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What’s The Difference Between Allergies And Sinuses

Sinus Infection Vs Allergy Attack

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A sinus infection typically comes on more abruptly, has symptoms isolated to the nose and throat, typically has discolored nasal drainage, and has a course of days. It tends to resolve with antibiotics as well.

An allergy attack comes with two phases during the same season each year. Initially an acute attack consists of watery nasal drainage, frequently with itchy eyes, sneezing, and clear drainage. The second phase is mainly congestion and sinus pressure and can last for weeks or the duration of the season. It usually will not improve with antibiotics.

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Difference Between Allergies And Sinus Infection

Allergies and sinus infection that is often also called sinusitis, are two major different things. People might take both of them as similar ones, but there are some major differences between the two. In simple words, allergies are something or happens when few things are irritants for ones body.

In the same way, allergies occur as the immune system of the person reacts to those irritants and allergens as they are not suitable for the persons body. While the other one is a sinus infection is caused in the body because of some bacteria or viral.

How To Tell The Difference

The easiest way to tell the difference between allergies and a sinus infection is to compare your symptoms. While there is some overlap, as shown above, both allergies and sinus infections have symptoms that are unique to each condition.

Note that it is possible to have both allergies and a sinus infection. Youll know this if you exhibit symptoms from both lists.

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Do You Offer Allergy And Sinus Infection Testing And Treatments Near Me

Allergy & Asthma Center has 3 locations in the Georgia area, so if you live in the area, you can come see us at the location nearest you. Go ahead and contact us to learn more about our treatments and our clinics. Were here for you if you have any questions for us whatsoever, so dont hesitate to reach out if you believe we can help you here at Allergy & Asthma Center.

We look forward to helping and treating you soon!

What To Do If I Believe I Have Rhinitis Or Sinusitis

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If you experience symptoms that lead you to believe you have rhinitis or sinusitis, visit a rhinologist today. You can trust them to provide you with the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan so that you can find the relief you deserve.

All information provided on this website is for information purposes only. Please see a healthcare professional for medical advice. If you are seeking this information in an emergency situation, please call 911 and seek emergency help.

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Sinusitis Can Be Acute Or Chronic

There are two types of sinusitis:

  • Acute sinusitis can last for up to three weeks, and is caused by bacterial infection in most cases. This usually occurs as a secondary complication of a viral respiratory infection such as the common cold, or as a result of untreated allergies.
  • Chronic sinusitis can last more than three weeks. This may be caused by bacterial infection, or more often, it is a chronic inflammatory disorder similar to bronchial asthma. Chronic sinusitis can last for months or years if not treated. Allergies, structural problems or immune system problems may lead to chronic sinusitis.

How To Test For Food Allergies

The IgE antibodies that are produced during an allergic response are quickly degraded, which makes it difficult for these antibodies to be evaluated via blood testing unless its completed very soon after you experience an allergic response.; Therefore, testing for food allergies is typically done via a skin-prick allergy test in which the particular food is introduced directly onto your skin.; ;The doctor or allergist will then monitor for an immune response within the 30-minutes that follows.; If you experience localized redness, itching or hives, this is considered a positive reaction indicating that you are allergic to that food.

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Can You Test For A Sinus Infection Can You Test For Allergies

Its possible to test for a sinus infection, either with a nasal endoscopy or imaging. Testing for allergies is possible too, and with a skin prick test, a professional can determine which allergens youre allergic to. We can provide the necessary tests here at Allergy & Asthma Center and proceed with the appropriate treatment.

Cold Symptoms And Treatment

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The cold virus is also spread through droplets caused by coughing or sneezing. The main symptoms of a cold are stuffy nose, sneezing, and a mild cough. The difference between having a cold, COVID, or the flu is whether or not you have a fever. You will not typically get a fever when you have the common cold but you will get one if you have the flu or COVID. There is no cure for the common cold which means that cold treatment is based on relieving symptoms until your body fights the cold on its own.

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Allergies Vs Sinus Infection

Allergies can develop at any point in your life. While allergies tend to come up during childhood, its possible to develop allergies to new substances as an adult.

This type of reaction is caused by a negative response to a substance. Your immune system responds by releasing a chemical called histamine, which can then cause symptoms such as headache, sneezing, and congestion. Its also possible to feel foggy and develop a skin rash.

Severe allergies can lead to a cold-like condition called allergic rhinitis. With allergic rhinitis, you can have the above symptoms as well as itchy eyes. This itchiness is one of the key distinguishing factors between allergies and sinusitis.

A sinus infection, on the other hand, occurs when your nasal passages become inflamed. Sinusitis is most often caused by viruses. When the nasal cavity gets inflamed, mucus builds up and gets stuck, further compounding the problem.

Along with nasal congestion and headache, sinusitis causes pain around your cheeks and eyes. Sinus infections also cause thick, discolored mucus, and bad breath.

Compare the following symptoms to see if you have allergies or a possible sinus infection. Its also possible to have both conditions at the same time.


How To Treat Allergies During A Pandemic

In the midst of a virus outbreak, it can be hard to get to a clinic for allergy treatment. The first thing to do is to stay away from whatever makes your symptoms flare up.

You can also try over-the-counter allergy medicines. Check with your supermarket or drugstore to see if they deliver and have these medications in stock. Or order them online.

If you have trouble finding them, or if you need something stronger like corticosteroids, call your doctor. They may be able to prescribe something over the phone. Some pharmacies deliver medications.

When social distancing or stay-at-home rules are in effect, always follow the COVID-19 safety steps recommended by public health officials:

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Treatment Of Food Sensitivities

Once you have identified your food triggers, they should be avoided as much as possible for at least the first 6-8 weeks. This initial avoidance allows any active immune response to subside. After this period of avoidance, many people find that they are able to tolerate these reactive foods in moderation. Tolerance of these foods becomes more likely if you have also been supporting your overall digestive health, and working with a naturopathic doctor is very helpful in that regard!

Allergy Symptoms Vs Covid

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Throughout the US, pollen has started to bloom and cause typical symptoms in those with allergies right as we have seen the spread of the coronavirus . Allergies typically cause nasal symptoms such as a runny nose and sinus congestion but do not usually result in a fever, as is found with coronavirus or the flu. While some symptoms of the coronavirus overlap with allergies, there are several differences.;

Its important to note that this article is not intended to provide comprehensive medical advice. If you have concerns, please always contact your doctor and use general best practices.;

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When Are My Symptoms Considered Allergies

Seasonal allergies are typically easy to determine if symptoms begin or worsen at the onset of spring or fall. These allergies are usually caused by pollen and mold spores released from flowering plants, grasses or ragweed. Symptoms of an allergy attack include congestion, clear nasal discharge, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes, or a scratchy throat. Our ENT allergy specialists offer allergy evaluations and treatments, like sublingual immunotherapy . Please contact us if youre interested in learning more about our allergy services.

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Most Common Food Allergens

Due to the quick onset and severity of symptoms that may be experienced with food allergies, most people are very aware that they have allergies and also know which food are their immune triggers. ;Allergic reactions have been reported to over 170 different foods but the most common food allergens include peanuts, tree nuts, egg, wheat, milk, fish, shellfish and soy.; Food allergies are most common in children but may also develop later in life or may persist into adulthood.

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How Is Sinusitis Diagnosed

Your healthcare provider will ask you a lot of questions in order to develop a detailed medical history and find out about your symptoms. They will also do a physical examination. During the exam, your care provider will check your ears, nose and throat for any swelling, draining or blockage. An endoscope may be used to look inside the nose. In some cases, you might be referred to an ear, nose and throat specialist. If you needed an imaging exam, your provider would order a computed tomography scan.

Why Should You Treat A Sinus Problem

Spotting the Differences Between the Common Cold, Influenza and COVID-19

Some sinus problems will clear up without needing medication or treatment. Drinking water and rest can lead to the gradual easing of symptoms, but a more serious sinus problem could result in further issues. The build-up of mucus could cause a sinus infection that will only exacerbate the problem. In fact, an ear infection may be the side effect of congestion behind the eardrum. Also, mucus drainage down the throat could cause a sore throat and persistent cough.

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Whats The Difference Between Rhinitis Allergies And Sinusitis

by Lisa Twang | Published on Jan 18, 2021 | Last updated Feb 4, 2021 | Otorhinolaryngology / ENT

Rhinitis is the inflammation of the nose, while sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses . Sinusitis is also known as rhinosinusitis , as both the nose and sinuses are often affected.

Most patients who believe they suffer from sinus problems actually have allergic rhinitis, also known as nasal problems related to allergies. In Singapore, 5.5% of the adult population and 44% of school-going children suffer from allergic rhinitis. According to research done by Dr Samuel Yeak , fewer than 5 per cent of the population suffer from true sinus problems.

When Are My Symptoms Considered Sinusitis

Symptoms of allergies and sinusitis often overlap. If your symptoms worsen, such as you notice your snot has taken on a consistently yellow, green or grey tint or you begin experiencing great fatigue and pain in the face, you may have developed sinusitis.

In some cases, sinusitis symptoms can last twelve weeks or longer, even if treated with medication, causing prolonged sinus swelling and inflammation. This is referred to as chronic sinusitis and symptoms include frequent sinus headaches, constant congestion, facial pressure and more. Chronic sinusitis impacts overall quality of life, causing you to feel generally lousy all the time.

In addition, chronic sinusitis can cause damage to the sinus cavities and bones, requiring invasive surgery. Traditional sinus surgery involves entering the nasal passage and surgically removing shards of bone and tissue to open the blocked sinuses. However, an outpatient, non-invasive option is now available at our office: Balloon Sinuplasty.

This procedure entails inserting a small balloon into the blocked passageways and inflating it to gently expand the opening, maintaining tissue integrity, and providing patients with significant symptom relief. Dr. Sinha is a leader in his field, with more Balloon Sinuplasty experience than any other medical professionals in the area. He is able to provide his chronic sinusitis patients with significant relief from their suffering using this life-changing procedure.

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Concerned It Could Be Covid

If you think you have COVID-19, there are a couple steps you should take to make sure you get the right care and keep others safe.

  • Stay home COVID-19 is very contagious. So if youre noticing COVID-19 symptoms, stay home and try to separate yourself from other members of your household to help prevent the disease from spreading.
  • We have a team of nurses standing by 24/7 to answer any questions you might have, and to help you decide what type of care you may need. HealthPartners patients can call . Park Nicollet patients can call their clinic directly, or if its after hours.
  • Get care and treatment from home Our virtual care options make it safe and easy for you to get the right treatment. You can choose a video visit with a doctor, or a Virtuwell visit with a certified nurse practitioner. If COVID-19 is suspected, your doctor or nurse practitioner will help you find a COVID-19 testing location near you. If your symptoms point to a different condition, youll receive a custom treatment plan.
  • Get tested Getting tested is the only way to know for sure if you have COVID-19. People often speak with a doctor or nurse practitioner before getting tested, but its not a requirement. You can schedule your own COVID-19 test at one of our convenient drive-up sites.

Choose your care option

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Key Difference Sinus Vs Allergies

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The exaggerated and inappropriate immune responses that result in tissue damage and death are called the allergies. On the other hand, sinuses are air filled spaces present within some bones around the nasal cavity. From these definitions, you can understand that there is no similarity between these two at all. The key difference between sinus and allergies is that a sinus is an anatomical structure whereas an allergy is a physiological derangement. But in a pathological perspective, they are interconnected because an allergy is capable of inflaming the sinuses causing sinusitis.

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Common Symptoms Of Colds Sinus Infections And Allergies

Many people have been told that the following symptoms are signs of a bacterial sinus infection as opposed to a cold:

  • Facial pain and headache
  • Discolored mucus or sinus drainage
  • Severe nasal congestion
  • Fever

But in reality, these symptoms dont help us distinguish one condition from the other, at least in the first week to 10 days. Generally speaking, all of the classic symptoms of a sinus infection can be present in a cold.

If youve had these symptoms for fewer than seven to 10 days, theyre almost certainly signs of a cold virus. When people have these symptoms for more than seven to 10 days without improvement, thats when we start thinking it might be a bacterial sinus infection. It is also very unusual for a cold, or other viral upper respiratory illness, to worsen after five days. This suggests a transition to a bacterial process. This is important because antibiotics should only be used when a bacterial process is suspected.

The symptoms of allergies dont normally include fever or a lot of discolored sinus drainage. Classic allergy symptoms may include:

  • Cough
  • Scratchy or low-grade sore throat
  • Sneezing

Some of these are similar to cold or sinus symptoms. The difference is that allergy symptoms dont follow the course of a cold, which runs through its symptoms as the cold progresses. Allergy symptoms are more consistent than cold symptoms. There is often a pattern to the symptoms related to a change in the indoor or outdoor environment .

Whats The Difference Between Allergies And Sinusitis

Its sometimes difficult to distinguish between allergies and sinusitis because their symptoms overlap. The following are some of the ways to tell the difference.


Along with a stuffy nose, other symptoms of allergies include:

  • Sneezing

In addition to stuffy nose, sinusitis can also cause:

  • Thick mucus/drainage that is not clear
  • Headache/feeling of pressure behind forehead, cheeks, and/or eyes
  • Cough

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Taking The Right Medication For The Right Illness

The best thing to do for cold or sinus symptoms during the first seven to 10 days is to treat the symptoms, not the illness. You can do this with medications such as:

  • Cough medicine
  • Pain reliever

Cold viruses dont respond to antibiotics, so taking them during the first seven days probably wont help. In fact, taking antibiotics when theyre not needed can increase your risk for being infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or other serious antibiotic related problems.

After seven to 10 days, when the symptoms are more likely to indicate a sinus infection, it may be time to ask your doctor about antibiotics. However, sinus infections can and do sometimes go away on their own, just like colds. Ask your doctor if you need an antibiotic or if the infection is likely to go away on its own without medication.

If your symptoms point to allergies, many effective medications are available over the counter to control symptoms, such as antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays. These medications work on all sorts of allergies because they suppress the bodys reactions to allergens, rather than treating the specific allergen. Some antihistamines can cause drowsiness, however, so be cautious of that when taking them. They also do not help stuffiness or pressure symptoms, so adding a decongestant plus a pain reliever as needed can help you ride it out.


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