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HomeExclusiveCan You Take Cold Medicine And Allergy Medicine

Can You Take Cold Medicine And Allergy Medicine

Insight Into Recommended Use And Side Effects

Can I take my allergy medicine after getting vaccinated? Which pediatric ages are most impacted …
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Drugs for stuffy nose, sinus trouble, congestion and drainage, and the common cold constitute a large segment of the over-the-counter market for Americas medication industry. Even though they do not cure allergies, colds, or the flu, they provide welcome relief for at least some of the discomforts of seasonal allergies and upper respiratory infections. However, its essential for consumers to read the ingredient labels, evaluate their symptoms, and choose the most appropriate remedy. It is not necessary to take medication if your symptoms are mild to moderate. Seek care from a physician if your symptoms persist beyond 7-10 days or are accompanied by fevers greater than 101.5 and worsening illness.

Some patients may benefit from non-drug therapies for nasal symptoms, such as nasal salt-water sprays or mists and nasal saline irrigations. As with all over-the-counter medications and treatments, read and follow the products instructions before use.

Be Smart Be Aware Of Allergy Medication Side Effects

Smart use of allergy medications knowing how they treat symptoms, being aware of potential unwanted side effects and, most important, monitoring their effect on you and your health is just one step toward controlling allergy and cold symptoms. Even more important: knowing what you are allergic to and taking steps to prevent or reduce exposure.

If your allergy symptoms tend to last longer than two weeks or are not adequately controlled with over-the-counter medications, schedule an appointment with a board-certified allergist for a full diagnosis.

Antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids are intended for symptom relief. If antihistamines or intranasal corticosteroids are causing side effects such as drowsiness or other problems, there are other treatment options your doctor can offer you, such as allergen immunotherapy.

Reviewed by Dennis Williams, PharmD

8229 Boone Blvd, Suite 260, Vienna, VA 22182

What Is The Difference Between Seasonal And Perennial Allergies

Seasonal allergies generally occur around the same time each year, often between January and April, or even into early summer. Common seasonal allergies include pollen from trees, grass, and/or weeds.

Perennial allergies can affect you throughout the whole year, or occur intermittently at different times. Common causes of perennial allergies include: mold, dust mites, insects, and pet dander.

Regardless of the type of allergy, when your body tries to fight the cause of the reaction, you may experience any or all of these symptoms:

  • Coughing

Allergy medications, both OTC and prescription can help to alleviate them.

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Can I Take Dayquil And Allergy Medication At The Same Time

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Are People With Asthma At Higher Risk Of Poor Outcomes From Covid

Top 10 Allergy and Cold Medicine  Allergy Medicine  FoldBold

Despite the lack of hard data, the WHO, the CDC, and lung disease specialists are in agreement: People with asthma have a higher risk of severe illness and death with respiratory infections in general. Because of this, any child or adult with moderate to severe asthma should consider themselves at risk for severe COVID-19 disease and take extra precautions with their health.

This is especially true for anyone who has been admitted to the hospital for asthma in the last 12 months, or who has ever been admitted to an intensive care unit for their asthma.

Why is this recommendation in place when there is no hard evidence? Heres why.

Any infection in the lung can trigger an asthma attack, causing the smallest airways in the lung to tighten up and let very little air in and out. The symptoms are sudden and severe: shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough. If the infection is mild, for example with a common cold, asthma symptoms can usually be managed at home. Most people with asthma have an asthma action plan that tells them how to manage their symptoms when they get worse, and when to seek medical attention.

If the infection is more serious, a person with an asthma attack may need emergency treatment in the hospital with oxygen, nebulizers, and corticosteroids. Usually things improve pretty quickly. Antibiotics help to treat a bacterial lung infection if there is one, and flu treatments like Tamiflu can help shorten symptoms if the infection is caused by the flu.

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When Should You Seek Emergency Medical Attention

According to Mayo Clinic, here are the emergency warning signs associated with COVID, which indicate a person should call 9-1-1 and seek medical assistance immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent chest pain or pressure
  • New confusion
  • Pale, gray or blue-colored skin, lips or nail beds depending on skin tone

For Children With Colds Doctors Are Increasingly Likely To Recommend Antihistamines Rather Than Cough And Cold Medicine

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Cold Or Flu: What Medications Should I Use

With so many variables in life keeping us on our toes, one thing always remains a constant: cold and flu season. Every year when sickness falls upon us, we find ourselves trying to differentiate between which one we might have. There are some key symptoms to each, and they can vary when it comes to treatment. With so many medications to choose from on the shelves, it can be overwhelming to make a decision.

The Best Medicine For Runny Nose Sneezing And Itchy Watery Eyes:

Cold or Allergy?

Antihistamines, as noted above, are often found in combination cold and flu medication because they help treat sniffling, sneezing, itchy, and watery eyes and are the best meds for drying up a runny nose. Options include doxylamine , brompheniramine , and diphenhydramine . Some antihistamines also help you sleep through the night because they can cause drowsiness.

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What Is The Treatment Of Asthma Which Medications Are Commonly Used To Treat Asthma

The main goals in asthma treatment are to prevent asthma attacks and to control the disease. Avoiding triggers that induce or aggravate asthma attacks is an important aspect of prevention. Medications used to prevent asthma attacks focus on decreasing the airway inflammation that causes attacks. Rescue medications help open up your airway and are used for quick relief when asthma symptoms occur despite the use of controller medications.

Most of the inhaler therapies have been changed recently because of the government mandate to remove chlorofluorocarbons from the devices in an attempt to prevent further damage to the earths ozone layer. These inhalers have changed to a new propellant, hydrofluoroalkane , or powder devices. This change in delivery system resulted inadvertently in removing all generic inhalers from the market and only proprietary options were available until recently. The FDA approved levalbuterol as a generic for the rescue inhaler known as Xopenex. Additionally, this medication is also available as a generic in nebulized form along with the inhaled steroid budesonide .

Beclomethasone , budesonide , flunisolide , fluticasone , mometasone , and triamcinolone are used as first-line asthma medicines. A small amount of inhaled corticosteroids is swallowed with each dose, but its much less than that contained in oral corticosteroids. Therefore, inhaled corticosteroids decrease the likelihood of adverse effects from long-term use of steroids.


Side effects

Cold & Allergy Relief Side Effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction:hives difficulty breathing swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Stop using Cold & Allergy Relief and call your doctor at once if you have:

  • chest pain, rapid pulse, fast or uneven heart rate

  • confusion, hallucinations, severe nervousness

  • easy bruising or bleeding, unusual weakness or

  • dangerously high blood pressure .

Common side effects may include:

  • dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision

  • nausea, stomach pain, constipation, loss of appetite

  • problems with memory or concentration or

  • feeling restless or excited .

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1 800 FDA 1088.

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What Is The Difference Between Allergy And Cold Medicine

There is often a difference in how long symptoms of colds and allergies last. According to the CDC, cold symptoms typically last about 7 to 10 days. Allergy symptoms may last several weeks, particularly if the allergen remains in the air. One of the main ways to tell the difference between a cold and an allergy is by the symptom history.

Im So Confusedthe Allergy Aisle Is So Overwhelming Can You Break Down Each Medication

CVP CVP Allergy Medicine, 24 ea

The allergy aisle can be extremely confusing. You may think youre going to pop in for a box of Claritin, and then see 24 different kinds of Claritin: brand, generic, different dosage, and forms.

Allergy medications generally fall into the following categories:

  • Antihistamines: These meds block histamine and can help symptoms of sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, and post-nasal drip. Benadryl is an older, first generation antihistamine, which can cause drowsiness. Newer antihistamines, like Claritin , Allegra , Zyrtec , and Xyzal , are less likely to cause drowsiness.
  • These help relieve a stuffy nose. A common decongestant is Sudafed . Decongestants are sold alone and in combination with antihistamines . If you have high blood pressure, you should avoid decongestants, as they can increase blood pressure.
  • Nasal steroids: These help decrease inflammation in your nasal passages, relieving nasal congestion. They may take up to two weeks to work. Some examples are: Flonase , Nasacort , and Rhinocort . When using nasal steroids, you can also use nasal saline drops or sprays so your nasal passages dont dry out.
  • Eye drops: Allergy eye drops can help relieve symptoms of itchy, red eyes. Some examples are Zaditor and Pataday , which has been approved by the FDA and should be available OTC soon.

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Can You Take Cold And Sinus And Allergy Pills Together

Sometimes its hard to tell whether your childs runny nose and sneezing is caused by allergies or a cold thats spreading. In spite of this, the Food and Drug Administration warns that knowing the difference is crucial to avoiding over-medication.

Taking Cold Medicine For Your Winter Allergy Symptoms Good Or Bad

HomeBlogTaking Cold Medicine For Your Winter Allergy Symptoms Good Or Bad?

January 2, 2014 by Asthma & Allergy Associates, P.C.

Winter in Colorado can be a lot of fun for all you snow bunnies or winter sport athletes out there, but for a lot of Coloradians winter in Colorado means more time spent indoors. A lot of people dont enjoy spending time outside in the snow and freezing cold temperatures. They would rather bundle up in their warm house with a warm cup of hot cocoa in front of the fire place. To each their own, but spending more time indoors provides increased exposure to indoor allergens. Thus, winter allergy symptoms arise.

The best way to handle our wonderful Colorado winter allergies is to know and understand what exactly is triggering your seasonal allergy symptoms and why. Popping cold medicine pills and hoping that they will work is not the right thing to do. The board-certified allergy specialists at Asthma and Allergy Associates have several tips for all you indoor allergen sufferers out there. We believe you must first understand the difference between winter allergies and a winter cold.

To keep things simple, here are the primary differences between Colorado winter allergies and Colorado cold symptoms:

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What Should I Know About Topical Sprays Decongestants And Expectorants To Treat A Cough

  • Topical nasal decongestants act more quickly than oral nasal decongestants. However, the effects of topical nasal decongestants are short lived. Topical nasal decongestants should be used for only three to five days at a time since more prolonged use can lead to rebound congestion with worsening nasal congestion. Patients with rebound congestion complain of stuffy nose despite frequent applications of the nasal decongestant. Treatment of rebound congestion involves the slow withdrawal of the nasal decongestant and applying saline nose sprays or drops to provide moisture.
  • Nasal decongestants can aggravate high blood pressure and should not be used in people with uncontrolled high blood pressure without permission from the doctor.
  • Oral nasal decongestants can interfere with the action of a class of antidepressants called MAO inhibitors.
  • Oral nasal decongestants can affect diseases such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and coronary artery disease. Oral nasal decongestants and antihistamines can also precipitate urinary obstruction in patients with enlarged prostates . Patients with these conditions should consult their doctors before using OTC products.

Cold And Allergy Medicine Safe For Breastfeeding

Allergy Medicine: Which One is the Best? | Gina Eubank

The following medicines are considered safe for nursing parents, but it’s always a good idea to check with a healthcare provider or pediatrician before taking any new medications. Some medications can reduce your milk supply.

Pain relievers and fever reducers that are safe to take while breastfeeding include:

  • Advil, Motrin

Allergy medicines and decongestants generally reduce symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose. Safe options to take while breastfeeding include:

  • Claritin : Claritin is safe to use based on supporting data but may have a negative effect on your milk supply when combined with a decongestant such as Sudafed .
  • Zyrtec : Zyrtec is safe in occasional, small doses, but in large doses, it can reduce milk supply.
  • Allegra Allergy : Allegra is safe in occasional, small doses, but it may have a negative effect on milk supply when combined with a decongestant such as Sudafed.
  • Mucinex : Mucinex is most likely safe in occasional small doses, but more studies are needed.
  • Afrin : This decongestant is sprayed into the nose and is not likely to enter the milk supply. Anyone taking this medicine should only use it for three days at most, because your body can become dependent on it. Oxymetazoline should be avoided if the infant has cardiac symptoms or high blood pressure.

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What Are The Different Types Of Allergy Medications

Allergies are triggered when your immune system overreacts to an allergen such as pollen, mold, or pet dander. Although these substances are generally harmless, your body may respond to them as though theyre dangerous and try to attack them. This results in the symptoms you may commonly feel: a stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and coughing.

What Cold Medications Are Safe

While you should avoid any of the medications previously discussed with phentermine unless you speak with your doctor, the following are considered to have no drug interactions:


Antihistamines are considered safe to take with phentermine. While not often classified as ‘cold’ medications, antihistamines can help many related symptoms, include:

  • Runny nose

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The Best Medicine For Fever Sore Throat And/or Aches And Pains:

Acetaminophen, best known by the brand name Tylenol, is primarily used as a fever reducer, although research in the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews suggests it may also relieve cold-related aches and pains. Acetaminophen is safe for most people if taken as directed. It is found in many combination remedies, such as Tylenol Cold + Flu Severe Caplets and Vicks Dayquil Cold & Flu Relief Liquicaps.

Because overdoing acetaminophen can cause serious harm to the liver, avoid using more than one product that contains it at a time to avoid exceeding the FDA-suggested daily dose of 3,000 milligrams for adults per 24-hour period.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , which include aspirin, ibuprofen , and naproxen , reduce fever as well as inflammation throughout the body. Other research in the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews found that NSAIDs can greatly lessen discomfort due to headache, ear pain, muscle pain, joint pain, and sneezing.

Note: Some cold and flu remedies such as Excedrin contain both acetaminophen and an NSAID.

Numbing throat sprays and lozenges made with benzocaine , dyclonine , or phenol work like local anesthetics to provide temporary pain relief caused by a sore throat.

If youre still having a hard time navigating the cold medication aisle, talk to the pharmacist. With a little customized guidance about ingredients, you may be able to enjoy better symptom relief.

Additional reporting by Nuna Alberts.

Children Under 6 Years Old

Hardluck Asthma: The best allergy medicine is cold medicine

For children under 6 years of age, only give them simple preparations such as glycerin, honey, and lemon. Do not give children who are younger than 6 years old cough medicines with any of the active ingredients listed above . This is because the risk of a young child having a side-effect to one these preparations is greater than any possible benefit of the medicine.

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Which Allergy Medications Can You Mix

Depending on your symptoms, some allergy medications can be safe to use in combination. Generally, you can use an antihistamine with a decongestant .

However, you dont want to double up allergy medications. For example, you generally wouldnt want to take Claritin in the morning and Zyrtec in the evening .


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