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HomeFactsCan Food Allergies Cause Back Pain

Can Food Allergies Cause Back Pain

Can Allergies Cause Joint And Muscle Pain

Low back pain and Gastrointestinal issues

Allergies often manifest a wide range of symptoms. But can allergies really cause muscle and joint pain? Read on and find out…

Allergic reactions are common occurrences in our lives, and in most instances, their effects and severity differ from one person to another depending on the immunity and other underlying factors.

Allergies often manifest a wide range of symptoms, some of which are more obvious while others may not be so apparent.

For instance, rarely do people associate joint pain, muscle aches, and fatigue with allergies.

You Suffer From Chronic Constipation Despite Eating A High Fiber Diet And Drinking At Least Two Liters Of Fluid Per Day

This may be due to Lyme disease affecting the GI tract, food sensitivities and/or a lack of adequate magnesium in the diet.

Solution:Do a food allergy/sensitivity profile, try off grains such as wheat, and do a blood test for mineral deficiencies, including magnesium, with a serum and red blood cell magnesium level. Often, getting off sensitive foods and increasing magnesium in the diet will help with chronic constipation.

Swelling Of The Lips Mouth Or Tongue

Angioedema is swelling of the lips, mouth, or the tongue under the skin. It’s similar to hives but occurs under the skin, and it can be a sign of an anaphylactic reaction resulting from food allergies or other forms of allergy.

Food allergies that have been linked with this symptom include berries, fish, shellfish, nuts, milk, and eggs.

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Can Allergies Affect Joint Pain

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    If you suffer from allergies, you likely know the toll they can take on your sinuses. But what about the rest of your body? Can allergies affect joint pain? Believe it or not, allergies, whether seasonal or food-related, can affect joint pain. Allergy symptoms appear for a variety of reasons, but some symptoms like joint pain may occur because of the humidity and rapid temperature changes that accompany the spring season.

    During allergy season, many individuals experience a spike in allergy symptoms, particularly when there is a high pollen count. Some individuals will have mild symptoms like a stuffy nose and sneezing.

    Others, on the other hand, can experience pain in their;neck, back and joints. Joint pain is widespread. A national survey showed;one-third of adults;claimed to have experienced joint pain within the previous 30 days.

    How Food Intolerance Impacts Your Overall Health

    Back Pain Caused by Allergies

    Sometimes food intolerance symptoms are masked as a chronic condition. Some patients discover that they have been suffering for years from conditions that could be solved by eliminating certain foods from their diet. ;Food intolerance symptoms can look like other issues which is why it is important to enlist the help when you are identifying the true causes behind your symptoms. ;Mile High Spine & Pain Center is equipped to help you identify your symptoms and get you back to your former good health.

    The symptoms caused by food intolerance and sensitivities are varied. They usually cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, cramping, irritable bowel and can include skin rashes and sometimes fatigue, joint pains, dark circles under the eyes, night sweats and other chronic conditions. ;

    Also Check: How To Sleep Better With Allergies

    Food Allergies And Joint Pain

    Seasonal allergies arent the only type of allergies that can contribute to joint pain. Certain foods can cause your body to have an inflammatory response because of a pre-existing condition, a food sensitivity or allergy. Inflammation is what causes the joints to swell and create pain or discomfort. There are two main culprits for food-related joint pain:

    • Arthritis
    • Food allergy or sensitivity

    If you already have arthritis, then you probably have experienced some amount of joint pain in the past. Although there are many different types, arthritis is basically inflammation that affects your joints, causing pain and stiffness. Some patients with this condition experience increased inflammation after eating certain foods. This is especially true of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes chronic joint inflammation, especially in the hands and feet.

    Even though arthritis causes your body to be in a constant inflammatory state, its important to be aware of the triggers that can cause bouts of increased;inflammation and lead to painful joint symptoms. Some foods;known;to impact arthritic patients and cause joint pain include:

    • Food allergy/sensitivity test
    • Elimination diet
    • Nutritional deficiency test

    Whether it be gluten, dairy or an assortment of other foods, identifying and eliminating these triggers from your diet could help you manage joint pain. An anti-inflammatory menu will also be beneficial to your overall health and well-being.

    Elimination Diet & Challenge Meal

    Stop eating one food entirely for one week. That’s the elimination diet. Then have a challenge meal consisting entirely of that one food. By having only one food, if you do have a reaction, it’s very clear what you’re reacting to. Any reaction will probably occur within a few hours. If you’re not sure whether you had a reaction, repeat the challenge meal.

    Start with dairy products, the most common pain-causing food. You can apply the same method to see whether you have problems with other foods.

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    Managing Your Seasonal Allergies

    One of the most important things someone suffering from allergies can do is to identify the triggers. While some people seem to blame one trigger, it is possible that there are actually multiple triggers. It is not uncommon for those who suffer from spring allergies to show symptoms throughout the year. Some ways to avoid triggers include:

    • Shower after being outdoors.
    • Monitor pollen and mold counts, which are available on TV or in the news.
    • Stay inside during peak pollen counts, which is the middle of the day of the afternoon.
    • Wear a filter mask when working outdoors.
    • Take preventive medication.

    You can take other precautions as well, such as bathing and shampooing your hair each day to completely remove the pollen from your hair and skin. You should also wash your bedding in hot soapy water at least once a week.

    You may need to wear sunglasses outdoors to protect your eyes from pollen. Those with severe allergies might find that a facemask is helpful during times when daily pollen counts are very high. It is also important to avoid line drying your bedding or clothes outdoors if the local pollen counts are high, as pollen can settle on these items.

    Food Allergies In Infants And Children

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    Milk and soy allergies are particularly common in infants and young children, probably because their immune and digestive systems are still developing. These allergies can appear within days to months of birth. They may not show up as hives and asthma, but rather lead to colic and perhaps blood in poop or poor growth.

    Typically, the doctor sees a very unhappy colicky child who may not sleep well at night and diagnoses a food allergy partly by changing their diet, like switching from cow’s milk to soy formula. This type of allergy tends to disappear within a few years.

    Doctors recommend only breastfeeding infants for the first 4-6 months, if possible, for many reasons, but there’s no proof that it prevents food allergies later in life. While some pregnant women may hope limiting their diets while they’re pregnant or breastfeeding may help their children avoid allergies, the experts disagree and don’t suggest it. Soy formula isn’t a good way to prevent allergies either.

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    Onset: How Long Does It Take For Your Symptoms To Emerge

    Food allergies are characterized by rapid onset, usually emerging in less than 30 minutes after consuming the food in children and within 2 hours in adults. Symptoms of a food stomach allergy tend to resolve within 48 hours. While the food allergy symptoms are typically immediately after ingestion, they are not as severe and sometimes can take a few hours to develop. In some cases, once symptoms are present, it may take hours and sometimes even days to disappear.

    Signs You Might Have A Food Allergy

    A large-scale;medicalstudy recently reported that approximately 3.6 percent of Americans areallergic to one or more foods and that number is growing. Food allergies occurwhen people consume a certain food that triggers an abnormal response fromtheir immune system. This abnormal response is caused when the immune systemrecognizes normally safe food proteins as harmful the symptoms that followare called an allergic reaction.

    Allergic reactions can range from minor to life-threateningand can cause a wide range of symptoms depending on how severely the immunesystem reacts to foods. Minor allergic reactions can usually be managed withcommon medications, while severe allergic reactions typically mandate emergencymedical intervention.

    Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to tell if theyrehaving an allergic reaction to food. Were taking a look at the foods that mostcommonly cause allergic reactions, the symptoms that typically accompany a foodallergy and what to do if you believe youre having an allergic reaction.

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    What Tests Diagnose Food Allergies

    Generally a food allergy is identified by signs and symptoms. Medical professionals are trained to recognize hives, swelling patterns, rashes, and other symptoms associated with allergic reactions.

    The person will be asked questions about their medical history and possible triggers of the reaction.

    Blood tests and other tests are needed only under very unusual circumstances, such as anaphylaxis.

    Some people can pinpoint which food caused the allergic reaction, especially if the reaction occurs within minutes of consuming a particular food. Many others will need to see an allergist for special testing to determine the exact food that is responsible.

    For information about allergy shots, see Food Allergy Prevention.


    Where Can I Go To Confirm A Food Allergy

    The Best Adrenal Fatigue Diet Plan

    If you think allergy stomach pain is at the route of your abdominal pain, I recommend receiving a medical diagnosis from a professional allergist who can assess your risk of anaphylaxis. An allergist will discuss your medical history to determine the likely cause of your abdominal pain and identify any cross-reactive foods. To confirm the diagnosis, the allergist may conduct laboratory tests; such as a skin prick test or allergen-specific IgE test.;

    Don’t Miss: Can A 6 Month Old Have Allergies

    What About Blood Tests Skin Tests Stool Tests

    They’re not useful as a guide to whether foods are causing your pain and muscle tension. Allergy lab tests often miss foods that people are reactive to, and warn them away from foods that are safe for them. An elimination diet, followed by a food challenge, is a better method.

    At present, there are no reliable and validated clinical tests for the diagnosis of food intolerance. – Science-Based Medicine

    To date neither ALCAT nor IgG has been shown to have any predictive value in the diagnosis of allergy or intolerances. – Allergy Society of South Africa

    Testing for IgG4 against foods is not recommended as a diagnostic tool – European Academy of Allergology & Clinical Immunology

    Contact Orthobethesda To Schedule Your Appointment

    The doctors and therapists at OrthoBethesda are committed to your health and providing top-quality care. Our orthopedic surgeons are board-certified and fellowship-trained within their specialties. They treat a variety of issues, including joint pain due to allergies.

    Our occupational, physical and hand therapists focus their time and attention to bring each patient restorative results. We provide a personal rehabilitation setting where your orthopedist can work with you directly and monitor your progress. If youre experiencing joint pain related to allergies,;contact us today to schedule your appointment.

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    How Common Are Food Allergies And Intolerances

    Food allergies affect about 1 percent of adults and 7 percent of children, although some children outgrow their allergies. Food intolerances are much more common. In fact, nearly everyone at one time has had an unpleasant reaction to something they ate. Some people have specific food intolerances. Lactose intolerance, the most common specific food intolerance, affects about 10 percent of Americans.

    Food Allergy Immune System

    The Link Between IBS, Back Pain, Shoulder and Neck Pain.

    Food allergies can cause severe or even life-threatening allergic reactions, known as anaphylaxis. Most food allergies are IgE-mediated. This means if you have a peanut allergy, your immune system identifies the proteins in peanuts as foreign invaders or allergens. The immune system then produces antibodies called Immunoglobulin E , in an attempt to defend the body. These antibodies interact with cells triggering the release of pro-inflammatory chemicals, called histamines, which cause an allergic reaction.;

    Also Check: Night Time Allergies

    Introduction To Back Pain Caused By Allergies

    There are many different reasons due to which;a person can experience;back pain, one of the most frequently seen complaints in clinical practice. One of the most challenging;kinds of back pain to treat is the kind that results from allergies.

    Even though it is not reported that regularly, the problem of back pain as a consequence of allergies is actually very common.

    It is important to take all back problems very seriously, because when back problems are not taken care of they can quickly;become severe, and in the process back pain;can seriously hurt a persons ability to be mobile in everyday activities.

    Milk Allergy Is Not Lactose Intolerance

    Allergy to milk is different from lactose intolerance. People with lactose intolerance can’t digest lactose, a sugar in milk. Undigested lactose in the gut causes bloating, cramps, diarrhea, gas, and nausea.

    The symptoms are not a reaction to lactose. Since the lactose is undigested, it’s not assimilated: it stays in the gut. Bacteria in the gut use the lactose, and create gas and lactic acid. Lactic acid is a good thing, but too much causes diarrhea.

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    What Medicine Treats Food Allergies

    The choice of medication and how it is given depends on the severity of the reaction.

    • Epinephrine
    • This drug is given only in very severe reactions .
    • Epinephrine is injected and acts as a bronchodilator .
    • It also constricts the blood vessels, increasing blood pressure.
    • Another medication with similar effects may be given instead.
    • For a less severe reaction involving the respiratory tract, an inhaled epinephrine bronchodilator may be used, as in asthma.
  • Diphenhydramine
  • This drug reverses the actions of histamine.
  • Diphenhydramine is injected when quick action is required.
  • It may be given by mouth for a less severe reaction.
  • Corticosteroids
  • One of these drugs is usually given via IV at first for rapid reversal of the effects of the mediators of the allergic response.
  • These drugs should not be confused with the steroids taken by athletes to build muscle and strength.
  • These drugs reduce swelling and many other symptoms of allergic reactions.
  • The person may need to take an oral corticosteroid for several days after this.
  • Oral corticosteroids are often given for less severe reactions.
  • A corticosteroid cream or ointment may be used for skin reactions.
  • Other medications may be given as needed.
  • Aches & Pains After Eating 5 Signs It May Be An Undiagnosed Food Allergy

    Are Seasonal Allergies Causing You Problems?

    If you experience unexplained chronic fatigue, joint aches, muscle pains, headaches, memory problems, or sleep disorders, it may be worth it to check what you’re eating.

    People are frequently diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, or a psychiatric disorder, such as anxiety or depression, typically because physicians are unable to find another cause for their symptoms.

    Can we do better? Patients who come to see me with chronic symptoms often have many potential overlapping medical issues contributing to their chronic illness. Some of the biggest culprits? Food allergies, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies. That said, your aches and pains could very well be caused by what you’re eating.

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    The Link Between Seasonal Allergies And Chronic Pain

    Do you notice your seasonal allergies causing back pain or chronic joint pain? Youre not alone! With spring right around the corner, our ISPM physicians begin to see a large number of patients who feel worsening chronic pain when seasonal allergies hit. Without further ado, lets get into the link between seasonal allergies and chronic pain.

    Seasonal Allergies & Chronic Pain

    Inflammation- Both joint pain and allergies are caused by inflammation in the body.

    Fatigue- Often times, allergies cause you to be fatigued which can also be a trigger for chronic pain.

    Shifts in weather- Rapid changes in temperature, humidity or barometric pressure can cause pain to feel worse.

    Emotional factors– Allergies can cause your brain to feel foggy and less focused. The lack of mental clarity leads to worsening emotional stability and the potential for chronic pain to be triggered.

    The Link

    Seasonal allergies put extra stress on the body which can make chronic pain symptoms feel more intense. It can also affect your immune systemand in turncause inflammation in your joints leading to pain. Allergies are a big producer of body aches. Constant coughing and sneezing leads to headaches, neck and back pain. Anyone already dealing with chronic pain may find this very overwhelming!

    The physicians at ISPM are here to help get your pain under controlno matter the season.

    Seasonal Allergies

    • Sinus congestion

    • Joint pain, neck pain or back pain

    Prevent Pain During Allergy Season

    You Suffer From Chronic Headaches And/or Migraines

    You have headache pain upon awakening in the morning, several hours after a meal, or even a day after eating certain foods. This is often due to food sensitivities which act as migraine triggers, and/or trigger a hypoglycemic response.

    Solution: Keep a food diary and write down everything you eat. Notice patterns of how certain foods affect you. Certain foods and additives are known migraine triggers . Sending off a food allergy profile can be helpful;in determining which foods may adversely be affecting you.

    Recommended Reading: Reading Allergy Test Results

    Soon After Eating A Meal You Notice That You Begin To Yawn And Feel Tired

    It could happen minutes or hours after eating. This could be accompanied by feeling anxious, palpitations, shaking, feeling dizzy, feeling like you might pass out, or that you need a nap. This is often due to reactive hypoglycemia, which means that the blood sugars are swinging.

    Solution:Eat small frequent meals, dont skip meals, cut back on simple sugars and carbs, and eat a balanced diet with quality protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats . A five-hour glucose tolerance test with insulin levels can also help determine if you have reactive hypoglycemia.


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