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HomeHealthCan Allergies Make Your Body Ache

Can Allergies Make Your Body Ache

Signs Of Seasonal Allergies

How to Get Rid of Age Related Body Aches and Pains

Seasonal allergies are caused by the immune system reacting to pollen from trees, grasses and weeds as if they were harmful to the body. This reaction causes symptoms that can be similar to a cold. Seasonal allergies occur at the same time each year. If your child has allergy symptoms all year long, he or she may be allergic to things in the home, such as dust mites, animals, mold and cockroaches.

Allergies can cause itchy, watery eyes, which arent typical signs of a cold or flu.

Other common symptoms of seasonal allergies include:

  • Sneezing
  • Itchy nose, throat, eyes, and ears
  • Nosebleeds

Talk To Your Allergist Right Away If You Are Suffering From Body Aches And / Or Cfs

You do not have to live with chronic pain and you do not have to live with fatigue. At Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group we have helped many patients with allergies, joint pain, and much more. We highly suggest you call us right away at 805-658-9500 for an appointment. We can do through testing to get the most accurate diagnosis which will lead us to the right treatment plan.

Can You Get Body Aches With Pollen Allergies

Allergies can produce a variety of symptoms, but one thing everyone affected with allergies experiences is discomfort. People can be allergic to pollen, pet dander, dust, foods and plants. Pollen allergies most commonly cause nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat and itchy eyes. Less frequent symptoms include hives, itchy skin, cough, mood changes and body aches.

If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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Alcat Food Allergy/intolerance Testing

You never want to play the guessing game with food, especially when you know that you do have some food allergies already. This is especially important if you are allergic to substances such as nuts or shellfish, as a food allergy to one of these could kill you. However, there are some foods that just plain dont sit well with your stomach or your body. That is why we offer ALCAT food allergy and intolerance testing at our center. If you suspect you have a food allergy or food intolerance, you can come into our office and have a customized panel of allergens tested on your body. You can choose from dozens of options to measure your reactions to over 200 food items and many other common intolerance triggers.

We test for substances such as:

  • Common allergens such as shellfish, peanuts, tree nuts, mushrooms, strawberries and wheat
  • Herbs and supplements
  • Pesticides and other environmental hazards
  • Molds and mildews that develop in and around homes
  • Antibiotics and other medications that cause severe reactions
  • Environmental allergens and toxins

Gluten Induced Nutritional Deficiencies

Infographic: Is it a Cold or Allergies?

Because gluten causes gut damage, digestion and nutrient absorption are commonly hindered in those with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Which is why nutrient deficiencies are common. And not getting an adequate supply of certain nutrients can contribute to poor joint health, weak muscles, and pain.

For starters, amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They are used to build muscles as well as collagen, which is the most abundant protein in your body. Its found in your tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, skin, and blood vessels among other places. So if your body isnt efficiently digesting and absorbing protein, joint and muscle-related problems are possible.

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Identify When Symptoms Start

So youve decided you probably have seasonal allergies. Great. But also, not great, because while allergies from pollen arent typically serious, they also arent fun.

Some people are like, Oh, its just allergies, but allergies can be debilitating. Quality of life goes down, people miss school and work and theres an economic impact, says Dr. Drew Ayars, an allergist who sees patients at the allergy clinics at UW Medical Center Montlake and UW Medical Center Eastside Specialty Center.

Your first step toward getting relief is figuring out what kind of seasonal allergies you have.

Does your foggy-headed misery set in before the first flowers bloom? Or later in spring when everyone starts mowing their lawns again?

You dont have to be tested to know what youre allergic to. You can correlate symptoms to pollen counts around that time, he explains.

Thats because different types of pollen emerge at different times. In late winter and early spring, the most prevalent pollens are from trees hazelnut, birch, alder, oak, cottonwood, ash and juniper are especially common in the Seattle area, Rampur says. Mid- to late spring is full of grass pollen, and the biggest culprit in late summer to fall is weed pollen.

Once you notice when specifically your allergies flare up, you can put a plan in place for dealing with them .

Can Allergies Cause Neck Pain Headache

If the sphenoid sinuses are very large they can extend close to the base of the occipital bone, in the back of your head. This area is close to the neck. You may feel that a congested sphenoid sinus is causing neck pressure and pain during allergy season.

Recommended Reading: What Foods To Avoid If You Have A Latex Allergy

Treatments For Neck Pain

Identifying the correct source of your neck pain is critical to a successful treatment. Proper diagnosis of your neck pain problem starts with a visit to a pain specialist. Your visit will include a complete medical history and a thorough physical examination.

Based on your individual neck problem, your pain specialist may offer a number of treatments:

Treatments for muscle tension in the neck

  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Trigger point injections with numbing agents and/or steroids
  • Botox injections

Can Allergies Cause Muscle Ache

Aches and Pains? Your Doctor Needs To Know

Allergic reactions are a common occurrence and in most cases, their severity and effects differ from one person to the other. All this has to do with immunity and other underlying factors. Allergic triggers are all around, from the food we eat to the air we breathe and the environment around us. The manifestation of allergic reactions will also differ from one person to the other. Some allergic reactions or their symptoms include rashes, itching, sneezing, swelling, fatigue, tearing eyes sinusitis, and stuffy nose, just to name a few. Before going too far, an allergic reaction is basically as a result of the bodys immune system responding to a foreign substance that is introduced into the body. Some of the general symptoms of allergies may include headaches, fatigue, wheezing, cough, and sneezing, running nose, shortness of breath, rashes, vomiting, headaches, nausea, and fever according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

Some people will also have stomach discomforts as an allergic reaction to certain types of foods. However, most people have no idea on what triggers their allergies. As a matter of fact, some dont even know they have allergies at all. Most of those with particular knowledge of their allergies probably have prescriptions from their physicians to counter and suppress the symptoms of the reaction when the triggers pay a visit.

Recommended Reading: What Is The Difference Between Food Allergy And Food Intolerance

Can Gluten Cause Muscle And Joint Pain

In todays world, muscle and joint pain are widespread problems. They tend to be chronic, debilitating, and can significantly reduce your quality of life.

Your pain may be dull and achy or sharp and throbbing. It may be felt locally in one area or throughout your body. Muscle pain may also include spasms, while joint pain can include stiffness and tenderness.

Sometimes people are told muscle and joint pain are just a normal part of the aging process or that its in their head. Other common causes cited by mainstream medicine are typically injury, overuse, or lack of use. These are definitely potential triggers. But what most doctors fail to acknowledge is the role your diet and lifestyle play in the development and progression of muscle and joint pain and related disorders.

This is why treating these conditions with anti-inflammatories, steroids, and pain killers isnt a long term solution. These drugs may help alleviate pain, but as you soon as you stop taking them, your symptoms will likely return. Plus, these medications can contribute to intestinal permeability , hinder your immune system, and/or lead to addiction among other things.

You Suffer From Chronic Constipation Despite Eating A High Fiber Diet And Drinking At Least Two Liters Of Fluid Per Day

This may be due to Lyme disease affecting the GI tract, food sensitivities and/or a lack of adequate magnesium in the diet.

Solution:Do a food allergy/sensitivity profile, try off grains such as wheat, and do a blood test for mineral deficiencies, including magnesium, with a serum and red blood cell magnesium level. Often, getting off sensitive foods and increasing magnesium in the diet will help with chronic constipation.

Don’t Miss: Does A Gluten Allergy Cause A Rash

Is It Allergies Or A Cold

Allergies affect more than 50 million people in the United States each year, with many individuals suffering from allergic rhinitis. Also known as hay fever, its symptoms are as common as they are annoying sneezing, runny nose, and itchy, watering eyes to name a few.1

While some symptoms overlap between allergies and a cold, you may notice some key differences. Colds are contagious and people often unwittingly infect others for two days before symptoms appear. A low-grade fever and aches and pains may accompany them. This common illness may also develop gradually over a couple days.2

On the other hand, viruses dont cause allergies, so you cant pass allergies on to anyone else. They occur when the body initially encounters a normally harmless substance and creates antibodies to it. When the body encounters the substance again, the existing antibodies tell the immune system to send chemicals such as histamine into the bloodstream to fight the invader. The immune response causes unpleasant allergy symptoms, and they often come on suddenly rather than gradually.3 Take our allergies versus cold quiz to find out which one you have.

Why Do I Have Body Aches And Chills But No Fever

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Back Pain

Infection. Just like with the flu virus, your body can turn on the chills in response to other infections. This may help your immune system kick in faster and work better. Chills are a common symptom of infections like pneumonia, urinary tract infections , and malaria.21 2019 .

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Side Effects Of Allergy Shots

Below are mentioned other side effects, take a look. You may have experienced one or more.

  • Low fever
  • Swelling and soreness in joints
  • Developing other allergies
  • Immediate and extreme fatigue within the next few hours
  • Throbbing pain in body parts such as neck, back, arms, hands, legs and joints especially after taking these shots

In some people, it is observed that while you may not show common allergy symptoms near the source of allergen, the joint and muscle pain will worsen. Anaphylaxis may occur in extreme cases. The side effects can be worse in asthma patients.

Consult your doctor about the possible side effects of those shots, before taking any of those shots. Your allergist would be a better judge to tell about your sensitivity to these shots. If you have a case of hypersensitivity and you are prone to getting joint and muscle pain as an allergic reaction, may be, its not worth going through the constant pain.

It is advisable that you rather avoid your causes of allergy or bear with it. It will be temporary and a lot less painful. If the allergy is too difficult to live with or it is absolutely necessary to take shots, request your allergist to gradually increase your doses of shots to let your body adjust much better to them.

Why Do I Experience Body Aches And Chills

The symptoms are inevitably a sign that something is going on inside your body. It definitely makes you wish you could stay in bed all day long. It can also make you wonder what is wrong. Here are some of the more common causes:

1. Viruses

Viruses are infections that take over the cells in the body. They can cause mild, moderate or severe illness.

Symptoms: Body aches, fever, chills, and severe fatigue. They can also cause weakness, coughing, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What to Do: Simple viruses just need rest, fluids, and time to recover. Antibiotics do not help viruses. If you run an unusually high fever , have a severe cough, or cannot keep food or fluids down, you need medical evaluation.

2. Mononucleosis

This is a viral infection that causes swollen lymph nodes and overall body aches and chills. The illness lasts weeks to months, but the fatigue can be permanent.

Symptoms: Fever, chills, sore throat, abdominal pain, aches, profound fatigue, and enlarged spleen.

What to Do: If you have viral symptoms that do not clear up in 7 to 10 days, see your doctor. You may need tested for mono. Sudden sharp pain in your left side is a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 or get to your nearest emergency room. Mono is treated with rest and increased fluids.

3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Symptoms: Daily fatigue that lasts for 6 months or longer. Viral like symptoms including: body aches, chills, low grade fevers, brain fog and trouble thinking.

4. Autoimmune Disease

6. Tuberculosis

Read Also: How To Know If You Have Dust Allergies

Other Autoimmune Arthritic Conditions

There are several other pain-causing autoimmune conditions associated with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, which include scleroderma, migratory arthritis, reactive arthritis, dermatomyositis, and ankylosing spondylitis among others.

For example, in this study, researchers found 83% of patients with celiac disease had symptoms associated with scleroderma. Symptoms were also statistically more severe in those with gluten sensitivity. Plus, patients reported an improvement in muscle pain soon after a gluten-free diet was implemented.

Body Aches And Chills

How do Allergies Start? Stomach Acid & Allergies Explained by Dr.Berg

Youre just going about your day and suddenly it hits you. There are a number of different illnesses that cause these aches and chills symptoms and others. You might want to know what might be getting you down and what to do for it. This article explains some of the more common causes, things you can do at home, and when to check in with your doctor.

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Allergies Are An Often

Home»Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology»Allergies Are an Often-Overlooked Cause of Fatigue, Body Aches, and Pain

Anyone who suffers from allergies knowns how frustrating they can be to deal with. They can cause all sorts of issues such as constant sneezy, running noses, watering eyes, and itching. What many people dont realize is that allergies can also cause fatigue, body aches, and pain. Not only do people who suffer not realize that allergies are the culprit, but doctors often do not know or diagnose properly.

If you have been dealing with allergies, and have also had body aches, been chronically tired, or had undiagnosed pain, it could all be related. Your first step is to contact Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Medical Group at 805-658-9500 for comprehensive allergy testing. Once we know what the specific allergy is, we can provide treatment options. In the meantime, read on to learn about the link between fatigue, body aches, pain, and allergies.

Allergies And Musculoskeletal Pain

Many types of allergies can cause joint pain, including an allergic reaction known as serum sickness, and after an insect sting. Even seasonal allergies can be associated with joint pain symptoms for several reasons.

Let us evaluate each one of these conditions and find out how each type of allergy triggers joint pain and muscle pain:

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Allergies Vs Cold Vs Flu Vs Covid

While symptoms for all of these conditions can overlap, there are some key differences.

Allergies can sometimes be confused with the common cold or the flu, but with a cold or the flu you will have a fever and be more fatigued, you can have body pain, not just sneezing and itchy eyes, says Dr. Lahari Rampur, an allergist who sees patients at UW Medical Center Montlake and Harborview Medical Center.

Sneezing, runny nose, post-nasal drip, and itchy, puffy, watery eyes are common seasonal allergy symptoms and can also happen if you get a cold.

Flu typically involves a fever, body aches, chills, fatigue and possibly a headache or cough. With COVID-19, the most common symptoms are a fever, throat pain, or a new cough or new shortness of breath, though runny nose or nasal congestion can also occur. Some people lose their sense of smell or taste or have gastrointestinal symptoms.

If all you have are allergies or a cold, you probably wont get a fever or body aches and if you do, they will be mild. If you do get the flu or COVID-19, youre unlikely to have sinus or eye symptoms.

While seasonal allergies can make someone wheeze or cough, , it will usually be pretty mild.

Food Allergies Intolerance And Reactions

The Link Between Seasonal Allergies and Chronic Pain

If a specific food makes you feel ill, the reaction could be an allergy, an intolerance or some other kind of reaction. Many people label all negative reactions to food as allergies. After all, the end result is the same whether you have an allergy or an intolerance to a certain food: you must avoid the food that triggers your reaction.

However, the reactions inside the body are different, and lead to varying symptoms. The Mayo Clinic reports that the most common food allergy symptoms are:

  • Itching and tingling in the mouth
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Itchy skin, associates with hives or eczema
  • Abdominal discomfort, including diarrhea and vomiting
  • Swelling in the mouth, throat or other parts of the body
  • Difficulty breathing, including wheezing and nasal congestion
  • Anaphylaxis, which is life threatening

As such, you are not likely to experience a food allergy with fever, headache and fatigue. Instead, such symptoms may be signs of intolerances, other underlying disorders, or contaminated food.

?Read More:?10 Facts You Need to Know About Food Allergies

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