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How To Treat Dust Mite Allergy

Treatment For Dust Mites Allergy

Dust Mite Allergy: Symptoms and Treatments

Depending on the severity of your condition, the doctor may prescribe different types of medications or treatments. My son was given anti-histamine, which is meant to reduce allergy reactions like sneezing, coughing, and runny nose.

For his nasal inflammation, he was given nasal sprays such as Nasonex and Avamys. Both are corticosteroid sprays and it is advisable that you consult your doctor before using any of them.

Healthline also highlights other forms of treatments including immunotherapy, cromolyn sodium, and leukotriene modifiers.

Your doctor may also recommend using a nasal irrigation device to cleanse and remove mucus from your sinuses.

How Do I Manage My Allergy

If you are allergic to dust mite, your healthcare provider may recommend a plan that includes the following.3,4,10-13

Dramatically decreasing exposure to dust mite allergens can help both related asthma and rhinitis symptoms.4

  • Encase mattresses, box springs, and pillows in special allergen-proof fabric covers or airtight, zippered plastic covers.
  • Avoid using down pillows or comforters.
  • Wash bedding weekly in temps of 54 C or more and dry them in a hot dryer.
  • Remove dust-mite reservoirs such as stuffed animals from beds.
  • Keep humidity levels to less than 50 percent.
  • Vacuum regularly with a HEPA filter bag.
  • Remove upholstered furniture, drapery, carpeting, and rugs, and opt for smooth flooring such as hardwood or tile.
  • Use damp mops and rags to remove dust, as dry versions may stir up mite allergens.

Your healthcare provider may direct you to take one of the following medications to improve your allergy symptoms:

  • Antihistamines are commonly used to reduce symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and runny nose.
  • Nasal corticosteroids are used to reduce swelling in the nose and block allergic reactions.
  • Commence allergen immunotherapy as directed by your healthcare provider, with the objective to develop tolerance to dust mite exposure.

If you’re with someone who’s having an allergic reaction and shows signs of shock, act fast. Look for pale, cool, and clammy skin a weak, rapid pulse trouble breathing confusion and loss of consciousness. Do the following immediately:

How Do Dust Mites Cause An Allergy

Dust mites cause allergies in two ways. The first is through their waste. They produce waste, as they eat, as all organisms do. The waste is an allergen for some people.

The second cause of dust mite allergies is the bodies or body parts of these creatures. As dust mites die, their remains stay in place. These remains are the second allergen produced during their life cycle.

  • post-nasal drip
  • itchy throat or nose

People who have asthma may find that their asthmatic symptoms are triggered. Because of the similarities with other allergies, it can be hard to distinguish an allergy caused by dust mites.

If allergy symptoms persist year-round, it may be a sign that dust mites are the cause. A doctor will refer someone with allergy symptoms to an allergist for further tests, including:

  • Skin prick test : A practitioner pokes a small hole in the skin and introduces a drop of an allergen. If the person has an allergy to it, the area will become irritated, red and inflamed.
  • Specific IgE Blood Test: An allergen is added to a blood sample and the amount of antibodies created is measured. The higher the number, the more likely it is that a person is allergic to the substance.

A doctor will often use both the test results, along with an interview and examination of the person, to diagnose an allergy to dust mites.

There are several treatment options for allergies caused by dust mites. These include:

The other medications may be useful for people with asthma that is triggered by allergies.

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What Causes Allergies To Dust Mites

Dust mite allergies really are caused by a byproduct of the mites: their feces and decaying bodies. These proteins in mite debris are the primary culprit when it comes to causing allergic reactions.

When your immune system reacts to foreign substances like dust mite debris it produces antibodies to protect you. You also experience an inflammatory response that can affect your lungs and nasal passages. With ongoing exposure to a triggering allergen, you can develop the chronic inflammation thats related to asthma.

Our patients frequently ask, What can I do about my dust mite allergy? Here are three strategies you can use to evict the allergy-inducing intruders from your home and reduce your allergy symptoms.

1. Cover and Clean

Consider having your home and especially your bedroom cleaned by someone who does not suffer from allergies. If you must clean on your own, be sure to wear a mask that can filter dust. To clear out as many mites and their debris as possible:

2. Reduce Humidity and Dust in the Air

To keep the moisture in the air low, use your air conditioning or a dehumidifier. Humidity levels below about 50 percent are necessary for keeping mites to a minimum consider using a hygrometer to measure.

A HEPA filter with a high MERV rating around 11 or 12 will help trap a significant amount of dust and keep it out of the air. And be sure to change your filters every three months for maximum effectiveness.

3. Eliminate Hiding Spots

Get Rid Of Unnecessary Carpets Rugs Furniture Soft Toys

7 Dust Mite Myths Busted

If dust mites continue to rule supreme in your home, its time to get rid of those exquisite Persian carpets or cute fluffy toys that are nice to cuddle. At the very least, wrap them up to prevent dust mites from taking shelter in the fur or fabric.

Just be aware that you may send plenty of dust mites and fecal pellets into the air when youre packing or removing upholsteries. Wearing the right face mask helps to prevent the tiny particles from being inhaled.

Of course, it helps if youre a minimalist. Personally, I prefer to have an uncluttered home and bedroom. Besides minimizing cleaning times, there arent many spots for the dust mites to hide. Controlling or getting rid of dust mites is also relatively easier.

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Meet With A Local Allergy Specialist

Use the search feature on the map to make an appointment with a doctor near you. If you’d rather connect with a doctor virtually, you can search for them by selecting the GET STARTED option underneath the map.

This information is not medical advice nor is it a recommendation of any specific medical product or treatment. Only your healthcare provider can determine what treatment is best for you.

What Are Dust Mites

Dust mites are insect-like pests that usually live in house dust, according to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences . “Dust mites are tiny and cannot be seen by the naked eye,” allergist-immunologist Priya Patel, MD, assistant professor in clinical medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, tells Health. Dust mites like to eat flakes of dead skin shed by people and pets.

If you’re not allergic to dust mites, they won’t be an issue for you. But they are one of the most common airborne allergens, Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist and immunologist with Allergy & Asthma Network in New York, tells Health, so for many people they can spark an allergy attack and make allergy and asthma symptoms worse.

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Causes And Risk Factors

Allergy symptoms arise when your body overreacts to particular substances that are usually harmless. These substances trigger a chain reaction in the immune system. First, the body makes antibodies to fight the allergen, and the antibodies bind to specific cells. If these cells come into contact with the allergen again, they are then able to respond by releasing chemical substances such as histamine. These substances then set off an allergic reaction, causing symptoms such as sneezing or itchy eyes.

Its almost impossible to avoid contact with dust. If dust is stirred up for instance, by a draft of wind or when shaking up bedding it floats through the air and is breathed in, together with the allergens on it.

Sometimes a higher risk of allergies runs in families. Environmental factors such as air pollution and cigarette smoke can make them more likely too.

Itching In The Nose And The Roof Of Your Mouth

Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Cure Dust Allergies

Arundo is considered the top grade option in treating dust mite allergy which comes with these symptoms.

Arundo is best used if you are sneezing and have intense itching on the roof of your mouth. Other homeopathic medicines include Arum Triphyllum, and Wyethia.

If you have a raw feeling on the palate or roof of your mouth and soreness of your nostrils due to so much itching, you should opt for Arum Triphyllum. In case you have itching in the posterior sinuses and nose, you should use wyethia.

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What Are The Treatments For Dust Mites

You may need medications or therapies to control the dust mite allergy symptoms.



This medication reduces the immune systems chemical production. It relieves runny nose, sneezing, and itching.


This medication is delivered as a nasal spray that can control hay fever symptoms and reduce inflammation. These drugs include triamcinolone, mometasone furoate, and fluticasone propionate.

Taking decongestants helps shrink the swollen tissue in the nasal passages while making it easier for you to breathe. Talk to your doctor before taking this medication, as it can increase blood pressure.

Leukotriene Modifiers

With this medication, immune system chemicals are blocked. Beware that it comes with possible side effects, such as fever, headache, and respiratory infection.



One way to treat the allergy is by training your immune system not to be sensitive to the allergens. The immunotherapy involves 1-2 weekly shots that expose you to a minimal dose of allergens. During the 3-6 months period, the dose increases. Maintenance shots are necessary every four weeks for 3-5 years.

Nasal Irrigation

In this therapy, you will use a specially designed bottle or a net pot to flush irritants and thickened mucus from the sinus with a prepared saltwater rinse. Ensure to rinse well the irrigation device after every use and leave it open to air-dry.

Use A Hepa Air Purifier

One of the first arsenals that Ive brought in to my home is an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter. It may be helpless for the dust mites that are deeply camped in mattress, pillows or carpets, but having an air purifier does help to reduce dust mites that are floating in the air, especially when youre making your bed.

When choosing an air purifier, its important to ensure that it has the capacity to sufficiently cover the area of your living room or bedroom. By trapping some dust mites in the air, an air purifier helps to a certain extent in your attempt to halt the growth of dust mites at home.

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Over 50% Of Allergies Are Caused By Dust Mites

If the cold-like stuffed up, sneezing, irritated itchy nose and eye symptoms of hay fever are making you miserable while indoors or year-round, it could be due to a common allergy: house dust mites.

Allergic rhinitis occurs when you come in contact with an allergen . In millions of cases, house dust mites are the cause of this allergy.

How To Get Rid Of Dust Allergy

7 Common Symptoms of Dust Mite Allergy

When it comes to the varying ways to get rid of dust allergy, the possibilities are quite extensive. While we are going to touch bases with some of the effective home remedies for dust allergy, we do have some extensive information to share along.

Over the counter medications do have beneficial impacts in relieving the symptoms associated if you want quick relief but if you dont intend to opt for the medications, there are a number of ways to treat dust allergy at home.

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Whats The Best Dust Allergy Treatment

Theres no specific dust allergy cure as such but you can definitely find treatment to manage the dust allergy symptoms.

Some options for dust allergy treatment or management are:

  • Opting for doctor-prescribed antihistamines

  • Check with the doctor on how to open up the nasal passages

In-addition to the medications mentioned above there are also few home remedies for dust allergy, they can provide some relief:

  • Herbal tea with honey can help in soothing an itchy throat.

  • Nasal washes

  • Steam

Is dust mite allergy prevention possible?

Dust particles and mites can be hard to keep at bay, but you can most definitely minimize their effects by taking proper measures.

  • Use airtight covers for pillows, mattresses and cushions to avoid any contact with the allergens

  • Every week wash all your bedding and covers in hot water with up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit . High temperature usually kills dust mites

  • Make sure your house is clean and dry

  • Mop the concrete floors with disinfectant and vacuum your house regularly

  • While dusting or vacuuming, wear a mask to avoid inhaling dust particles

Keeping the above points in mind, lets take a look at the most common queries every individual has about dust mite allergy:

Can dust allergy cause sore throat, headache, skin rash?

Industrial And Occupational Allergens

Industrial allergens are also known as occupational allergens. In this setting, dust and a variety of allergenic substances can be airborne. They can trigger allergies or occupational asthma, which is the most common work-related lung disease in developed nations.

In asthma, an allergen can trigger the airways to become inflamed, constricted, and produce excess mucus, leading to breathing difficulties. Non-allergenic substances can also trigger occupational asthma, such as chemical fumes.

If your family has a history of asthma, it is more likely that you will develop asthma due to the conditions your immune system is subjected to. Nevertheless, you can still develop occupational asthma, though your family has no one diagnosed with the allergy.

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Ways To Cure Dust Mite Allergies

Dust mites and their waste are one of the leading causes of allergies and asthma throughout the year. Some common symptoms of dust mite allergies are:

  • Runny nose
  • Trouble breathing
  • Coughing

About 20 million Americans suffer allergic reactions to these tiny bugs, which can make you feel like you have a never-ending cold.

Your house may look immaculate, but a tiny, trouble-causing invader may lurk where you cant see. The mites consume stray human skin cells, and they absorb moisture from the air. They love temperatures between about 65 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit, and they thrive in environments with humidity higher than 50 percent.

How do these uninvited guests survive in an otherwise clean house? In most homes, dust becomes trapped deep in the fibers of our home textiles, including carpets, bed linens, curtains and upholstered furniture. Mites are most often found in bedrooms, which make ideal habitats thanks to all the cushy places to hide.

Freeze The Dust Mites

How to prevent a dust mite allergy and protect your family from dust mites

A washing machine and hot water seem to be a great and easy solution except for some fabrics or plush toys that are not machine washable. In that case, freezing the items to ice-cold temperatures is the best option.

Place the items in a sealed plastic before placing them in the refrigerator. The shocking low temperature is more than enough to kill the dust mites. While it does nothing to remove the feces that causes the allergies, this at least puts a stop to the incessant growth of dust mites.

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If You Have Allergic Rhinitis Due To House Dust Mites Youre Not Alone

Nearly 4 out of 5 households in the United States contain detectable levels of house dust mites. When you come in contact with house dust mites, your immune system releases chemicals to fight them. This is what causes your symptoms. Since house dust mites live in your home year-round, you may suffer symptoms and seek relief year-round.

Why Does My Dog Have A Dust Allergy

One of the most common airborne allergies for both humans and dogs is a dust mite allergy. These tiny mites live in sofas, bedding, carpets and curtains and release a type of protein that can cause a reaction. Due to their microscopic size, many people dont realise dust mites can cause such a problem.

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Is Allergen Specific Immunotherapy Available For Dust Mite Allergy

  • Allergen specific immunotherapy is available for dust mite allergy in severe cases.
  • It involves exposure to a small amount of the allergen in order to induce tolerance.
  • Specific immunotherapy is the only treatment which modifies the immune response to allergens rather than just treating the symptoms.
  • For house dust mites it can be administered as
  • Sub-cutaneous immunotherapy : Under the skin, via small injections.
  • A typical treatment may require monthly injections over 3-5 years.
  • Sub-lingual immunotherapy : Under your tongue, via small dissolvable tablets.
  • A typical treatment may require giving the allergen sublingually on a daily basis for 2-3 years.
  • E.g. Acarizax®or Actair®
  • Immunotherapy is usually only considered in older children and adults when symptoms are not well controlled with other measures
  • Concerns or questions?

    Allergy Shots Dust Mites

    The Ultimate Guide to Curing Your Dust Mite Allergy ...

    Referred to as subcutaneous immunotherapy, allergy shots are among the effective treatment options for dust mite allergies.

    It involves a series of shots that contain allergens in high amounts. During the first phase of treatment, you receive an injection of the allergens which goes into the fat on the lower side of your skin.

    In most cases, you will have to receive the shots for about one to three years before experiencing total relief from the allergies.

    When used for long periods such as five years, these shots provide long-lasting relief from dust mite allergy symptoms.

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