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Is Local Honey Good For Allergies

Why Eating Raw Local Honey May Make Symptoms Worse

Local honey and allergies

You may still be inclined to give local honey a shot, especially if your allergy symptoms are particularly irritating. However, raw local honey is not filtered and processed the same way as the honey on grocery store shelves. This means it could be full of impurities, like:

  • Pollen
  • Bacteria
  • Other contaminants

Ingesting any of these substances could potentially make you sick. There is also a chance of developing an allergic reaction to either the pollen or the other impurities. You could even go into anaphylactic shock if the honey contains bee venom and you are deathly allergic to bee stings.

Eating Raw Honey For Allergies

I have very bad spring to summer allergies, to the point where sometimes I feel like I honestly have the flu! So in order to âcombatâ the problem, Iâve been taking some of your raw honey!Problem is, I went a little overboard, and took 12 tablespoons in the matter of a couple daysNow my throat is really itchy, as well as my eyes, and Iâm worried I only made matters worse, or that my allergic reaction will get worseIts been 3 hours since I took the last tablespoonâ¦Any ideas or help?How should I take the raw honey to properly help myself for the spring-summer?Angelaâs Comments:Stop taking the honey for a few days until your allergy symptoms subside. Once they have, begin taking 1/4 teaspoon of honey per day. If you donât have any symptoms, do this for one â two weeks. You can then begin slowly increasing the amount you take up to a tablespoon per day.Hope that helps,

What Can You Do For Seasonal Allergies

Even though honey may not be the answer you were hoping for, you do have options for relieving your allergy symptoms:

  • Take an over-the-counter allergy medication. If one doesnt seem to be working, try one with a different active ingredient . They do interact with people differently and you may notice relief by switching.
  • Ask an Ogden Clinic ENT specialist about an immunotherapy treatment that targets the specific allergy you have. This process will first involve allergy testing to determine what is making you miserable, and then you will receive a shot with trace amounts of the allergen. The concept is similar to how vaccines work: By giving your body a little bit of the substance, it will build up the correct antibodies to fight it off.
  • Avoid the outdoors. Yes, this is the last resort option, but if your seasonal allergies are so bad that you can barely function, it may be your only choice.

We understand that seasonal allergies can be miserable. You shouldnt have to suffer through them alone. While honey may not be the solution, there are still plenty of things you can do to minimize the symptoms.

To learn more about natural and medical options to fight your allergies, contact Ogden Clinics ENT department by calling 475-3000 or requesting an appointment online.

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Pollen Insects And You: Things To Know Before You Die

Without flying insects like butterflies, wasps and bees, flowering plants would have a hard time surviving. To reproduce, flowers create seeds, which eventually grow into new plants. Seeds don’t develop spontaneously; they develop after pollen, sticky spores found on the stamen of a plant, come in contact with the pistil. This process is called pollination.

Unlike humans and other animals, flowering plants can self-pollinate, since they have both the male and female reproductive parts. Self-pollination happens when pollen from a plant comes in contact with its own pistil. Seeds are produced but usually make for weaker plants. Cross-pollination occurs when the pollen from one plant is carried to the pistil of another plant. This type of pollination can produce the hardiest offspring, but it’s difficult for most flowering plants to pull off . Some flowering plants, like dandelions, adapted to produce spores that are easily carried off by the wind . Others get by with a little help from their friends in the insect world.

When winged insects look for nectar , they generally climb around the reproductive organs of flowers to get it. Since there’s only so much nectar to be found in a flower, insects will travel from flower to flower to get their fill. As they do this, the sticky pollen spores that attach to the insects’ limbs are transferred to the pistils of other plants they visit. The miracle of cross-pollination has occurred.

What Are The Benefits Of Breathing Healthy Air And What Are Everyday Things That People Can Do To Breathe The Fullness Of Life

Is Local Honey Good For Dog Allergies

Clean air is essential for healthy lungs. The American Lung Association works to ensure that the air we breathe is clean and safe from harmful pollution. In fact, every year we publish our State of the Air Report, which looks at two of the most widespread and dangerous air pollutants, ozone and fine particulate matter. Our 2021 State of the Air Report found that more than 4 in 10 Americansover 135 million peopleare living in places with unhealthy levels of ozone or particle pollution.

One of the most important things you can do to Breathe the Fullness of Life is to keep sources of pollution out of your home. Check out these commonsense tips on Additionally, ventilation helps reduce indoor air pollution, but it works best if paired with keeping known sources of air pollution out of the building. For tips on how to use ventilation to protect your lung health, check out our section on Ventilation: How Buildings Breathe.

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Local Honey For Allergies

This old wives tale is based on the same logic behind disease vaccines. Local honey has less pollen on it than when you obtain it from the air, so its easier to digest. When the same pollens are present in the atmosphere, your body has built up a tolerance to them.

Due to limited testing, it is impossible to say if the organic honey method really works or not Larger honey farmers are difficult to persuade to fund while the results support small producers. However, observational evidence shows that people have successfully attempted the complex and difficult method, and also believe honey has certain antifungal vitamins and minerals.

What Are Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can be a source of misery for the 30% of children and adults in the U.S. who are affected by allergic rhinitis every year. Also referred to as hay fever,;seasonal allergies;can cause allergic rhinitis or inflammation in the nasal passages. Thats what produces the classic allergy symptoms of sneezing, a runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, and coughing .

We tend to think allergy season begins in the spring when pollen from blooming trees and flowering plants peaks. . But seasonal allergies can surface;year-round, not just in peak seasons like the spring and fall. Indoor allergens and outdoor allergens can produce similar symptoms and have sufferers looking for relief.

Existing;treatments;for seasonal allergies include over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, nasal sprays, and eye drops. Allergy shots are a form of immunotherapy. Regular injections of tiny amounts of allergens aim to acclimate the immune system and curtail the allergic reaction.;

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Honey As A Remedy To Control Allergies

It is true that honey can be used to treat allergies but there are certain things that you should keep in mind when you are using honey for allergytreatment:

  • Be it a cake, pie, toast or any other beverages, honey is a better option over sugar. It acts as an appetizer for light and healthy breakfast. But it is recommended not to heat or overheat the honey with the bread or cake. Just adding to food will suffice. Heat or roast tends to destroy the ingredient values of the pollens in the honey.
  • If honey is included in the diet, it is recommended to you have it at the start of the day. Starting it as young as possible accelerates your immune system, thus preventing you from all kinds of allergic problems.
  • Intake of pollens, as an alternative to honey, is also possible. You can opt for this if you find honey for allergies too sweet to be consumed. On the other hand, it is also believed that the direct consumption of pollens may be dangerous. So the dosage should be according to the physicians prescription.

One Final Thought On Honey As Allergy Relief

The truth about local honey and allergies

As a naturopath, I always like the idea of using natural solutions to relieve health problems before medications need to become involved.

Theres no harm in giving honey a shot in your pursuit to get rid of some of your allergy symptoms.

That being said, if you suffer from severe allergy symptoms like wheezing, burning eyes, rashes, throat swelling, or any other symptom that would compromise your safety, you need to consult an allergist before you give honey a try.

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Do Not Expect Too Much Of Offending Pollen In Honey

You may be thinking that you are consuming honey to expose your body and immune system to a safe amount of pollen, but that may not be the case. Sometimes, there is little to no amount of pollen in the honey that you are consuming, so it can’t make a substantial influence on your allergy symptoms and this is especially true in case you are allergic to grasses, weeds, or trees.

How Does Honey Work On Allergies

In order for it to be effective it must fit these criteria:

Raw The honey needs to say that it is raw or you need to ask your farmer directly. Honey that is raw will still contain all the living enzymes needed to protect your body from a histamine overdose.

Local I have heard all sorts of specific mileages on this. Im not sure where they all come from. The truth is that there isnt a magic number of miles within which you must purchase your honey. Any raw honey that is harvested nearby where the same sort of plants are blooming at roughly the same time can be considered local.

Allergen Appropriate If you have fall allergies, you need to use raw, local honey that is harvested in the fall. If you buy raw, local honey that was harvested in the spring, you will no doubt enjoy some honey and get some health benefits. You will not, however benefit from the allergy prevention because the pollens to which you are allergic will not be found in this honey.

The big drawback here is that raw, local honey only works on pollen allergies. For years I was frustrated that I couldnt help people with other sensitivities. So I developed one of our honey spreads to work on the histamine reaction and to support the liver. The herbs I like best for allergy suffering are:

  • Nettle

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How The Theory About Eating Local Honey Got Started

“The theory got started because local, unprocessed honey was known to contain local pollens,” says Lakiea Wright, MD, an allergist at Women’s Hospital in Boston and medical director at Thermo Fisher Scientific. “Raw honey is more likely to contain local pollen because it isn’t processed. During processing , pollen is removed from honey.”

When it comes to eating local honey for allergies, the idea is that you ingest local pollen and eventually become less affected by it. This allergy treatment method is called allergen desensitization.

“The concept of allergen desensitization is based on exposing your body to small, escalating doses of allergen to desensitize your allergy cells,” says Dr. Wright. In the case of local honey, you would theoretically be ingesting;pollen-containing honey in small amounts regularly to minimize seasonal allergy symptoms.

“With regular exposure to an allergen, your allergy cells become desensitized and are less likely to fire off and cause symptoms. Allergen immunotherapy is based on this concept of desensitization,” explains Dr. Wright.

The Theory Behind The Healing Powers Of Honey

59 best images about The Benefits of Raw Honey on ...

Some people believe raw local honey can cure seasonal allergies through a process called immunotherapy. Many medical treatments, such as allergy shots, are also based on this principle.

The general idea is that you can desensitize the immune system to an allergen by exposing the body to small amounts of it over time. Eventually, the body stops overreacting altogether and the patients allergies disappear.

How would this process work with honey? Unlike grocery store varieties, raw local honey contains pollen from the immediate environment. Pollen is the main culprit of seasonal allergies. Thus, if you consume small amounts of pollen over time, your body will stop recognizing local pollen as a threat.

At least, thats the theory.

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Be Ready To See Your Symptoms Become Worse

It can happen when there is a concentrated amount of the pollen that you are allergic to in your local raw honey. You just cannot tell how much of pollen is there in raw honey, so you will develop an allergic reaction if you are extremely susceptible to even small traces of pollen. Stop using honey if you experience itching, swelling, or hives on your skin, in your throat, or in your mouth.

Cut Back On The Grains

Sadly, I dont just mean gluten containing grains. Even gluten-free grains like rice, corn, and oats are hard on your digestive system, and therefore also on your immune system. Even though I love my muffins and bread, I can definitely tell a difference in the strength of my immune system when I cut out grains. Not only to I not get sick as often, my seasonal allergies are remarkably easier.

If you have any sort of allergies at all, I strongly suggest you check out the GAPS Diet. Its a strict, gut-healing diet, and seriously has been a godsend for me and my family.

About two years ago, my family of 6 did the GAPS and found immense healing. Even though we were only able to stay on GAPS for about 6 months, I was able to take my list of around 30 allergies down to about 10, and keep it generally in that area.

If you are in the same boat as me and cant really afford to eat only meat and veggies like the GAPS Diet requires , cutting back on as much grain as possible will definitely still help.

Need help eating grain-free? Here are some of my familys favorite meals:

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Never Give Honey To Children Under 12 Months

As mentioned, there can be many toxins and other substances in raw honey and your child’s immune system is not yet developed enough to deal with those allergens and other toxins. Be sure to seek medical attention if you child has ingested honey and is experiencing problems like lack of appetite, constipation, weakened muscles, pronounced floppiness, feeble crying, listlessness, and a lack of strong facial expressions.

Why Local Raw Honey

Local Honey for Allergies – FOX17 Nashville

The benefit of local raw honey is that it contains the pollen in your area. If you watch the local news or Google search your area for your local pollen count, you can see the types of pollen that are causing your allergy symptoms. The bees in the area collect pollen from different sources and create honey. Pollen allergies are caused by an over-exposure to specific pollens in your area. For instance, in my area we have spring flowers, pine, weeds, and oak, to name just a few. These pollens are collected by bees, either directly or when the pollen is airborne. Once the bees create honey, the pollen is transferred to the raw honey.

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The Role Of Pollen In Allergies

Pollen deserves its own article, but in the context of raw or local honey, its essentially the key ingredient to allergy immunity.

When honeybees are collecting nectar , they are also collecting pollen from the same flowers. The pollen is packed onto the bees legs , and these pellets are taken back to the hive and stored inside the honeycomb. But bees have hairy bodies, and they move around a lot and pollen is a powder so the bees are covered in pollen by the time they go home. That means, as bees move around inside the hive, pollen is spread all over inside, including the honey. Therefore, as long as honey is raw, there will be traces of pollen mixed in.;

This is good news, even though it may take some convincing for people to see it that way. Pollen has somehow become Public Enemy #1 because it is the source of seasonal allergies. What people are allergic to is pollen, flying around in the air when flowers start blooming, and it causes some confusion as to how pollen can be a good thing. ;

For one thing, pollen is a really powerful protein. Without it, bees could not survive. Everyone thinks, because theyre called honeybees, that bees live off honey , but its really the pollen that sustains them. Thats why inexperienced beekeepers, who provide lots of nectar or nectar-like substitutes but no pollen will inevitably have dead hives because they were too focused on the wrong food source.;

Unfortunately, its what many bodies cant tolerate.

What Does Local Honey Mean

The one aspect thats confusing people is the word itself: local. The popular belief is that local honey must mean it comes from somewhere within fifteen or twenty miles of their residential neighborhood. Can it be within thirty miles? Or maybe its that many miles from where they work? How about a Venn diagram of sorts and the honey should come from the place where the fields of home of work overlap?

However the understanding of local honey has evolved, it has been seriously misdirected because it has far less to do with distance, and almost all to do with floral source. In other words, while distance does somewhat factor into the making of local honey, it doesnt work the way people think it does. Geography, in this sense, has to do with the physical features of the land and while we measure land by distance we should really be measuring the efficacy of honey by its profile, which is determined by what flowers were pollinated in the production of the honey.

The characteristics of a honeys benefits comes from the plants. For example, buckwheat honey is extremely effective in improving blood circulation. Thats because the buckwheat plant has medicinal properties that can heal capillary walls. Even if said buckwheat honey comes from far away, it will still carry those benefits as long as it is raw.

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