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What Causes Allergy To The Sun

Symptoms Of Sun Allergy

Can You Be Allergic To Sun? : Dr.Berg On Sun Allergy & Niacin Deficiency

Allergy to the sun is most often manifested by photodermatoses, that is, dermal symptoms. Photodermatoses can look like all known burn after sunburn, photophytodermatitis, phototoxic reaction, light eczema, pruritus, solar urticaria.

Types of photodermatoses:;

  • Sunburn, combined with allergic manifestations. This is an acute phototraumatic reaction, which is manifested by inflammation of the skin and in the last 20 years more often provokes melanoma .;
  • Chronic irradiation with ultraviolet causes geradermia, which does not look like a classic allergy, but the processes occurring inside the body are very similar to the typical immune response to an allergen invasion. Photographic aging can lead to hyperpigmentation, decreased skin turgor, increased sensitivity and small internal rashes .;
  • Contact with plants that are phototoxic can also provoke photodermatosis, more precisely “meadow” photodermatitis. Such plant sensitizers include all plants containing salicylates and coumarins.;
  • Solar eczema and solar plaque are typical manifestations with which the allergy to the sun is “famous”.;
  • The allergy can be manifested in the form of polymorphic dermatosis, that is, a light-dependent rash.

It is necessary to distinguish between photodermatitis and photodermatosis. This is quite easy, just remember that the end of “it” is a quick, fast-evolving symptom, and the end of “oz” means a longer process.

Wet blisters with exudate, combined with swelling of skin areas, indicate solar eczema.

Causes Of Sun Allergy

There is no particular cause of sun allergy that has been identified by the doctors. Sun allergy can often be considered as any other kind of allergy as the symptoms similar the most of the allergic reactions. Sun allergy is also very common in people these days. Due to the large amount of UV radiation getting mixed with the white sunlight the light sensitivity of our skin gets affected. Also particles in the air on being mixed with the sun light becomes foreign for the skin and causes allergic reactions.

Sun allergy causes can also be hereditary as a child can inherit the same from his or her parent. Reaction of many cosmetic products to prevent the skin from the sun like to prevent tanning of skin often start acting as allergens when the product applied skin get exposed to the sun. The allergic reaction begin within a few moments of the allergic person being exposed to the sun.

PMLE or Polymorphous Light Eruption occurs more in females and the main region of this allergic development is in the temperate climate zone so in winters you might not get the allergic reaction. Sun allergy reaction begins when the season changes from spring to summer. Along with the UVA , fluorescent lights can also cause the allergic reactions. The UV radiations can pass through even glass and cannot be noticed because its spectrum does not fall within the visible range and even being at home you can get an allergy attack.

How Is Vitamin D Linked With Polymorphous Light Eruption

Those affected by polymorphic light eruption are at a higher risk of developing a vitamin D deficiency, as they may tend to avoid sun exposure to relieve or prevent sun allergy symptoms. This sun exposure is, however, necessary in order for our bodies to produce its own vitamin D.

If you are concerned about your vitamin D levels and do not wish to or are unable to expose your skin to sufficient sunlight perhaps due to a sun allergy you can check your vitamin D levels with;vitamin D tests, or you can discuss taking;vitamin D supplements with a doctor.

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What Is Polymorphic Light Eruption

Whilst there are several different types of photosensitivity, polymorphic light eruption is the most common, and it can present in different ways.

“Polymorphic means many forms, meaning that the rash can have many different appearances. The term ‘light eruption’ means the rash presents following exposure to sunlight. PLE can manifest as itchy small red bumps, larger red areas, and blisters,” explains Glass.

As well as direct sun exposure, the rash may occur if a person is exposed to sunlight through a glass window and even sometimes fluorescent lighting. It usually appears within a few hours of exposure, and may occur in as little as 20 minutes.

A variant of polymorphic light eruption, called juvenile spring eruption, specifically affects the upper edges of the ears . It usually affects males in childhood or early adulthood and most often occurs in early spring. Classically, it’s seen after strong sun exposure in relatively cold weather – later the same day, the helices become red and itchy, and a day or two later, blisters appear. Fortunately it tends to settle on its own within a couple of weeks. However, it’s a good idea for people affected to wear a hat that covers their ears in spring and possibly summer for the next few years.

Could you be allergic to the sun?

What Sunscreens Can Be Used By People With Sunscreen Allergies

Dr. Ronak Shah

Sunscreen ingredients are similar across all brands, and sensitivities to sunscreen are complex, so simply changing the brand of sunscreen may not eliminate a reaction. A dermatologist is best placed to diagnose any reaction and help determine which ingredients should be avoided in the future.

Sunscreens that use ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide have not been reported to cause contact allergy. However, some people do not like to use products with these ingredients as they tend to be heavier creams that do not absorb well into the skin. You may like to try a sunscreen that has been specially formulated for sensitive skin. A dermatologist will be able to provide product advice.

Cancer Council Australia research published in the;Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health;in 2015 showed that in 2010, Australians prevented more than 1700 cases of melanoma and 14,000 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer thanks to regular sunscreen use over the previous decade. So we know sunscreen saves lives. But it is only one of five important measures for reducing the risk of skin cancer, along with seeking shade, slipping on protective clothing and a hat, and sliding on sunglasses.

This page has been reviewed and endorsed by the Australasian College of Dermatologists.

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Risk Factors For Sun Allergy

The sun allergy cannot be diagnosed so easily because in the beginning the symptoms are just like any other allergic reaction. The skin rashes that occur can leave marks on your skin forever. The rashes will defect your skin which cannot be treated easily. Getting exposed to sun is of the most unavoidable factors thus avoiding sun allergy is really difficult. The medicines take time to kick in and the allergic reactions begins soon after the exposure. At extreme cases it causes skin cancer.

What Are Types Of Sun Allergy

There are several types of sun allergy. These include:

  • Actinic prurigo: This is an inherited version of sun allergy. Symptoms are stronger than other types and it is common among Native American populations, although it affect all races, including Caucasians. Symptoms can begin in childhood.
  • This type occurs when a chemical applied to the skin reacts with sunlight. Several types of medications, as well as sunscreens, cosmetics, and fragrances can cause the reaction. Symptoms sometimes do not show for two to three days.
  • Polymorphyic light eruption : This is the most common form of sun allergy. About 10% to 15% of the U.S. population is affected. It occurs more in women than men and usually starts in their teens and twenties. PMLE is usually seen as a rash that causes itching and can appear as blisters or small reddened areas. Most cases occur during the spring. Symptoms usually appear a few hours after exposure to the sun.
  • Solar urticaria: This sun allergy is rare and produces hives. Hives can appear only after a few minutes of sun exposure. It mostly affects young women. Symptoms can be mild or severe to the point of anaphylactic shock .

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Treatment For Sun Allergy

The treatment for the sun allergy occur in stages.

  • The first stage of treatment for sun allergy consists of cooling your skin and avoid direct exposure from the sun. Certain products which cool your skin or wet cloth and ice are applied so that your skin softens and the allergic reaction gets controlled from increasing.
  • Then the doctors give you antihistamines for sun allergy to help you with the itching problem so that you do not damage your skin due to itching the rashes.
  • When the sun allergy reactions are severe along with strong antihistamines lotions or creams containing cortisone is given to provide relief to the patient.
  • In further extreme cases Phototherapy is suggested where your skin get exposed to limited amount of light so that you skin learns to adjust with the sun rays.
  • If a product is causing the sun allergy then the product needs to be removed from being daily used and the doctors help you identify he product and then start the required treatment for your skin.
  • If a patient is suffering from long then along with the above mentioned medicines PUVA and antimalarial drugs are also prescribed.

How To Diagnose Solar Urticaria

I Am Allergic To The Sun

The clinical features of solar urticaria may appear similar to other photodermatoses so it is important to take an accurate history from patients. Defining features of solar urticaria include:

  • Rash appearing within a few minutes of exposure. In rare cases, some solar urticaria patients may show a delayed reaction to sunlight.
  • Upon cessation of sun exposure the rash quickly disappears .

is used to confirm the diagnosis.

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Recognizing Allergic To The Sun

Sun allergies are terms used to describe , a reddish rash condition in the skin as an excessive reaction after exposure to sunlight.

Sun allergies are triggered by changes occurring in sun-exposed skin. It is unclear why the body develops this reaction. However, allergies in general occur as a reaction to the immune system that incorrectly considers healthy skin component cells that are exposed to the sun as foreign bodies. This causes the body back to attack it and then results in an allergic reaction in the form of red rash and abrasions. In addition to the reddish rash, people with sunlight allergies will also experience itching.

The sunlight associated with polymorphous light eruption or exposure to polymorphic light that expose the light to human skin. People who have a family history of sunlight allergies are also at risk of experiencing the same thing.

In addition, white or Caucasian races are generally more susceptible to sunlight allergies. In fact, people who are often exposed to chemicals, such as perfume, disinfectant, children who consume antibiotics, especially tetracycline and Sulfa groups, and Ketoprofen Antinyeri, and antifungal griseofulvin also have a higher skin sensitivity to sunlight.

Nevertheless, it does not mean people who are not mentioned above can be avoided from sun allergies. Because basically, many people already have previous skin diseases, such as dermatitis, which has a risk of having sun allergies.

Signs And Symptoms Of Sun Allergy

The most common symptom of any kind of allergy is the rash. The rash is the first thing that you notice on your skin when a foreign product has entered your body of touched your skin. Reddening of skin along with the rash can appear within 20 minutes of being exposed under the sun. Within an hour the sun allergy reaction on your skin becomes prominent. The sun allergy rashes appear on the exposed part of the body, like the open parts of arms and legs, the v of the neck and sometimes even on your face. If the reaction increases then even your covered parts of the body and your;eyes can get affected.

The other common symptoms of sun allergy are swelling of the skin, itchiness and sun burns. The rashes are red and swell like little pimples and have a strong itching effect. The sun burns appear on your skin when you getting a burning sensation on your skin on being exposed to the sun and then burnt patches can be noticed on the exposed parts of your body. On further exposure you may also get blisters on your skin. The rashes clear out after a week if you are totally not in contact with the sun but if you keep being exposed the skin conditions will deteriorate.

The other sun allergy signs and symptoms are:

  • Red patches around the lips also white patches on the skin are some of the symptoms of sun allergy.
  • Watering and reddening of the eye is seen in sun allergy.
  • Skin cancer;in extreme cases.

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How Can I Prevent Sun Allergy Rashes

The skin can sometimes react to the ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B rays with itching, redness or blisters.;The following tips will help prevent the onset of a sun allergy:

  • Accustom the skin to sunlight slowly by avoiding long sunbathing sessions and the midday sun between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
  • Use a sunscreen product with a high sun protection factor .
  • Clothing provides only limited protection against UVA and UVB rays, but the darker and denser the fabric, the better.

We have a false sense of security in the shade since the environment reflects sunlight even in places appearing to be shady. Up to 70 percent of radiation intensity is reflected by sand, water, snow or buildings. Glass windows also dont protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Symptoms And Location Of Allergy

sun allergies rash

Depending on the type of solar allergy, symptoms vary in intensity and speed of onset.

Summer Lucitis appears several hours after exposure to the sun. It usually affects the neckline, arms, shoulders, feet, hands, legs, etc. in the form of small red pimples.

Polymorphic lucite also appears several hours after exposure in the form of blisters that appear in the exposed areas.

It can also appear with a little sun, reports dermatologist Dr. Michael Naouri. This skin reaction causes intense itching. The solar urticaria appears just after the beginning of the exposure to the sun. Those who suffer it feel itching.

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How Do You Treat Sun Allergy In Children

Compared with adults, children are rarely affected by sun allergy, as skin reactions usually develop in early adulthood. According to study findings, photosensitizers very rarely play a role in polymorphous light eruption in children.

However, it is important to ensure that children use adequate sun protection and only receive low levels of direct UV radiation. They should;be taken to a;dermatologist;if they do suffer from skin reactions. This can reduce the chance of sunburn and other skin diseases as well as the risk of skin cancer.

What Is A Sun Allergy Learn About Photosensitivity

People often feel better and happier when the sun is shining. But, for people with photosensitivity, sunlight causes health problems. Photosensitivity, also called sun allergy or photodermatoses, is an extreme sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation from light sources like sun exposure or tanning beds. There are several types of sun allergies. However, all types increase the risk of damage to your skin and your chance of developing skin cancer. The causes of photosensitivity include medical conditions, medications, and genetics.;

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How Common Is Sun Allergy

Solar urticaria is a rare allergy that occurs around the world. The median age at the time of a persons first outbreak is 35, but it can affect you at any age. It can even affect infants. Sun allergy can occur in people of all races, though some forms of the condition may be more common among Caucasians.

When To Call A Professional

Mayo Clinic Minute: Sun allergies
  • An itchy rash that does not respond to over-the-counter treatments

  • A rash that involves large areas of your body, including parts that are covered by clothing

  • A persistent rash that covers sun-exposed areas of your face, especially if you are a woman or a person of American Indian heritage

  • Abnormal bleeding under the skin in sun-exposed areas

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What Are The Clinical Features Of Solar Urticaria

A stinging, itchy rash develops within minutes after a short period of sun exposure. The rash may look like weals and be red and swollen. Often the rash affects areas of exposed skin that are normally shielded from sunlight by clothing, e.g. back. The face and upper sides of the hands that are constantly exposed to the sun may be unaffected or only slightly affected. This may be put down to acclimatisation or ‘hardening’ of these chronically exposed areas.

If large areas of the body are affected, the loss of fluid into the skin may result in light-headedness, headache, nausea and vomiting.

Areas covered with thin clothing may also be affected, depending on the ultraviolet rays being emitted and the sheerness of the fabric.

Solar urticaria

What Causes A Sun Allergy

  • Immunological: It has been hypothesized that sun allergy is mainly the result of an immunogenic reaction. This means that during sun exposure, sun rays sometimes alter your skin in such a way that the white blood cells in your body recognize the sun-exposed skin as foreign. Genetics also play a significant role in the development of sun allergies.

    Due to this, there is production of antibodies which attack your skin and cause rashes and itching to appear.

  • Genetics These allergies may be genetic, as having a relative with such allergies often puts you at a greater risk of having sun allergies. It is true that anyone can develop a sun allergy. However,researches have shown you may be more prone to developing sun allergies if you have lighter skin tones. This may be due to the fact that people with darker skin have more melanin, which is known to protect against sunlight.
  • 4. Drugs: You might also be aware that photosensitivity is a side effect of certain groups of drugs. These include certain antibiotics such as Doxycline, Tetracyclines; NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, Piroxicam and Naproxen; Antihypertensives like Captopril, Methyldopa and Diltiazem; Antidepressants like Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Tazeodone; Hypoglycemics like Glipizide and Glyburide; diuretics such as Hydrochlorothiazide and Furosemide.

    Although there are various kinds of sun allergies, the four most common ones include:

    So lets see now, how do we get rid of sun allergies?

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