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HomeIs Fatigue A Symptom Of Allergies

Is Fatigue A Symptom Of Allergies

Congestion Can Cause Brain Fog

Can Allergies cause fatigue?

A stuffy, swollen nose can make it difficult to think clearly, often causing a hazy or tried feeling. Many have termed this feeling brain fog, and it results from the congestion and pressure in your nasal and sinus air passages. Without treating allergy symptoms, and sometimes contributing sinus issues, the inflammation, irritation, and runny nose at the root of this issue will keep making you feel foggy.

How Can You Treat Fatigue Caused By Allergies

The good news is there are many ways to get allergy relief so you can get rid of that looming, tired feeling. The first step in finding this relief is getting tested for allergies, so you know whats causing your symptoms. Then you can work together with your doctor to find an allergy treatment thats right for you.

Dont Know How To Fix Your Allergy Fatigue Balloon Sinuplasty At Kaplan Sinus Relief Could Help

Can allergies cause fatigue? Yes. But does knowing that help you fix your allergy fatigue? Not really. And if your allergies havent responded to traditional treatments and are making you tired all the time, then a more strategic approach might be necessary.;

At Kaplan Sinus Relief, we help you breathe freely again with procedures like ClariFix for chronic rhinitis and allergies and balloon sinuplasty.;;

Balloon sinuplasty, a non-invasive, in-office procedure that has provided patients with long-lasting results, and has become an increasingly attractive option for those suffering from allergy-related fatigue. During the procedure, your ENT uses a tiny to balloon to widen the nasal passageways, restore normal drainage, and help you breathe at night.;

The best part? The procedure takes less than 20 minutes and most patients are back at work between 24 and 48 hours.

Kaplan Sinus Relief has been a pioneer for the balloon sinuplasty procedure. Our staff is here to answer any of your sinus questions and help you find relief. So, curious whether traditional sinus surgery helps allergies? Wondering if youre a good balloon sinuplasty candidate?;

Request an appointment or call Kaplan Sinus Relief at 713-766-1818 today.;

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Consider Keeping Pets Out Of The Bedroom

Having pets on the bed can be an issue even if this isnt your primary allergy, since pets can have dust, pollen or other allergens clinging to their fur when they enter the room. Those with a pet dander allergy should strongly consider keeping pets off of the bed or out of the bedroom to make sleeping easier without allergy symptoms.

Allergy Symptoms Fatigue Pollen

Spring Allergies Got You Down? Here Are 5 Must

Seasonal Allergies and Fatigue Remedies WebMD Seasonal allergies can leave you rundown, tired and exhausted, but there is help.

but allergies dont always present themselves with such typical symptoms. Sometimes allergic reactions can cause fatigue, headaches or even depression. While not everyone agrees there is an allergy link to these conditions,

Hay Fever & Seasonal Allergies: Symptoms, Causes &. Symptoms. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis may at first feel like those of a cold. But in the case of hay fever, symptoms usually appear when a person encounters an allergen, such as pollen or mold. Symptoms include itchy eyes, itchy nose, itchy throat, itchy ears, sneezing, irritability, nasal congestion and hoarseness.

Fall is right around the corner and many are already starting to feel the effects of fall allergies. of fatigue,” said Dr. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber, Chief Physician Executive at Ezkenazi Center for Excellence in Womens Health. Those.

Symptoms. Mold allergy causes the same signs and symptoms that occur in other types of upper respiratory allergies. Signs and symptoms of allergic rhinitis caused by.

The fall allergy season typically runs from August to mid-October/November and peaks mid-September. Ragweed pollen is one of the top triggers for fall allergy symptoms. high fever and sudden onset of extreme fatigue. Flu can lead to.

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Itchiness Around The Nose Throat And Mouth

An itchy nose, throat and mouth are one of the more severe allergic reactions associated with hay fever. It can make all of the other symptoms feel ten times worse and can be hugely discomforting. The itchiness is a result of pollen getting inhaled through to your mouth, throat, and nose.

To relieve these symptoms, you should first always drink lots of fluids. This will help keep your throat moist and clear, reducing the itchiness. You can also try drinking honey mixed with warm water to relieve throat irritation. To relieve itchiness in the nose, blow it regularly to clear out your nasal passages.

Can Allergies Cause Fatigue

5 minutes

We know that allergies can cause symptoms such as congestion, sinus headaches, nasal swelling, but have you ever wondered, Can allergies cause fatigue? In fact, allergies can cause fatigue and tiredness in patients who suffer from seasonal and/or chronic allergies.;

But why and how do allergies make us tired? And how can Texans struggling with allergies in Houston can find relief from their allergy-related fatigue?;

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How To Treat Seasonal Allergies

In most cases, an over-the-counter antihistamine and decongestant will do the trick. If you have severe allergies, however, your doctor may prescribe nasal steroid spray or allergy shots to dampen symptoms.;

It’s always a good idea to try your best to avoid your triggers, but that doesn’t mean you have to hole up inside with a box of tissues. To get less exposure to your allergens:;

  • Keep your windows shut when your allergies are active
  • Use an air purifier if you’re sensitive to indoor allergens
  • Wear a dust mask while doing yard work;
  • Check your local weather network for pollen forecasts
  • Take a shower and wash your hair at the end of each day to get rid of pollen that attached to your clothes, hair and skin

How To Treat Fatigue Caused By Allergies

Allergy & Fatigue Study

If allergies are truly the source of your fatigue, treating the allergies is the best way to treat the fatigue. An ENT specialist or allergist can help you determine or confirm the root cause of your issues. After conducting an allergy test in the office or at home to diagnose your allergies, consider which allergy treatment option may work best to treat your fatigue and eliminate other symptoms.

Recommended Reading: Claritan For Allergies

How To Tackle Allergy Fatigue

To fight allergy fatigue, individuals need to remove allergens wherever possible. Dust, pollen, and even pet hair can cause symptoms like breathing issues at night. A bed should be covered throughout the day by a mattress encasement and pillow covers. Likewise, a person should vacuum their homes floors often and keep windows closed. An air purifier that removes allergens can make sense for certain households.

Allergy sufferers can take steps to protect their own body, too. For instance, allergy medications can be purchased over the counter at drug stores. Antihistamines and decongestants are popular options to fight back against allergy symptoms. Individuals can take a nightly bath or shower before bed. In doing so, they wash away allergens and particles on their skin and hair.

The Symptoms Of Fatigue In Hayfever

Almost everyone is probably familiar with the grogginess that can accompany a bad night of sleep. When you feel tired, you are generally less aware of your surroundings and most of your energy is focused on keeping yourself awake and upright. This can lead to symptoms such as:

  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Weakened immune system

Fatigue occurs when these feelings of tiredness become more persistent, affecting you on a daily basis. This can be a cause for concern as continuous fatigue can make you more susceptible to viral infections and usually has a negative impact on your general wellbeing, influencing our psychological and physical welfare.

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Does Yale Medicine Offer Specialized Allergy Care

Yale Medicines Allergy & Clinical Immunology physicians have;;expertise in diagnosing and treating allergies and immunologic diseases. The department schedules weekly conferences to guide care of complex allergy cases, so patients benefit from multiple expert opinions.

In addition, we conduct research to determine the molecular basis of allergic disorders in order to develop new ways to treat people with allergies. Our;goal is to help you;better;enjoy the seasons as they turn by keeping the achoos in check.

Do Seasonal Allergies Wreak Havoc On Your Body

How to Know If It

If so, youre not alone many people experience an increase in their allergy symptoms during allergy season, especially when pollen counts are high. For some, symptoms are mild, with sneezing and stuffiness, while others experience joint, back and neck pain, in addition to breathing difficulties.

In some cases, your symptoms may appear to be related more to the weather, injury or illness rather than specific allergens. However some allergy symptoms, such as non-allergic rhinitis and even joint pain, can be brought on by rapid changes in temperature and humidity that typically accompany the spring season. In the United States, spring often is the highest time for allergies, meaning your seasonal allergies could be the cause of your pain.

Lets take a closer look at how allergies and joint pain may be related.

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Are There Ways To Reduce Your Allergy Exposure

Here are several ways to minimize your exposure to seasonal allergies:

  • Pay attention to daily pollen and mold spore levels, so you can avoid outdoor activities as much as possible when counts are high. To check out the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunologys allergen tracker, .
  • Begin taking medications before the start of the allergy seasonwhen pollen, grass, ragweed, or mold counts soar.
  • Shut the windows and doors in your home, office, and car to seal out pollen.
  • Wear a hat when outdoors or wash your hair before bed to keep pollen off your pillow and away from your face.
  • Change your clothes after spending time outdoors to minimize your exposure to pollen. Studies show that half of the pollen that accumulates on clothing remains even if you try to shake or brush it off before you go indoors.
  • Avoid mowing the grass or raking moldy leaves if those are your triggers, or wear a mask when doing so.

Clear Signs You Have Seasonal Allergies

Dont confuse allergies with a head cold.

For some people, just the thought of being outside during spring or summer makes them want to sneeze.;

Some people love spring and summer: Blooming flowers, warm sunshine and chirping birds are a welcome arrival for many people after the dark and cold winter months. For about 8% of American adults, though, the change of seasons spells misery.;

Those 20 million people deal with allergic rhinitis, or seasonal allergies, a condition caused when your immune system reacts to something in the environment. In most cases, that something is pollen from trees, grasses and weeds. ;

Commonly called hay fever, seasonal allergies actually have nothing to do with hay or fevers. That misnomer comes from a long-gone era when symptoms would strike during hay harvests in late summer and early fall, before medical professionals knew what allergies were.;

Think you might have seasonal allergies? See how your symptoms match up against these four big signs.;

Read Also: Robitussin Allergy Cough

Sleep Disorders And Fatigue

Symptoms: Chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted upon awakening, snoring

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that disrupt or prevent restful, restorative sleep. That can take a toll on your health and quality of life, so its important to look out for signs and symptoms.


Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. If you or your partner notices loud snoring and you wake up tired and stay that way, you could have sleep apnea. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. snore at least a few nights a week. But if the snoring stops your breathing for seconds at a time, it could be sleep apnea.

Obstructive sleep apnea causes low blood oxygen levels. That’s because blockages prevent air from getting to the lungs. The low oxygen levels also affect how well your heart and brain work. Sometimes, the only clue that you might have sleep apnea is chronic fatigue.

Your doctor may prescribe a medical device called CPAP that helps keep your airways open while you sleep. In severe cases of sleep apnea, surgery may help. The surgeon will remove tissues that are blocking the airways. If left untreated, sleep apnea can increase your risk of a stroke or heart attack.

But sleep apnea is just one of many sleep disorders that cause fatigue. Other common types include:


  • Maintaining strict blood glucose control
  • Taking diabetes medications
  • Eating a low glycemic index carbohydrate diet, or, though controversial, a low-carbohydrate diet

How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Cold And Allergies

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

Both allergies and viral infections can cause symptoms like a sore throat, runny nose, headaches, and congestion. So how can you tell whats actually making you feel crummy?

How your symptoms begin are often a big clue: Colds tend to creep up slowly, while allergy symptoms usually flare up shortly after youre exposed to an allergen, per the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. If you start to notice itching, stuffiness, or an annoying tickle in the back of your throat after spending some time outside, for instance, youre probably dealing with allergies.

Other clues to watch for: If your sore throat tends to get worse or makes it hard to swallow, or you develop a fever, chills, or body aches, youre probably dealing with a cold or infection, Dr. Mehdizadeh says. If your allergy medications dont seem to be helping, thats also a sign it could be a cold, flu, COVID-19, or something else.

The bad news? Colds and allergies can exist at the same time, Dr. Reisacher says. So if you cant figure out what youre dealing with, talk with your doctor.

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Allergic Rhinitis And Fatigue

Fatigue is regularly associated with allergic rhinitis as the symptoms of the condition can make it difficult to get a good nights sleep. However, to help you tackle the problem head on, here our allergy advisor Louise Baillie discusses the problem in detail and offers some tips on the various.

Louise BaillieAsk Louise

Spring Allergies Or Covid

Throughout the U.S., plants, flowers and trees have begun to bloom and cause the typical symptoms in those with allergies.; But as our country has seen an increase in the spread of coronavirus , these symptoms may have you wondering about your health.; With so much discussion about the virus and its symptoms, its completely understandable that you might start worrying if youve picked it up.

But dont panic!; Its also the time of year when both the common cold and seasonal allergies are widespread.; Even the flu is still present in most areas. So, your symptoms could have many possible explanations and nothing at all to do with the outbreak.

Allergies typically cause nasal symptoms such as a runny nose and sinus congestion, but do not usually result in a fever, as is found with COVID-19 or the flu.; You might be experiencing one or more symptoms such as a coughing, sneezing, watery eyes or even some trouble breathing.; What does it all mean?

While some symptoms of the coronavirus overlap with allergies or the common cold, there are several differences. Heres a look at what your symptoms may mean:

COVID-19 symptoms

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Very sore throat
  • Mild cough and/or sore throat
  • Nasal congestion

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Can Allergies Make You Tired

There are a number of symptoms associated with allergies. The most common ones are watery eyes and nasal congestion. Besides these common and relatively obvious symptoms, people often wonder if allergies can make someone feel tired. The answer is YES! It can.

This may vary from person to person in terms of how tired can allergies make an individual and in some cases, one might not experience this symptom at all but most people suffering from allergies may on a certain degree experience fatigue and tiredness.

I Think I Have An Allergy But I’m Not Sure


Generally, if you experience any combination of the typical symptoms — watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, etc. — you can safely conclude that you’re allergic to something.;

If you don’t know what that something is and you want to find out, your primary care doctor can refer you to an allergist. Allergists conduct skin or blood tests to determine what substances you’re allergic to.;

The thing is, most people exhibit the same symptoms regardless of the allergen, because allergic rhinitis is a condition with symptoms independent of triggers. So if your allergies aren’t severe, then you’re probably OK to take an over-the-counter allergy pill and not worry about it. If your allergies are severe, though, you might benefit from an allergy test so you can actively avoid your triggers.;

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

Also Check: Clarintin

How Do I Know If I Have Allergies Or A Cold

Because there is considerable overlap between the symptoms caused by allergies and the symptoms caused by a cold, it can be challenging to know which is causing you to feel under the weather. There is also some overlap between the symptoms of allergies, colds, and the flu.

One significant difference between the symptoms of allergies compared to colds and the flu is that allergies never cause a fever. If you are experiencing a fever, your symptoms are not the result of allergies and are likely to result from some type of infection.;

To determine whether you have a cold or a more significant infection, check the temperature of your fever. Colds may sometimes result in a low grade fever , while the flu typically causes a high fever that can last between three and four days.;

Allergies also do not cause body aches. While some colds can cause mild body aches, body aches are more commonly associated with the flu. Headaches are also not usually a symptom of colds or allergies but may occur with the flu.

However, there are some symptoms that are unique to allergies, such as itchy, watery eyes, hives, and skin rash and irritation. Colds or the flu will not cause these symptoms, but allergies will.;


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