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Will Allergies Make Me Cough

Characteristics Of Allergy Cough Vs Covid Cough

Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Treat Cough From Allergies

Coughs caused by COVID-19 and coughs caused by allergies can seem very similar. You may be able to distinguish between a cough caused by allergies and a cough caused by COVID-19 or another virus based on the other symptoms you have with it.

It is also possible to have allergies and COVID-19 at the same time. When this happens, you may have classic allergy symptoms like itchy eyes along with COVID-19 symptoms like fever and loss of taste and smell.

What Does An Allergy Cough Sound Like

Allergic cough is characterized by a loud barking sound with force. It is caused by an irritation in your airways which is triggered by elements like pollen, cigarette smoking, air pollution, etc. The symptoms of allergic cough can vary from mild to severe.

The severity of the symptoms depends on the amount of allergens present in the air you breathe. If you have a severe allergic reaction, you may need to go to the hospital immediately. You may also have to stay in hospital for a few days to recover from your allergic reactions.

Can Allergies Cause Coughing

Yes. Coughing is often a sign that you have a virus or an infection, like a cold or theflu. But it also can be caused byallergies. If you dont have an illness but have a chronic cough longer than three weeks, the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunologystates that it could be allergies.

If you notice that you cough more at certain times of the year, like during spring or fall, or when youre in a specific setting, such as a damp basement or a home with a cat or dog, allergies may be to blame.

How do allergies trigger coughing?

Allergies can cause irritation and swelling of your bodys airways. Allergies can also cause your body to make extra mucus called postnasal drip. This additional mucus trickles down your throat from your nose, often leaving you with a scratchy throat and dry cough.

You may also have other symptoms that go hand-in-hand with allergies, including:

  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Dark circles under your eyes

Removing allergens like dust, pet dander, mold,pollen and smoke from your home may help. If not, it might be time to look at other options.

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How Is Allergic Rhinitis Diagnosed

If your symptoms interfere with your daily life, see your family doctor. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history and perform a physical exam. Keeping a record of your symptoms over a period of time can help your doctor determine what triggers your allergies.

Your doctor may want to do an allergy skin test to determine what you are allergic to. Tiny amounts of allergens are applied to your skin. You will feel tiny pricks that are usually not painful. Your doctor will observe and record the way your skin reacts to each allergen.

Your doctor may also decide to do a blood test, such as the radioallergosorbent test . This test identifies antibodies in your blood that determine what youre allergic to. Once your allergens are identified, you and your doctor can decide the best treatment.

How Can Allergy Symptoms Be Treated By A Doctor

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Allergists, like Dr. Kevin Farnam, MD, are medical doctors who specialize in the treatment of allergies and asthma. These specially trained clinicians can treat your stubborn allergy symptoms by first, diagnosing, and then prescribing medications that can help.

Many mild allergy cases can be treated without seeing a doctor. When allergies interfere with your day-to-day activities, you can take back control of your life by seeing an allergist.

An allergist can treat all kinds of allergy problems including:

  • Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is a reaction that occurs primarily from environmental allergens
  • Anaphylaxis is rare and a potentially fatal allergic reaction caused by triggers such as food, a medication, or an insect sting
  • Asthma is an allergy symptom that causes muscle spasms in a persons breathing airway that blocks air to the lungs
  • Atopic or contact dermatitis are allergies that cause hives or dermatitis on the skin

Visiting an allergist could include:

  • A complete history and physical exam
  • Allergy testing to see what is causing your symptoms
  • Education to help prevent allergies by avoiding them
  • Medication to treat symptoms
  • Allergy shots to alleviate symptoms

You should see an allergist if your allergies are causing chronic sinus infections, difficulty breathing, or the discomfort of sneezing, wheezing, or other symptoms that disrupt your life.

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How To Deal With That Nagging Cough

If youre dealing with a nagging cough that is lingering for days, weeks or months, youre not alone.

Coughing is one of the most frequent reasons patients see doctors, and it ranks in the top five reasons patients come to see us at the Ear, Nose and Throat and Allergy Clinic, said Christine Franzese, MD, an allergist with University of Missouri Health Care.

Coughing is part of the bodys defense against disease. It pushes out bacteria, mucus and foreign particles from the respiratory tract to protect the lungs from infection and inflammation. While coughing has a purpose, it can also cause its share of problems.

It can disrupt your sleep, affect school and work performance, it can even prevent people from being socially active or going places because they are so self-conscious, Franzese said.

A physician can diagnose the cause of the cough and identify the proper treatment. There are many reasons for lasting coughs. The most common causes for nonsmokers are postnasal drip, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux disease , chronic bronchitis and use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for high blood pressure. Smoking is the primary cause of chronic coughing that can lead to more serious health problems, such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and lung cancer.

Avoid Exposure To Allergy Triggers

Avoid exposure to substances you know you are allergic to — a strategy known as allergen avoidance. Whether you have a cough related to seasonal allergies or allergic asthma, this is an important part of managing allergy symptoms.

Stay away from cigarette and wood smoke, which irritate the airways and may trigger bouts of coughing. Also avoid exposure to strong, irritating fumes, such as those from cleaning products, fragrances or industrial chemicals.

Avoid being outdoors when pollen and mold counts are high if you have seasonal allergies. Keep allergens out of your home by keeping windows closed. Minimizing your time outdoors when the air quality is poor and during periods of high humidity or very cold weather may also help reduce allergy-related coughing.

Clean your home thoroughly to reduce allergens in the home. Dust and vacuum regularly, and wear a mask when cleaning to prevent breathing in allergens. Using an air purifier with a high-efficiency particulate air, or HEPA, filter may also trap allergens and keep the air in your home cleaner.


If you continue to experience persistent coughing, visit your doctor to determine whether your treatment plan requires revision.


If you experience trouble breathing, dizziness, lightheadedness or wheezing, seek immediate medical attention.

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How Do I Know My Cough Is A Seasonal Allergies Cough

It can be difficult to determine what is causing your cough, and any persistent cough, or cough that you are worried about should be checked out by your doctor. If you are suffering from other seasonal allergies symptoms, then the chances are high that your cough is caused by seasonal allergies. Alternatively, you could try a seasonal allergies symptom checker.

Although confusing, a seasonal allergies cough may be dry and tickly, or a mucous cough. A dry cough is caused by the throat being irritated by pollen, while a mucous cough is the result of mucus building up at the back of the throat.

Diagnosing A Hay Fever Cough

Causes of Chronic Cough in Adults

When you have an infection, the mucus in your body starts to thicken due to the presence of a virus or bacteria. The type of mucus youre producing can help your doctor tell the difference between a hay fever cough and an infection. If you have thin mucus, as opposed to thick mucus that is difficult to cough up, allergies are usually to blame.

Your doctor will likely ask you about your symptoms as well as what makes them worse or better and when you started noticing them.

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Do Allergies Make You Cough

When you have a serious cough, you might start to worry about what the underlying cause might be. That becomes even more troublesome when your cough seems to never go away. A chronic cough is defined as one that lasts for at least eight weeks in adults and four weeks in kids. Strangely enough, up to 40% of those in the United States have reported a chronic cough at some point in time . It’s such a common reason to go see the doctor. But sometimes a chronic cough might mean something much less sinister than your fears. Do allergies make you cough? You might be surprised by what can tickle your throat and make you cough on a regular basis.

Allergy Cough Vs A Cold

Allergic rhinitis can feel like a cold. They have similar symptoms because colds can cause rhinitis too along with a dry cough. Sometimes it may be difficult to know whether your immune system is fighting off an allergen or a cold virus.

There are differences though. Cold symptoms appear gradually and usually last about one to three weeks. An allergy cough may go on for as long as youre exposed to your trigger. For instance, a hay fever cough could linger the whole pollen season. You may be glued to the pollen forecast for several weeks.

Allergy symptoms tend to have a pattern. They usually appear soon after exposure to your allergen. For instance, it might be an allergy cough if it happens mostly outdoors or when visiting friends with a pet.

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How Are Seasonal Allergies Treated

There are many ways to treat seasonal allergies, depending on how bothersome the symptoms are. An important part of treatment is knowing what someone is allergic to. Some kids can get relief by reducing or eliminating exposure to the allergens that bother them.

If certain seasons cause symptoms, keep the windows closed, use air conditioning instead of fresh air when possible, and stay indoors when pollen counts are high. It’s also a good idea for kids with seasonal allergies to wash their hands or shower and change clothes after playing outside.

If reducing exposure isn’t possible or doesn’t help, doctors may recommend medicines for allergy symptoms. These can include oral, nasal, and ocular antihistamines and nasal steroid sprays. If these don’t help or a child has to take multiple medicines to ease symptoms, the doctor may recommend seeing an allergist. The allergist can decide whether allergy shots could help.

How To Relieve The Coughs

How to Treat Chronic Cough

With knowing the answer to the question, do allergies make you cough, you will naturally come to the next concern, how can you relieve the coughs? Read on to find the most effective option for you.

1. Coughs Caused by Allergies

When you are suffering from intense coughing caused by allergies, there are some treatments that might do very well in relieving the problem. Antihistamines suppress the immune system reaction, while help clear out the sinuses and make it easier to breathe. Saline nasal sprays can help break up congestion and also wash any allergens out of the nasal passages.

Other options include corticosteroids, montelukast to relive asthma symptoms, and allergy shots that can help eventually desensitize you to the allergens. Alternative treatments like taking a hot bath, inhaling steam, or making your own strong nasal solutions can help.

2. Coughs Caused by Cold

When your cough is caused by a cold, effective treatments include gargling with warm salt water, sucking on ice chips, or turning to cough drops to ease the cough. You can also try over the counter medications that are designed to fight bad colds and the symptoms, as well as supportive therapies, such as extra sleep, doses of vitamin C, drinking extra fluids and the like.

3. Coughs Caused by Hay Fever

4. Crossover Treatments

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Gluten Allergy & Cough

Gluten is a protein found in many types of grains, including wheat, barley, rye and triticale. Proteins are common triggers of food allergies, and gluten falls to this category. People who produce Immunoglobulin E antibodies against gluten develop an allergy, which is associated with many symptoms, including a cough. If you suspect you have a food allergy, consult your doctor. In some cases, a food allergy can cause a life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

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Is There An Additional Threat

We dont have enough information to know whether having seasonal allergies puts you in a higher risk for contracting COVID-19, or if allergies can make contracting the virus worse, Dr. Kocur said. We do know that older adults and people with medical conditions like diabetes, obesity and heart or lung disease are at higher risk for serious complications from COVID-19.

The best way to protect yourself and manage seasonal allergies is a relationship with your primary care provider and an allergist. An honest, open line of communication will help your doctor assess your situation and determine the best course of action to keep you and your family safe.

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Consider That Your Pillow And Mattress May Be The Blame

Pillows and mattresses are great for you getting a good nights sleep, but they also excel at harboring allergy triggers such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander. Replacing pillows or covering them with an anti-allergy pillow case helps. In addition, there are anti-allergen mattress covers for sale that are effective in helping to relieve nighttime allergy symptoms.

What Is Allergic Rhinitis

Chronic Cough: Most Common Causes – Northwest Community Healthcare

Allergic rhinitis is the medical term for hay fever or nasal allergies. By definition, allergic rhinitis is swelling of the nasal passages caused by allergens. Its important to note that while many people refer to it as hay fever, it is not caused by hay. Nor does is cause a fever. Allergic rhinitis is triggered by having allergies. You have an allergy when your body overreacts to things that dont cause problems for most people. These things are called allergens.

There are 2 forms of allergic rhinitis:

  • Seasonal :Caused by an allergy to pollen and/or mold spores in the air. Pollen is the fine powder that comes from flowering plants. It can be carried through the air and is easily inhaled. Symptoms are seasonal and usually occur in spring, late summer, and fall. This is the most common form of allergy.
  • Perennial:Caused by other allergens such as dust mites, pet hair or dander, or mold. Symptoms occur year-round.

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Allergy immunotherapy means either regular injections at the doctor’s office or taking tablets under your tongue first at the doctor’s office and then at home. Treatment takes three to five years. Youll need to complete the full course even if your allergy cough disappears sooner. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it might be right for you.

Acid Reflux And Related Conditions

Acid reflux happens when stomach acid moves back up to your esophagus. Theres a band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter. When you eat or drink, it relaxes, allowing food and liquid to move into your stomach. Sometimes it doesnt completely close after you eat or drink, allowing acid from your stomach to move up into your esophagus. This irritates your esophagus, which may cause you to cough.

Other symptoms of acid reflux include:

  • bitter taste in the back of your throat
  • sour taste in your mouth
  • burning sensation in your chest, known as heartburn

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What Are The Triggers For Allergy Or Asthma

Asthma and allergy coughs are caused due to irritation or swelling of the airways. A chronic dry cough can occur due to allergies like hay fever. If you are sensitive to pollen, mold, dust, pet dander or other allergens, then you may also experience a cough. Allergies can worsen asthma symptoms, causing them to become severe.

Here are some common allergy triggers:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux

Allergists are the best go-to doctors for chronic cough because of their holistic medical approach. They have specific expertise in allergic rhinitis and sinus infections, which cause postnasal drainage leading to chronic cough. Allergists are also experts in treating asthma, which is usually present in 25% of patients with chronic cough. Moreover, they are experienced in dealing with heartburn or GERD, which may cause a cough.

If allergies, asthma and the conditions listed above have been ruled out by your allergist, then your chronic cough may be due to other reasons like:

How To Treat An Allergy Cough At Home

Is GERD Causing Your Cough?

Some ways to treat an allergy cough at home include:

  • Taking over-the-counter medications: Allergy medicines, such as antihistamines, nasal sprays, and decongestants, can help reduce the inflammation and mucus production that can lead to a cough.
  • Using a humidifier or inhaling steam from a shower:Humidifiers can help clear congestion and soothe throat irritation.
  • Using an air purifier: A high-quality air purifier can help reduce the number of allergens and irritants in the air inside a persons home or office space.
  • Taking prescription medications: Nasal sprays and antihistamines can help alleviate an allergic cough affecting the upper respiratory tract. Inhalers are usually needed to treat an allergic cough affecting the lower airways.

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