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HomeCauseCan Deviated Septum Cause Allergies

Can Deviated Septum Cause Allergies

Does A Deviated Septum Cause Snoring

Is there a deviated septum treatment without surgery?

For a long time, the question Does a Deviated Septum Cause Snoring? has been asked. There are a number of reasons a person may snore. Some common reasons may be the position that they sleep or perhaps if they have nasal congestion. However, one of the main reasons a person may snore is due to a deviated septum.

Finding Deviated Septum Relief

To better understand the relationship between a deviated septum and sinusitis, its important to understand what the nasal septum is. The nasal septum is the bone and cartilage that separates your left nostril from your right. For various reasons, the nasal septum can become crooked, which increases your chance of experiencing sinus issues, as well as the likelihood that youll be seeking deviated septum relief.

We Treat Sinusitis Deviated Septum And Post Nasal Drip

Inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane is called rhinitis. The symptoms include sneezing and runny and/or itchy nose. There are two types of rhinitis: Allergic and non-allergic. Non-allergic rhinitis can be caused by pollutants, strong odors or a cold but can also be the result of a deviated septum and over use of decongestants.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the lining membrane of any sinus. Sinusitis is often preceded by rhinitis and rarely occurs without concurrent rhinitis. The symptoms, nasal obstruction/discharge and loss of smell, occur in both disorders. Computed Tomography findings have been established that the mucosal linings of the nose and sinuses are simultaneously involved in the common cold.

The catalyst relating the two disorders is thought to involve nasal sinus overflow obstruction, followed by bacterial colonization and infection leading to acute, recurrent or chronic sinusitis. Likewise, chronic inflammation due to allergies can lead to obstruction and subsequent sinusitis.

Using an endoscope under topical decongestants in the office, visualization of the nose and its structures is done to further evaluate for infections, polyps and anatomic deviations. CT scanning and allergy testing can help determine the causes and extent of many problems. Antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants and steroid nasal sprays are all medical options used to treat congestion and infections.

A deviated septum may cause one or more of the following:

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What Are The Symptoms Of This Condition

This condition can cause the following signs and symptoms:

  • Obstructed breathing Breathing through your nose can become difficult, especially if you have a cold, allergies, or sinus infection that causes your nasal passages to become inflamed.
  • Nosebleeds The surface of your septum can become dry, which increases your risk of getting nosebleeds.
  • Facial pain A severely deviated septum can affect the inside of the nasal wall and cause facial pain.
  • Headaches A sharp spur of bone is possible with a deviated septum, and if it touches the nasal wall, it can cause headaches.
  • Chronic sinusitis This condition is characterized by a sinus infection that lasts longer than 12 weeks despite attempts to treat it. Its more likely to occur if you have a septum that causes mucus to build up in your sinuses and nasal passages.
  • Post nasal drip Usually mucus drips harmlessly down the back of your throat, but a deviated septum can cause the mucus to build up and thicken. It may feel as though its dripping down the back of your nose or accumulating in your throat.
  • Nasal deformity In cases of a severely deviated septum, the outward appearance of the nose can be altered.

How Can I Cure Or Manage My Childs Allergies

What is Deviated Septum Surgery?

As of yet, our otolaryngology clinic can only manage, not cure allergies. You can help your child avoid or alleviate symptoms by:

  • Vacuuming and dusting the home regularly
  • Removing carpet
  • Encouraging them to wash their hands after petting an animal
  • Staying indoors on high pollen days
  • Keep windows closed and the air conditioner on
  • Wearing sunglasses or a pollen mask outdoors

When symptoms do occur, consulting a pediatric ear, nose, and throat specialist can help determine which antihistamines or other medications can best control them. Depending on how complicated the case is, you may also be recommended to an allergist.

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What Are The Treatment Options

Symptoms can sometimes be improved with conservative treatments such as decongestants, antihistamines, or nasal steroid sprays.

If conservative treatments arent effective enough, surgery may be needed to correct your septum. This procedure known as a septoplasty allows a surgeon to remove excess bone or cartilage to straighten your septum.

The procedure is performed entirely through the nostrils, so youll have no swelling or bruising on the outside of your nose. Your nose wont need to be packed with gauze, since bleeding will be minimal, and no nasal bones will need to be broken as part of this procedure.

After your septoplasty, you can usually return to work after 5 to 7 days.

If youre experiencing nasal congestion, make an appointment today with Houston Sinus Surgery at the Yeung Institute. Dr. Yeung has over 20 years of experience and is double board-certified as an ENT and facial plastic surgeon. If a septoplasty is needed, you can receive all of your care at our office and our on-premise state-of-the-art surgery center.

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Seeing A Sinus Doctor

Before you can determine the best course of treatment for your allergies or sinus problems, it’s a good idea to see a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis of your condition. What seems like allergies might actually be chronic sinusitis. Allergies are common, but so is sinusitis. Both can cause you to miss work, but the symptoms are slightly different from each. For example, if you have allergies, you’re likely to have a runny nose, itchy eyes and congestion. Symptoms of sinusitis typically include trouble breathing and congestion. Your allergies can cause inflammation of the sinuses, leading to sinusitis.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Postnasal Drip

Postnasal drip can cause an irritated sore throat. Your tonsils and other tissues in your throat may swell up, leading to discomfort. You may feel like theres a lump in the back of your throat. Other symptoms of postnasal drip may include:

  • A feeling of mucus draining into your throat.
  • Frequent swallowing.
  • Cough that bothers you more at night.
  • Nausea and vomiting from excess mucus draining to your stomach.

Postnasal drip can also cause painful ear infections if mucus clogs up your Eustachian tubes. Your Eustachian tubes are what connect your nose and throat to your middle ears.

Can Deviated Septum Cause Nasal Congestion And Allergies

Can a deviated septum be cured with medications? – Dr. Anita Krishnan

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Symptom : Chronic Cough And Sore Throat

Allergies or sinus infections can be associated with other inflammatory symptoms, such as:

  • Chronic coughing
  • Hoarseness, or a harsh, strained or raspy voice
  • Sore throat

But these also can be symptoms of other problems, such as chronic acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up, or refluxes, out of the stomach and into the esophagus. The chronic type of acid reflux is called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. In some cases of GERD, referred to as laryngopharyngeal reflux , stomach contents can back up and cause symptoms all the way up into the throat, which can damage the soft tissues in that area. LPR can lead to coughing, hoarseness or sore throat, which could be mistaken for allergy symptoms or signs of a sinus infection.

Its Time For Treatment

You dont have to suffer from the effects of a deviated septum. Treatment can include antihistamines and decongestants, which can help clear the sinus passages and reduce discomfort. We can also prescribe a nasal steroid spray to reduce swelling.

If you have a truly severe case, a form of surgery known as a septoplasty may be indicated. Surgery is a word nobody likes hearing, but its effective. Some septoplasties may be performed as a quick, non-invasive outpatient procedure right here in our office. Additionally, enlarged turbinates can be reduced in our office. This process takes just a few minutes but can be very effective in opening the nasal passageways for better airflow.

Sometimes septoplasties will need to be performed in a surgery center or hospital, like any other surgery. Well always use the most conservative, effective treatment option.

And were keeping our eye on other, cutting-edge technologies. For example, a pain-free, non-invasive alternative procedure recently passed clinical trials.

Of course, headaches, breathing difficulty, nosebleeds, sinusitis, and blocked nasal passages could be caused by any number of ear, nose, or throat conditions. Its important to get an accurate diagnosis so we can find the best way to correct the problem. This may require a nasal endoscopy or CT scan.

In most cases, the only way to stop suffering for good is to make an appointment. And you should! You deserve to breathe the way Mother Nature intended.

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Can A Deviated Septum Cause Snoring

Yes, a deviated nasal septum can cause snoring.

The presence of a deviated nasal septum narrows either of the nostrils and, in some cases, obstructs breathing.

As the body tries to inhale regular amounts of air from a narrowed passage, sounds or vibrations are produced. The effect is more prominent during sleep, causing snoring.Georgalas, Christos. The role of the nose in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea: an update. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology: official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery vol. 268,9 : 1365-73.

Why Choose Dr Furze

Deviated Nasal Septum: Causes and Treatment â Healthsoul

Dr. Furze is a specialist in the field of rhinoplasty and has performed many successful septoplasty procedures in the span of his career. If youre interested in undergoing a procedure to correct your deviated septum, please contact our office for your complimentary consultation.

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When A Headache Is Caused By A Deviated Septum

Sinus infections have been shown to have a link between a deviated septum and migraines. When mucus becomes blocked, it can cause infections, discomfort, and headaches, which can cause tension and precipitate a migraine attack in certain people. It’s crucial to note that the sinus infection is more of a stress trigger than a direct migraine trigger.

A septoplasty is a surgical technique that can be performed as an outpatient surgery to correct a deviated septum. A septoplasty can significantly enhance the quality of life for patients who suffer from chronic sinus infections, headaches, or snoring. This could also be true for people who suffer from chronic migraines, but only if the bulk of their attacks were caused by stress from sinus infections or a lack of sleep.

The Top 3 Symptoms Mistaken For Allergies

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or seek care at an emergency room.

I see hundreds of people every year who ask for help controlling their allergy symptoms. Allergies can be serious and even life-threatening in some cases. But at least half of the patients I see for ear, nose and throat allergy symptoms dont have allergies at all.

Its a common mistake to make. Symptoms like nasal obstruction, post-nasal drip, runny nose and cough also may be caused or contributed to by other conditions having nothing to do with allergies.

Good treatment sometimes requires that we determine exactly whats causing a persons symptoms. That way, we can prescribe the right treatment for the right problem. Lets examine the top three problems patients commonly mistake for allergy symptoms or sinus infections and see the impacts they can have on sufferers.

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The Problems A Deviated Nasal Septum Can Cause

by Alan S. Berger, M.D. | Sep 9, 2020 | Deviated Septum

While the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery estimates that up to 80% of the population has a deviated nasal septum, many of us live in blissful ignorance of the fact that one of our nostril passages is larger than the other. The nasal septum is the wall of cartilage separating the two nostrils. Congenital conditions during fetal development or injuries to the nose from contact sports or motor vehicle accidents can result in this septum not quite sitting evenly between the nasal passages. For many, this isnt an issue while others may experience symptoms that are less than desirable, prompting them to seek treatment from an ENT doctor. What problems could a crooked nasal septum possibly cause, you may ask? As it turns out, a few.

Sinus infectionsRecurrent sinus infections and inflammation, also known as chronic sinusitis, can be associated with a deviated septum. The sinuses are air-filled cavities located in specific areas around the face. As a crooked septum interferes with drainage of mucus from the sinuses into the nasal cavity, this can be a prime environment for bacteria to grow, leading to repeated episodes of infection and inflammation in these spaces.

Deviated Septum And Snoring: Our Final Thoughts

Patient Testimonial – Allergies, Sleep Problems, and Deviated Septum.

Snoring can be more than a mere inconvenience. It can affect the quality of your sleep, thereby inadvertently affecting other areas of your life.

Having a deviated septum increases your chances of having trouble breathing during sleep. Fortunately, there are several solutions to this link between a deviated septum and snoring, and theyve been extensively explored in this article.

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Differences Between A Deviated Septum And Allergies

There are some distinct differences between allergies and the symptoms of a deviated septum. Allergies occur when the immune system becomes overactive. When this occurs, the body exhibits symptoms like a runny nose, sinus pressure, nasal congestion, or postnasal drip. In many cases, a deviated septum is the result of either a growing defect or some sort of facial injury.

Allergies can be treated with common medications where a deviated septum can only be corrected through surgical procedures. A deviated septum does not cause allergies, allergens trigger allergy attacks.

What Is The Typical Growth Pattern Of Deviated Septum Sinus Infections

During the early stages of development of sinus infections, the cilia are lost and the mucus gets thicker. If the infection is not treated early, the lining of the sinus begins to change and the mucus gets even thicker. Subsequently, the bacteria also get trapped and start to proliferate. Once a patient reaches this stage, a surgical intervention often becomes necessary.

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Can A Deviated Septum Cause Dizziness

Dizziness means the feeling of light-headedness. In some cases, the presence of nasal obstruction due to deviated septum can block eustachian tube functions. This leads to an inability to equalize pressure in the middle ear and maintain balance in your body, causing dizziness.

Middle-ear disturbances can also cause dizziness in those suffering from allergies, colds, and sinus infections.Kaya M, Dal E, Krat S. Does Nasal Septal Deviation Affect the Eustachian Tube Function and Middle Ear Ventilation?. Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2018 56:102-105

  • 1Georgalas, Christos. The role of the nose in snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea: an update. European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology : official journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies : affiliated with the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery vol. 268,9 : 1365-73.
  • 2:23092323).
  • 3Mekhitarian Neto L, Fava AS, Lopes HC, Stamm A. Epidemiological analysis of structural alterations of the nasal cavity associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome . Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 71:464466.
  • 4Bugten, V., Nilsen, A.H., Thorstensen, W.M. et al. Quality of life and symptoms before and after nasal septoplasty compared with healthy individuals. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord.2016 16:13
  • 5Ertugay CK, Toros SZ, Karaca CT, et al. Is septoplasty effective on habitual snoring in patients with nasal obstruction? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015 272:16871691.
  • What Are The Risk Factors


    Apart from the causes of a deviated septum, the risk factors include not wearing proper headgear while playing high-risk contact sports driving bicycles and bikes without wearing a proper helmet, driving four-wheelers without fastening seatbelts, and playing high-risk games without taking proper precautions.

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    Can A Deviated Septum Cause Sinus Infection

    Sinuses are air-filled spaces present on the facial bones around your nose.

    There are four pairs of sinuses present. The linings on these sinuses secrete a slimy substance called mucus, which traps foreign particles and drains them out through the throat after mixing with saliva.

    This entire cleansing process defends against unwanted foreign particles and aids in maintaining healthy sinuses.Prasad S, Varshney S, Bist SS, Mishra S, Kabdwal N. Correlation study between nasal septal deviation and rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 65:363-366.

    Sometimes a deviated septum narrows the drainage channel of the sinus and interferes with sinus ventilation and drainage, thereby increasing mucus accumulation and bacterial activity, increasing the chances of sinus infection.Prasad S, Varshney S, Bist SS, Mishra S, Kabdwal N. Correlation study between nasal septal deviation and rhinosinusitis. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013 65:363-366.

    Research suggests that a nasal septal deviation obstructs the normal pathways of mucociliary transport , increasing the chances of inflammatory sinus disease.Greguri T, Baudoin T, Tomljenovi D, Grgi M, tefanovi M, Kalogjera L. Relationship between nasal septal deformity, symptoms and disease severity in chronic rhinosinusitis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2016 273:671-677.

    What Is A Deviated Septum And What Does It Mean

    The septum is the tissue wall that divides the two nostrils. Both nostrils should be absolutely symmetrical in theory, however this is not always the case. You have a deviated septum if the difference between the two is large. A deviated septum can occur naturally or as a result of an injury or trauma.

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