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HomeHow To Help Allergy Sore Throat

How To Help Allergy Sore Throat

Is There Any Connection Between A Sore Throat And Allergies

Allergies and Sore Throat Treating the Cause

A sore throat isnt always an easy fix. Sometimes simply sucking on a lozenge simply isnt enough. If you tend to experience your sore throat during allergy season and a cough drop doesnt do much to help, your sore throat could be due to postnasal drip, which is commonly associated with allergies. Holistic allergy medicine in Arlington Heights, IL, could help you find relief.

What Causes Sore Throat

There are many possible causes of a sore throat, and the exact cause can often be difficult to determine. However, the most common cause is viral infection, such as the common cold or flu. Other possible causes include bacterial infection, allergies, acid reflux, and environmental irritants.Viral infections are the most common cause of a sore throat. These viruses are spread through the air, and can cause a sore throat as well as other symptoms, such as a runny nose, congestion, and fever. Viral infections usually resolve on their own within a week or two.Bacterial infections, such as strep throat, are another possible cause of a sore throat. These infections are usually more severe than viral infections, and can cause more severe symptoms, such as a high fever, severe sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Bacterial infections typically require treatment with antibiotics.Allergies can also cause a sore throat, as can acid reflux. Allergies can cause a range of symptoms, including a runny nose, congestion, and itchy eyes, in addition to a sore throat. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, and can cause a burning sensation in the throat.Environmental irritants, such as smoke or dust, can also cause a sore throat. These irritants can irritate the throat and cause inflammation.

What’s The Best Way To Manage A Sore Throat From Allergies

Fact: You dont need to suffer through this, and allergists say there are a few things you can do to try to relieve your pain. Ultimately, Dr. Wada says, the best treatment is a combo of tackling your nasal symptoms and sore throat. Try these treatment options.

  • Use an antihistamine. Antihistamines block the effects of histamines, lessening the risk youll develop allergy symptoms, including a sore throat, Dr. Wada says.
  • Try a nasal steroid spray. Nasal steroid sprays help reduce inflammation in your nasal passages, Dr. Wada says, and could help tamp down on post-nasal drip.
  • Gargle with warm salt water. Not only does it feels soothing on your throat, Dr. Wada says, the salt in the water can help pull mucus out of the area and make you feel better.
  • Have some honey. If a cough is behind your sore throat, consider having a spoonful of honey. Research has found that honey can reduce how often and how intensely you cough when youre sick. Honey can also be soothing for sore throats for anyone over age one, Dr. Wada says.

If you have a sore throat from allergies and this is a regular thing for you, Dr. Parikh recommends talking to your doctor or allergist about allergen immunotherapy, which are shots you can take to help reduce your reaction to allergens. These can make you less allergic to the trigger over time, Dr. Parikh says.

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Are You Treating Multiple Symptoms

For a cold, get extra rest and drink plenty of fluids, including water, tea, or soup with lots of broth. For allergies, it can help to shower and change your clothes often because allergens cling to skin, hair, and clothing. For both colds and allergies, over-the-counter antihistamines, decongestants, and pain relievers may help you feel better, although they wont make a cold go away any faster. And no matter what ails you, avoid medications that treat multiple symptoms, especially if you dont have some of the symptoms the medication is meant to treat.

If home treatments arent working and you still dont feel well, connect with our Consulting Nurse Service or if you are in the Seattle area, visit a CareClinic by Kaiser Permanente at Bartell Drugs.

How Can I Prevent Colds And Allergies

Will Nasal Drainage Cause Sore Throat

To avoid catching a virus and spreading colds:

  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes.
  • Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose, and mouth, which are the areas of your body most vulnerable to germs.

To avoid seasonal allergies:

  • Try to limit your contact with the allergens you react to.
  • If your allergies bother you a lot, immunotherapy may help reduce or even completely prevent irritating symptoms.

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Throat Pain Home Remedies

If youre dealing with throat pain, youre probably looking for some relief. Unfortunately, throat pain can be caused by a variety of things, so there is no one-size-fits-all remedy. However, there are some home remedies that may help to ease your pain.One simple home remedy is to drink plenty of fluids. This will help to keep your throat lubricated and may help to flush out any irritants that are causing your pain. Hot beverages can be particularly soothing, so try sipping on some hot tea or soup.Another home remedy for throat pain is to gargle with warm salt water. This can help to reduce inflammation and can also help to clear out any bacteria or other irritants that may be causing your pain. If your throat pain is caused by acid reflux, there are a few home remedies that may help to reduce your symptoms. Avoiding trigger foods, such as spicy or acidic foods, can help. Sleeping with your head elevated can also reduce symptoms by keeping stomach acid from creeping up into your throat. Of course, if your throat pain is severe or persists for more than a few days, its important to see a doctor. But for minor throat pain, these home remedies may provide some relief.

When Did You Begin To Feel Unwell

If you remember being around someone who had an upper respiratory infection a few days before you started feeling ill, you may have caught a viral infection. Viruses are spread by contact with sneezes, coughs, and contaminated surfaces such as door handles. Allergies, on the other hand, can begin immediately after coming in contact with triggers such as pollen. If you think you might be experiencing a seasonal allergy, check the pollen count in your area if levels are high, allergies may be the culprit.

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Is It Allergies Or A Cold

Cold and allergy symptoms often overlap, so its easy to mistake cold symptoms for allergies, and vice versa. Understanding the cause of your symptoms helps you choose the right treatment. It also gives you a better picture of your overall health.

Clinicians use the 5 factors below to help distinguish between colds and allergies.

Cleaning Up To Prevent Sore Throat And Runny Nose

Sore Throat Remedies: How to Treat a Sore Throat at Home

Obviously, if we leave our homes and living spaces cluttered and dirty, were going to experience those allergy symptoms like a runny nose and sore throat much more frequently. It may be painful to start the cleaning up process, but on the other side of it, youll be glad you took that step.

Here are a few tricks to help you clean with allergies in mind:

  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter
  • Wear a glove and mask
  • Disposable dust wipes
  • Wash your pets and keep them out of your bedroom
  • Change out the AC filter monthly
  • Reduce mold and dust mites by keeping the temperature between 68 and 72 degrees
  • During pollen season, take shoes and outerwear off at the door when entering the home
  • As said before, even as you clean, youre going to stir up some dust and other allergens so prepare yourself for symptoms.

    If that happens, heres what you can do to relieve a sore throat and runny nose.

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    What Causes An Itchy Throat

    Allergies are one of the most common causes of an itchy throat. An allergic reaction occurs when a substance called an allergen triggers an immune system response in your body. Examples of common allergy triggers that can cause an itchy throat include:

    • animal dander
    • foods, such as peanut butter, dairy, or strawberries
    • mold
    • pollen, found in trees, grass, or ragweed

    Allergies can range from mild to severe. An itchy throat can indicate a milder, yet uncomfortable, allergic reaction.

    Inhaling pollutants can also lead to an itchy throat. These might include:

    • chemicals
    • tobacco smoke or vapor
    • pesticides

    Infections, such as the common cold or strep throat, can start as an itchy throat before progressing to soreness and pain.

    An itchy throat may feel:

    • itchy
    • swollen
    • scratchy

    An itchy throat feels uncomfortable, and it can feel as if you need to clear your throat frequently.

    Its important to distinguish between the symptoms of an itchy throat and similar symptoms that may indicate other conditions. For example, an itchy throat doesnt feel rough or raw, or make you feel as if you cant breathe.

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    What Is The Outlook For People Who Have Hay Fever

    Hay fever can make you feel miserable, but it doesnt cause serious health problems. Most people with hay fever manage symptoms with lifestyle changes and over-the-counter medication.

    People with airborne allergies have a higher risk of ear infections and sinus infections. Because hay fever can make it tough to get a good nights sleep, you may feel tired during the day. If you have asthma, hay fever can make your asthma symptoms worse.

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    How Can Sore Throat Be Caused By Allergies

    Allergies can take different forms for each person. One person might suffer from severely itchy and watery eyes, while another might have a stopped-up nose. Still others might suffer from a sore throat. But how does this happen?

    Remember that your nose and throat produce a great deal of mucus every day usually anywhere between one and two quarts of it! It keeps your respiratory tract healthy by keeping it moist and so helping prevent infections, which you rarely notice it. But when your body comes into contact with something that causes an allergic reaction, then a chemical called histamine is released. This increases mucus production, which can lead to a runny nose. When that mucus runs down your throat, it can lead to itching, coughing or sore throat.

    Sometimes, sore throat allergies are even more direct. Particles of pollen or other allergens might go right into the nose and throat, and those can enter the respiratory system, leading to an even worse sore throat.

    When To Seek Medical Attention

    Infographic: Is it a Cold or Allergies

    Postnasal drip and sore throat are among the most annoying and uncomfortable allergy symptoms, but they arent usually dangerous to your health. However, there are times when you may need to see your healthcare provider. Call your doctor if you have:

    • Severe or worsening throat pain
    • Sore throat with other symptoms, such as fever or bloody mucus
    • Trouble breathing or swallowing
    • Enlarged lymph nodes in your throat/neck
    • Loss of voice

    At Healthcare Associates of Texas, we have a team of dedicated, caring healthcare providers that offer specialized allergy services from screening for allergies to effective treatments for mild to severe allergic reactions. Our team will provide a personalized plan designed for you to screen for and treat your allergies to help you feel your best.

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    How Is Allergic Rhinitis Treated

    Several allergy medications can improve symptoms and help you live with hay fever. These treatments come in many forms, including liquids, pills, eye drops, nasal sprays and injections. Talk to your provider before taking any medication, especially if youre pregnant or have other health concerns. Your provider may suggest:

    Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

    • Loratadine .
    • Fexofenadine .
    • Levocetirizine .

    Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol when taking antihistamines, especially if youre going to drive.

    These medications relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. You can take decongestants by mouth or use a nasal spray. They include:

    • Afrin® nasal spray.
    • Phenylephrine nasal spray .
    • Pseudoephedrine .

    Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase®, Nasacort® and Rhinocort®. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

    Your provider might recommend immunotherapy in the form of a pill that you place under your tongue.

    What Happens When Exposed To Allergens

    An allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. After youve been exposed to an allergen, your body identifies it as a threat, and your immune system kicks into high gear to protect against the perceived threat. Your body will release histamines into your bloodstream, which is what leads to allergy symptoms, such as a sore throat.

    Histamines also trigger your body to produce extra mucus to keep your mouth, nose, and throat from drying out. Most days, you dont notice your bodys mucus production. But when your immune system releases too many histamines after being exposed to an allergen, this vigorous response leads to congestion, postnasal drip, and a sore throat.

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    What Makes A Sore Throat Go Away

    There are a few things that can help a sore throat go away. Gargling with warm salt water can help to reduce swelling and inflammation. Drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated is also important. Throat lozenges or hard candy can help to soothe a sore throat. And, lastly, rest is important to help the body heal.

    A Pollen Allergy: Symptoms Of A Sore Throat

    Treating a Sore Throat Naturally | Guerrilla Health

    A sore throat is discomfort, pain or swelling in the throat, according to MedlinePlus.A pollen allergy causes the hormone, histamine, to be released in the body, causing inflammation and irritation in the throat.Once the throat swells, it becomes increasingly sensitive and agitated. The best treatment for a sore throat from a pollen allergy is to avoid pollen exposure and treat the allergic reaction with an antihistamine, according to National Jewish Health. If a sore throat persists, seek medical advice, as it may be sign of a more serious condition. Begin treating a sore throat at the first signs and symptoms.

    If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

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    When Mucus In Throat Can Become A Serious Issue

    The color of your mucus in throat is a strong indicator of how severe the health problem is. Generally, thin and clear is the safest, and other colors could indicate a particular infection. Here are some guidelines to know when mucus in throat is a serious issue.

    Thin and clear: Sign of cold or allergies, it could also be a sign of medication side effect or a reaction to certain food.

    Thick and colored: If mucus is very thick, it could be a sign of dryness, which can be caused by heating systems. If mucus appears green, yellow, or brownish, it could indicate a bacterial infection.

    Rattling sound in chest: If mucus is dripping down to your chest, it may be difficult to swallow and may cause a rattling sound, which may be pointing to pneumonia.

    Burning sensation: If mucus is burning, it could be a result of a heartburn or GERD.Paying attention to your mucus can help offer insights into your overall health and give you indications on how to treat the mucus.

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    What You Need To Know

    A sore throat can be extremely painful, so much so that it causes difficulty in eating and drinking. A sore throat associated with a runny nose and cough is very likely not strep throat or an infection that needs treatment and can be managed at home with pain control and plenty of liquids.

    If the sore throat is worse in the morning, it could be postnasal drip from allergies.

    White spots on the tonsils are not a reliable indicator of bacterial infection.

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    How To Treat An Allergic Reaction In Throat

    How to treat an allergic reaction in throat? Allergies and Sore Throat : Treating the Cause. Over-the-counter antihistamines like loratadine and cetirizine may be taken daily during the worst times of the year to alleviate allergy symptoms. These medications work by preventing the body from mounting a histamine-response to allergens that attack your system.

    How can treat from throat allergy? Natural remedies for allergy-induced sore throat Water. Water is always recommended for any congestion problems. Dryness worsens the problem. Warm liquid. Warm liquids, such as soups and hot teas, can provide comfort to a sore throat. Neti pots. Using a neti pot entails pouring a specially formulated salt and water solution directly into your nasal cavity.

    What is the best medicine for sore throat? Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Acetaminophen or NSAIDs like ibuprofen and naproxen can take the edge off many cold symptoms, including your sore throat.

    What to do when allergies cause a sore throat? On sore throat, honey works as an antioxidant and releases toxins quickly, but to soothe sore throat you can add drops of clove oil and black pepper. This is one of the most effective natural remedies to cure allergy sore throat.

    Best Sore Throat Remedies To Make You Feel Better Fast According To Doctors

    I have severe seasonal allergy. The runny nose, itchy eyes, sore throat ...

    Some home remedies only mask painbut these solutions can help you get rid of your sore throat completely.

    Sore throat symptoms can be rough. Your saliva goes down like sandpaper, every cough makes you wince, and the only thing you can think about is making that lump in the back of your throat go away.

    But to ease the pain, you need to understand whats causing your sore throat in the first place: dry air, smoking, acid reflux, viral infections like the flu or common cold, and bacterial infections like strep can all lead to a sore throat.

    In general, a viral infection usually comes with other symptoms, like muscle aches and fatigue, along with your sore throat, says Chester Griffiths MD, an otolaryngologist at Providence Saint Johns Health Center in Santa Monica, Calif. With a bacterial infection, on the other hand, the pain is usually more focused on your throat and the soreness tends to be pretty severe, Dr. Griffiths says. You may also have intense pain when you swallow, along with a high fever.

    Exposure to smoke, breathing in dry air, and having acid reflux tends to feel very different from an infection, says Jason Abramowitz, MD, an ear, nose, and throat specialist at ENT and Allergy Associates. Usually patients do not feel as sick overall the pain is also usually not as severe, he says.

  • Severe, prolonged, or recurrent sore throats
  • Difficulty breathing, swallowing, or opening the mouth
  • Joint pains, earache, or a lump in the neck
  • Rash or a fever above 101°F
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