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HomeMust ReadHow To Protect Yourself From Allergies

How To Protect Yourself From Allergies

Managing Your Hay Fever

How to Protect Yourself from Allergies

Identifying the allergen/s causing the symptoms is an important part of managing hay fever. In some cases the cause may be obvious but in others your doctor will need to consider your medical history together with the results of allergy tests , which may require referral to a specialist.

Some medications may help relieve the symptoms of hay fever. Ask your GP or pharmacist for advice. You may be advised to try:

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Arm Yourself Against Allergy And Asthma Flare

Although allergies tend to hit your nasal passages, giving you a stuffy or runny nose itchy, watery eyes and even skin reactions, and asthma causes swelling in your airways and lungs allergies and asthma share a lot in common.

  • Both can be triggered by external sources like pets, pollen, mold, and dust
  • Both generate antibodies to attack the invader substances
  • Both affect your upper respiratory system
  • Both can be worse in the fall and winter when rainy, humid weather ramp up the mold and pollen

Fortunately, both can also be treated quickly and effectively at Quick Doc in Winston-Salem, Oregon. Our network of urgent and primary care clinics where we focus on providing the best care possible while building long-term relationships with our patients.

If you have asthma or allergies, we want you to get through this fall as comfortably as you can. Heres what you can do to protect yourself and keep your symptoms under control.

How Do Dust Mite Allergens Affect Health

Mites are one of the major indoor triggers for people with allergies and asthma. 2

Chronic, ongoing exposure to dust mites at home can dramatically impact the health of people with asthma and those who are allergic or particularly sensitive to mites. These allergens cause an immune system response, known as allergic rhinitis. A dust mite allergy can range from mild to severe. A mild case may cause an occasional runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. In severe cases, the condition is ongoing, or chronic, resulting in persistent sneezing, cough, congestion, facial pressure or severe asthma attack. People with asthma who are sensitive to mites face an increased risk of flare-ups or asthma attack.3

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Latex Allergy A Prevention Guide

DHHS Publication Number 98-113

Latex gloves have proved effective in preventing transmission of many infectious diseases to health care workers. But for some workers, exposures to latex may result in allergic reactions. Reports of such reactions have increased in recent yearsespecially among health care workers.

Change Your Shower Routine

Sun Allergy: Symptoms, Treatment and How to protect ...

Showering off the days dust and dirt can eliminate many of your allergy and asthma problems. Along with the grime, youll rinse away pollen and mold spores that have attached themselves to your skin over the course of the day. If you typically shower in the morning, simply changing the time of day that you bathe can help you manage your seasonal allergies.

As you get into the habit of keeping things extra clean, you should also consider changing your clothes right away after spending a lot of time outdoors and wash them after each wear . Also, wash your jackets and other outerwear frequently .

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Always Prepare Your Allergy Medications

There are a lot of over-the-counter medications that could help alleviate allergy symptoms. Some of the common nonprescription medications you can take that are readily available on pharmacies include oral antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays. Its better to have these medications ready just in case your allergies get triggered. The good thing about these medications is that you can just keep taking them throughout the summer without thinking about the serious side effects.

How To Treat Allergy Symptoms Naturally

While allergy medications like antihistamines, corticosteroids and decongestants reduce the amount of histamine produced by the body, they come with some nasty side effects.

These side effects include: dryness of the eyes, nose and mouth drowsiness insomnia nightmares and over-excitability in children

Why not avoid these side effects completely by treating your allergy symptoms naturally? Allergy season isnt getting any better so you might as well start now!

1. Invest In A High-Quality Air Filter

One of the most important steps you could take to kick allergy season to the curb is investing in a high-quality air filter like the Intellipure. The Intellipure Ultrafine 468 is one of the worlds most powerful and energy efficient air cleaners.

It has the capacity to filter out over 99.99% of indoor air contaminants and that means any suspecting pollen particles that happen to make their way through your open windows and doors. Unlike standard HEPA filters, the Intellipure omits a constant electrical charge to the main filter, which prevents microbial growth .

Think of the Intellipure as your bodys extra set of lungs it will make sure you are properly protected when allergy and asthma season kicks in.

If you want more information, check out my full reviewof the Intellipure.

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Check Your Air Filters

Speaking of staying indoors, dont forget that the air in your home can carry the same elements that cause your allergies and asthma to flare up outside. To keep them out, clean your furnace and air conditioner filters often. Its best to use HEPA filters when possible.

With the colder weather, switch from A/C to furnace. Before you do, however, make sure you change the filter on your furnace first. To ensure high-quality indoor air, look for a MERV 11 or 12 high-efficiency media filter. Replace your filter every 1-3 months, and have your furnace inspected, cleaned, and serviced every six months.

Know What Your Allergy Is

How to Protect Yourself from Dust Allergies — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

Everyone is different and that also applies when it comes to allergies. You might be allergic to a particular thing while your friend is allergic to something entirely different. You have to keep in mind that there are numerous allergens present during summer. You need to identify which one it is youre allergic to. Once you do, it will be easier for you to avoid those allergens and protect yourself from allergies.

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Dreading Those Spring Allergies 6 Ways To Protect Yourself This Season

For some, spring is associated with warm, sunny temperatures. But for others, it’s a reminder to break out the tissue box because allergy season is just ahead.

While we can’t be certain about the severity of this upcoming pollen season, Dr. Natalie Azar, NBC News medical contributor, advised that it’s never too early to take necessary precautions. Implement an emergency plan now, and pre-treat symptoms in advance with these tips.

Are Allergy Shots Right For You

If you are interested in finding out whether allergy shots might work for you, talk to an allergist certified by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology.

  • Shots may be right for you if you have very severe symptoms that interfere with your normal activities even though you are taking appropriate medication. For more information on medications, see Understanding Allergy and Hay Fever Medications.
  • They are a good option for people who have severe side effects from allergy medications or who cannot take allergy medications at all.
  • Allergy shots are suitable for both children older than 2 years and adults.
  • Allergy shots are generally not given to people with heart problems or severe asthma, to people who take beta-blocker drugs for heart problems, high blood pressure, or glaucoma, or to people who take drugs called monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Before prescribing shots, your allergist will do a full evaluation.

Also Check: Is There Fever With Allergies

When To See A Doctor

Too many people suffer from seasonal allergies and put off seeing a doctor. You dont necessarily have to see an allergy specialist to be treated for seasonal allergies.

Your doctor can confirm the diagnosis and identify the triggers. Sometimes, your symptoms could actually be due to asthma, infections, or something else.

Finally, your doctor could recommend certain allergy medications that are available only by prescription.

Protecting Your Eyes In Every Season

How to Protect Yourself from Allergies

by innexus | Jul 1, 2021 | Eye Health and Diseases

There are many things we need to protect our eyes from all year round, including allergies, dry eye, and harmful UV rays. Each of these could affect your eyes any day of the year. Take a look at these tips for protecting your eyes so you can stay allergy-free, hydrated, and protected from harmful UV rays.

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Use Safe Cleaning Chemicals

You dont have to buy the big-name brand cleaning supplies off of the shelves to clean effectively. You can use independent cleaning solutions made with mild chemical or environmentally friendly cleaning supplies that are water-based. Look for cleaners that claim to be free of chemicals, parabens, irritants, and VOCs. These kinds of components can cause irritation and reactions, and you can avoid all of that by simply buying different cleaning supplies.

What If I Think I Have Latex Allergy

If you develop symptoms of latex allergy, avoid direct contact with latex gloves and other latex-containing products until you can see a physician experienced in treating latex allergy.

If you have latex allergy, consult your physician regarding the following precautions:

  • Avoid contact with latex gloves and products.
  • Avoid areas where you might inhale the powder from latex gloves worn by other workers.
  • Tell your employer and health care providers that you have latex allergy.
  • Wear a medical alert bracelet.

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How Can You Protect Yourself From Smog

If you have respiratory issues that are affected by smog and air pollution or simply want to protect yourself or your children from the potential health effects here are some practical tips to help you:

  • Keep up to date with weather forecasts and smog throughout the year. You can find a daily update on air quality at the Air Quality website. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs also has the latest information and includes a useful colour-coded summary of the current situation in all areas of the UK. If youre travelling and want to know about how smog might affect you in Europe, the European Environment Agency maintains an ozone map on its website.
  • If the air quality forecast is poor, where possible, avoid the affected areas. If this is too difficult, stay indoors and keep your windows closed.
  • Avoid exercising in smoggy conditions, particularly at midday when ground ozone levels are at their highest. Try to change the times you exercise to morning or evening , or exercise inside.
  • If youre asthmatic or have COPD, carry your inhaler at all times. If you notice any rapid deterioration in your condition, consult your doctor.
  • If you have respiratory conditions and need to travel on smoggy days, avoid congested areas where you may get stuck in traffic jams. Road junctions can be a hotbed of exhaust emissions so keep your windows closed. Airports, seaports and industrial areas also tend to have high levels of pollutants so avoid these too.
  • Housecleaning Tips To Ease Allergies

    Want to know how to protect yourself from dust allergy? Watch this.

    Regular housecleaning can get rid of many allergy triggers and help relieve your symptoms.

    It helps to know some cleaning tips. Common mistakes shampooing carpets or using heavily scented cleaners could make your allergies worse, not better.

    Here are some ways to keep your house clean and your allergies under control.

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    How Can I Protect Myself From Latex Allergy

    Take the following steps to protect yourself from latex exposure and allergy in the workplace:

  • Use nonlatex gloves for activities that are not likely to involve contact with infectious materials .
  • Appropriate barrier protection is necessary when handling infectious materials. If you choose latex gloves, use powder-free gloves with reduced protein content.
  • Such gloves reduce exposures to latex protein and thus reduce the risk of latex allergy.
  • So-called hypoallergenic latex gloves do not reduce the risk of latex allergy. However, they may reduce reactions to chemical additives in the latex .
  • Use appropriate work practices to reduce the chance of reactions to latex.
  • When wearing latex gloves, do not use oil-based hand creams or lotions .
  • After removing latex gloves, wash hands with a mild soap and dry thoroughly.
  • Practice good housekeeping: frequently clean areas and equipment contaminated with latex-containing dust.
  • Take advantage of all latex allergy education and training provided by your employer and become familiar with procedures for preventing latex allergy.
  • Learn to recognize the symptoms of latex allergy: skin rash hives flushing itching nasal, eye, or sinus symptoms asthma and shock.
  • Know What To Do When Allergies Strike

    Allergens can sneak into your life on your daily walk, a plate of food, or anywhere in between. You might be born with them or develop them years down the line. Knowing what to do when you or someone you know is having an allergy attack could be the difference between life and death.

    When experiencing serious allergy symptoms, heading to your local Urgency Room could bring you relief faster than you thought possible. Our skilled and experienced emergency physicians and nurses are well trained to care for serious allergic reactions. At the UR, we treat the allergy symptoms. Treating and allergic reaction does not require any testing and we do not do allergy testing. Were dedicated to helping you return to your healthy self as soon as possible.

    You dont have to suffer through your allergies alone. Get the care you need now and the tools you need to avoid future allergy attacks. The Urgency Room operates three convenient Minnesota locations in Eagan, Vadnais Heights, and Woodbury. Were open 365 days per year from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., including holidays. When minutes matter, especially during an allergy attack, get to The Urgency Room.

    Also Check: What’s Better For Allergies Claritin Or Zyrtec

    Get Allergy Treatment Online

    Due to the circumstances of COVID-19, millions of Americans are under stay-at-home orders. If you need a diagnosis for seasonal allergies, book an online appointment with one of our trusted PlushCare doctors.

    If you have pre-existing seasonal allergies and need a prescription filled or a new diagnosis, our doctors can help with that too.

    After an online consultation, our health professionals will send the treatment you need to your nearest pharmacy.

    If you believe you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, below are some of the symptoms and how they compare to seasonal allergies.

    • Inability to wake or stay awake
    • Bluish lips or face

    You may be wondering how long after exposure to the virus before symptoms begin to show. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, symptoms of the coronavirus may appear 214 days after exposure.

    However, many patients who have tested positive with the coronavirus show no symptoms at all throughout the entire duration of their sickness. For that reason, social distancing is important even if you do not feel any of the symptoms described above.

    If you were recently in a place that you believe exposed you to the coronavirus, you may be asking yourself, what are the first symptoms of the coronavirus disease?

    Unfortunately, there is not one clear answer as symptoms vary greatly from person to person.

    • Fatigue: 68.3%
    • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing: 41.1%
    • Sore throat: 31.2%

    Stay Inside When Outside Triggers Your Asthma And Allergies

    Allergies, how to defend yourself from pollen and grasses

    You dont have to become a hermit, but you should practice common sense. It may seem tempting to go out for a nature walk and enjoy the cooler air, but if youre allergic to ragweed pollen or mold, youd be better off going on a scenic drive in the car If you have asthma, warmer air is best.

    If you do go outside, choose the right time of day. Staying inside between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm, when temperature and wind factors tend to exacerbate the problem, can make a big difference.

    Keeping your windows closed at home, at the office, or in your car can also make your time indoors more pleasant as well.

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    What Are The 10 Most Common Food Allergies

    The 10 Most Common Food AllergiesPeanuts. ⦠Soy. ⦠Wheat. ⦠Tree Nuts. ⦠Shellfish. ⦠Fish. ⦠Raw Fruits and Vegetables. ⦠Sesame Seeds. Put down the everything bagel â one seed on your favorite breakfast treat could cause a boatload of allergenic symptoms.Meer itemsâ¦Ã¢Â¢8 feb. 2012

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    Take Extra Steps When Pollen Counts Are High

    During summer, theres a lot of pollen in the air so you need to watch out for the pollen count. You can check your local radio station, newspaper or even the Internet to be informed on the current pollen levels. If the pollen counts forecasted are high and you need to go outside, start taking allergy medication prescribed by your doctor to prevent the symptoms from occurring. In addition, close your doors and windows at night or before going to sleep so that pollen wont get inside your room.

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    Cleaning The Air Duct

    It has been stated by experts that one should get their air ducts inspected and cleaned by professionals every few years as it can help in improving the air quality of your home. It will also help in improving the HVAC performance and making your home cleaner. Thus, if you have not checked the air ducts in a while, it is time you do it immediately.

    How To Protect Yourself From Seasonal Allergies

    How to protect yourself against seasonal allergies in the Phoenix area
    • Try to be indoors during windy days when the pollen count in the air outside is high. You can also check on weather sites for the pollen count in the air. While you are indoors, ensure that windows and doors are properly closed.
    • Wash your clothes frequently during these seasons and do not leave the clothes outside for drying. There can be chances the pollens or spores can get attached to the clothes.
    • While you have been out, it is always better to take a bath along with washing your hair when you get home, so you do not go to bed with pollen attached to your body, which would make you feel uncomfortable.
    • You can use a HEPA filter, which is also called as high-efficiency particulate air filter. This type of filter would help remove pet dander, dust mites, spores, mold, and other irritants. You can place these filters in the living room of the house during nighttime to clean the air while you are sleeping. In the afternoon, you can run it in the bedroom to keep the air clean from irritants.
    • During the late morning period and the early afternoon, the pollen counts are usually high. Thus, avoid going outside in these times.
    • Try to keep yourself hydrated at all times. You can drink herbal teas or teas that contain natural antihistamines, especially nettle leaf tea.
    • Use nasal sprays or nasal saline flushing to expel allergens, which are responsible for nasty symptoms of allergies.

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