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How To Beat Chronic Allergies

Treatment Of Chronic Allergic Rhinitis In Ayurveda

Using Bee Products to Beat Chronic Fatigue and Allergies!

Ayurvedic treatment for chronic allergies involves the use of medications, medicated oils etc. Medicated oils having katu, tikta rasa and ushnavirya help in pacifying the kaphadosha and congestion is reduced, therefore useful in the treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis.

Medicated oil having snigdha property is helpful in reducing itching in nasal passage. In addition to ayurvedic medicines, nasya with medicated oils is also a very effective treatment for chronic allergic rhinitis.

What Are The Types Of Allergic Rhinitis

The two types of allergic rhinitis are seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergies usually occur during the spring and fall season and are typically in response to outdoor allergens like pollen. Perennial allergies can occur year round, or at any time during the year in response to indoor substances, like dust mites and pet dander.

Allergies can affect anyone, but youre more likely to develop allergic rhinitis if there is a history of allergies in your family. Having asthma or atopic eczema can also increase your risk of allergic rhinitis.

Some external factors can trigger or worsen this condition, including:

How To Get Tested

A food allergy will usually cause some sort of reaction every time the trigger food is eaten. Symptoms can vary from person to person, and you may not always experience the same symptoms during every reaction. Allergic reactions to food can affect the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. It is impossible to predict how severe the next reaction might be, and all patients with food allergies should be carefully counseled about the risk of anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal reaction that is treated with epinephrine .

While food allergies may develop at any age, most appear in early childhood. If you suspect a food allergy, see an allergist, who will take your family and medical history, decide which tests to perform and use this information to determine if a food allergy exists.

To make a diagnosis, allergists ask detailed questions about your medical history and your symptoms. Be prepared to answer questions about:

  • What and how much you ate
  • How long it took for symptoms to develop
  • What symptoms you experienced and how long they lasted.

After taking your history, your allergist may order skin tests and/or blood tests, which indicate whether food-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies are present in your body:

Your allergist will use the results of these tests in making a diagnosis. A positive result does not necessarily indicate that there is an allergy, though a negative result is useful in ruling one out.

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Colds And Sinus Infections

Colds and sinus infections often cause a runny nose with yellow or green discharge, whereas the mucus from allergies is clear and watery. Additionally, because a cold or sinus infection is caused by bacteria or a virus, youre likely to have a fever with these. With allergies, even a low-grade fever is uncommon. If youre experiencing sinus pressure, bad breath, and achy teeth, you likely have a sinus infection.

What Is Chronic Rhinitis

Acute and Chronic Sinusitis: Treatments and Home Remedies

Rhinitis is inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. Though acute rhinitis lasts only a few days, chronic rhinitis can persist for months or even years. If youve been dealing with congestion, sneezing, postnasal drip, or a runny nose that just wont go away, you might have chronic rhinitis.

Millions of Americans experience the symptoms of allergic or nonallergic rhinitis. Thankfully, with treatment at Advanced ENT & Allergy Center, you can reduce your symptoms and breathe easier, no matter the season.

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What Are Our Recommended Treatment Options For Chronic Rhinitis

Are you tired of dealing with constant congestion, never-ending running noses, perpetual post-nasal drip, painful headaches, and the many other symptoms that come along with chronic rhinitis?

This common condition is nothing to take lightly, and it can often take a toll on ones quality of life. If you are ready to address your chronic rhinitis, discover the best rhinitis treatments we recommend at Excel ENT.

What Are Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies are a common type of allergy and are brought on by seasonal weather changes that cause trees, grass and weeds to produce pollen. Seasonal allergens can cause nasal, eye and skin allergies. Nasal allergies alone affect somewhere between 40 million and 60 million Americans.

Most people think of allergies as occurring only in the springtime, but some plants release allergy-causing pollen in the summer and fall as well. Below is a list of the common types of outdoor allergens and when they most often occur:

  • Tumbleweed and Russian thistle

Many people also suffer from allergies year-round, also known as chronic, or perennial, allergies. In fact, more than two-thirds of spring allergy sufferers have year-round symptoms.1

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What Are The Types Of Allergies And How Are They Treated

You can be allergic to a wide variety of substances including pollen, animal dander, mold and dust mites.


Seasonal allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, is an allergic response to pollen. It causes inflammation and swelling of the lining of your nose and of the protective tissue of your eyes .

Symptoms include sneezing, congestion , and itchy, watery eyes, nose and mouth. Treatment options include over-the-counter and prescription oral antihistamines, anti-leukotrienes, nasal steroids, nasal antihistamines, and nasal cromolyn. In some people, allergic asthma symptoms can be caused by exposure to pollen.

Your symptoms can be reduced by avoiding pollen. Stay indoors when pollen counts are high, close your windows, and use air conditioning. Ask your healthcare provider about immunotherapy to treat pollen allergy.

Dust mites

Dust mites are tiny organisms that live in dust and in the fibers of household objects, such as pillows, mattresses, carpet, and upholstery. Dust mites grow in warm, humid areas.

The symptoms of dust mite allergy are similar to those of pollen allergy. To help manage dust mite allergies, try using dust mite encasements over pillows, mattresses, and box springs. Also, remove carpet, or vacuum frequently with a high-efficiency filter vacuum cleaner. Treatment may include medications to control your nasal/eye and chest symptoms. Immunotherapy may be recommended if your symptoms are not adequately controlled with avoidance methods and medications.


How To Treat Chronic Allergic Rhinitis In Ayurveda

Cupping Therapy

The word chronic means that the nasal inflammation is a long term, lasting for more than four consecutive weeks. Rhinitis is a medical term for the inflammation of inner lining of the nose. Chronic allergic rhinitis is different from acute rhinitis, which only lasts for a few days or up to four weeks only.

Chronic allergic rhinitis is most commonly caused due to allergies, also known as hay fever but there are several other causes of chronic allergic rhinitis such as irritants in the air, smoking, intake of certain medications, pregnancy, other medical conditions such as asthma, chronic sinusitis etc.

Chronic allergic rhinitis isnt as common as allergic rhinitis. Chronic allergic rhinitis represents about 1/4th of all rhinitis cases.

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Will You Get More Allergies

If your allergy symptoms seem worse, there could be another reason. You might now have a second allergy — or third or fourth.

Having one allergy makes you more likely to get others. So if one year your ragweed symptoms seem more severe, it might be a reaction to another allergen that’s also in the air.

Allergies can interact in unexpected ways. For instance, up to a third of people who are allergic to pollens also have allergies to foods that have similar proteins in them, like certain vegetables and fruits. Doctors call this âoral allergy syndrome. You could have more severe allergic reactions if you’re exposed to both at once — for instance, if you eat a banana at the height of ragweed allergy season.

The key is to manage your symptoms and let your doctor know if you notice changes.

What Is An Allergic Reaction

An allergic reaction is the way your body responds to the allergen. A chain of events occur that result in an allergic reaction.

If you are prone to allergies, the first time youre exposed to a specific allergen , your body responds by producing allergic antibodies. The job of these antibodies is to find the allergens and help remove them from your system. As a result, a chemical called histamine is released and causes symptoms of allergies.

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Symptoms Of Chronic Rhinitis

Telltale signs of chronic rhinitis include nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, and postnasal drip. Both kinds of rhinitis can cause coughing, nasal irritation, and headaches as well.

So, how can you distinguish between the two types of rhinitis? Heres the easiest way: if you have itchy eyes, youre probably dealing with allergic rhinitis. For more info, check out this chart that compares and contrasts symptoms:

What Causes Allergic Rhinitis

MD Medical Group

When your body comes into contact with an allergen, it releases histamine, which is a natural chemical that defends your body from the allergen. This chemical can cause allergic rhinitis and its symptoms, including a runny nose, sneezing, and itchy eyes.

In addition to tree pollen, other common allergens include:

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Get Relief From Your Chronic Rhinitis

Managing chronic rhinitis alone is a serious burden. Our team is here to help. We wont just discover the cause of your rhinitis well build an effective treatment plan that works for you.

If youre ready to breathe a little easier, call us at or book a free consultation today. or book a free consultation today.

So What Can Allergy Sufferers Do

Chose the Right Time for Exercise!

Exercise regularly and breathe clean air, but how you do it counts. Because morning exercise is especially helpful in building the adrenal cortices that secrete cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone, try to do at least 20 minutes of exercise every morning. Because the pollen count is usually higher between 5 a.m. to 10 a.m., you may need to exercise indoors during that time. Wearing large sunglasses will keep pollen from landing in your eyes. A hat will reduce pollen from sticking to your hair.

It may also be helpful to avoid much outdoor activity on days when the pollen count is especially high or when it is windy since the wind spreads pollen. If you become exposed to high levels of pollen , it might be beneficial to shower, wash your hair, and change clothes as soon as possible. This will wash off the allergens and reduce further contamination and contact. Because the fur of pets can attract and harbor pollen as well, it would be a good idea to keep your furry friends out of your bedroom.

HEPA Air Filter

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Avoid Common Allergy Triggers

Once you know what youre allergic to, you can work to avoid certain environmental allergens. There are many ways to avoid or reduce your exposure to allergens.

  • Vacuum often and keep your house clean. Regularly wipe down hard surfaces, vacuum carpets, and wash linens and clothes to remove common allergens like pet dander and dust mites. Change your air filter regularly, and consider investing in an air purifier.
  • Control indoor mold. Mold grows in damp, humid environments. Keep humidity levels below 50% in your home, and use cleaners designed to eliminate mold in the bathroom, laundry room, and other damp areas.
  • Dont dry clothes outside. Hanging clothes and linens up outside attract airborne pollens and molds. After washing, dry clothes and linens immediately in a dryer.
  • Wear gloves while you garden and a mask while you mow the lawn. Gardening and lawn mowing can expose you to many different mold spores, pollens, and weeds. Wearing gloves and a breathable mask can help reduce your exposure to these allergens.
  • Stop smoking. Smoke is a very common allergy and asthma trigger. Stopping smoking or reducing your exposure to secondhand smoke can help improve your symptoms.
  • Keep windows closed. Keeping windows closed can help reduce the number of outdoor allergens that get inside your home.

Treating Chronic Rhinitis At Excel Ent

Acid Reflux–Airborne Allergies, Sugar Sensitivity, Chronic Cough

The team at Excel ENT of Alabama is passionate about sinus health and helping patients breathe better. If youre suffering from chronic rhinitis and are searching for an effective treatment plan, get in touch with Dr. Davis. He will get you feeling better and breathing better in no time! Call 205-386-6453 or schedule an appointment here.

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Is Your Vitamin D Adequate

Vitamin D is an important immune regulator and a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Be sure you are not deficient in this essential vitamin. The main vitamin D metabolite, calcitriol, suppresses the development of the Th-1 cells. Th-1 cells are a type of helper T-lymphocyte. When they become overactive, they play a key role in allergy development. Evidence indicates that vitamin D deficiency may play a major role in the development of allergies.7 Sunlight exposure is a precursor to vitamin D synthesis in the body. When weather permits, daily exposure on the skin without sunscreen application is most valuable. The amount of time needed depends on skin color and the intensity of the sun. One caveat: Since vitamin D insufficiency is common in North America and Western Europe, if you have allergies, have your vitamin D level checked. It is a simple blood test. Although a deficiency in Vitamin D needs to be corrected, vitamin D supplementation does not necessarily cure seasonal allergies but it may help reduce some allergic reactions.

Can Allergies Make You Tired How To Beat Allergy Fatigue

Its that time of year againspring means leaves returning to trees and blooming flowers. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, it also means the reemergence of pollen, weeds, mold spores, and other common seasonal allergens.

Youre probably familiar with common allergy symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes, but can allergies make you tired, too?

The short answer is yes, although it varies from person to person. Some people may just feel a bit sleepier than usual in the afternoon, while others experience fatigue thats so debilitating that it keeps them from being able to work or engage in everyday activities and hobbies.

Why do allergies make us tired, and is it possible to beat the fatigue? Florida Medical Clinic immunologist Dr. Daniel Reichmuth answers your questions about allergy fatigue and provides tips on how to alleviate your symptoms and start feeling more awake and alert.

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Concept Of Chronic Allergic Rhinitis According To Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, it is caused due to the imbalance of kapha and vatadoshas. The formation of ama affects the rasa and rakta dhatu which leads to the manifestation of pratishaya. Wrong diet which has antagonist properties such as taking fish with milk, desi ghee with honey, ice cream after night meals, taking milk with fruit juices etc. for a long time leads to chronic allergy rhinitis.

According to Ayurveda, chronic allergic rhinitis is caused due to the following factors:

  • Mandagni low digestion strength
  • Kaphavrudhhi increase of kaphadosha in the body
  • Virudhhahara intake of wrong food combinations
  • Allergens external factors such as exposure to dust, pollen etc.
  • Long term intake of drugs such as aspirin
  • Through pet animals.

No Stranger To Seasonal Allergies

How to Beat Seasonal Allergies Naturally: Methods That Actually Work ...

I’m no stranger to the yearly discomfort of seasonal allergies. I suffered from horrible seasonal allergies well into my mid-teens, so I am no stranger to the symptoms. My summers were spent retreating to an air-conditioned room with an antihistamine on those high pollen count days just to be able to breathe easily . I loved being outdoors as much as possible so it made me miserable on every level.But one year, everything changed for me. I became a vegetarian , cleaned up my diet of all sugar, soda, preservatives, additives, dyes and other non-food junk, and drastically decreased my dairy intake .

I went as organic as I could afford to. I did this for political, not health, reasons. I was part of the early movement to take back our food and be free of dependence on Big Agra It took a lot of effort to find local coops and small farms from which to get my foods but I felt good about my choices. The unexpected bonus was that health issues, which I just assumed were a normal part of life for me, simply vanished including my allergies.

That spring and summer came and went without a tickle, sniffle, cough, or medication. Then the next. And the next. At some point I realized what had happened I had become allergy free. I didnt even use herbs or supplements at the time because I wasnt intentionally trying to get rid of them.

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Is It Seasonal Allergies Or Another Medical Condition

Before you can properly treat allergic rhinitis, its best to determine that your symptoms are actually a reaction to allergens. After all, your nasal congestion could be a sign of a cold, sinus infection, or food allergy. Allergic pink eye conjunctivitis usually comes with seasonal allergies, is not contagious, and can be treated with normal allergy medications. The symptoms of these illnesses are similar, but there are some telltale differences that can help you pinpoint a correct diagnosis.

Signs Your Body Is Trying To Fight Spring Allergies

While dust mites, molds, and good ol Fluffy can irritate us indoors any time of year, pollens the most common seasonal allergen. Fun fact: These allergens are usually harmless. Its actually our immune systems that are to blame.

When our bodies mistake pollen particles for harmful invaders, chemicals including histamine are released. These biochemical compounds expand blood vessels and cause an allergic reaction.

Here are some signs that your body is trying to fight seasonal allergies:

  • Eyes: watery, itchy, red, swollen
  • Nose: sneezing, congestion, watery drainage
  • Throat: itchy, sore, coughing, wheezing
  • Ears: congested, itchy

Sadly, for most people, seasonal allergies can be a long war instead of a quick battle. Some symptoms, like sneezing and itching, can happen almost immediately after exposure. But congestion can kick in up to 8 hours later .

So what can we do? A lot, actually. Weve wrangled this list of the best ways to deal with spring allergies. Give some of these recommendations a go!

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