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How To Detox From Food Allergy

What Cant You Eat On An Elimination Diet

How to Manage Food Allergies : Using Digestive Detox to Treat Food Allergies

The best elimination diets are the most restricting.

The more foods you remove during the elimination phase, the more likely it is that you will discover which foods trigger uncomfortable symptoms.

Foods that are commonly removed during the elimination phase include:

  • Citrus fruits: Avoid citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits.
  • Nightshade vegetables: Avoid nightshades, including tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, white potatoes, cayenne pepper and paprika.
  • Nuts and seeds: Eliminate all nuts and seeds.
  • Legumes: Eliminate all legumes, such as beans, lentils, peas and soy-based products.
  • Starchy foods: Avoid wheat, barley, corn, spelt, rye, oats and bread. Also avoid any other gluten-containing foods.
  • Meat and fish: Avoid processed meats, cold cuts, beef, chicken, pork, eggs and shellfish.
  • Dairy products: Eliminate all dairy, including milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream.
  • Fats: Avoid butter, margarine, hydrogenated oils, mayonnaise and spreads.
  • Beverages: Avoid alcohol, coffee, black tea, soda and other sources of caffeine.
  • Spices and condiments: Avoid sauces, relish and mustard.
  • Sugar and sweets: Avoid sugar , honey, maple syrup, corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, desserts and chocolate.

If you suspect that other foods not on this list make you feel uncomfortable, it is highly recommended to remove them as well.


A good elimination diet is very restricting, which helps you identify as many trigger foods as possible.

How Do You Overcome Food Intolerances

Do you feel like your food intolerances are holding you back or controlling your life? Do you wish you knew how to overcome them, and to do so in a meaningful, sustainable way? Thats what I want to talk to you about today, because I know there is a better way.

In this article, we will discuss food intolerances, what separates them from allergies, and the action steps you can take to get them under control. Ultimately, you wont have to worry about them anymore, and Im here to help you take the first step.

That first step will often include rebuilding your good gut flora, which can be done with something like resistant starch. Its why I put together RS Complete, to help start that process.

Product Recommendation:RS Complete benefits GI health through its ability to support microbial balance and proper intestinal permeability and integrity. Additionally, this formula may help support optimal blood sugar and insulin levels, appetite control, and cardiovascular health.

It May Help People With Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic condition where allergies trigger inflammation of the esophagus, the tube that delivers food from mouth to stomach.

People with EE have difficulty swallowing foods that are dry and dense, increasing their risk of choking.

Many studies have shown that elimination diets are effective for improving symptoms of EE (

15 ).

One analysis looked at 20 studies that restricted certain foods to improve ADHD symptoms. Researchers found that elimination diets helped reduce ADHD symptoms among children who were sensitive to foods .

However, children should not follow an elimination diet unless supervised by a medical professional.

Elimination diets restrict many essential nutrients that are important for growing children, and long-term restriction could stunt their growth.

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Best Foods Plus Recipes

  • Bone broth: Broth contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine that can help heal your damaged cell walls.
  • Raw milk and cultured dairy: Contains both probiotics and a healthy source of amino acids that can help heal the gut. Pastured kefir, yogurt, amasai, grass-fed butter and raw cheese are some of the best.
  • Probiotics and fermented foods: These help replenish good bacteria and crowd out bad bacteria in the gut. They contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and reduce acidity and inflammation. Try sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and natto.
  • Coconut products: The MCFAs in coconut are easier to digest than other fats and nourish a healing gut. Try coconut oil, coconut flour, and coconut kefir

Common Symptoms Of Food Sensitivities

Herbal Clean: Can a Detox Eliminate Food Allergies and Sensitivities?

A food sensitivity is a low-grade inflammatory reaction to a food. Typically, the longer you have been consuming a food you are sensitive to, the more you begin to experience symptoms. Common symptoms of food sensitivities include:


Acne or Eczema


If you are experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, you will likely want to take steps to remove common reactive foods and strengthen your bodys resilience against sensitivities.

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Food Allergy Symptoms + 6 Ways To Reduce Them

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

Food allergies are immune-based diseases that have become a serious health concern in the United States. An estimated one-fifth of the population believe that they have adverse reactions to food, but the true prevalence of food allergies ranges between 3 and 4 percent in the general population.

Despite the risk of severe allergic reactions and even death, there is no current treatment for food allergies. The condition can only be managed by allergen avoidance or treatment of food allergy symptoms. Fortunately, there are natural allergy fighters that can help to boost the immune system and enhance the gut microbiota, which helps to reduce the development of food allergies and allergy symptoms.

Elimination Diets: Confirming Allergy Testing

An elimination diet, sometimes called an exclusion diet, is a tool used by healthcare providers to confirm the results of allergy testing. Elimination diets are also a popular alternative medicine treatment for conditions that range from arthritis to irritable bowel syndrome.

Despite elimination diets representing such a large part of treating food allergies and sensitivities, there have not been many studies to see if those elimination diets actually work. In studies that have been performed, the results have been mixed.

For example, a review of nine studies found that elimination diets by themselves, without the benefit of allergy testing, did not improve symptoms for people with eczema. However, another study found that babies with eczema who had a positive egg allergy test did improve on egg-free diets.

Meanwhile, researchers have found that elimination diets driven by the results of allergy testing may be useful in the condition eosinophilic esophagitis, which can cause damage to your esophagus and symptoms like heartburn and trouble swallowing. Similarly, elimination diets following allergy testing have helped curb symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and migraine.

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Other Types Of Elimination Diets

Besides the traditional elimination diet described above, there are several other types of elimination diets.

Here are a few different types of elimination diets:

  • Low-FODMAPs diet:Removes FODMAPs, which are short-chain carbohydrates that some people cant digest.
  • Few foods elimination diet: Involves eating a combination of foods that you dont eat regularly. One example is the lamb and pears diet, which is popular in the US, where lamb and pears are not commonly eaten.
  • Rare foods elimination diet: Similar to a few foods diet, but you can only eat foods that you rarely ever eat, as they are less likely to trigger your symptoms. Common foods on a rare food diet include yams, buckwheat and starfruit.
  • Fasting elimination diet: Involves strictly drinking water for up to five days, then reintroducing food groups. This type of diet should only be done with permission from your doctor, as it can be dangerous to your health.
  • Other elimination diets: These include lactose-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and wheat-free diets, among others.


There are many different types of elimination diets, including the low-FODMAPs diet, the few foods diet, the rare foods diet, fasting and more.

Foods To Remove During Elimination Diet

How To Heal Food Allergies With A Raw Vegan Diet!

Eight foods account for about 90 percent of all food-allergy reactions: milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts, wheat/gluten, soy, fish and shellfish.

Elimination diets range in terms of what exact foods are permitted and eliminated, but most will cut out all common allergens, including:

  • Usually all packaged, processed or fast foods
  • Certain nightshades

Most elimination diets last for about 36 weeks. Its believed that antibodies the proteins your immune system makes when it negatively reacts to foods take around three weeks to dissipate. So this is usually the minimum time needed for someone to fully treat from sensitives and to notice improvements in their symptoms.

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Treating Mild Allergic Reactions

Occasionally, a food allergy is first discovered by what feels like a mild reaction, like tingling of the mouth and lips, hives or itchy skin, or an upset stomach. Some of these symptoms, however, can also indicate early stages of anaphylaxis, so caution is always recommended. Unfortunately, the list of home remedies for any allergic reaction is short.

Gut Healing Support Supplements

You can purchase these ingredients individually however, I have formulated a gut healing protein blend containing all of these nutrients that is specifically designed for restoring gut health and improving detoxification systems in the body that also serves as a powerful source of nutrition.

As an additional strategy, colostrum is powerful immune support for the gut. Colostrum is a compound found in high concentrations in mothers milk of most mammals. It contains important immunoglobulins that act to balance gut flora, reduce GI inflammation, and aid in healing the gut lining. For a concentrated source of gut healing immunoglobulins, I recommend Gut Defense. This product will improve the immune system of the gut and reduce food sensitivities.

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It May Improve Skin Conditions Like Eczema

Eczema is a group of skin conditions that appear as red, itchy, cracked and inflamed skin.

There are many different causes of eczema, but many people find that eating certain foods can worsen their symptoms.

Several studies have found that elimination diets may reduce symptoms of eczema (

22 ).

In one study, 28 women and two men with frequent migraines followed an elimination diet for six weeks, which helped reduce the number of headache attacks during that time from nine to six .


An elimination diet may benefit people with IBS, ADHD, migraines, eosinophilic esophagitis and skin conditions like eczema.

Fast Facts On Treating An Allergic Reaction:

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  • Most minor allergy symptoms can be treated with antihistamines, corticosteroids, or decongestants.
  • Saline nasal rinses can be used for congestion-related allergy symptoms.
  • Corticosteroid creams can treat skin rashes related to allergies.
  • Immunotherapy is a long-term treatment option for chronic allergy symptoms.
  • Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency, and people should call 911 if they suspect someone is having an anaphylactic reaction.

An allergic reaction occurs when cells in the immune system interpret a foreign substance or allergen as harmful.

The immune system overreacts to these allergens and produces histamine, which is a chemical that causes allergy symptoms, such as inflammation, sneezing, and coughing.

Mild allergic reactions can usually be treated with home remedies and over-the-counter medications.

However, chronic allergies need treatment from a medical professional. Severe allergic reactions always require emergency medical care.

Many mild to moderate allergic reactions can be treated at home or with OTC medications. The following treatments are commonly used to reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction:

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The 8 Most Common Food Allergies

Although any food can provoke a reaction, relatively few foods are responsible for a vast majority of significant food-induced allergic reactions. Over 90 percent of food allergies are caused by the following foods:

1. Cows Milk

Cows milk protein allergy affects 2 to 7.5 percent of children persistence in adulthood is uncommon since a tolerance develops in 51 percent of cases within 2 years of age and 80 percent of cases with 34 years. Numerous milk proteins have been implicated in allergic responses and most of these have been shown to contain multiple allergenic epitopes . IgE-mediated reactions to cows milk are common in infancy and non-IgE-mediated reactions are common in adults.

A 2005 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition suggests that the prevalence of self-diagnosed cows milk allergy is 10-fold higher than the clinically proven incidence, suggesting that a sizable population is unnecessarily restricting dairy products .

2. Eggs

3. Soy

4. Wheat

5. Peanuts

Peanut allergy tends to present itself early in life and affected individuals generally do not outgrow it. In highly sensitized people, just trace quantities of peanuts can induce an allergic reaction. Research suggests that early exposure to peanuts may reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy.

6. Tree Nuts

7. Fish

8. Shellfish

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Should You Try An Elimination Diet

Before diving into an elimination diet, its important to have an idea of whether you have a true food allergy or a food intolerance.

Symptoms like constipation, headaches, heartburn, fatigue, bloating, or trouble swallowing may signal a food intolerance. Sometimes the symptoms will get worse 1 to 3 hours after you eat the food. But often the timing makes it unclear if diet or something else is causing your problems.

Blood and skin tests can help identify allergies. But even after these tests, the diagnosis may not be clear. Sometimes doctors recommend a food challenge to confirm the food sensitivity.

Food challenges where your doctor gives you small doses of the possible food trigger and watches you for symptoms are considered the gold standard for diagnosing allergies. OKeefe AW, at al. . Diagnosis and management of food allergies: New and emerging options: A systematic review. DOI: 10.2147/JAA.S49277

For an intolerance, you can try an elimination diet. You take a group of foods out of your diet for a certain period of time and then reintroduce them to pinpoint which ones are causing you to react. Its best to do this under an allergists guidance.

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A Word About Probiotics And Prebiotics

Probiotics can help your intestines as they naturally release toxins and waste products.

Foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, and pickled vegetables, are great examples of probiotics.

Then there are prebiotic foods, which serve as fuel for the probiotics. Those include jicama, onions, leeks, and asparagus, among others.

For more on how to include the right foods for supporting your digestive system, check out our article on probiotics and prebiotics.

Food Allergies Vs Food Intolerance: What Is The Difference

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It is estimated that about a quarter of the population will have an adverse reaction to food during their lifetime, especially during infancy and early childhood.

Food allergies consist of an immune system response to a disagreeable food. The body senses that a protein in a particular food may be harmful and triggers an immune system response, producing histamine to protect itself. Histamine causes allergy symptoms such as hives, coughing and wheezing. The body then remembers this immunologic reaction and when the allergen food enters the body again, the histamine response is more easily triggered. The best characterized form of food allergy is mediated by food-specific IgE antibodies.

The diagnosis of food allergies may be problematic because nonallergic food reactions, such as food intolerances, are frequently confused with food allergy symptoms. Food allergies and intolerances are often linked, but theres a clear difference between the two conditions.

A food intolerance is the bodys digestive systems response to a disagreeable food. Unlike a food allergy, which produces an immunological mechanism after consuming an allergen, a food intolerance produces a non-immunological reaction. For example, a person may have digestive issues after drinking cows milk because she is unable to digest the sugar lactose this would be called a food intolerance. If she had an immunologic response to the cows milk, that would be characterized as a food allergy.

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Can Improving Phase 2 Detoxification Reduce The Impact Of Food Allergies

There has been an increase in the prevalence of food allergies over the past 20 years and it is now becoming an important public health issue. Food allergies are defined as an adverse reaction arising from an immune response to a food or foods. It can be described as a pathological reaction of the immune system triggered by the ingestion of a food protein antigen. There is a complex multifactorial interplay of genetic variants, environmental exposures, gene-environment interactions, epigenetic alterations, and alterations in methylation and phase 1 and 2 detoxification.

The most common food allergens include milk, egg, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, and gluten. However, any food is capable of causing an allergy. Symptoms can develop directly at the sites of allergen contact or can be systemic in nature. Some of the symptoms of food allergies include itching and swelling of the lips or tongue, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, nausea, itchy skin, anxiety and irritability. Systemic reactions occur when allergens pass the barrier of the mucosa and enter into circulation. It should be noted that food allergy is distinct from food intolerance in that an intolerance to a food or foods does not arise from immune system dysregulation.

Is Your Body On Toxic Overload Signs You Need To Detox

If your body cant manage its toxin load, it can build-up to a level where they trigger some serious health problems. This is where regularly detoxing can be of great benefit in order to avoid overload and onset of those annoying allergies. Signs that you need a detox include insatiable sugar cravings, brain fog, digestive distress , fatigue, muscle aches, joint pain, and increased body odor. Allergic reactions and smelly arm pits? No thank you!

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How Detox Foods Can Boost Your Detoxification Ability

Research shows there are specific foods that can help your body boost its detox power.

Unlike many of the popular detox programs and supplements out there, these foods help your body flush out toxins. And they also provide many other positive health benefits, as well.

Here are 12 of the top detox foods and drinks:


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