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HomeExclusiveWhat Helps Seasonal Allergies Naturally

What Helps Seasonal Allergies Naturally

Visit A Sinus Specialist In Detroit

4 Ways to Help Prevent Seasonal Allergies

If all else fails, schedule an appointment with your local sinus specialist or ENT doctor. Detroit Sinus Center offers a variety of sinus treatments ranging from prescription medications to non-invasive surgeries. Well help you through allergy season so you can breathe easy once again. Contact us today to schedule your appointment with our sinus specialists in Detroit!

Immunotherapy For Dog Allergies

So, immunotherapy = constant exposure to what one is allergic to until the side effects reduce in severity.

In simple terms, if your dogs body is constantly exposed to pollen , your dogs body will begin to understand that pollen isnt actually that bad.

Your dogs body will then stop producing as many histamines and your dogs allergies will be cured! .

If you start to notice that your dog has allergies around 6 months to 1 year old, you may want to consider immunotherapy. The earlier that a dog gets treatment, the more effective it is.

Immunotherapy is a great long-term treatment for seasonal dog allergies.

This doggo is happy that theres dog-friendly grass under their paws. Image: Kevin Jensen

Tuna Salmon And Other Fish With Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Salmon and other fish with Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation. Although you can take Omega 3, or fish oil capsules instead, youll reap more benefits by eating fish. Omega 3 fatty acids lead to better eosinophil function. Omega 3s strengthen the lungs and helps prevent sneezing, coughing, runny noses and other allergy symptoms.

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How I Got Started On My Path Towards Healing

I will be honest, this took years for me to figure out with a lot of trial and error. I researched a lot, asked doctors, and spoke with nutritionists. There was not a ton of advice out there for me, specific to seasonal allergies and healing them naturally. Until, one day my co-worker who happened to be an integrative nutritionist , was teaching me about how the food we eat impacts our health. I was pretty skeptical, but then I examined and noticed his life and how he was never sick, and had tons of energy everyday.

I took it one day at a time but over the years, I adjusted what I ate, and that led me to being rid of all my seasonal allergies completely with no medication. How amazing is that? Well, I am happy to share what I did, so that you can try to implement these things into your life.

Keep The Pollen Out Of Your Home

Ask a Pixie: Seasonal Allergies and Remedies

One of the simplest home remedies for pollen allergies is to limiting your exposure to pollen. Try the following:

  • Wash pollen out of your hair and off your skin after being outside. Eyes may be rinsed with cool water.
  • Skip line drying of clothes and bedding, which may lead to pollen accumulating on the fabric.
  • Wash your pets. If you have pets, washing them may help, too, as pollen and other allergens can get caught in their fur .
  • Get rid of carpet. Mop or vacuum frequently, and make sure your vacuum doesn’t recirculate the dust. .
  • Try an air filter. Portable air filters can clear out your most used living areas, while whole house filters work throughout your home. Make sure to clean or change filters regularly.

The Enviroklenz Mobile Air System has certified HEPA filtration and covers up to 1000 square feet. We received one to test this winter after dealing with a moldy batch of firewood, and it made a huge difference in the basement air quality. Before we got it, the mildew/moldy stuck around long after the wood was burned. Once the unit fired up, it de-stinkified the room in short order.

Get an Enviroklenz Mobile unit here

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So What Can Allergy Sufferers Do

Chose the Right Time for Exercise!

Exercise regularly and breathe clean air, but how you do it counts. Because morning exercise is especially helpful in building the adrenal cortices that secrete cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone, try to do at least 20 minutes of exercise every morning. Because the pollen count is usually higher between 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., you may need to exercise indoors during that time. Wearing large sunglasses will keep pollen from landing in your eyes. A hat will reduce pollen from sticking to your hair.

It may also be helpful to avoid much outdoor activity on days when the pollen count is especially high or when it is windy since the wind spreads pollen. If you become exposed to high levels of pollen , it might be beneficial to shower, wash your hair, and change clothes as soon as possible. This will wash off the allergens and reduce further contamination and contact. Because the fur of pets can attract and harbor pollen as well, it would be a good idea to keep your furry friends out of your bedroom.

HEPA Air Filter

Natural Remedy To Help Recover And Reduce The Effects Of Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal changes can be exciting, but seasonal allergies can drain all the fun out of your plans. The weather change and pollen are probably the triggers to allergic symptoms like constant sneezing, post-nasal drip, a runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, mild fatigue, and in some cases migraines. Leaving us with less energy to enjoy the beautiful weather. Fortunately, there is a natural solution to dealing with allergies.

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What The Research Shows

One study looking at the effects of exercise on adults with respiratory allergies found participants who took part in winter exercises in moderately cold alpine conditions, such as a four-hour hiking/snowshoeing tour or a day of skiing, experienced diminished allergy symptoms, an improvement in breathing tests, and a decrease in inflammatory allergy markers both the day after exercise and 60 days later.

The Link Between Diet And Allergies

How to Treat Seasonal Allergies, Hay Fever & Sinus Allergy Symptoms Naturally

The role of diet in allergies was first demonstrated by Francis Pottenger, M.D., in the 1930s. Pottenger conducted experiments with multiple generations of cats, totaling more than 900 animals. He found that when the quality of their diets declinedthat is, when the cats ate processed instead of whole and raw foodshealth problems developed and grew worse with each subsequent generation. By the third generation, 90 percent of cats eating poor diets had developed allergies, as well as skin diseases and poorer quality of fur. Certain fats, vitamins and minerals are needed for normal functioning of the immune system, and sub-optimal levels of nutrients and deficiencies impair normal immunity.

Interestingly, Pottenger found that the trend toward poorer health could be reversed in the second generation, but that it took four generations of normal feeding to once again produce healthy non-allergic cats. That reversal was not possible by the third generation of cats eating a nutritionally deficient diet. Furthermore, the cats became incapable of reproducing by the fourth generation, the last.

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What Are Some Common Seasonal Allergies And What Causes Seasonal Allergies

Most of these allergies are airborne chemicals that trigger our immune system. These airborne agents include different pathogens and allergies such as pollens, ragweed, cedar, grass, molds, wool and so much more. Your immune system takes any of these allergens as a foriegn threat to your body system and in defense it releases a chemical histamine which creates flu-like symptoms to get rid of the allergens in any way possible.

So if you experience swollen eyes or lips or even puffy cheeks as a reaction to any of the above stated allergens, do know it is due to inflammation caused by secretion of histamine.

So how do you get rid of them? Well, there are many natural home remedies to help you soothe the after-effects of your allergy. However most of them are edible activities, and yes it does include drinking green tea!

If you are someone like me who cannot tand green tea or anything else for that matter, then this article is the perfect read for you. Over my course of allergies i have come across other natural ways where you can control your allergy symptoms.

Causes Of Seasonal Allergies

Hay fever happens when your immune system identifies an airborne substance thats usually harmless as dangerous. It responds to that substance, or allergen, by releasing histamines and other chemicals into your bloodstream. Those chemicals produce the symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Common triggers of hay fever vary from one season to another.

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What Causes Fall Allergies For Your Dog

There are countless allergens that could be aggravating your pet. Seasonal allergies are predominantly caused by plant compounds floating around in the air. Theyre more prevalent during the changing of the seasons since this is when trees, shrubs, grasses, and other plants have the most prolific amounts of pollens to shed.

Heres what is really going on with your dogs body when he is experiencing seasonal allergies:

  • Your pups immune system is a little extra reactive: Its working hard to keep him safe and healthy and it perceives something — an allergen thats not actually harmful — as a threat.
  • Your dogs immune system starts attacking that allergen: It goes into overdrive and goes on the offensive. It wants to get the allergen out of your dogs body because it thinks its causing him harm, even though its not actually a harmful substance!
  • Your dogs overactive immune system causes him to have an allergic reaction: This results in all those pesky symptoms he can experience during the fall season. Were talking about itching, redness, inflammation, watery eyes, runny nose, etc.

In general, seasonal allergies are no fun for your dog. They can last until the season changes and can make your pet seriously uncomfortable. Here are some of the plants that most commonly cause seasonal allergic reactions for dogs:

  • Mold
  • Cocklebur
  • Lamb’s quarters
  • Dust mites
  • Fleas
  • Other Insects
  • Natural Remedies For Grass And Ragweed Allergies

    7 Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

    Sniffle, cough, achoo! If the sounds of allergies have returned to your home, take heart. You dont have to let ragweed and grass allergy symptoms prevent you from enjoying fresh air. Learn about 6 effective herbal cures that can help you breathe easier – even when the pollen count is high…For millions of people, the first sign of seasonal allergies is a runny nose, sneezing, coughing and itchy eyes. Thats the immune system overreacting to grass, tree and ragweed pollen, and producing inflammatory chemicals called histamines. In other words, hay fever. Officially called seasonal allergic rhinitis, hay fever symptoms affect one in five people, and can lead to problems as serious as asthma attacks or ear and sinus infections, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases . Over-the-counter and prescription allergy remedies can help, but sometimes cause side effects of their own, says Honolulu naturopathic physician Laurie Steelsmith, N.D., author of Natural Choices for Women’s Health .They speed you up, slow you down, make your head feel fuzzy, dehydrate your sinus membranes and give you cotton mouth, she says. That’s one reason to consider adding herbal cures to your anti-allergy war chest. They can be gentler and reduce hay fever symptoms with fewer side effects, Steelsmith says.

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    When Allergies Become Chronic

    With repeated exposure the inflammatory response becomes chronic. A 2008 journal article on the development of allergic inflammation explains this systemic allergic response as:

    Persistent inflammation induced by prolonged or repetitive exposure to specific allergens, typically characterized not only by the presence of large numbers of innate and adaptive immune cells at the affected site but also by substantial changes in the extracellular matrix and alterations in the number, phenotype and function of structural cells in the affected tissues.

    In other words, the misery allergy sufferers feel is very real and more than a case of the sniffles!

    Allergy testing may be helpful to determine triggers but typical treatment usually involves routinely taking an antihistimine or corticosteriod which can have undesirable side effects. There are two main ways to help stop allergies naturally:

  • Limit exposure to possible allergens
  • Support a strong healthy immune system
  • Skin Allergies In Children

    Skin is the largest organ of the body and it can be affected by allergens .

    Causes of skin allergies

    Various substances and compounds could trigger an allergic reaction of the skin.

  • Preservatives: Some children may suffer from allergies when their skin gets exposed to certain ingredients. Some common allergens include formaldehyde and methylisothiazolinone releasers such as DMDM hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, and 3-diol bronopol. These could be found in moisturizers, facial cosmetics, shampoos, and other cosmetic products.
  • Metals: According to the American Academy of Dermatology, approximately 11 million kids suffer from nickel allergy. This metal is usually found in jewelry, hooks, zippers, and in some straps too. Even face paints contain small amounts of these metals.
  • Botanical allergens: Some children may have sensitive skin. Contact with certain essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, peppermint, close, and citronella may cause skin reactions.
  • If the child accidently touches an irritating chemical.
  • Some children are allergic to polyester clothes, wool or other fabrics.
  • Symptoms of skin allergies

    Some of the common signs of skin allergies are :

    • Dry or itchy skin

    Natural relief from skin allergies

    Natural remedies may help treat some skin allergies or provide relief from the symptoms :

  • Applying ice packs or wet cloth on the itchy skin may provide relief. Cooling agents, such as calamine and menthol, help.
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    Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies

    At this time of year, many people are suffering from seasonal allergies. The symptoms can include itching, sneezing, congestion and runny nose, headaches, red or watery eyes, and so on. They can vary from mild to severe, acute to chronic.

    Seasonal allergies, sometimes referred to as hay fever, result from exposure to spores or pollen released into the atmosphere by fungi, grasses, trees, and other plants. That plant material is mistaken for an invasive protein by your bodys immune system, leading to the production of chemicals like histamine. Histamine attempts to attack or expel the invader, resulting in the bothersome symptoms described above. Those who experience seasonal allergies are also intolerant to certain foods which they cannot easily digest. The poorly digested food is often regurgitated back into the respiratory tract leading to many of the allergy symptoms noted above. The big food culprit is dairy products followed by eggs, poultry, red meat, bread/wheat, certain nuts, and alcohol. With the immune system becoming increasing compromised with continued consumption of the biggest food culprits, the person become more sensitized to other food triggers and environmental triggers.

    1) Hydration through Water

    When the respiratory and digestive systems are dehydrated, the immune system will cause a rebound effect leading to nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and/or coughing. Do the following in order to optimize your hydration:

    2) Saline nasal rinses

    • wounds

    Apple Cider Vinegar For The Win

    Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies with Dr. Ed Lamadrid

    AVC is naturally sought as a liquid which boosts the immune system and helps break mucus membrane. It has also been known to support lymphatic drainage. For a delicious ACV drink, take half a glass of apple juice and fill it with water. Now add a pinch of cinnamon and two teaspoons of ACV. do this earliest in the morning to relieve any signs of allergy symptoms as soon as possible.

    Also Check: Does Sweet Almond Oil Affect Nut Allergies

    Fermented Foods And Probiotics

    What’s a live culture food? Live culture foods are those that are fermented, either using salt or a starter culture. This helps preserve them and creates a great assortment of tasty food options. Think kimchi and sauerkraut, yogurt and kefir, wines and fermented condiments.

    These foods are easy to digest and loaded with nutrition. They also rebuild the beneficial bacteria in our guts, which helps promote healing and wellness.

    If you’re not fermenting foods yet, many natural food groceries now carry live culture foods.

    Traditional Cooking School has great fermentation cheat sheet to make fermenting easy for everyone to try.

    Have fussy eaters or nervous about fermenting? Try probiotic supplements as a source of healthy bacteria.

    Natural Seasonal Allergy Remedies

    Its time to shake off the cold winter weather and welcome spring!

    If you have hay fever, a.k.a. seasonal allergies, you may be looking for ways to counter annoying symptoms like an itchy throat, watery eyes, or a runny nose. A common cause of allergies in the spring is the abundance of pollen from flowering plants. Some research suggests as many as 50 million Americans will experience various types of allergies each year.

    Allergy medication is helpful when it comes to keeping allergies in check, but for those who are looking to explore alternative options, here are 4 natural seasonal allergy remedies that may help to make your spring better than ever before.

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    Dog Seasonal Allergies Home Remedies

    When applied correctly, home remedies can be effective in treating your dogs seasonal allergies. Thorough skin and coat hygiene and care are a critical component of resolving or mitigating allergy symptoms. Some successful remedies include:

    • High-quality diets and supplements Changing your dogs food wont resolve their skin allergies, but it will boost their immune system and ensure their skin and coat are healthy. Specific ingredients such as fish oils, omega 3 essential fatty acids, and flaxseed oil reduce inflammation and itching.
    • Natural shampoos and conditioners Invest in hypoallergenic shampoos with ingredients like oatmeal, aloe vera, almond oil, and Vitamin E. Stay away from sulfates, parabens, and other harsh chemicals. If you want a scented shampoo, pick one with natural scents like lemongrass or lavender, not artificial or synthetic perfumes.
    • Topicals Applying topicals directly to your dogs skin can help with some of the symptoms of allergies, like swelling and inflammation. CBD, essential oils, and natural antihistamines have grown in popularity in recent years as home remedies for seasonal allergies in dogs. Avoid putting topical treatments on open wounds, since they can sting and get in the way of tissue healing.


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