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What Plants Help With Allergies

How Can Indoor Plants Help With Allergies

How your plants can help your allergies

So, just how do indoor plants help allergies? Back in the 1980s, NASA carried out a study and found that the best indoor plants for allergies can remove formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, benzene, and other toxins from the air. And by purifying the air in offices and homes, these plants help prevent sick building syndrome. Researchers found one plant per 100 square feet can efficiently clean the air, although the study was conducted within a sealed Space Station, where air is more concentrated.

So, for your average sized homes and offices, youd be looking at around 15 20 plants to purify the air you breathe. And the more large broad-leafed foliage the plants have, the more effective they are in improving allergy symptoms. NASA also found the plant root-soil zone was the most effective area for removing volatile organic chemicals such as mould spores, which are prevalent in bathrooms. Hence achieving clean bathroom decor becomes a whole lot easier with the right plants.

Worst Plants For Allergies

Even if you are not expecting your new houseplant to do wonders for your indoor air quality, you will still want to make sure that it will not cause an allergic reaction in any of the members of your household. The following plants are likely to cause symptoms in those with allergic rhinitis.

  • Chrysanthemums, common ferns, lilies and geraniums have been found to produce airborne allergens that can cause contact dermatitis, according to the Institute of Medicines 1993 book, Indoor Allergens. Additionally, tulips and liliescan cause hives in those who are allergic.
  • Ornamental plants, including yucca, ivy, palm trees, and Ficus benjamina , can cause adverse reactions in those with allergies .
  • Hoya compacta, a popular succulent vine also referred to as wax plant, can cause respiratory symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing .
  • Pine trees used for decoration around the holidays can harbor weed pollen produced during the fall months that has settled on the plants branches, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . This weed pollen can cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
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Favorite Air Purifying Plant For The Bedroom

Bedroom plants can be chosen based on the amount of space you have and your design preferences. If you dont have much space try a tall thin plant like the Areca Palm or the Dracaena.

Both of these plants can be placed in a corner of the room and have minimal outward growth.

If you dont have space on the floor, using a shelf or desk will suffice. In this case, youd want a smaller option that wont get in the way. Below are a few of my recommendations:

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Best Plants For Allergies: The Allergy

Did you know you can stop allergies and asthma with smart landscaping? Its true! In this post, I will be discussing the best plants for allergies that you can use to create an allergy-free garden at home.

Allergy sufferers rejoice! You dont have to be afraid of the garden. You read that right: you can STOP allergies and asthma with having the right plants in your home garden.

Spider Plant And Allergies

7 House Plants For Allergies That Can Help Clear The Air ...

Spider plants are another common indoor plant and great for people with asthma and allergies. They do more than just brighten up a room, they also clean the air.

Spider plants have long thin leaves that are usually green with white stripes. They can be kept on a table or used in a hanging basket however they dont look as great if theyre kept on the floor.

They have the ability to remove a significant amount toxins in the household air within a few days especially formaldehyde. The NASA study showed Spider plant performed the best of indoor plants with a 95 percent removal rate.

Formaldehyde and other types of chemicals can be irritants to people with allergies or asthma and the Spider plant will help. This is my pick for the best indoor plant for asthma .

The plant is easy to manage and tough to kill so you dont need a green thumb. These plants look great next in an arrangement next to other household plants. If youre up for hanging a basket from the ceiling, they also look great in the bathroom.

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How To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Every single one of the houseplants listed above are great tools to improving your indoor air quality. For the most part, theyre easy to care for, nice to have around and will help you breathe easier at night. However, theyre just tools to help you stay healthy. In the long run, there are many other things you can do to improve the air quality in your home.

The most effective way to improve your indoor air quality is to have an air purifier nearby. These systems will capture and remove a wider range of airborne pollutants, including many toxins that houseplants cant do anything about.

Pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke and a long list of airborne chemicals are common pollutants that can be found in nearly every household. Unfortunately, none of the houseplants on this list can do anything to remove those airborne toxins.

The best method to improve you indoor air quality is to have some of these houseplants around, try to eliminate the source of the pollutants and have an air purifier working to cleanse the air at all times.

Filed Under: Indoor Air QualityTagged With: air purifiers, houseplants, howto, indoor air quality, list, natural remedy, tips

About Author

My Use Of House Plants To Relieve Allergies

A few years ago I moved into a new apartment. I was in graduate school and the living situation would be temporary.

It was a cozy 2 bedroom apartment with carpeting throughout. It had air conditioning and heating. During my first year living in that apartment, my allergies became worse.

The house was closed because it was a cold and dry winter. There was minimal circulation of fresh outdoor air and the HVAC blew warm, dry air through the house.

I felt horrible but didnt know why. At this time I hadnt been tested for allergies and didnt know the reason I felt so bad.

I realized quickly that the vents in the HVAC were weak and werent capturing any dust. The carpets were filthy and hadnt been shampooed or vacuumed in ages.

I began problem-solving and looked for options to improve the air quality and moisture in my room. I learned quickly that houseplants can absorb toxins in the air and provide moisture to dry air.

I wanted to improve my health so I bought a number of small bedroom plants. The plants added much-needed color to the room but more importantly, the plants made my bedroom air feel fresh with added humidity.

Not long after this experience I was tested for allergies and discovered I was allergic to many things, especially dust mites. I learned it was important to maintain a very clean house, free from dust, pet dander, pollen, and chemicals.

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Bedroom Plant For Oxygen At Night

For more oxygen at night consider a larger plant with a high rate of transpiration. A larger plant will require more carbon dioxide and respire more oxygen.

We mentioned the Areca Palm above and its benefits for removing toxins and humidifying air in the home.

Another option is the Boston Fern. They are bushy plants that can help restore moisture in homes and freshen air.

They play a role in eliminating formaldehyde but require more sunlight and occasional misting of the foliage.

Understanding The Symptoms Of Allergies

Best Plants for People with Allergies | Tips from The Grounds Guys®

It is important to know the correctsymptoms of allergies and be able to differentiate them from signs of a cold.There are actually five common allergy symptoms, and these are quite easy tosurface especially when your immune system is overly sensitive to otherwiseharmless substances.

Any substance that triggers an allergic reaction is called an allergen. Upon contact with an allergen, your body releases histamine to protect yourself from the foreign object seemingly attacking you. Here are some symptoms of allergies:

  • Runny NoseHaving a runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of allergy in children and adults alike. When the allergens enter your nose, the inner lining of your nostril will swell and this triggers the release of fluid from the small blood vessels in your nose. This fluid is clear and thin, as opposed to the fluid that comes out whenever we have a cold.
  • What to do: To lessen the symptoms of a runny nose, it is important to keep hydrated.
  • SneezingWhen histamine is released due to the trigger of allergens your body reacts through swelling and itch within your throat and nose. Because of this irritation, your brain sends signals to your chest to contract, which causes you to sneeze in order to remove the irritants that have triggered the reaction.
  • What to do: To avoid sneezing, it would be best to stay away from any triggers or allergens you are aware of. If inevitable, it would be best to wear a mask.
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    Areca Palm And Allergies

    The Areca Palm ranked highly on NASAs list for its ability to remove formaldehyde, xylene, carbon monoxide, and toluene from the air. It can also humidify a room in dry winters or summers because it actively transpires moisture from its leaves.

    The Areca Palm can outgrow its indoor home but smaller plants are perfect to use inside. A more mature palm can transpire up to 1 liter of water per day which keeps air fresh, moist, and makes it easier to breathe. For people with asthma, moist air is especially helpful.

    The palm is originally from the tropics and that makes it an ideal for life inside. In most U.S. climates outdoor winter temperatures will kill the palm.

    It prefers warmth and does well in medium sunlight areas, with or without shade

    Ideally, Arecas like indirect light from the South.

    A full-grown Areca Palm can be costly but buying a smaller plant is relatively affordable. I bought a smaller palm and it grew fairly quicklyalmost 10 in one year.

    As they grow, Arecas should be pruned, otherwise, they can reach 7 feet tall.

    If you purchase a smaller Areca Palm be prepared to report the plant every 1-2 years. As the plant grows the roots will need more space and nutrients. A larger plant requires a larger container and more soil.

    Allergy Symptoms And Triggers

    Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, develops when the bodys immune system recognizes and overreacts to something in the environment that typically causes no problems in most people. It can be seasonal or perennial.

    Seasonal allergies occur in spring, summer, and early fall. During these times, airborne mold spores or pollens from trees, grass, and weeds can trigger symptoms like sneezing and congestion. Perennial allergies occur year-round and are caused by many factors, including cigarette smoke, perfume, diesel exhaust, dust mites, pet hair or dander, cockroaches, or mold.

    Symptoms of hay fever may include:

    • Fatigue because of a decrease in sleep quality due to nasal congestion
    • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
    • Sneezing
    • Stuffy nose
    • Rash

    Some people may also have a condition called pollen food allergy syndrome associated with pollen allergy or hay fever. Symptoms to the mouth are immediate, and may include itching, irritations, and swelling of the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth, and throat, but go away as soon as the person stops eating. To avoid this type of reaction, only eat vegetables and fruits that are cooked.

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    Plants That Can Actually Help Allergies

    If you suffer from allergies, Im sure youve probably thought that plants and the outside world are the enemy. With all of their pollen irritating your eyes and nose, its easier to just avoid them altogether.

    Ive got the best news for youyou dont have to avoid them anymore! All you need to do is to plant the right kinds of plants.

    There are plants that can actually purify the air that we breathe.

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    Best Indoor Houseplants for Allergies

    Not only can they make a space feel bright, fresh and stylish, but there are heaps of benefits to filling your home with indoor plants, too. While some indoor plants can purify the air, others such as aloe vera can even soothe sunburn or insect bites. Better yet, indoor plants can be good for your wellbeing, improve your mood and your creativity.

    Weve also found four plants that may help soothe your allergies.

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    Nine Indoor Plants That Every Allergy Sufferer Should Have

    I suffer from allergies. And it is NO. FUN. The sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy skin, and tiredness is annoying. I know that there are medications out there that alleviate allergy symptoms, but I have a serious aversion to man made medicines. I prefer to take a more natural route to my healthcare as much as possible. So, I did my research, started taking an all natural allergy medicine and added more plants to my home. Yes. You read that right. Plants. There are indoor houseplants that can help alleviate allergy symptoms by purifying the air in your home!While most indoor plants will help purify the air to some degree, NASA did a study on indoor plants to find out which indoor houseplants were best for improving indoor air quality. These plants would be grown on Mars and Lunar bases to aid in improving indoor air quality. NASA was able to identify which indoor plants were best for improving the air quality. Indoor plants that purify the air alleviate sick building syndrome which is caused by formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and other toxins. And when you have pure air, you help alleviate allergy symptoms!Not only do indoor plants improve indoor air quality and thus allergies, but they also help maintain and stabilize humidity at recommended levels. The natural regulating effect of using indoor plants is much better than the heavy stagnant air that can be caused by an electric humidifier.

    Do Indoor Plants Help With Allergies

    A scratchy throat, stuffy nose, and watery eyes are all the unfortunate symptoms for many when the seasons change. Seeds, dust, and pollen swirl around, undetected and agitating. Many over-the-counter remedies are prescribed and taken, but there are alternate ways to deal with allergies. Thats right! You dont have to get a prescription to stop the sniffles. Though plants may be the cause of some of your woes, they can also play a part in the solution. Cleaning and humidifying the air, certain plants prove massively helpful in keeping you healthy. There are also plant types to avoid. Take a look at the best plants for allergies.

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    Top 10 Best Houseplants For Allergy Sufferers

    CindyDisclaimer: Some of the links below may be affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

    Ive suffered from seasonal allergies ever since we moved to the midwest seven years ago. Theres something in the air especially in spring and fall that my body just doesnt like. After years of growing houseplants, Ive found the best ones to help purify the air and prevent side effects related to allergies.

    Peace Lily, Dracaena, Areca Palm, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Golden Pothos, Philodendron, Snake Plant, Rubber Tree, and Dieffenbachia filter toxins from air and keep your indoor environment free of allergens. Plus, they have lower pollen counts that wont exacerbate allergies.

    Lets take a closer look at these plants, including how to care for them in your home. I chose easy-to-grow plants that have the biggest impact on allergies.

    Natural Ways To Defeat Allergies

    House Plants To Help Your Allergies

    For mild allergic symptoms, herbs are very effective. They should be used regularly and for a long time so that we can observe their healing effects. It is possible to use herbs in case of stronger types of allergies and medications prescribed by a doctor.It is worth ensuring that our diet is a source of products that naturally contain antiallergic compounds. This group will include garlic, onions and green leafy vegetables, as well as fruit. Blackcurrant, thanks to the content of flavonoids and vitamin C, effectively relieves allergy symptoms. Vitamin C inhibits the release of histamine from cells and soothes inflammation. It is also worth reaching for strawberries, apples, cabbage and parsley, which contain a lot of this vitamin. In addition, allergic reactions are alleviated by plants such as: nettle, calendula, black cumin, chamomile, and green tea. Black cumin oil is one of the most effective natural remedies for allergies. In addition, spices such as anise, fennel, horseradish and mustard act as natural decongestants, so it is worth including them in the diet of an allergy sufferer.

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    Smart Gardening: Tips For An Allergy

    If you have asthma or allergies, you dont have to decorate your yard with stones and concrete. There are many plants you can use in your home garden that wont affect your allergies. You can choose from several flowers, shrubs, trees and more.

    To make your garden more allergy friendly, check out the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale System . It is a standard that considers the likelihood that a plant flowers, grasses, shrubs and trees will cause pollen allergy symptoms. Each plant is ranked on a 1-10 scale, 10 being the most allergenic. That means the OPALS® ratings can help you as a consumer, a gardener and person with allergies to reduce local pollen exposure.

    So, even if your garden is more allergy friendly, pollen may still affect you in your neighborhood and when you travel both close and far away. Learn more creative ways to become more allergy savvy and reduce your impact of seasonal allergens. Many plants mate by releasing up to billions of pollen grains into the wind during spring, summer and fall. These include certain grasses, trees and bushes. Youll want to avoid planting these types of plants in your garden.

    Instead, get plants that use only insects to pollinate. Their pollen grains are much heavier and dont travel through the air as easily. Also, plant more female plants. Female plants dont shed pollen and trap pollen from male plants.


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