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HomeCan Seasonal Allergies Cause Shortness Of Breath

Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Shortness Of Breath

Ways To Manage Your Springtime Asthma

How Asthma Causes a shortness in breath.A look inside your body

If youre one of the 25 million Americans who suffer from asthma, the allergens of spring can make it difficult to breathe.

Asthma is a chronic condition in which the airways of the lungs become inflamed and narrow, often due to one or more triggers in the environment. Up to 80 percent of children and half of adults with asthma experience attacks when they come in contact with specific allergens.

During the spring, tree pollens, mold spores and grass all have the power to inflame and narrow the air passages of people who are sensitive to these natural triggers. Wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing are some of the common symptoms that occur during an asthma attack.

Among the most common triggers for asthma are:

  • Outdoor allergens

Seasonal Allergies: What You Need To Know

Pollen is an airborne substance that comes from grass, flowering plants, trees, and weeds. In the past 12 months, 19.2 million adults and 5.2 million children under 18 were diagnosed with hay fever, the name given to allergic rhinitis caused by pollen. When someone has hay fever, their immune system identifies pollen as a threat and releases signals that lead to congestion, itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing, as well as problems like sinus pressure and allergic conjunctivitis .

The amount of pollen in the air depends on the season and the geographic area in which you live. The study reported in;PNAS;found the most pronounced effects in Texas and the Midwestern United States. However, the Northeast can have a significant spring allergy season as well, Dr. Leeds says. Tree allergies are especially common in New Englandparticularly due to birch and oak. Pollen allergies can also cause a cross-reaction with certain foods in some people; symptoms include an itchy or tingling mouth and throat after eating raw fruits and vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

People may also have allergic reactions to grass pollen in the late spring to early summer and weed pollen in the fall. Many people are multi-sensitized, so they are allergic to more than one type of pollen, and they can be symptomatic through all of the warm weather seasons, Dr. Leeds says. Pollen can be carried by the wind, so windy days are the worst.

When Are You Most Vulnerable To Shortness Of Breath Allergies

During hot summer days, airborne allergies may become dangerous. High pollen counts indicate that there are tons of allergens into the air that can enter into your home and cause you to sneeze, itch and have difficulty breathing. If you have asthma or allergies that cause shortness of breath when you exercise, its even more important to protect yourself by making precautions to avoid allergens, as purifying the air that you breathe.

An allergic reaction called anaphylaxis can affect more than one part of the body and have a long list of reactions, including obstruction of your airways and make it difficult to breathe. Typically, insect bites, food allergies and medications are the allergies that cause anaphylactic reaction. However, you can decrease the amount of dust, pollen and dander from your home to prevent your immune system from going into overdrive and releasing histamines and other compounds responsible for respiratory distress.

If you value your gym time, consider not leaving the house and working out at home when your allergies are at their worst. That way you can be more attentive to your symptoms and also use an air purifier in your home gym to avoid shortness of breath and other severe allergic reactions.

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What Causes Acute Dyspnea Or Shortness Of Breath

Factors that may cause acute shortness of breath include:

  • Allergies: People often feel short of breath during an allergic reaction.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety can cause hyperventilation .
  • Choking: A blockage in your throat can make it difficult for air to move in and out of your lungs. Inhaling food or an object into your lungs also blocks airflow.
  • Pulmonary embolism: This happens when you have a blood clot in your lungs. This condition is a medical emergency.
  • Heart attack: A blockage that stops blood flow to the heart can cause frightening breathlessness. If you notice this symptom along with other heart attack symptoms, call 911.
  • Infection: An infection like bronchitis or pneumonia may produce mucous that blocks airflow to parts of the lungs. This can interfere with oxygen diffusion to the blood.
  • Injury: A broken rib can make breathing painful and difficult. Bleeding and anemia can lower the number of red blood cells, which lessens the amount of oxygen carried in the blood.
  • Medication: Certain medicines can cause a tight feeling in the chest. Statins and beta blockers given for hypertension in asthmatic individuals may cause this symptom.
  • Extreme temperatures. Being very hot or very cold can make you feel like you are having trouble breathing.

Time To Call Your Doctor

Can Allergies Be Responsible For Shortness Of Breath?

While some doctors insist on drugs and exercises for joint pain relief, the remedy may simply be in eliminating the foods you are allergic to. Joint pain can be detrimental and figuring out the root cause should start with your diet. In case you cant figure out what it is, then it is time to make that call. Sometimes also, you may be putting all your efforts into non-aggressive methods to achieve relief from the pain all in vain. When the pain cant resolve after some time, you need to schedule an appointment with your doctor to take some tests and possibly find a solution for the same.

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How Do Allergies Affect Lung Health

Asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath are closely related to allergies. Allergens such as ragweed, pollen, animal dander, or dust mites can trigger these symptoms.; Irritants in the air like smoke, chemical fumes, strong odors, or extreme weather conditions can also be triggers. In more extreme cases, hypersensitivity pneumonitis can occur. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is an allergic reaction that causes inflammation in the lung tissue and the smallest airways.

Get A Hepa Vacuum Cleaner

A regular old vacuum can get a lot of the pollen, dust, and other allergens out of your carpet and furniture, but it can only do so much. Sometimes vacuuming can even scatter these particles into the air and actually make your allergies worse.

In order to allergy-proof your home more effectively, you can get a vacuum with a HEPA filter that removes at least 99.97 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger. A regular vacuum can only filter particles that are 50 microns or larger.

Just make sure you get a HEPA filter-compatible vacuum that’s large enough to fit the size of your home. Otherwise, you’ll end up having to change the filter quite often in order to keep it working properly.

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When To See A Specialist About Your Asthma

Asthma is not always easy to diagnose, Fineman says, but you should see your doctor if youre having repeated episodes of wheezing and coughing or shortness of breath. If youre diagnosed with the condition, work with your doctor to develop an asthma management and;action plan.

Although your primary care doctor may be able to diagnose and;treat your asthma, if your symptoms dont respond to a first-line therapy of inhaled and short-acting bronchodilators, Asciuto recommends that you see a lung specialist or allergy and asthma specialist.

Tightness In Chest And Shortness Of Breath Due To Breathing Problems

Overlap between allergies and coronavirus

Obviously, breathing problems can also lead to symptoms such as chest pain or tightness and difficulty breathing. However, within this group of diseases and pathologies we find very significant differences, both in nature and severity:

  • Pleurisy: This occurs when the membrane that covers the lungs is inflamed. It is a condition that causes great pain in the chest, the thoracic area, while it is difficult to breathe and, during these symptoms you will also hear a whistling sound.
  • Asthma: It is a fairly common condition characterized by inflammation of the bronchi under certain circumstances. Chest pressure and shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms, the rest you can read in our article on how to tell if you have asthma.
  • Pulmonary embolism: It is caused by a blood clot that prevents the passage of blood into the lungs can cause the same symptomatology.
  • COPD: It is the acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, a condition that mainly affects smokers. It is characterized by pectoral pressure and the sensation of suffocation.
  • Pneumonia: As well as other infections, whether viral or bacterial, that affect the respiratory tract and make it difficult to breathe properly can result in the same symptoms.

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Check Problem Areas For Mold And Mildew

Image courtesy of;carlpenergy;on Flickr.

There are certain places in houses that tend to have a higher risk of mold build-up. These include basements, bathrooms, attics, crawl spaces, and any areas that might get damp.

You should inspect these areas in your home somewhat regularly to spot mold and mildew growth before it gets out of control. Some mold spots can be cleaned yourself by hand, but you might need to call in a professional for larger problems.

It’s also important to identify and repair any leaks in your pipes so they don’t cause mold to grow in your walls. If you notice your allergies are acting up in your house, getting it thoroughly inspected for mold and fungus by a professional could help you find and take care of any problems.

Allergies That May Cause Shortness Of Breath

If you have respiratory allergies, your immune system responds irregularly to environmental triggers. Inhaling dust, pet dander, pollen or mold sends your immune system into high gear. Chronic lung diseases such as asthma directly affect your lungs. During an asthma attack, the muscles around the tubes that distribute air to your lungs tighten, constricting airways and making it difficult to breathe.

Although more commonly associated with asthma, shortness of breath can result from severe allergies. Hay fever and allergic rhinitis sometimes make it hard to breathe. If your allergies have you gasping for air for days, its time to do something about it. First see a doctor and discover more about your allergies, second avoid situations that can trigger a severe allergic reaction. Third, look into a good air purifier for your home and work locations.

Lets take a closer look at how to recognize the dangers of allergy attacks that leave you breathless.

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Treatment For Pollen Allergies

A direct way to manage pollen allergies is to reduce your exposure to pollens. Pollen counts are published in the media and can help you to plan to avoid exposure.Tips to reduce your exposure to pollen include:

  • stay indoors in the morning, if possible grass pollens mainly circulate in the morning
  • avoid mowing the grass or wear a mask if you do stay indoors when grass is being mowed
  • keep windows closed in your home and car
  • avoid picnics in parks or in the country during the pollen season
  • wear sunglasses to protect your eyes
  • plant a low-allergy garden around your home, especially near the windows of your home.

The Difference Between Allergies & Colds:

What is the Difference between a Cold, the Flu, Seasonal ...

When you have a bacterial or viral infection, your body will trigger an immune response. Chemicals called pyrogens, which are produced by white blood cells, cause the temperature in the body to rise. This is a normal inflammatory response that helps to kill off heat-sensitive bacteria.

Allergens, on the other hand, set off no such reaction. During an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines, which make you sneeze and cough. Histamines are only released during allergic reactions, which is why you shouldnt take anti-histamine medication for the common cold or flu.

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Perimenopause/menopause And Shortness Of Breath/chest Tightness/ Belching

Anyone have the symptoms of shortness of breath with chest tightness, with lots of belching after eating? If so please describe And does it get better? Mine started like 3 weeks ago and its awful feels like i cant get a deep enough breath.

Im also experiencing food allergies/sensitivities also to soaps and flowers and different smells, all make me choke/ cough and feels like chest tightness. Never ever have I had asthma in my life but feels like it now! My anxiety/ panic attacks are bad, antibodies are high for rheumatoid arthritis, and hashimotos, just dont know how to deal with all these new symptoms that keep getting thrown at me other than to sit and cry, cry cry! Anyone else having similar issues??? Are these symptoms all consistent with the menopause change??

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The Asthma Is Usually Linked To Allergic Rhinitis

Environmental allergies can affect your airway in unique ways:

  • Allergic rhinitis affects your nose and sinuses, and may cause sneezing, congestion, and an itchy nose and eyes.
  • Asthma mainly affects your lungs, and may cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath or rapid breathing.

But when you have allergic asthma, youll likely develop both sets of symptoms at once.

In children, the signs can be more subtle, notes Dr. Purcell.;Kids may say theyre too tired to play, but parents should check for wheezing or coughing. If the other kids are running around playing, and your child wants to sit on the sidelines, he or she may be having trouble breathing, he says.

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About Shortness Of Breath

To understand shortness of breath, its important to first understand how normal breathing takes place in the body. Its a complex process that uses chemicals and mechanical processes to ensure that every cell of the body has the oxygen it needs to function and perform activities. The following images illustrate every step in the process:

Superior Vena Cava Syndrome

What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Superior vena cava syndrome is a serious condition that can cause swelling and discoloration in the face and neck.

The superior vena cava is a large vein that carries blood from the head, neck, and upper chest back to the heart. SVC syndrome occurs when this vein becomes obstructed.

The cause of this obstruction is often a tumor pressing against the vein, which can occur in someone with lung or breast cancer. However, there are other possible causes, including tuberculosis and a swollen thyroid.

Symptoms of SVC syndrome can develop gradually over time and may also include:

  • shortness of breath

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Your Heart Needs Help

If your heart isnât able to effectively pump blood around your body, you could feel short of breath just doing everyday activities, like climbing stairs. Shortness of breath is a symptom of mitral valve disease and cardiomyopathy, among other heart problems. Here are six other signs your heart needs a checkup.

Being short of breath is also a warning sign of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association, and it can happen with or without chest pain. Other symptoms include nausea, lightheadedness, back or jaw pain and breaking out in a cold sweat.

Its Important To Minimize Exposure

Allergy testing can help identify whats triggering your allergies. Additional testing can help to confirm a diagnosis of asthma.

Once you know you have allergic asthma, identifying and avoiding its triggers will help you control your symptoms.;When possible, take measures to prevent or minimize exposure,;advises Dr. Purcell.

The same methods wont work for all allergy triggers.;For example, dust mites are not airborne but cat and dog dander is, he says.

To reduce allergens in your home, Dr. Purcell recommends:

  • Minimizing or eliminating pet exposure.
  • Using special dust mite covers on bedding and aiming for indoor humidity levels of 35 percent to minimize dust mite exposure.
  • Eliminating food sources for cockroaches by using sealed food containers and regularly cleaning kitchen floors and surfaces.
  • Changing clothes and showering after you come inside if;youre allergic to pollen, and closing doors and windows when pollen counts are high.

Although mold is more of an outdoor allergen, it can develop indoors .;Addressing the water leak, then using a diluted bleach solution or a commercial cleaning product is usually sufficient, says Dr. Purcell.

Extensive mold intrusion may require a professional mold removal service.

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Shortness Of Breath And Allergies

Many people suffer from shortness of breath because of allergies, and this causes great discomfort to them. Prior knowledge about the subject is helpful, however, the fact is that, this is something that could affect you at any time, due to the large amount of allergens or particles that enter your system while breathing.

Many people suffer from shortness of breath because of allergies, and this causes great discomfort to them. Prior knowledge about the subject is helpful, however, the fact is that, this is something that could affect you at any time, due to the large amount of allergens or particles that enter your system while breathing.

Many people often wonder whether shortness of breath is related to allergies. The answer is yes, because there are many of them that surface in an individual as problem in breathing. In fact, most allergies have this effect on people, and leave them short of breath for many minutes. People who have developed severe allergies to certain substances may suddenly be faced with an onset of this condition, which is very similar to an asthma attack.

Asthma and allergies often go hand in hand, and an asthmatic attack is known to be caused due to some substance in the air. Since asthma is a disease that affects the wind pipes in the body, it is only natural for some harmful external substance to cause some kind of reaction, or attack in a person.


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