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HomeMedicineIs It Bad To Take Allergy Medicine Everyday

Is It Bad To Take Allergy Medicine Everyday

Are Antihistamines Bad For Your Heart

Is it OK to take Zyrtec everyday

In general, antihistamines are safe in patients with high blood pressure and other forms of heart disease, explains Richard Krasuski, MD, director of adult congenital heart disease services at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, but an antihistamine may elevate blood pressure or increase heart rate, according to the U.S. Apr 1, 2015.

Is It Safe To Take An Antihistamine Daily

Experts say, its usually okay. Taken in the recommended doses, antihistamines can be taken daily, but patients should make sure they do not interact with their other medications, saysSandra Lin, MD, professor and vice director of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at John Hopkins School of Medicine.

In other words, youll need to make sure that you choose the right antihistamine for everyday use. First-generation antihistamines come with risk of more side effects and interactions, so are not generally advised for long-term usage. Additionally, frequent use of the first generation antihistamines may lead to excessive weight gain.

With first-generation antihistamines, some people note decreasing effectiveness if used daily for several days, says Dr. Lin. Because they cause drowsiness, they are not safe to mix with alcoholsomething to consider if you plan to have a drink during allergy season.

RELATED:Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking allergy medicine?

The risk of interaction increases with combination products. Some allergy medications contain an antihistamine and a decongestant . The decongestant component can cause elevated blood pressure and elevated heart rate, saysStephen Tilles, MD, clinical professor of medicine at the University of Washington. However, Dr. Lin says antihistamines alone are not bad for the heart in otherwise healthy people.

Safety and dosage guidelines for daily use of antihistamines
Drug name
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea or vomiting

What Form Does This Medication Come In


5 mgEach white , film-coated, scored, ovoid tablet contains 5 mg of cetirizine HCl. Nonmedicinal ingredients: cornstarch, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, povidone, and titanium dioxide.

10 mgEach white , film-coated, scored, ovoid tablet contains 10 mg of cetirizine HCl. Nonmedicinal ingredients: cornstarch, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, povidone, and titanium dioxide.

20 mgEach white , film-coated, scored, ovoid tablet contains 20 mg of cetirizine HCl. Nonmedicinal ingredients: cornstarch, hypromellose, lactose, magnesium stearate, polyethylene glycol, povidone, and titanium dioxide.


Each clear, oval, liquid-filled, soft gelatin capsule contains 10 mg of cetirizine. Nonmedicinal ingredients: gelatin, glycerin, lecithin, mannitol, medium chain triglycerides, pharmaceutical ink, polyethylene glycol 400, purified water, sodium hydroxide, sorbitan, and sorbitol.


Each 5 mL of colourless, banana-grape flavoured preparation contains 5 mg of cetirizine HCl. Nonmedicinal ingredients: acetic acid, artificial grape flavour, artificial banana flavour, glycerin, methyl paraben, propyl paraben, propylene glycol, purified water, sodium acetate, and sugar syrup .

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Don’t Miss: What Allergy Medicine Is Stronger Than Zyrtec

How Long Will It Take For My Allergy Medication To Work

When youre experiencing allergy symptoms, you want to feel better and fast. But because each product works differently and treats specific symptoms, its important that you select one that will help you the most.

If youre looking for fast congestion relief, oral decongestants can start working in 15 to 30 minutes and nasal sprays can start alleviating congestion right away.

Antihistamines usually start working within 1 to 2 hours, depending on the product youre taking. You can also find antihistamine nasal sprays, like Astelin , that work in as little as 15 minutes.

Nasal steroids, on the other hand, take the longest to provide a benefit sometimes a few weeks. Thats why theyre better for symptom prevention instead of treating symptoms as they happen.

Taking Allergy Medication Daily Risks

Allergy and Sinus Relief

So… quick story: Ever since I can remember I would always get sick around summer and winter. I would get runny noses and swollen uvula and cough. Doctors always prescribed me medicine etc.. and nothing would work but eventually they would go away and I would be miserable every time I swallowed my spit…

Fastforward about 15 years.. This summer I was having such a difficult time with this “cold” runny nose nonstop cough… I went to the doc and I found outI just have allergies… And the swollen uvula is just a side effect of coughing in my sleep. Yay… I suffered through misery for nothing…. All that nyquil/dayquil cough drops etc I took… Never worked and I always wondered.

Okay now the question: I’ve been taking Allegra-D and Fluticasone Propionate daily. I live in socal. I cant seem to get off my medicine. I’ve tried multiple times to stop taking my meds but I’m not sure if its the weather or my body reacting to the meds being cut.

I’m worried that there could be some long term effects from taking the meds every day for…ever lets say. I asked my doc and he said it was okay to be taking these meds everyday since they were designed for it but now I dont know if I can get off them again or if they will be just be part of a daily routine. Any suggestions?

Also Check: Can Allergies Cause Lost Voice

How Do I Know If It’s Just Allergies

“Take your temperature. That’s probably a good first step, since coronavirus almost always includes a fever. If your temperature is normal, it is likely allergies,” says allergist an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

She adds, “Also, think about whether this happens to you every year. Come March and April, do you usually have itchy eyes and a runny nose?” If so, this may just be seasonal allergies acting up.

Avoid Foods That Can Cause A Reaction

People with seasonal allergies often have antibodies that can cause their immune system to overreact to certain foods. This phenomenon is called cross-reactivity. For instance, if youre allergic to ragweed, you may experience allergy symptoms like itching on your lips, tongue, and mouth if you eat bananas, melons, cucumber, or zucchini, Dykewicz says. If youre allergic to birch tree pollen, you may have allergy symptoms after eating apples, pears, peaches, hazelnuts, kiwi, carrots, or celery. These problems may only occur during the season in which your allergies are at their worst.

Regardless of the season, help minimize your allergy symptoms by keeping all these triggers in mind and avoiding them as much as possible.

Recommended Reading: Zyrtec Price Comparison

Can You Take Different Types Of Allergy Medication At The Same Time

As a general rule, you can safely combine allergy medications that are in different classes. For instance, oral antihistamines and decongestants are often combined into a single tablet for convenience, as seen with Claritin-D and Allegra-D . You can also use an oral antihistamine with an eye drop like Zaditor if the tablet isnt helping your eye symptoms enough.

Another good tip is to take an oral antihistamine while first starting a nasal steroid spray since the latter takes some time to start working. This tactic would be especially helpful if you didnt start your daily regimen before allergy season began and need immediate symptom relief. After using this combination for about 2 weeks, you can try to stop the antihistamine and see if the nasal steroid is working well enough on its own.

One combination you should never take without a providers instruction is two oral antihistamines. Taking more than one antihistamine at the same time can lead to serious side effects, including seizures, heart rhythm problems, and, in some cases, death.

If youre considering adding a second allergy medication, its best to speak with your healthcare provider or pharmacist first. They can make sure the medications youre taking wont interact with each other.

Can I Use Nasal Sprays And Oral Medications At The Same Time For My Allergies

Allergy Medications Explained – Can You Take More Than One?

Yes. Sometimes using only one type of medication will not provide enough control over allergy symptoms. Nasal sprays provide a local effect and so work to relieve the nasal symptoms of allergies. If you also have other symptoms , an oral medication may help relieve them. So, the combination of a nasal spray with an oral medication may help control most or all allergy symptoms. Talk to your doctor about what is right for you.

Recommended Reading: Anti Drowsy Allergy Medicine

How Often Can I Take Allergy Meds

This article was published more than 10 years ago. Some information in it may no longer be current.

The question

I seem to have allergies all year round and suffer from watery eyes and congestion/sneezing regularly. Is taking anti-histamines regularly a bad idea?

The answer

Allergies can cause a significant decrease in quality of life by interfering with enjoyment of everyday activities and can affect work and school performance.

As you mentioned, symptoms can include watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, and sneezing. It is a common problem that can begin at any age and symptoms vary from person to person and can change in severity throughout a person’s lifetime.

Antihistamines are effective medications for allergies as they block the action of histamine, a chemical released when the body responds to something in the environment .

Increased histamine sensitizes the respiratory tract, nasal passages to these allergens which can trigger allergy symptoms when exposed. Allergies can be seasonal or they can be present year round. Allergies that last year round are commonly triggered by pet dander , dust mites, fungus, or cigarette smoke.

To answer to your question, it’s important to clarify how regular is your intake of anti-histamines.

For my patients who suffer from allergies, we work to get to the potential root causes of their symptoms by identifying and avoiding triggers. If it is not possible to avoid the triggers, a combination of medications may be helpful.

Shower Immediately After Being Outside

When you spend a lot of time outside, particularly if youre working out in the yard, pollen can end up on your skin and hair, worsening allergy symptoms. If youre highly allergic to pollen, its a good idea to take a second shower after you come inside to rinse away the pollen and avoid allergy symptoms, explains Mark S. Dykewicz, MD, a professor of internal medicine and the director of allergy and immunology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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Zyrtec Side Effects To Be Aware Of

If you’ve ever slept 14 hours after popping a Benadryl, you’re well aware that some allergy meds can seriously knock you out. That’s not as common with Zyrtec, but 11 to 14 percent of people do report feeling sleepy after taking it, making it the most common side effect reported, says Boomershine.

Since the effects of Zyrtec last 24 hours, drowsiness can hit at any time. Avoid alcohol and be careful about driving if the med hits you with the sleepies, per the Zyrtec site.

Its annoying to feel as if youve inhaled a mouthful of sand. Less than 10 percent of Zyrtec poppers will wind up with a dry mouth, says Boomershine. When you have an allergic response, your tissues secrete more fluid , and antihistamines dry you up. She says that drinking water will help, as will switching to an alcohol-free mouthwash if youre using one that has alcohol in it, as that ingredient also dries you out.

Dizziness can be a rare potential side effect and may disappear after your body adjusts to the medication, per The Mayo Clinic. Give it time, but always check in with your doctor if youre concerned. And, just like drowsiness, hold off on driving if youre getting dizzy spells.

While Zyrtec may make adults sleepy, it can turn kids into little insomniacs, says Boomershine. Having them take the long-acting med earlier in the day wont help either since it lasts all day. Talk to their pediatrician about making a switch.

Questions To Ask Your Doctor

Can You Take Clindamycin If You Are Allergic To Penicillin?
  • Do I need an antihistamine?
  • Can I take one over the counter, or do I need a prescription?
  • Which over-the-counter type of antihistamine is the best for my symptoms?
  • What are the side effects of this type or brand?
  • Is there anything I should avoid doing while Im taking an antihistamine?
  • How long should I take it?

Read Also: Cetirizine For Asthma

So What Is The Best Allergy Medication

As described above, there are a few things to consider when selecting the right allergy medication. How quickly you need relief, your symptoms, side effects, and cost can all factor into your decision.

Fast-acting medications like decongestants and antihistamines work quickly if youre experiencing symptoms. And while antihistamines can be taken daily, decongestants should only be used as needed short term.

Antihistamines and intranasal steroids can be good options for preventing symptoms from happening if taken daily before allergy season hits. Experts currently recommended intranasal steroids as first-choice treatment for people with persistent symptoms.

Lastly, keep in mind that not all antihistamines are created equal Benadryl can make you feel drowsy, whereas Allegra and Claritin may be less sedating. Since all antihistamines may cause some drowsiness, its best to see how you respond to them before engaging in activities that require alertness or concentration.

When You Take Allergy Medicine Every Day This Is What Happens

Spring is a great time of year. The weather gets warmer, the days get longer, but if you’re prone to allergies, the increased dust, pollen, and everything in between can make the season unbearable.

Antihistamines, or allergy medicines, are used to control how much histamine, a chemical made by the immune system in response to allergens, the body produces. But like a lot of medications, allergy pills come with side effects, which can include drowsiness, dry mouth, weight gain, an increased heart rate, headaches, a sore throat, and nausea.

There can also be rare side effects when a person abruptly stops taking allergy pills after regular use. According to Sandra Lin, MD, a professor and the vice director of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery at John Hopkins School of Medicine, halting pill usage can result in itchy skin and disrupted sleep .

But what happens when someone takes medicine for allergies every single day for an extended period of time? Is that okay? Is it harmful? After all, 50 million Americans must put up with an array of allergens each year .

Recommended Reading: What Allergy Medicine Is Stronger Than Zyrtec

Side Effects Of Antihistamines

Ask your provider if antihistamines are safe for you or your child, what side effects to watch for, and how antihistamines may affect other medicines you or your child take.

  • Antihistamines are thought to be safe for adults.
  • Most antihistamines are also safe for children over 2 years old.
  • If you are breastfeeding or pregnant, ask your provider if antihistamines are safe for you.
  • Adults who take antihistamines should know how the medicine affects them before driving or using machinery.
  • If your child is taking antihistamines, make sure the medicine is not affecting your child’s ability to learn.

There may be special precautions for using antihistamines if you have:

  • Diabetes

Allergic rhinitis – antihistamine Hives – antihistamine Allergic conjunctivitis – antihistamine Urticaria – antihistamine Dermatitis – antihistamine Eczema – antihistamine

I Have Asthma And Am Currently On Treatment To Control My Symptoms Can I Also Take Allergy Medications Containing Corticosteroids

What Allergy Medicine Should My Child Be Taking?

The short answer to this question is “Yes.” The concern here is having too much corticosteroid in your body if you are using an inhaled corticosteroid for asthma and a nasal corticosteroid spray for allergies. Make sure your doctor is aware of all your medications, including your inhaled corticosteroid for asthma. That way, they can suggest an appropriate treatment option for your allergies. If you need to use both an inhaled corticosteroid for asthma and a nasal corticosteroid spray for allergies, you and your doctor should work together to reduce medication use to the lowest effective dose.

Read Also: Allergic Reaction To Claritin

Ibuprofen Can Interact With Medications

Youre more prone to negative effects if youre taking other medications that ibuprofen doesnt mix well with.

Ibuprofen can interact with the meds youre on, especially high blood pressure medications, which can lead to some serious adverse effects, Dr. Morgan says. That could be deadly.

Ibuprofen can interact negatively with:

  • Heart medication, such as clopidogrel.
  • Immunosuppressive medication, such as cyclosporine.
  • Seizure medication, such as phenytoin.
  • Other NSAIDs.

Ibuprofen can impact certain conditions

You should also check with your doctor before taking ibuprofen if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Gastrointestinal problems, including heartburn.
  • Pregnancy.

How much ibuprofen is safe?

How much ibuprofen you can take depends on, well, you. Theres not really a one-size-fits-all answer, Dr. Morgan says. It depends on your general state of health.

As a general rule, though, Dr. Morgan says most healthy people those who dont have high blood pressure or gastrointestinal issues can typically take ibuprofen on a limited basis to address minor aches and pains.

Its not without risk, but you can feel pretty safe taking it for about three days, she says. Take no more than 400 to 600 milligrams, three times a day, with food. Otherwise, it can ruin your stomach.

Reason #: Botched Diagnosis

Getting a correct diagnosis also plays a big role in keeping allergy symptoms at bay.

Patients often try to self-diagnose when it comes to things like allergies and sinus headaches, but they don’t always get it right. Maybe you’re sure it’s an allergy, and it’s not. Or maybe you think you’ve got a sinus infection, but you really have an allergy.

If your diagnosis is wrong, your treatment may be all wrong. For instance, if you actually have a tension headache, using an antihistamine won’t improve the situation, says Corinna Bowser, MD, an allergist in Narberth, Pa.

The fix: If you have allergic symptoms or suspect you have an allergy, consult a doctor to find out if it really is an allergy.

Recommended Reading: Non Drowsy Allergy Medicine For Itchy Skin


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