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Can A Sore Throat Be Allergies

How Can Sore Throat Be Caused By Allergies

Can Allergies Cause an Itchy Throat?

Allergies can take different forms for each person. One person might suffer from severely itchy and watery eyes, while another might have a stopped-up nose. Still others might suffer from a sore throat. But how does this happen?

Remember that your nose and throat produce a great deal of mucus every day usually anywhere between one and two quarts of it! It keeps your respiratory tract healthy by keeping it moist and so helping prevent infections, which you rarely notice it. But when your body comes into contact with something that causes an allergic reaction, then a chemical called histamine is released. This increases mucus production, which can lead to a runny nose. When that mucus runs down your throat, it can lead to itching, coughing or sore throat.

Sometimes, sore throat allergies are even more direct. Particles of pollen or other allergens might go right into the nose and throat, and those can enter the respiratory system, leading to an even worse sore throat.

Sore Throat It May Be Allergies

You know the telltale signs of allergies: itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion and sneezing. But did you know that allergies can also cause a sore throat? Below we review how allergies can result in a sore throat, how to treat a sore throat caused by allergies and how to tell the difference between a sore throat caused by allergies and one caused by a cold.

Allergies Rarely Cause Sore Throats Or Body Aches

The only ache you may feel with allergies is a headache from all that congestion. Allergies can cause a sore throat if theres enough irritation from post-nasal drip and coughing, but if youre experiencing a sore throat or mild body aches, theyre more likely a sign of a bad cold.

Can allergies cause chills? No. If you have chills, its more likely you have a cold, the flu or another infection .

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How You Can Tell The Difference Between Cold And Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

With both allergies and colds, its typical to have congestion or a runny nose, and to sneeze often. You may also feel tired and drowsy. But there are several other symptoms that dont often overlap between allergies and a cold. Here are some of the telltale differences between cold symptoms and allergy symptoms.

What Are The 6 Causes Or Triggers Of A Sore Throat From Allergies

Allergic Rhinitis Medical Diagram, Vector Illustration Labeled ...

A sore throat is a symptom of many conditions, such as a cold, the flu, or strep throat. When it is caused by allergies, the condition is called allergic rhinitis.

The immune system reacts to allergens by releasing histamine and other chemicals that cause the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

A sore throat is a common symptom of allergies. The causes of a sore throat from allergies can vary but often includes drainage from the nose and postnasal drip.

It is often caused by the release of histamines, which are chemicals that are released in response to an allergen.

Histamines can cause the throat to become inflamed and sore. Conditions such as sinus infections and strep throat can also cause a sore throat.

Other symptoms of allergies that can cause a sore throat include a runny nose, itchy eyes, and a cough. Allergies can be treated with medications and avoiding allergens.

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Beyond Allergies And Colds

While colds and allergies are the main drivers of sore throats, there are other, less common, reasons behind the ailment. For example, your child may have an abscess behind their tonsils or in the back of their throat thats causing problems. Stomatitis, which leads to actual sores in their mouth or throat, can also lead to throat pain.

Rounding out the list of uncommon problems is ingestion. By ingestion, we mean the many things that can find their way into your childs mouth. From cleaning products to automotive liquids found in the garage, your child may take a drink of these brightly-colored substances, leaving them with a sore throat, and more. If your child is drooling or having difficulty swallowing or breathing, get them into urgent care as quickly as possible.

The bottom line is that you know your child best and if their sore throat appears to be outside the norm, youd do well to come in and see us. Please give us a call if youre at all unsure, or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment at one of our locations.

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Get Personalized Care With Wyndly

If youre looking to find long-term relief from your allergy symptoms and your allergy-related sore throats, Wyndly can help. We have doctors who offer personalized care for allergies. With Wyndly, you get an allergy treatment plan that is created for your allergy profile. If youre a candidate for sublingual immunotherapy, you can have it sent to your door as part of your treatment plan. Take our 2-minute online assessment now to get started on the path to an allergy-free life.

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How Can You Treat A Sore Throat Caused By Allergies

Allergy medications are usually the best place to start if pollen or other irritants are causing your sore, scratchy throat. Antihistamines, including Claritin, Zyrtec, or Benadryl, can help tame inflammation and ease your symptoms overall, Dr. Mehdizadeh explains. Nasal sprays and nasal glucocorticoids are ideal for easing post-nasal drip, too.

Natural remedies could also make a difference, the experts say. Gargling with warm salt water can help get rid of irritating mucus, and drinking plenty of water or inhaling steam may soothe scratchiness.

Of course, prevention might be the most effective tactic of all. Minimizing your exposure to allergenssay, by keeping your windows closed and showering as soon as you come inside after being outdoorscan keep your symptoms from flaring up and help stop that sore throat before it starts.

How To Treat The Sore Throat Caused By Allergies

When to be worried about a sore throat

Fortunately, sore throat allergies can be treated very well, through either over-the-counter remedies or home-based cures. But always remember that the best way to avoid sore throat allergies is to prevent allergies altogether.

1. Prevent Allergies

Start by avoiding the allergens if you can. For instance, if you wind up with sore throat allergies after being around a smoker, make sure to avoid cigarette smoke. Not sure what you are allergic to? You can see your doctor to get an allergen test and figure out what makes your body react. Once you know what you are allergic to, you might be able to get a regimen of shots that will keep you from having symptoms from those irritants.

2. Take Medications

Sometimes you cant prevent allergies. In that case, turn to the great over-the-counter medications that are designed to treat all the symptoms, including sore throat. Allergies are often relieved by antihistamines such as Zyrtec and Claritin, as well as some others that treat only very specific symptoms, like Benadryl.

3. Try Home Remedies

Though these home remedies below might not get rid of the problem, they do decrease the symptoms and make allergies more tolerable.

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Is My Sore Throat Covid

A sore throat is pretty common, as far as symptoms of illness go. Sore throat can be caused by illnesses ranging from the non-serious to the dangerous.

You can get a sore throat from the common cold. And if youve ever woken up with a sore throat after spending the day before cheering your heart out at a football game or screaming along to the lyrics at your favorite bands concert, you also know you dont need to be sick at all to get a sore throat.

So, when should you worry about a sore throat? Thats a question made even more pressing by the COVID-19 pandemic. A sore throat is also a common symptom of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

Throat pain can be caused by a number of ailments. Some causes, like strep throat and acute laryngitis, are transient and often resolve on their own. Other causes, like acid reflux, can be chronic and require treatment from a healthcare professional.

Throat pain and painful swallowing can make it difficult to eat and drink. If severe enough, swallowing problems can lead to weight loss or other problems.

This article will cover the different causes of throat pain and explain when you should see a doctor. It will also offer suggestions for easing a sore throat.

Verywell / Alexandra Gordon

What Are The Symptoms Of Coronavirus

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , COVID-19 symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, and a fever. You just dont get fevers from allergies like you do with the flu, COVID-19, or the common cold, Kobernick says.

It is also rare to have a stuffy or runny nose with COVID-19. The disease causes symptoms like body aches and tiredness that arent associated with environmental or perennial allergies.

Unlike allergies, a viral infection occurs as a cascade of events, mediated by chemical messengers as a result of being infected. The cause is different, says Kobernick, but the end result can look very similar.

Allergies are generally prolonged, whereas COVID-19 symptoms are contracted and progress more seriously over a shorter period of time.

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Know Your Paths To Care

Were here to help you get better quickly, with tools and information for self-care and convenient options for visits or advice when you need it. Easy ways to get help for your cold or allergy symptoms include:

  • Consulting Nurse Service: Call a nurse, who will assess your symptoms and recommend treatments or other next steps. Available 24/7.
  • Online visit: Complete a questionnaire about your symptoms. A clinician will provide a diagnosis, treatment plan and, if needed, a prescription without a trip to your doctors office.

Soothing The Sore Throats Of Allergies

Allergic Rhinitis: Causes and Treatment  Healthsoul

Itchy eyes and runny noses are par for the course during spring and fall for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. But if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night with a throat so sore you can hardly swallow, you might also be dealing with allergy symptoms.

Exposure to allergens causes your body to ramp up mucus production. For some people that causes a runny nose, but in others the extra mucus drains down the throat, a symptom called postnasal drip which can lead to a tickle in the throat or scratchy pain. Irritants that cause an allergic reaction can include pollen, cigarette smoke, dust mites or pet dander.

Sore throats caused by allergies can be painful. A few ways to help soothe them include: Avoid irritants. Limit your time outside as much as possible when pollen counts are high, stay away from second hand smoke and avoid coming into close contact with furry pets. Run a humidifier to keep the air moist in your home, especially in the bedroom while you sleep. Drink plenty of water to soothe your throat and stay hydrated. Use cough drops or hard candy to coat your throat and ease the pain. Over the counter pain relievers can help reduce inflammation, and antihistamines can help control the mucus production.

Here at Piedmont Ear, Nose and Throat Associates, our experienced medical staff can help isolate your symptoms and get you on the right course to feeling better in no time.

Questions? Contact us, or call 768-3361 today to schedule your appointment.

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Is My Sore Throat From Allergies Or Something Else

When you have allergies and are going through an allergic reaction, you may experience some of the same symptoms as you do when you have a cold or similar infection, including:

Cold symptoms that dont normally occur with allergies include:

  • Thick and yellow or green mucus

Allergy symptoms that are less likely to occur when you have a cold include:

  • Watery, red eyes
  • Itchy nose, throat, and/or mouth
  • Facial swelling

The time of year is imperative to keep in mind, too. Youre more likely to experience certain allergies in the spring and summer, and more likely to have a cold or other infection in the fall and winter months, depending on where you live.

However, mold and mold-related allergies can develop year-round, and exposure to pet dander can lead to postnasal drip and sore throat no matter the season.

If youre still not sure whats causing your sore throat, it may be time to make an appointment with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Why Do I Have A Sore Throat

A sore throat is a common symptom that can be caused by many things. It could be as simple as a cold or a virus, or it could be something more serious like strep throat.

The most common cause of sore throat is the common cold. A dry cough, nasal congestion, and runny nose are all symptoms of the common cold. A sore throat can also be caused by allergies and sinus infections.

Some people think that they might have strep throat if they have a fever with the sore throat symptoms and swollen lymph nodes in their neck. The pain in the neck will also be worse when you swallow and it will hurt to talk or swallow fluids.

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Sore Throat From Allergies: Symptoms And Remedies

Among the allergy symptoms that can affect day-to-day life, getting a sore throat from allergies can be especially irritating. Together with a runny nose and itchy eyes, a sore throat can cause discomfort and disruption to your routine.

Allergy symptoms of a sore throat can include a dry, scratchy feeling in your throat. It could be caused by different kinds of allergies, whether seasonal or something in your home that is affecting you.

There are various steps you can take to help manage or even reduce the symptoms.

Find out more about potential sore throat allergy remedies with our helpful guide.

What Causes Sore Throat

Understanding Covid-19 and sore throat

Many conditions and factors cause sore throat, also called pharyngitis. You may feel pain and irritation anywhere in the back of your mouth, on your tonsils, and down your neck. You may also have a fever, swollen lymph nodes in your neck, and a headache or earache.

Common causes of a sore throat include:

Less common but more serious causes of sore throat are abscess , infection of the epiglottis and tumors.

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Introduction: What Is A Sore Throat

A sore throat is a condition that affects the throat and causes pain, itchiness, and difficulty swallowing.

The most common cause of a sore throat is a viral infection, such as a cold or flu, but it can also be caused by bacteria, allergies, or smoking.

Sore throats are one of the most common reasons for people to visit a doctor. They can be caused by a variety of things, including viruses, bacteria, and environmental factors.

While most sore throats resolve on their own within a week or two, they can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem.

Symptoms of a sore throat include pain, redness and swelling in the throat area, headache, fever, body aches, and difficulty swallowing.

Sore throats can be painful and make it difficult to speak or swallow. In order to determine the cause of your sore throat and to get proper treatment, it is important to see a doctor.

When Should I See My Healthcare Provider About Hay Fever

Although hay fever doesnt cause any serious health problems, you should see your provider to rule out other conditions, such as asthma. Seek care if hay fever symptoms are getting in the way of your daily life or making it hard for you to sleep. Your provider can help you identify the allergens that are causing a reaction and recommend treatments to help you feel better.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hay fever symptoms can affect your quality of life and keep you from doing the activities you love, but effective treatments are available. Millions of adults and children manage hay fever with medications and lifestyle changes. Talk to your provider about steps you can take to relieve symptoms, breathe easier and feel better.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/30/2020.


  • Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Rhinitis . Accessed 9/1/2021.
  • American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology . Rhinitis Overview. Accessed 9/1/2021.
  • . Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care 2006-. Hay fever: Allergen-specific immunotherapy in the treatment of allergies. Accessed 9/1/2021.
  • Wheatley LM, Togias A. Allergic Rhinitis. N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 29 372:456-463. Accessed 9/1/2021.

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How To Overcome The Symptoms Of A Sore Throat From Allergies

Sore throat is a common symptom of allergies. It can be caused by an infection, but it is usually caused by inflammation in the throat or dryness of the mouth.

There are many home remedies for sore throat from allergies. One of them is to gargle with saltwater. This will help to soothe your throat and will also help to get rid of bacteria that may be causing the sore throat. Another home remedy is to drink ginger tea. Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties. It can help to relieve pain in your throat as well as reduce inflammation and swelling.

In addition, you should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, eating spicy foods or citrus fruits. Since these things can worsen your symptoms and make your sore throat worse.

Why Can Seasonal Allergies Cause A Sore Throat

Why Allergies May Be Causing Your Sore Throat

Allergies happen when the body perceives a foreign substance as a threat, and the immune system produces antibodies and histamine in response. This creates an inflammatory reaction that makes you feel downright crummy. Common allergy symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, sinus pressure, and dark circles under the eyes . But under the right circumstances, allergy sufferers could develop a sore throat as well.

Why does this happen? Children with allergies “often have increased mucus production in the nasal passages that drips down the back of the throat. This is referred to as postnasal drip,” explains Sanjeev Jain, M.D., a board-certified allergist and immunologist at Columbia Allergy. “As the mucus drips down the throat, it causes irritation to the mucosa that lines the throat, and this can result in the sensation of a sore throat.”

Keep in mind that sore throat can have other causes as well. For example, it often appears with viral upper respiratory infections and bacterial infections , says Natasha Burgert, M.D., a board-certified pediatrician for Pediatric Associates in Overland Park, Kansas. Sore throat might also be a symptom of COVID-19 in kids. Fever, chills, and gastrointestinal symptoms are not expected with seasonal allergies and offer additional clues suggesting viral infections. Contact your pediatrician if you don’t know the cause of your child’s sore throat they may need to diagnose and treat it.

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