skin.

Are There Hypoallergenic Pets

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Even though your cat may be hairless or you have a supposed allergyX allergy An exaggerated response of the immune system to a substance that is ordinarily harmless.-friendly breed of dog, your pet is not actually hypoallergenicX hypoallergenic Products designed to be less likely to cause an allergic reaction.. You may be more or less allergic to individual animals, but any furry or feathered friend produces proteins that can trigger allergies.

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How To Treat A Dog With Allergies

Some helpful tips on how to treat a dog with allergies

Just like us, dogs can develop allergies. These can be brought on by a number of different factors: dust, flea bites, food sensitivity and mold, along with countless other environmental factors. They can be inhaled, absorbed through the skin or eaten. And if your dog has an allergy, it can present itself in numerous ways, such as a rash, coughing, sneezing, runny eyes and inflammation. When this happens, what do you do? Dont fret we know how to treat a dog with allergies.

Lets go over a few of the most common dog allergy symptoms and how you can treat them at home.

The best thing you can do is prevent the allergies before they happen. It your dog is allergic to pollen, keep him inside when during the morning and evening, when airborne pollen is at its worst. If dust is a problem, be vigilant with vacuuming, dusting and washing his sleeping area. You may want to consider buying an air purifier.

If you notice bumps on your dogs face, it may be because your dog is allergic to his dishes. Use stainless or glass pet bowls and throw those plastic bowls away. When your dog comes in from outside, wipe or rinse his feet to get rid of any lingering allergens. And keep your windows closed to keep anything from blowing inside.

Causes Of Pet Allergy Symptoms

The most common pet allergens are found in a pets dander. This is also the most problematic due to its small size and ability to linger in the air for a long time.

Pet dander is composed of tiny flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs, rodents, birds, and other animals with fur or feathers. Like us, dogs and cats must undergo a wardrobe change when the seasons change and the climate gets warmer. Many thick-coated pets shed heavily and release their protective under-layer of fur, which releases dander into the air. Furthermore, proteins found in saliva, urine, and feces from cats, dogs, and other pets can cause allergic reactions. Dried saliva may flake off from an animal’s fur and become airborne, and dust from dried feces can be suspended in the same way.

Another common pet allergen is a protein found in cat saliva . This protein enters the air on small particles, cat fur, and skin. Because the protein is so small, it can stay airborne for hours and can enter deep into your lungs, triggering asthma symptoms for those with sensitivities. Pet allergens may even be airborne in homes that used to have pets. These allergens can linger for up to 6 months. Two large studies in the United States highlighted that upwards of 99.7% of American homes detected the presence of the Fel d 1 protein in the dust of sofas, carpets, and beds, regardless of whether or not cats were present.

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Can Probiotics Make Dog Allergies Worse

Yes, probiotics for dogs with allergies can make things worse. However, this is only possible if they are misused introduced suddenly or in high amounts. In such cases, they can cause constipation, bloating, and gassiness.

Probiotics can also worsen the dogs allergy if they contain an ingredient that the dog is sensitive to.

Other than that, probiotics for dogs with allergies are safe. According to a study, probiotics for dogs are well tolerated with no safety concerns..

How To Manage Pet Allergy Medications

What to Do for a Dog with Allergies

Over-the-counter drugs are also one way to help you deal with your pet allergies and they can be pretty effective. Nasal steroids are typically the number one treatment for allergies and those help with nasal congestion, dripping and draining, Dr. Hong says.

Other options include antihistamines, like Benadryl, which are good for alleviating itching and sneezing. And allergy shots are another helpful option but Dr. Hong notes that theyre not effective for everyone. Those shots mostly help those allergic to cats and dogs but you may see less success with dogs.

Depending on the pet and the person, more serious allergies could develop, leading to increasing sinus infections. It can also cause asthma to flare up for some and even cause more upper respiratory infections.

While medications can help with many of these symptoms, Dr. Hong says, the downside to relying on those medications should be top-of-mind, especially since some can result in drowsiness. For kids, those medications can keep them from being able to focus on schoolwork. The same goes for adults, who may be at work but also not able to focus.

And Dr. Hong also advises us to remember that while drugs may help us feel better around animals were allergic to, those medications arent cures. Rather, she says, they simply mask our symptoms.

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How Cat Allergies Are Diagnosed

There are two ways to test for any allergy, including to cats: skin testing and blood tests. There are two types of skin allergy tests. A skin prick test and an intradermal skin test. Both tests give fast results and tend to cost less than blood tests.

Certain medications can interfere with skin testing, so talk to your doctor about which test is best for you. Skin testing is usually done by an allergist due to the possibility of severe reactions during testing.

What Kinds Of Pet Dander Allergy Symptoms Will My Child Have

Good question!

If your child seems to have year-round symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes and frequent sneezing indoors , these are signs that your child may have an allergy to dust mites, mold, or your pet.

In the case of year-round symptoms, you will need to do a little workand with your allergists help determine if its your pet or something else causing the reactions.

Before scheduling that appointment though, do a little detective work yourself

First, watch your child playing with the pet. You want to try to pay attention to how he is before and after being in contact with the animal. It might also help to have your child spend time away from the house, say a weekend sleepover at Grandmas or some other place without pets to determine if the symptoms have cleared up. When you re-introduce him to the pet, pay attention to his bodys reaction.

If you believe that your pet is causing the allergies, its time to schedule an appointment with an allergy specialist. Depending on the symptoms, we may prescribe an antihistamine to handle the reactions. But if the symptoms are more intense or impact quality of life, then you will want to find out exactly what your child is allergic to and what the best treatment options are.

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How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Work In Dogs With Allergies

Typically, it takes a few weeks to see signs of improvement. Probiotics for dogs with allergies colonize the digestive tract and support the growth of healthy gut bacteria from the first use. However, it takes more regular use for the skin allergies to get under control.

But we need to keep one thing in mind. The rate of easing of symptoms depends on the potency of the probiotic, age and weight of the dog, and the feeding timings suggested on the products packaging. Additionally, some healing can take months to show results, especially when it comes to building immunity in your dog.

Wash Your Pet Regularly

How to Help My Dog With Allergies

Need another reason to give Fido his weekly bath? The AAFA suggests that washing your pet on a weekly basis may reduce airborne allergens.

But dont expect this to be a cure-all solution. The AAFA also notes that weekly baths have questionable value in reducing a persons symptoms. Weekly washings can reduce the allergens floating around your home, but that is not the same thing as reducing your symptoms.

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Other Natural Home Remedies For Dog Allergies

Does your itchy dog not like oatmeal, aloe vera or apple cider vinegar? Try these!

  • Coconut oil soothes raw dog skin. Coconut oil also settles tummies and boosts immune systems.
  • Thyme another great one for skin yeast infections without the pungent smell of vinegar.
  • Epsom salts great for drawing out infections and soothing skin. Use Epsom salts at bath time.

Home Remedies For Dog Allergies: Itching Can Be Treated Naturally

The worst reactions are from skin allergies. They scratch their itchy skin, looking sore and forlorn you can really feel their pain! Luckily there are some fantastic natural remedies you can whip up from household items.

Before delving into the world of home remedies for dog allergies, make sure you head to your local vet for some DLC from a veterinary professional. A trained eye can tell you exactly whats causing the skin problems and ease your worries!

They might recommend over-the-counter medications or allergy shots instead of natural remedies for your poor pooch.

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The Cause Of Pet Allergies: Protein

You’ll find pet dander on just about every warm and fuzzy critter we bring in to our homes: from cats and dogs, to birds, hamsters, and ferrets. And just about anything with dander has the potential to bring susceptible people down with a suite of allergy symptoms, says allergist Asriani Chiu, MD.

But it’s not a pet’s hair, or even the flaky, dandruff-like dander itself, that causes allergies. Instead “it’s a specific protein in the dander that people are allergic to,” says Chiu, associate professor of pediatrics and medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. “With any allergy, from hay fever to peanut allergies, it’s always a protein in the substance that you’re reacting to.”

Pet allergy-producing proteins — called allergens — are also found in your pet’s urine and saliva. Add to this the fact that these proteins are tiny, easily airborne, and ubiquitous, and it explains why some people can develop pet allergy symptoms simply by walking into an empty room.

What are the most common symptoms of pet allergies? “I get a stuffy nose and runny eyes, very much like seasonal allergies,” says Anthony Herrig, an Oregon web developer with cat allergies. Other symptoms can range from mild — itchy throat, nasal congestion, and sneezing — to a more severe, asthma-like response, including coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

Do Allergies To Pets Go Away

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Outgrowing allergies to animals is possible but not probable. Also, even those allergies can go away they can come back again later in life. Keeping pets will not help to acclimate to allergies either. For some people, allergy symptoms can be worse in some seasons, especially in the heat when animals shed more.

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Apple Cider Vinegar: Why Some Pet Owners Swear By It

Using apple cider vinegar can prevent itching doggie skin conditions through anti-microbial properties!

Pour apple cider vinegar and water into a spray bottle and gently wash those paws where pollen accumulates and spreads when they itch their skin further.

This is a great option for pet owners whose furbabies are suffering yeast infections and ear infections spray onto the affected areas to relieve soreness.

Pets That Don’t Cause Allergies

No matter what you may have heard, no furry animal is truly hypoallergenic. Dander can build up in any type of hair or fur, even if it’s short or your pet doesn’t shed much. It even happens in breeds described as “hairless.”

If you want a pet that doesn’t make you cough and sneeze, you’ll need to choose one without any fur or feathers, like a fish, turtle, or snake.

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What Causes Pet Allergies

One of the biggest misunderstandings regarding pet allergies is that they are caused by the animals fur. Im sure that you have heard at some point that long haired pets are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than a short haired dog or cat. Experts say that this is not true and that even two pets from the same breed might cause very different levels of allergy.

Your pets fur is actually not the biggest problem when it comes to allergens, rather it is dog or cat dander which causes the real issue. Pet dander is comprised of tiny particles of dead flaked skin and also urine and saliva. All pets give off a certain amount of dander regardless of their breed or length of fur.

What Is The Best Medicine For Pet Allergies

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Antihistamines are the best medicine for pet allergies as they block the effects of the allergens that affect your immune system. You can buy a variety of over-the-counter medications or speak to your doctor for a stronger antihistamine. Nasal sprays are another option to reduce symptoms, as are decongestants. There are no good options for those with breathing problems from pet allergies.

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Pet Allergens Are Everywhere

Many people are allergic to pet dander, which can be suspended in the air like pollenX pollen A fine, powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower called stamens or from the male cone of a tree.. They are called aeroallergens. Dander collects on surfaces like carpets, upholstered furniture, curtains and mattresses. Because it travels easily through the air, these allergens may also cling to your clothes and hair and are easily transferred in public settings where animals arent present, like schools and offices. If you suddenly start sneezing at work, one of the causes may be your new cat-loving co-worker.

How Do You Diagnose Allergies In Pets

The best way to diagnose and treat a food allergy is to speak with your veterinarian to manage your dogs symptoms and determine which ingredient is causing the reaction.

Allergy tests can be tricky because other issues unrelated to food intolerances may be causing the symptoms.

You can use two different types of allergy tests to determine if your pet has allergies:

  • A blood test can be administered to obtain a sample for submission to a laboratory. The blood will then be analyzed for allergen-specific antibodies and compared against the number of common allergens that contribute to skin allergies or atopic dermatitis.
  • Skin tests are also an option for diagnosing whether or not your pet has allergies. The test involves injecting a small amount of a potential allergen into your dogs skin. Your dog will be strictly monitored during this process and will be put under general anesthesia as well. Your vet or allergist will give different allergen samples in one localized part of the body. If your dog responds positively to the allergen, swelling will occur in the skin within about 20 minutes of the injection.
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