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HomeTrendingHow To Help Pollen Allergies

How To Help Pollen Allergies

What Are Some Common Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Pollen problems: Doctor shares tips to alleviate allergy symptoms

When your body is responding to an allergen, it lets you know. According to the mucus

  • Itchy eyes, nose, mouth, or throat
  • Red, watery, and puffy eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Fatigue
  • Sometimes these symptoms can feel like a cold or another respiratory infection like COVID-19. If youre not quite sure what youre dealing with, pay close attention to other symptoms that might be surfacing. A cold or flu-like infection may also cause additional warning signs such as fever, chills, and body aches, Ratika Gupta, MD, an allergist and immunologist with New York-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, tells SELF. Allergies should not cause any of those things, Dr. Gupta says.

    Whats more, seasonal allergy symptoms tend to last longer, according to the National Library of Medicine . If youre unsure about whats going on and youve had symptoms for longer than a week, scheduling an appointment with your doctor can help you figure out whats driving your discomfort.

    Treatment For Asthma From Pollen Allergies

    If you have asthma caused by pollens, your doctor will prescribe the correct medication and help you to develop a plan to manage your asthma. Make sure you follow your asthma action plan.

    Asthma can be well controlled with the appropriate medication in almost all people. The main types of medication are:

    • Relievers act quickly to relax the muscles around the airways. This is the medication used during an asthma attack.
    • Preventers slowly make the airways less sensitive to allergy triggers and reduce inflammation inside the airways. These are taken daily.
    • Combination therapies preventers containing 2 different medications.

    If you have an asthma attack, follow your asthma action plan. In case of emergency, call triple zero and ask for an ambulance. Tell the operator that someone is having an asthma attack.

    The signs of an emergency include when the person:

    • finds it very difficult to breathe
    • is unable to speak comfortably or if their lips are turning blue
    • has symptoms that get worse very quickly
    • is getting little or no relief from their reliever inhaler.

    While waiting for the ambulance, give 4 puffs of reliever medication every 4 minutes.

    Consider Nasal Washing With Sinus Rinses

    Sinus rinses are a popular allergy treatment that you can do at home, working well with antihistamines and nasal sprays. The neti pot may be one of the most recognizable sinus rinse products.

    A neti pot can be picked up at any local drugstore or online, and typically comes with packets to mix with warm, distilled water to create a saltwater solution. Using the pot to pour the solution through your nasal cavities, you can flush out gunk and allergens to reduce swelling and ease symptoms.

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    Is It Seasonal Allergies Or Another Medical Condition

    Before you can properly treat allergic rhinitis, its best to determine that your symptoms are actually a reaction to allergens. After all, your nasal congestion could be a sign of a cold, sinus infection, or food allergy. Allergic pink eye conjunctivitis usually comes with seasonal allergies, is not contagious, and can be treated with normal allergy medications. The symptoms of these illnesses are similar, but there are some telltale differences that can help you pinpoint a correct diagnosis.

    How To Treat Mold Allergies Using Borax

    American Grass Pollen Allergy Guide

    Basically, borax can efficiently combat the harmful agent causing mold allergies. Borax is a natural cleaning property composed of minerals, which can remove the mold spores and inhibit further development as well. For treating mold allergies with borax, you simply coat infested areas evenly by using borax powder. To remove mold spores, you repeat this way every other day for one week. Another way is to dissolve borax powder in hot water . Then, spray the solution onto surfaces of wood to prevent an infestation. Remember to wear rubber gloves and goggles when using borax.

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    Know When To Take Your Allergy Medications

    Did you know you can start taking your allergy medication before symptoms even arrive?

    While allergy seasons seem to be starting earlier and lasting longer these days, pollen seasons are somewhat predictable. So, start taking allergy medications about two weeks before the allergy season and your symptoms begin. Then, continue taking them regularly throughout the rest of the season. Once inflammation starts, it may take longer to get relief.

    Oral antihistamines take about a half hour to get into your system. Bedtime is a good time to take allergy medications. Many last 24 hours, which means theyll be working through the next day.

    Allergic To Pollen Heres How To Treat Your Symptoms

    When it comes to seasonal allergy triggers, pollen is one of the most common culprits of your constant sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and runny nose.

    But, what can you do? Do you need to hide indoors whenever pollen levels are high? Are you just supposed to shut the windows, grab some tissues, and deal with the misery?

    Have no fear. Were answering all of your pollen allergy questions hereincluding what it is, what the symptoms are, and how you can effectively treat them.

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    Natural Allergy Relief Options

    What helps relieve allergies fast? Watching what you eat, getting plenty of fresh air and drinking enough water are some of the natural remedies that can relieve allergies by improving functions of the immune system.

    It may take several weeks for your symptoms to subside, but they are likely to be better kept under control when you tackle the root causes. Here are nine ways to get natural allergy relief.

    1. Eat an Anti-Inflammatory, Alkaline Diet

    First and foremost, start eating an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce your risk for allergies and many other health problems. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance so it can fight off common allergies in your environment.

    Here are some of the best foods and ingredients to incorporate into your diet to help you beat allergies:

    Although its not abundant in many foods, vitamin D is also important for immune function and may help manage allergy symptoms. In fact, certain studies have shown that children who live farther from the equator are more likely to develop allergies and suffer higher rates of hospital admissions due to allergic reactions.

    You can get enough vitamin D by spending about 15 minutes in the sun most days without sunscreen and by eating foods like whole milk and some mushrooms for natural allergy relief.

    2. Local Raw Honey

    3. Apple Cider Vinegar

    4. Quercetin

    5. Neti Pot

    6. Stinging Nettle

    • Ginger
    • Horehound

    8. Probiotics

    Need More Help Visit Gohealth Urgent Care

    Health expert suggests tips to deal with pollen, allergies this season

    If these at-home remedies do not work and youre experiencing severe allergy symptoms, please visit an urgent care clinic for treatment. GoHealth Urgent Care can help diagnose, treat, and manage your seasonal and acute allergies, as well as related conditions.

    Experience the quality on-demand care that you deserve. Its easy and convenient to schedule a visit with one of our knowledgeable providers today.

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    Christina Ciaccio Md Msc

    Christina Ciaccio, MD, MSc, provides compassionate care for children and adults with food and environmental allergies, allergic rhinitis, urticaria and angioedema, allergic rashes and asthma. She strongly believes in educating patients and their families, and involving them in the care process in a meaningful way.

    Is It An Allergy Or Covid

    When COVID-19 and seasonal allergies are circulating at the same time, every sniffle can lead you to worry that you might have the virus. From the perspective of a parent, one of the biggest issues is when kids in school have allergy symptoms that are poorly controlled, and then the school system sends them home or says they need a physicians note, Dr. Leeds says.

    The CDC has a Venn diagram that shows symptoms the two conditions have in common. These include congestion, cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat, and shortness of breath. But comparing the most common symptoms reveals clear differences. Seasonal allergies usually cause itchy or watery eyes and sneezing, while COVID-19 is characterized by fever and chills, muscle and body aches, new loss of taste and smell, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

    Because of COVID-19, people are afraid of you when youre sniffling, says Dr. Hsu. But it goes both waysa lot of people are sniffling and sneezing and coughing, and they are not getting tested for COVID-19, because they assume its allergies. And they are probably correct.

    Often the distinction is clearpeople with allergies itch more, and they dont have the fatigue, malaise, and fever that comes with COVID-19. But anyone who is concerned should call their doctor, she says.

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    Do Patients Come To You With Common Misconceptions About Allergies

    The most common misconception we hear is that someone who is allergic to cats or dogs can have a hypoallergenic pet. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog or cat. Theres also no such thing as a hypoallergenic human our pets can become allergic to us! We do understand how important pets are to families and work on interventions that can keep the family and pets together whenever possible.

    How To Prevent An Allergy Cough

    How to cure pollen Allergy

    While you can’t always avoid respiratory allergies, you can reduce the frequency of them by taking a few precautionary measures.

    Among them:

    • Identify and avoid triggers:Start by keeping an allergy diary, taking note of where you were and everything you did up to the time of an allergic reaction. Over time, you may see a pattern emerging and identify which allergens are at the heart of your symptoms.
    • Watch the weather: If you have hay fever, watch local weather reports to see when pollen or mold levels are high. Windy days also increase the amount of allergens in the air, increasing your chances of an allergy attack.
    • Time your activities: During allergy season, pollen levels tend to be higher in the morning. Plan your outdoor activities during the evening if possible.
    • Clean your environment: Allergies to dust and pet dander can be reduced by keeping your environment clean. Replace air filters frequently, and keep pets out of your bedroom. You should also vacuum after your pet has been on rugs or furniture.

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    What Allergy Treatments Are Available

    Treatments can help a great deal, says Dr. Hsu. Allergy treatment has changed over the past 10 years, with a number of first-line medications now available over the counter, she says. So, while we have lots of consultations with patients, we dont necessarily send a prescription to the pharmacy. We often advise people on what to buybut we want to be very specific, because there are certainly a lot of over-the-counter medications that we would not recommend as first-line treatments.

    For instance, she might start with antihistamines for itching and runny nose, steroid nasal sprays for nasal passage congestion, and antihistamine eye drops for ocular symptoms. If a patient is still uncomfortable, she might recommend a decongestant, but not for daily use, since its a medication patients can become overly reliant on. Likewise, some patients should avoid antihistamines that are excessively sedating, she says.

    The problem is that some people think theyll just grin and bear it. But… you can take steps to minimize those weeks of misery.Yale Medicine pediatric allergist Stephanie Leeds, MD

    Its helpful when patients have a skin or blood test to find out exactly what they are allergic to. If you are really symptomatic, its helpful to get tested at least once. I dont think you need to be re-tested year after year, but at some point, establishing the specific triggers can be helpful, because then you can take steps to avoid exposure, Dr. Leeds says.

    Take Extra Precautions When Pollen Counts Are High

    During the spring, summer, and fall, its easy to find pollen counts for a given region. These reports tell you whether the amount of pollen in the air is low, medium, or high. On days when the count is higher, keep your windows closed, consider wearing a mask outside, or pre-empt your symptoms by taking medication.

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    Medicines For Dust Allergy

    Your doctor might prescribe antihistamines to relieve sneezing and runny nose and nasal corticosteroids to combat inflammation. Decongestants are given to shrink stuffy nasal passages. However, though antihistamines can help lessen allergy symptoms, they can worsen the next attack. Corticosteroids can make your mucous membranes thinner and make things worse in the long run. Therefore, take these medicines only under medical surveillance.

    In addition to these remedies, you can also follow the tips mentioned below to reduce your exposure to indoor dust.

    What Are Seasonal Allergies

    Springtime Pollen: How to ease allergy symptoms

    Seasonal allergies strike at different times of the year. Also known as allergic rhinitis, or hay fever, seasonal allergy symptoms occur when airborne irritants, or allergens, enter the eyes, nose and throat, setting off an allergic reaction.

    In the spring, flower and tree pollen are common culprits. Grass pollen starts in late spring and peaks in the summer months. Weed pollen and mold spores plague kids mainly in the late summer and fall.

    Since children need to be exposed to an allergen before they can be allergic to it, children under two years of age are less likely to have environmental allergies.

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    Do Natural Remedies For Seasonal Allergies Work

    If you have mild allergy symptomsmeaning it feels like you have a slight cold but youre not 100% miserablethen trying certain natural remedies for seasonal allergies at home may be worth a shot before you turn to allergy medications. Here are some common ones to consider:

    This is an important one! Understanding the cause of your symptoms plays a vital role in seasonal allergy management, according to Beth Corn, MD, associate professor of medicine and clinical immunology at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. She recommends getting a skin allergy test if possible. There are numerous allergy tests, but the common skin prick test involves scratching or poking your skin with the various allergens and waiting to see if you develop a reaction, such as redness, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It takes a minute, and within 15 minutes you know what you are allergic to, Dr. Corn tells SELF. Once you have this information, you can do your best to minimize contact with your personal allergy triggers.

    To do this, keep your windows closed and, if its too warm, use air conditioning to stay cool if you can. We know this is a bummer, but letting air in also invites allergens into your homewhich is exactly what you dont want. Be sure to also check your window sills and frames for condensation, which can contribute to mold growth.

    Allergens And Their Effects

    Postnasal drip is the main culprit in cases of allergy-induced sore throat.

    Its the result of exposure to an allergen and occurs when congestion in the nose and sinuses drains down to the throat. This causes tickling or scratchy pain.

    The drainage also can cause:

    • coughing
    • runny nose
    • coughing

    If you have a sore throat with fever and body aches, its likely the result of a viral infection, such as the cold or flu.

    Scratchiness is another way to determine if you have an allergy-induced sore throat.

    In addition to the raw feeling that results from postnasal drainage, particles that directly enter the respiratory system can cause an itchy or scratchy feeling.

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    Susceptibility To A Pollen Allergy

    Many people wonder if pollen allergies are genetic. Researchers are still studying this question, but studies suggest that yes, a hereditary component is involved. Having a blood relative with allergies or asthma increases your risk of having one or more allergies though the specific type is not passed down, just the increased odds. To complicate the matter more, prolonged exposure to the allergen also plays a role in whether or not you develop allergies. Even if you have a genetic susceptibility, you may not develop a problem if you mostly avoid the allergen. Having asthma, atopic dermatitis, and/or allergies to other triggers can also increase your risk.9

    If youve made it into your 20s, 30s, or 40s without allergies, you may wonder if youre home free. Not necessarily. It is possible for adults to develop allergies to pollen and other triggers even into middle age. In general, the number of individuals suffering from hay fever is increasing in both the United States and around the world.10

    Once you reach middle age, however, your chance of developing allergies to pollen decreases. The immune system weakens as you grow older, so its less likely for it to experience a hyper-allergic reaction.12

    Whats The Best Outdoor Exercise For Seasonal Allergies

    Pollen Allergies: Symptoms &  Natural Support Strategies

    Knowing your allergy triggers can help you live your greatness by choosing the right types of allergy-friendly exercises during allergy season. For example, if your triggers are largely airborne , you might enjoy exploring some static, low-speed activities where there will be less allergens flying towards your face. If grass triggers allergy flare-ups during pollen season, you can opt for grass-free exercises like swimming or kayaking instead. With a bit of creativity, there are plenty of activities to enjoy outdoors that wont leave you feeling limited or left out.

    Seasonal allergies can also trigger asthma-like symptoms, such as shortness of breath, which are caused by a tightening of the airways as you inhale allergens. Also known as allergic asthma,* this condition occurs in approximately 60% of Americans with asthma.2 In cases like this, it may be ideal to stick to medium- to low-impact activities that focus on light, gradual movements, like brisk walking, hiking, recreational biking, pilates, or yoga. Vigorous outdoor exercises that cause heavy breathing can potentially worsen symptoms by simply causing you to push yourself too hard. If you suspect you may have asthma or asthma-like symptoms related to your allergies, consult with your doctor or an allergist for an official diagnosis.

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