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HomeExclusiveIs Lactose Intolerance The Same As A Dairy Allergy

Is Lactose Intolerance The Same As A Dairy Allergy

Lactose Intolerance Or Milk Allergy

Lactose Intolerance vs. Milk Protein Allergy – Dr. Elaine Barfield & Shara Wagowski, RD

Lactose intolerance is caused by a deficiency of an enzyme that helps digest the sugar in milk. Milk allergy, on the other hand, is an adverse immune reaction to proteins found in milk. They are completely unrelated conditions except that they share a common cause: milk and dairy products. Patients with lactose intolerance will have symptoms limited to the gut . However, patients with a milk allergy may present with respiratory as well as gastrointestinal tract issues.

Symptoms of a milk allergy are usually seen immediately or within a few minutes following the exposure, but symptoms could also take up to 20 hours to appear. Symptoms of milk allergy are

Milk allergy is potentially life-threatening and can be as severe as an anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. If you suspect you or a family member has a milk allergy, then allergy testing is highly recommended, especially if they also have asthma. Milk allergy should be evaluated by an allergist. They will take into consideration the patients history, blood work and other diagnostic tools to diagnose a milk allergy and choose an appropriate course of action. With the use of immunotherapy treatment, it may be possible to try milk again. In these cases, a food challenge can be the final assessment of the tolerance of milk.

Dietary differences:


What Can I Do To Stay Safe With A Milk Allergy

If you have a milk allergy, you must not eat or drink any products that contain milk or milk proteins.

Avoiding milk involves more than just leaving cheese off your sandwich. Be sure to read food labels carefully and not eat anything that you’re not sure about.

Milk and milk proteins can show up in unexpected places, such as processed lunchmeats, salad dressings, baked goods, chocolate, and crackers. Even foods that say non-dairy still may contain milk protein.

One thing that might not show up on a label is cross-contamination risk. Cross-contamination happens when a food you are not allergic to comes in contact with a food you are allergic to. This can happen if a manufacturer uses the same equipment to grind lots of different foods, for example.

Some companies put statements on their labels about the risk of cross-contamination, like: “May contain milk,” “Processed in a facility that also processes milk,” or “Manufactured on equipment also used for milk.” You’ll want to avoid products that have these kinds of alerts. But companies are not required to put cross-contamination alerts on a food label. So it’s best to contact the company to see if a product might have come in contact with milk. You may be able to get this information from a company website. If not, contact the company and ask.

Is It An Allergy

Lactose intolerance is not the same as a milk or dairy allergy. Food allergies are caused by your immune system reacting to a certain type of food. This causes symptoms such as a rash, wheezing and itching.

If you’re allergic to something, even a tiny particle can be enough to trigger a reaction, while most people with lactose intolerance can still consume small amounts of lactose without experiencing any problems, although this varies from person to person.

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Which Plant Milk Is Healthiest

Nutritionally speaking, soy milk is best plant-based milk Soy milk the most balanced nutritional profile. Rice milk sweet taste and little nutrition. Coconut milk no protein and few calories, but most of them from fat. Almond milk need for complementary sources of food to provide essential nutrients.

Living With Dairy Allergy

Causes of Lactose Intolerance

If you have dairy allergy, youâll need to avoid all dairy foods and other foods that contain dairy products.

Staying safe means reading food labels to see if milk or ingredients containing milk are included. Milk proteins are found in many foods you wouldnât expect. Some canned tuna, energy drinks and even chewing gum contain them. And donât eat lactose-reduced foods if you have dairy allergy. They still contain the milk proteins that can cause allergic reactions.

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Dairy Allergy Vs Lactose Intolerance: Healthieru Provides Holistic Treatment With A Combination Of Nutrition Response Testing And Womens Nutrition

Nutrition response testing is tailored specifically to your body and your needs.

Your initial assessment will be like a non-invasive discovery meeting for your organs.

Your doctor will work to identify the ones that arent functioning properlyand are likely the root cause of your symptomsby monitoring the strength of a specific reflex while in contact with them.

The strength of your reflex is a direct reflection of the health of the corresponding organ in your body.

When you have a

  • Nutrient deficiency or
  • Toxic substance

your organs become weakened, and your doctor will be able to see that in your neurologic reflex.

AtHealthierU, youll be tested for commonfood sensitivities, including:

  • Milk

Types Of Milk Protein Allergy

Milk protein allergy can be mediated by IgE, but can also be non-IgE mediated, or even mixed. While IgE-mediated are the most common, itâs important to note that issues with dairy arenât always as clear-cut as a typical food allergy or lactose intolerance.

Immunoglobulin E mediated milk protein allergy

If you have a true milk protein allergy, it means that when you consume milk , your immune system is stimulated to produce immunoglobulin E antibodies to specifically fight against it.

Non-IgE mediated milk protein allergy

Itâs also possible to have a non-IgE mediated allergy to milk protein. In this case, your immune system will react to consuming milk, but IgE antibodies arenât involved. One example of this is FPIES , a serious condition thatâs typically diagnosed in infants, and is usually a reaction to protein found in milk, soy, eggs or cereal grains.

Mixed IgE mediated allergy

Lastly, you could have a condition thatâs either IgE- or non-IgE-mediated. Eosinophilic Esophagitis , also called âthe asthma of the esophagus,â is one example. Milk is thought to be one of the most common triggers for EOE, and an elimination diet that removes it may help resolve symptoms.

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Will I Get Enough Calcium If I Follow A Dairy

In general, dairy is one of our main sources of calcium, so cutting it out is obviously a big step. Many people worry that without their regular intake of milk and cheese that they wont be getting enough calcium, which can lead to things like osteoporosis and vitamin deficiencies.

However, if your test results show that you have a dairy intolerance or allergy, YorkTests Nutritional Therapists will provide advice, tips and recommendations for your long-term health. Your consultation is a great chance to discuss dietary options and figure out a plan for taking control of your gut health in the long run.

Who Gets A Milk Allergy

Food for Thought | Milk Allergy vs. Lactose Intolerance

In this article, milk refers specifically to cows milk and not to other types of milk such as soymilk, rice milk, goats milk, etc., unless otherwise specified.

Milk is one of the most common food allergens. An allergen is a food that causes an allergic reaction, such as hives, swelling, and trouble breathing. Although a milk allergy occurs most often in young children, it can appear at any age. The allergic reaction can be triggered by milk-containing foods that had been previously eaten without any problems.

A milk allergy can develop in both formula-fed and breastfed infants. Some infants have a type of cows milk allergy commonly referred to as cows milk protein allergy, which causes blood in the stool. Other infants have an allergic reaction that includes immediate symptoms, such as hives and vomiting. In both cases, many infants will outgrow the symptoms during childhood.

A milk allergy is not the same thing as lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in many dairy products. This leads to bloating and diarrhea after eating or drinking lactose-containing foods. Lactose intolerance is uncommon in infants and young children and is more common in adults.

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Is There A Treatment For Milk Allergy

Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments for milk allergy. The best way to prevent milk allergy reactions is to avoid milk completely. But some research is being done on milk allergy treatments, such as oral immunotherapy .

Medical Review: November 2021 by John James, MD, and Todd Green, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI

When To Seek Medical Advice

The symptoms of lactose intolerance can be similar to several other conditions, so it’s important to see your GP for a diagnosis before removing milk and dairy products from your diet.

For example, the symptoms above can also be caused by:

  • irritable bowel syndrome a long-term disorder that affects the digestive system
  • milk protein intolerance an adverse reaction to the protein in milk from cows

If your GP thinks you have lactose intolerance, they may suggest avoiding foods and drinks containing lactose for 2 weeks to see if your symptoms improve.

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Whats The Difference Between A Dairy Allergy Test And A Lactose Intolerance Test

Allergies, Blog, Food Intolerances

Dairy and lactose sound like the same thing, right? After all, one is in the other, so they must be the same problem as far as the body is concerned. The reality is that dairy and lactose are unique from each other, especially in how the body responds each. Depending on your symptoms, youll either want to consider a dairy allergy test or a lactose intolerance test. These tests will help you have a much better idea of whats going on in your body and what you need to change to make it feel better.

Can I Have Goats Or Sheeps Milk If I Have A Milk Allergy

My Barnyard View: L Is For Lactose Intolerance

Cross-reactivity occurs when the proteins in one food are similar to the proteins in another. When that happens, your immune system sees them as the same. If you are allergic to cow’s milk, there is a very high chance you will react to milk from other mammals, such as goats or sheep. Studies have shown that about 90% of people with a milk allergy will react to goats milk or sheeps milk.3

The risk is much lower, about 5%, for mares milk or donkeys milk.

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What Causes A Dairy Allergy

A dairy allergy is linked to an immune system malfunction. This means that your immune system sees milk proteins as damaging and will release immunoglobulin E antibodies to combat them. When you consume these proteins again, your body goes into recovery mode, releasing histamine and chemicals that is on the onset of allergy symptoms.

A dairy allergy usually starts in childhood, but a sudden milk allergy in adults can happen too.

Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance

The symptoms of lactose intolerance commonly appear within 30minutes to 2 hours after the consumption of lactose: These symptoms are not dangerous or life-threatening. However, lactose intolerance symptoms can be very unpleasant and repeated episodes can reduce the quality of life for those affected. Lactose intolerance symptoms will present in different levels in individuals, depending on how limited their production of lactase is and the amount of lactose consumed.

The main symptoms of lactose intolerance result from the excess gas produced in the body. These symptoms commonly include:

Flatulence, with gases such as methane, hydrogen and carbon dioxide

Abdominal discomfort or stomach cramps from bloating caused by the production of gas and water

Diarrhoea caused by additional water being produced

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Dairy Allergy Vs Lactose Intolerance: Diagnosis

Still not sure if youre dealing with adairy allergy vs intolerance? If learning about the differences between the two as well as each of their symptoms hasnt provided you with the answer, its probably time to take your sleuthing for a diagnosis to the next level.

Anelimination dietis often a good first step.

This involves removing foods from your diet that you suspect your body has a difficult time with in this case, dairy.

Ideally, you would eliminate dairy products from your diet for a period of 2-3 weeks. During this time, its important to take note of how you feel and how your body responds.

Next comes the reintroduction phase. During this period, you slowly bring the eliminated foods and beverages back into your diet while identifying any symptoms from reintroducing those products.

Additionally, if you think youre dealing with a dairy allergy or intolerance,Nutrition Response Testingmay be exactly what you need.

Nutrition Response Testing is a form of nutritional therapy that is used to discover the root cause of health-related symptoms so that your holistic health nutritionist can create a plan to alleviate them.

This is done by conducting a series of non-invasive muscle tests and recording a comprehensive health history of the patient.

Nutrition Response Testing is ahighly scientific and clinically proven methodof determining the underlying cause of many health conditions, including:

  • Hormonal imbalances

So Whats The Difference

What is the difference between lactose intolerance and cow’s milk allergy?

Although theres a lot of confusion surrounding the two, milk or dairy allergies and lactose intolerance are not related. The terms may sound similar, but they are two entirely different digestive problems. People with an allergy experience symptoms because their immune system reacts as though dairy products are dangerous invaders and could result in a life-threatening allergic response. Those who are lactose intolerant cannot digest the sugar in milk because they have a deficiency of lactase, an enzyme produced by cells in the lining of the small intestine.

There are two types of milk protein casein and whey. Casein, the solid part of milk, makes up about 80 percent of milk protein. Whey, found in the liquid part of milk, makes up the other 20 percent. These proteins are found in many foods including places that you might not expect. For example, some canned tuna, granola bars, meats, energy drinks and other nondairy products may contain casein or whey.

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What’s The Difference Between Milk Allergies And Lactose Intolerance

Milk allergies and lactose intolerance are not the same thing. A milk allergy is caused by a malfunctioning immune system. The immune system identifies milk proteins as harmful “invaders” and releases antibodies called immunoglobulin E antibodies into your bloodstream. These antibodies then release histamine, which causes milk allergy symptoms . Lactose intolerance, on the other hand, is caused by your stomach’s inability to properly digest lactose, which is sugar found in milk. Your small intestine doesn’t produce enough of the enzyme lactase. This enzyme is essential for the proper digestion of milk and the absorption of milk nutrients. This difficulty with digestion results in lactose intolerance symptoms .

The symptoms of milk allergies and lactose intolerance are somewhat similar. The symptoms of a milk allergy include a variety of systems including skin irritation and hives, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ache, runny nose, and watery eyes . Symptoms of lactose intolerance are primarily gastrointestinal-related, including bloating, stomach aches, diarrhea, gas and nausea .

Symptoms Of Lactose Intolerance And Milk Allergy

The common symptoms of lactose intolerance range from mild to severe and include nausea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal cramps, gas, diarrhea, weight loss and malnutrition. Symptoms begin about 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming a lactose containing product. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of lactose containing product consumed, the degree of deficiency of lactase enzyme in the body, and a persons age, ethnicity and digestion rate.

The symptoms of milk allergy may occur within a few minutes after exposure in immediate reactions, or after hours to several days in delayed reactions. This allergy is capable of triggering a wide array of symptoms which include GI reactions – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, gas, and heartburn nose, ear and throat infections runny nose, sinusitis, and coughing and symptoms involving the skin – itchy rash, hives and eczema. In a very few cases, milk allergy can cause anaphylaxis.

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Why Should You Need Lactose Allergy Test

You can go for the RAST test, which is performed to detect dairy allergy, but those who are needle phobic should avoid this test.

A dairy allergen is injected into the skin to check for any redness or reaction to the allergen. On the other hand, a dairy allergy test is relatively easy to perform.

You can either give your blood sample, your stool sample, or your exhaled air to check whether you are lactose intolerant or not.

Testing For Lactose Intolerance Vs Testing For A Dairy Allergy

Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance
  • Lactose tolerance test. Your doctor will give you a liquid to drink that contains high amounts of lactose. Two hours later, the amount of glucose in your bloodstream will be measured. If your glucose level doesnt rise, youre not digesting the lactose in the drink.
  • Hydrogen breath test. After drinking a liquid with a lot of lactose, your breath will be measured at regular intervals. If youre not digesting the lactose, it will be broken down in the colon, which releases hydrogen that can be detected in your breath.
  • Stool acidity test. Babies and children who cant be tested by the methods above can have their stool tested for lactic acid caused by the breakdown of undigested lactose in the colon.

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Diagnosis Of Dairy Allergy

A little drop of liquid containing the dairy allergen is inserted under your skin on your forearm or back as a skin prick test. A dairy allergy is likely if you notice a raised bump surrounded by itchy red skin.

Your doctor may also order a blood test to determine the number of certain antibodies in your blood. “False positives” can occur in both tests. Even if you don’t have an allergy, you can test positive for it. Your allergist will go over the results with you.

Your doctor may ask you to do an oral challenge if an allergy is still suspected but not verified. You’ll be served a variety of foods, some of which may or may not contain milk, in increasing amounts to see how you react to milk-containing items.


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