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Can Allergies Cause A Burning Throat

Best Home Remedies To Cure Burning Sensation In The Throat

Can Allergies Cause an Itchy Throat?


A few home remedies can go a long way in soothing the sore or burning sensation in your throat.

  • Get as much rest as possible.
  • Drink lots of water to reduce the dryness and soreness in your throat.
  • Drink warm liquids such as honey, lemon, or ginger tea.
  • Have warm chicken soup.
  • Suck on ice chips to help reduce the burning sensation in your mouth and throat.
  • Gargle with lukewarm salt water to help reduce the soreness .
  • Suck on lozenges and candies to provide relief to your sore throat .
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications such as Ibuprofen or Advil.

Even with home remedies, throat burns may stay on for some time. In that case, visiting your doctor is the best thing to do.

How Can You Treat A Sore Throat From Allergies

Regardless of what your allergy symptoms are, Dr. Li recommends a combination of an oral antihistamine with a nasal steroid at least 1-2 times per day during your worst allergy season. Commonly available allergy antihistamines include Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, Clarinex or Xyzal, while commonly used nasal steroids are Flonase, Nasonex, Nasacort, Rhinocort or Qnasl.

“If you still have a sore throat while taking a combination of an oral antihistamine and a nasal steroid, allergists will sometimes add a nasal antihistamine such as Astelin,” he says. ” taken every six to eight hours as needed can be used in severe cases, but should only be used for several days at a time.”

For mild cases, a saline spray may be enough, but if these are ineffective and your allergies are making you miserable, you can talk to your doctor about trying immunotherapy in the form of shots of sublingual drops , Dr. Simpson says.

If your sore throat is from drainage of mucus down your throat, you can also try nasal rinses, Dr. Li says. Popular nasal rinse products include Neil Med and the Navage device.

“If your sore throat is very severe, your allergist may prescribe oral steroids such as prednisone or Medrol to help reduce the inflammation that is causing your sore throat,” he says. “Non-medical therapies such as salt water gargles or tea with honey and lemon may also work for certain individuals, but generally are not as effective as medications.”

Cause #: Vitamin Deficiencies

Although rare, lower than average levels of certain vitamins can cause a burning sensation as well, though usually in the mouth. One study found a correlation between abnormally low levels of iron and vitamin B12 and a burning mouth.

This one will take a bit more investigation. If you think your mouth burning might be due to vitamin deficiencies, talk to your doctor about getting blood work done. If your lab work reveals any vitamin deficiencies, your care provider can counsel you on necessary dietary changes and supplements to add to your daily routine.

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Cause #: Postnasal Drainage

Postnasal drainage happens when the body produces more mucus than usual. Rhinitis, which is inflammation in the nose that causes increased mucus production, commonly causes postnasal drainage.

Postnasal drainage occurs because the excess mucus in your nose has to go somewhere. It either comes out the front in a classic runny nose, or it can drip down your throat. This drainage irritates your throat and causes a burning sensation.

To ease the burning, you need to treat the rhinitis thats causing the drainage. Since allergies often cause rhinitis, an over-the-counter antihistamine like Claritin, Zyrtec or Allegra could help. Topical nasal sprays like Flonase, Nasacort and Rhinocort are also good options.

What You Can Do

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One way to add moisture to the air is to install a humidifier in your house, or turn on a cool-mist vaporizer especially when you sleep. Just be sure to keep the overall humidity in your house set below 50 percent. Any higher and you can encourage the growth of mold, which can also irritate your sensitive nose.

Use an over-the-counter hydrating nasal spray to replenish parched nasal passages. And when you go outside, cover your nose with a scarf to prevent any remaining moisture in your nose from drying up.

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What Are Symptoms Of Throat Burning On The Outside

Symptoms of a sore throat and outside of the throat burning may include:

Most cases of sore throat and outside of the throat burning are caused by viruses, usually viruses that cause upper respiratory infections such as the common cold. Cold symptoms that may accompany a sore or burning throat include:

  • Soreness in the roof of the mouth
  • Eye irritation or redness

About 10% of cases of sore or burning throat are strep throat, which may also cause symptoms such as:

  • White patches of pus on the side or back of the throat
  • Tiny, red spots on the roof of the mouth
  • Streaks of pus on the tonsils

How Do Allergies Cause Dry Throat

Allergies are commonly caused by hay fever, cold weather, and other environmental allergens, such as dust, dander, mold, and pollen.

Hay fever: The term “hay fever” is a bit misleading since fever isn’t one of the symptoms of this condition. Hay fever is also called allergic rhinitis because it includes a variety of symptoms that affect your nose. Symptoms can include:

  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, and throat
  • Red, swollen eyes

Postnasal drip occurs when excess mucus drains from your sinuses and nasal passageways into the back of your throat. This can lead to the feeling of dryness or scratchiness, and it often makes you feel like you constantly need to clear your throat.

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Get Relief From This Unpleasant Sensation

There’s a host of health conditions that may cause a burning throat. Some of them may be more serious than others, but all of them can cause discomfort that needs to be treated.

The good news is that it’s fairly straightforward for a healthcare provider to tease out the cause. They will find it based on your other symptoms and a physical examination.

This article will help you to learn some common reasons for a burning throat. It also will describe how your healthcare provider treats each condition so you get relief.

Verywell / Emily Roberts

How Allergies Can Cause A Sore Throat

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The glands in your nose and throat make about one to two quarts of mucus every day, reports the American Academy of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery Foundation. This mucus has many important functions, such as keeping your nose clean and moistening the air you breathe, and you usually swallow it without realizing. Other times, people may notice mucus dripping down the back of their nose or pooling in their throat. This unpleasant sensation is known as postnasal drip, and it can be caused by allergies.

If you have postnasal drip, the trickle of mucus can irritate your throat and cause soreness and other symptoms, such as feeling a lump in the throat or swallowing more frequently. It may also make you feel the need to clear your throat more often.

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Soothing A Sore Throat At Home

Here are several home remedies that may help soothe a sore throat from allergies, according to Harvard Medical School:

  • Stay well-hydrated to help to thin the mucus.
  • Consume more hot liquids, such as chicken soup.
  • Use a humidifier or inhale steam.
  • Prop yourself up with a few extra pillows at night, since mucus can collect in the back of your throat when you lie flat.

There are also many over-the-counter medications available, including oral decongestants and antihistamines. Nasal decongestants may also be helpful, though Harvard Medical School cautions that they shouldn’t be used for more than one to two days. For help choosing the most appropriate product, talk to your doctor or a pharmacist.

While these steps can help soothe a sore throat from allergies, they won’t prevent future allergy symptoms. Pollen, whether from grass, trees or ragweed, is a common culprit of seasonal allergies, according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, so avoiding exposure to it can help. The Mayo Clinic recommends staying indoors on dry, windy days and, if possible, keeping your doors and windows closed on days with high pollen counts. If you need to do outdoor chores, such as lawn mowing or weed pulling, wear a pollen mask.

Viral Or Bacterial Infection

Everyone has had a sore throat at some point in their lives. This painful inflammation of the back part of the throat is usually caused by a virus, though there may be other reasons.

In addition to a burning, itchy, or raw throat, especially when swallowing, someone with a viral infection of the throat may also experience a cough, runny nose, hoarseness, and/or diarrhea .

Antibiotics don’t work against viruses. That means the goal of treatment is to manage the symptoms with rest, over-the-counter pain meds, saltwater gargles, and throat lozenges or sprays while the infection runs its course.

Less commonly, the cause of an infection is bacterial, and this is called strep throat. It requires a trip to your healthcare provider for an antibiotic. If left untreated, it can spread and lead to serious issues like rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, and kidney inflammation.

Other signs and symptoms of strep throat often include:

  • Swollen and tender lymph nodes in the neck
  • White patches on the tonsils

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Causes For Burning Sensation In The Throat

Written by Editorial Team | Updated : January 10, 2015 9:34 AM IST

One of the most annoying conditions to suffer from is with a burning sensation in the throat. Given the number of triggers that can give rise to that uncomfortable feeling, the first step is to determine the actual cause.

1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a condition that occurs when acid in the stomach leaks into the esophagus. This gives rise to a burning sensation in the throat. Other symptoms include an unpleasant and sour taste in the mouth, stomach irritation, and nausea.

Allergens And Their Effects


Postnasal drip is the main culprit in cases of allergy-induced sore throat.

Its the result of exposure to an allergen and occurs when congestion in the nose and sinuses drains down to the throat. This causes tickling or scratchy pain.

The drainage also can cause:

If you have a sore throat with fever and body aches, its likely the result of a viral infection, such as the cold or flu.

Scratchiness is another way to determine if you have an allergy-induced sore throat.

In addition to the raw feeling that results from postnasal drainage, particles that directly enter the respiratory system can cause an itchy or scratchy feeling.

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Cause #: Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome is just that: a condition where patients have an inexplicable sensation of burning in their mouth. Theres no injury, no infection, no obvious cause present, but the mouth still burns.

While relatively rare, burning mouth syndrome mostly affects women over the age of 40. Other symptoms include burning of the tongue, lips and roof of the mouth.

Burning mouth syndrome may be a form of neuralgia nerve pain with no discernable cause. In other words, the nerves send pain signals to the brain even though nothing is hurting them.

If you havent been able to find the cause of your burning mouth, talk to your ENT doctor or dentist. They can help you investigate the source and identify whether it could be burning mouth syndrome.

What Does A Burning Sensation In The Throat Feel Like

People suffering from a burning throat commonly describe a painful, hot or tingling sensation around their oesophagus. Depending on the underlying cause, this burning or tingling feeling in your throat can last a handful of minutes to 3 days.The location of your burning sensation can often be a solid indicator of the underlying cause for your symptom. For instance, if youre experiencing a burning feeling in the upper region of your throat towards the back of your mouth, you may suffer from a viral or bacterial infection. Whereas gastrointestinal conditions, such as irritation from leaking stomach acid, typically irritate the lower parts of your oesophagus.

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What Causes A Burning Sensation In Throat

The direct cause of the burning pain is the inflammation or irritation of the throat, triggered by various illnesses, conditions and diseases.

These include:

  • Viral infection

The following information will provide a breakdown of each condition and other symptoms to help determine the cause of your burning throat pain.

However, it is important to note that an in-person consultation with a relevant medical professional is the best and only way to diagnose a medical condition. Therefore, we recommend you always seek medical advice to ensure a proper diagnosis and receive the correct treatment.

There Are Various Reasons Why You Could Be Experiencing A Cough Or Sore Throat

Burning Tongue and Burning Mouth Syndrome: Causes and Treatment

Post-nasal drip will also irritate your esophagus and occurs because of sinusitis or the more chronic allergic rhinitis also known as Hay Fever. Post-nasal drip occurs when your sinuses become clogged, hence the term plugged up. Usually, youll experience additional symptoms, such as nasal congestion, sneezing and a runny or itchy nose, similar to symptoms we notice when our allergies are acting up.

Even food allergies can cause a sore throat. Generally, youll notice almost instant swelling and enlarging of the throat, which can quickly advance to anaphylaxis. This is a much more serious allergic reaction than an irritated throat. Often allergy medications , such as Benadryl, can have side effects such as a dry, scratchy throat, along with dry mouth. Consult a doctor before taking any medication and monitor your reactions to these types of allergy medicines.

For those with more serious allergies, symptoms can last an entire season, especially in the springtime. The flu and common cold will generally only have symptoms for a week to two weeks. If it is allergies, you will most likely also experience:

  • itchy, watery eyes
  • post-nasal drip

Its important if you are experiencing these symptoms to get tested by your local allergist. Rather than treating the symptoms, its best to find and treat the cause.

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How Is Allergic Esophagitis Treated

Allergic esophagitis may not go away completely. Treatment may help relieve your symptoms.

  • Steroid medicine may help decrease swelling in your esophagus. You will swallow the medicine so it coats your esophagus.
  • Stomach acid medicine helps keep heartburn symptoms under control.
  • Dilatation is a procedure used when the esophagus narrows from swelling. An endoscope is placed into your mouth and down your throat. Tools on the endoscope press against the tissues to widen your esophagus. Dilatation can improve your symptoms but will not stop allergic esophagitis from happening.

Can An Allergy Cause A Tightness And Burning Sensation In The Throat

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How To Prevent Burning In Throat

  • To avoid or lower the risk of developing a burning throat, you can try the following tips: Regularly wash your hands to avoid infection.
  • Avoid contact with triggers or allergens.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a mask to avoid environmental pollutants.
  • Drink warm water every day to keep your throat hydrated.
  • Do not share utensils and personal items with the infected individual.
  • Eat food that boosts your immune system to reduce the risk of developing an infection.
  • Limit or avoid smoking.
  • Avoid acidic foods and drinks that may worsen the burning feeling in your throat.

Why Choose Dr Gan Eng Cern

Burning Mouth Syndrome Symptoms + 9 Home Remedies

Reliable & Reputable ENT Expert

Experienced and patient ENT Specialist who has your best interests at heart. We aim to provide you with accessible and specialized care for any ENT condition in a comfortable setting.

Friendly & Helpful Clinic Staff

Our friendly staff will assist you to the best of our ability and we are happy to accept most insurance providers and assist with E-filing with relevant insurance providers or Medisave.

Advanced ENT Equipment & Fully Equipped Facility

Our ENT Specialist, Dr Gan Eng Cern, will be able to diagnose and offer personalised treatments for your specific ENT condition. You can expect a high level of ENT care in a spacious setting with in-house minor surgical, endoscopy, allergy testing and microscopy services.

Financial Options

There are various financial options available for you to ensure that you are able to receive the most optimal treatment and care. Our ENT clinic staff will be able to assist you with your medical insurance claims and work with your chosen healthcare organization to minimize the hassle and paperwork required. In some cases, you may be able to utilise the funds in your Medisave account to defray part of the costs of your treatment. As our clinic is accredited by the Medisave board, we are able to process your claims from your Medisave for certain clinic procedures.

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