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Can You Get Allergies From Dust

Itching In The Nose And The Roof Of Your Mouth

Allergy Advice : How to Improve Dust Allergies

Arundo is considered the top grade option in treating dust mite allergy which comes with these symptoms.

Arundo is best used if you are sneezing and have intense itching on the roof of your mouth. Other homeopathic medicines include Arum Triphyllum, and Wyethia.

If you have a raw feeling on the palate or roof of your mouth and soreness of your nostrils due to so much itching, you should opt for Arum Triphyllum. In case you have itching in the posterior sinuses and nose, you should use wyethia.

Can Dust Mite Allergy Be Treated With A Pill

Its something people dont like to think about, but its a fact that dust mites are all around us. These mites are microscopic relatives of spiders and ticks who live off of skin cells that we shed. It is almost impossible to eradicate them, and even the cleanest home has dust mites. Though dust mites do not bite us or cause rashes, they are a common cause of year-round allergy symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. People with dust mite allergy have a persistently itchy nose even when not physically around dusty objects.

A recent study has shown that a new way of treating dust mite allergy is effective and safe. What do you need to know about this treatment, called sublingual immunotherapy?

An Air Purifier Can Help

Now that you know what the top symptoms are for dust allergies, you may be thinking, Im pretty sure I have it. What can I do about it?

If possible, the best thing for you to do is perform a deep cleaning of the area thats causing you the most problems. Then, add an air purifier to the space.

What this product does is constantly strips the air of any dust particles and dust mite waste that may try to make their way back into the room.

Take a look at our article on the best air purifiers for dust mites and why they work so well.

If you have a dust allergy, this simple device can help you eliminate dust particles and dust mites from your home.

Having an air purifier in the space that collects the most dust can drastically reduce your allergy issues.

About Katherine Dyson

Katherine is the lead Staff Writer. She conducts in-depth research and interviews with industry experts in order to produce a wide range of content for the site. Her main role is to write helpful articles that aid people who are seeking to improve their indoor air quality and comfort.

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Sniffle Detective: 5 Ways To Tell Colds From Allergies

Seasonal allergies and colds share some common symptoms, so it may be hard to tell the two apart.

Both conditions typically involve sneezing, a runny nose and congestion. There are some differences, though. Additionally, colds usually include coughing and a sore throat, but these symptoms can also occur in people with hay fever who have post-nasal drip. Itchy eyes are common for seasonal allergies, but rare for colds.

Colds and seasonal allergies seem very similar in many ways, said Dr. Rima Rachid, director of allergen immunotherapy at Boston Childrens Hospital. Its the duration and chronicity of symptoms that might help tell the difference, she explained.

Its not unusual for parents and even doctors to confuse cold and seasonal allergy symptoms, Rachid told Live Science.

Young children frequently get colds, and their parents may not always think of seasonal allergies as the reason for kids constantly drippy noses. Seasonal allergies may first show up in a child at around ages 4 to 6, but they can also begin at any age after that, Rachid said.

And genetics play a role: People with one parent who has any type of allergy have a 1 in 3 chance of developing an allergy, Rachid said. When both parents have allergies, their children have a 7 in 10 chance of developing allergies, too.

Here are five signs to look for to determine whether symptoms are due to seasonal allergies or a cold.

Move To The Desert For Allergy Relief

Dust Mite Allergy and Snoring (The Invisible Cause)

Its a myth. Youll know this if you live somewhere like LA or Las Vegas. Grass and ragweed pollen is found pretty much everywhere . You might experience short-lived relief, but soon you could develop new triggers.

However, it has been proven that dry places like the Great Plains and Mountain West regions are hosts to fewer dust mites . So if youre planning a vacation, it might be worth checking out desert climate locations.

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What Are Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny arachnids, closely related to ticks.

Only around a third of a millimetre long, these white spider-like bugs are everywhere.

“You’ll find them in carpets and beds and in your clothing, but as far as we know they don’t live on your skin,”& nbsp says Euan Tovey of the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, who studied dust mite allergies.

Instead, they feast on dead skin cells, which make up a fair whack of house dust.

“When you wash your clothes, the reason the water goes cloudy is it’s your skin cells floating around,”& nbsp Professor Tovey says.

“We shed about a teaspoon of skin a week.”

Clearing Your Throat And More: At

  • The lining of your nose, sinuses, and throat actually the entire respiratory tract is lined by mucous membranes that manufacture and secrete mucus.
  • If you take medications targeting mucus and post-nasal drip, you may feel better for a time, but because you havent managed your reflux, the problem will continue.
  • Respiratory reflux is associated with too-much thick mucus that is hard to move it is the stuff you hock up when you feel it dripping or stuck in your throat.
  • Allergies are usually associated with thin mucus and runny nose, as well as sneezing and itchy eyes.
  • Reflux is by far the most common cause of post-nasal drip, too much mucus and chronic throat-clearing.

From Jamie Koufman, Worlds Leading Expert on Acid Reflux

The most common cause of chronic throat clearing, too much mucus and post-nasal drip is acid reflux. We call it silent reflux because it doesnt have the best-known symptoms, heartburn or indigestion. However, only 20% of people with reflux have those symptoms. Most people who have acid reflux have silent reflux and respiratory issues, including problems with throat mucus.

Post-nasal drip is a symptom and not cause of other conditions. This is important to understand! For example, post-nasal drip does not cause chronic cough, but reflux can cause both the drip and the cough. Many patients undergo unnecessary tests and procedures for these problems unnecessarily because doctors dont understand respiratory reflux very well.

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What Is Dust And Where Does It Come From

Everything in our homes gathers dust. But what exactly is it? Where does it come from, and why does it keep coming back?

As they munch away on the dead skin cells, the mites& nbsp release enzymes in their gut that break the cells down.& nbsp

In the 1980s, Professor Tovey discovered one of these enzymes is a powerful allergen that floats in the air on the mite’s poo.& nbsp

“That allergen from the poo becomes distributed onto smaller dust particles,” Professor Tovey says.

” go down to less than a millimetre, so it means they are inhalable.”

People can also be allergic to a number of other proteins in the mite’s body, but the enzyme accounts for about 60 per cent of allergies.

That’s because a& nbsp mite can produce a lot of poo over its lifetime of up to 90 days.

“A lifetime of poo is much more than a mite body,& nbsp because they are continually producing poo.”

Dust mite allergens can also hang around for a long time, depending on the level of humidity.

“In dry conditions it will hang around for years, under moist conditions it will break down in months.”

Avoid Exposure To Dust Mites

How to Protect Yourself from Dust Allergies — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

If you do not want to have dust mite allergy, you will need to by all means avoid coming into contact with dust mites.

Constantly cleaning your house and wiping off any dust using a damp cloth is the easiest way to keep dust mites away. There is an article which fully discusses ways of getting rid of dust mites as well as preventing them.

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Ten Tips To Avoid Dust Mites

Avoiding and removing dust mites does not always entail a lengthy cleaning regime. Instead, simple hygiene goes a long way in reducing your contact with dust mites. Be sure to:

  • Change the filters in your furnace, HEPA air filters and air conditioner on a regular basis and purchase high-grade filters
  • Purchase a HEPA purifier for your bedroom
  • Clean out your air ducts regularly
  • Wash bedding in hot water and dry sheets, pillows and shams in the dryer on the High Heat setting
  • Purchase special hypo-allergenic, zippered encasements for your mattress, box spring and pillows at your local home goods store
  • Opt for Venetian blinds or roller shades instead of fabric drapes . If you do have curtains then you should have them dry-cleaned at least twice a year.
  • Avoid goose-down comforters, as the down feathers decompose into dust and become breeding grounds for dust mites to grow and multiply
  • Minimize carpeting or completely remove it, replacing it with hardwood, pergo or linoleum
  • Use a mattress pad on your mattress.
  • When vacuuming, use special dust mite-trapping bags that are specially-designed to prevent the mites from escaping through the bag and back into the air

Always clean vacuum bag filters

Why Is Wood Dust A Health Concern

Exposure to wood dust has been associated with health issues due to the natural chemicals in the wood, or substances in the wood such as bacteria, moulds, or fungi.

Wood dust is considered carcinogenic to humans according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer . IARC states that wood dust causes cancer of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and of the nasopharynx .

Wood dust is also associated with toxic effects, irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, dermatitis, and respiratory system effects which include decreased lung capacity and allergic reactions.

NOTE: This document focuses on the health concerns associated with wood dust from untreated wood. Wood dust is also a safety concern because it can cause a fire or explosion. Please see the OSH Answers on Combustible Dusts for more information.

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Home Remedies For Dust Allergy Stop Them Sneezes

How often do you end up sneezing your lungs out while you are out in a dusty area? If the answer is quite often, chances are that you are suffering from dust allergy. There are several home remedies for dust allergy that work wonders and if you are here wondering what you can do get rid of the problem for good, you are in for a ride.

Dust allergy can definitely be a lot irritating if not managed with medication or natural treatment. The constant string of sneezes and the scratchy throat is most definitely not something anyone prefers having.

Allergies Do Not Cause Fevers

What are seasonal allergies, and how can you get rid of ...

People often wonder if allergies can cause a fever. The answer is no. Allergies cannot cause a fever, though you could have an allergy flare at the same time youre experiencing a fever from another infection.

With a cold, your temperature can run warmer, but typically it will be less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Change Your Bed Covers

Dust mites and other allergens lie in their bed, waiting for the night to attack. When we feel constipated, they increase the cough and make it difficult for us to breathe, which bothers our throat. It is important to change the covers at least once a week and wash them at least 60 degrees to kill bacteria, germs and fluids that can interfere on your side while you sleep.

It is also desirable to dry them outdoors because sunlight is very effective in eliminating microorganisms. Uh! Remember to ventilate your room every day. Leaving fresh air for a few minutes is the easiest way to get rid of the germs that caused the soaking of the pillow and bed.

What Do Different Phlegm Colours Mean

Although research does suggest that the colour of phlegm is not a good indicator of significant infection in people with acute coughs who are feeling well, coughing up coloured phlegm might suggest a bacterial infection and may warrant advice from a health professional. Many people believe that having green or yellow mucus running from the nose means an infection is present whereas it is often a sign of simple dehydration or a harmless viral infection. We look at what the various colours of phlegm might mean:

Clear phlegm

This is the most common colour of phlegm and is usually triggered by an irritant, an allergy or a simple viral infection. Typical causes include allergic rhinitis and upper airway viral infections such as a or viral bronchitis and clear phlegm is generally not as thick or sticky as other types of phlegm.

Green or yellow phlegm

Green or yellow mucus can be a sign that the body is fighting off an infection, with the colour arising from white blood cells in the body. The longer and more severe any infection is, the greater the chance of the mucus becoming thicker and more dark green in colour. Common conditions causing this type of phlegm include sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and cystic fibrosis.

Brown phlegm

Black phlegm

Red or pink phlegm

Red or pink coloured mucus is usually linked to blood, and should always be medically assessed. Causes include , TB, heart failure, blood clots in the lungs and lung cancer.

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So You Want To Get Rid Of Dust Mites

If you suffer from dust allergies or asthma, indoor dust and dander will only make your symptoms worsedust mites whose feces and body parts are some of the most common allergens found in homes. If youre experiencing itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, or wheezing, chances are you may have a dust mites allergy. Additionally, those who suffer from dust and dust mite allergies typically have trouble sleeping. A stuffy nose can prevent you from getting the maximum oxygen, resulting in discomfort while sleeping.

Killing dust mites can be challenging. These nest-building, spider-like pests do not bite and are so tiny the mites can only be seen with a microscope. Dust mites thrive on discarded skin cells in moist, dark places like mattresses, carpets, upholstered furniture, and bedding. These microscopic pests are not the dust particle themselves, but indoor dust and dander can contain as many as 19,000 dust mites in one gram of dust.

Allergy Shots Dust Mites

How To Get Relief From Dust Allergy | Improve Indoor Air Quality

Referred to as subcutaneous immunotherapy, allergy shots are among the effective treatment options for dust mite allergies.

It involves a series of shots that contain allergens in high amounts. During the first phase of treatment, you receive an injection of the allergens which goes into the fat on the lower side of your skin.

In most cases, you will have to receive the shots for about one to three years before experiencing total relief from the allergies.

When used for long periods such as five years, these shots provide long-lasting relief from dust mite allergy symptoms.

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Can You Get A Sore Throat From Allergies And What Causes It

Yep, and how you develop it all comes down to how your body reacts when its exposed to an allergen like pollen. If you have allergies, your immune system will react to being exposed to an allergen by releasing histamines, chemicals that cause allergy symptoms.

For many people with seasonal allergies, those histamines can cause a stuffy, runny noseand that can trigger post-nasal drip, i.e. mucus running down the back of your throat, explains Purvi Parikh, MD, an allergist with Allergy & Asthma Network. And that can cause irritation back there. Cue the sore throat. Often, first thing in morning it will be worse from laying down all night, Dr. Parikh says.

Post-nasal drip isnt the only reason you might develop a sore throat from allergies, though. Coughing and mouth breathing can also mess with the way your throat feels, says Kara Wada, MD, an allergist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

Of course, not everyone with allergies gets a sore throat. Allergies can affect each of us differently, Dr. Wada says. There are some things that might make you more prone to struggling with a sore throat from allergies, Dr. Parikh says, including how severe your allergies are and the anatomy of your nose.

Dust Mite Allergy Prevention

Bedding is the ideal breeding ground for dust mites. Its usually the perfect temperature and humidity for them, and the people curled up at night provide an unlimited food supply.

Fortunately, its not a losing battle for those with dust mite allergies. You can take the following steps to help make sure your bed stays free of dust mites:

  • Use allergen-proof bed covers on the mattress, box spring, and pillows. Zippered covers are best. Their tightly woven fabric prevents dust mites from getting into beds.
  • Wash all bedding in hot water at least once a week. This includes sheets, pillowcases, blankets, and bed covers. Dry in a hot dryer or in natural sunlight during summer months.

There are more ways to manage dust mites. Unlike with outside allergens such as pollen, you can keep dust mites under control with a few key steps:

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