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HomeDo You Have Any Allergies In Spanish

Do You Have Any Allergies In Spanish

What Causes The Sneezing And Wheezing

How do you say “Do you have any allergies?” in Spanish?

You can be allergic to many things. Common allergens include:

  • dust mites
  • a protein found in the dander , saliva , urine , or other things from some animals
  • grass, flower, and tree pollen
  • mold and mildew
  • foods, such as milk, wheat, soy, eggs, nuts, seafood, and legumes , which include peas, beans, and peanuts
  • latex

How To Say Youre Allergic To Something In Spanish

All you have to say is Soy alérgico, using the letter o if you identify as a male and the letter a if you identify as a female. Then, you follow that up with al/ a la/ a los/ a las, depending on the allergen youre talking about. Read the examples below to see what that looks like in practice:

  • Soy alérgica a la soja.
  • Soy alérgico al polen.
  • Soy alérgico a las mascotas.
  • Soy alérgico a los perros.

Would you be ready?

Would you be ready to explain your allergies to a waiter, a friend or a doctor in a Spanish-speaking country? You might have to, but it wont be so difficult after practicing some of these phrases out loud! Let us know how you did!

Common Spanish Dishes That Contain Gluten

Many of these dishes can easily be prepared with gluten-free products. However, celiacs should avoid ordering these unless you know for sure that you are at a place that uses gluten-free alternatives.

  • Salmorejo, ajo blanco and even some versions of gazpacho get their thick texture from bread or bread crumbs.
  • Filete empanado: Similar to a German schnitzel, this lunch menu staple consists of breaded chicken breast or pork fillets.
  • Pan con tomate: A popular breakfast option, this simple yet delicious dish is essentially toasted bread topped with fresh tomato.
  • Croquetas, or croquettes, are coated in bread crumbs before being fried.
  • Albóndigas: Spanish meatballs are a popular option at many restaurants, but often contain bread crumbs.

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Changes In Allergies Over Time

Food allergies are not always a lifelong ordeal, they can decrease over time, but youre also not safe from food allergies just because you didnt have any as a child. You can develop an allergy or intolerance to different foods over time. In other words, the same allergies present in children may gradually decrease in severity with time and adults may develop an allergy to a food that never caused problems before. Therefore, follow-up skin and blood tests and oral challenges are often performed to determine whether a food allergy exists.

Spanish Fork Allergy And Immunology

Thriving With Allergies: Food Allergy Alert Daycare/School ...

At Revere Health in Spanish Fork, our allergy specialists are board-certified physicians who diagnose and treat patients who suffer from allergic reactions and immunologic disorders. Our specialists work with pediatric and adult patients and use the most up-to-date medical therapies to treat a variety of conditions including nasal, sinus and eye allergies, asthma, eczema, contact skin allergies, Eosinophilic esophagitis, food protein-induced enterocolitis syndromes, hereditary angioedema, recurrent infections, immunodeficiencies, food allergies, drug and vaccine allergies, allergies to bee stings, hives, swelling, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, and many more complex conditions. We also offer patch testing, allergy shots, and allergy drops.

Please call 226-3600 at least 30 minutes ahead of time to schedule your Allergy Injections.

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What Causes Food Allergies

An allergy refers to an immune system reaction that is unnecessary. These reactions can occur in response to various stimuli, including medications, dust, insect bites and even food proteins that are not actually harmful to a person. The immune reaction, however, can be uncomfortable or even dangerous depending on its severity.

When a food allergy exists, the immune system responds by producing immunoglobulin E before the person ever consumes the particular food protein. When consumed, IgE reacts with the specific food protein and leads to food allergy symptoms that can range from irritating to life-threatening

Food Intolerances

Unlike an allergy to a food protein, a food intolerance involves non-immune system functions. For instance, the lack of a specific enzyme responsible for digesting certain foods, such as lactase, can interfere with digestion and cause adverse gastrointestinal symptoms when the food is consumed. That is an example of a food intolerance. Food intolerances actually comprise the majority of adverse food reactions

Determining if You Have an Allergy or an Intolerance

To determine if you have a food allergy or a food intolerance, you can evaluate the food thats causing the problem and how youre reacting to it. In most cases, we also recommend you speak to a qualified allergist who can more definitely diagnose an intolerance or allergy. A professional opinion will help you pinpoint the cause of your reaction and develop an appropriate management plan.

Eating With Gluten Allergies Or Intolerance In Madrid

Despite their affinity for bread and beer, Spaniards are becoming increasingly aware of the needs of those who need to avoid gluten.

For an even more complete look at eating with allergies in Madrid if youre gluten free, check out our gluten free guide to Madrid. The Madrid Association for Celiacs & Gluten-Sensitive People also has some great recommendations for fully gluten-free eateries in the Spanish capital.

In the meantime, here are some quick pointers on how to eat safely anywhere.

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Common Foods Containing Dairy

Be careful with anything that includes all i oli. This garlic mayonnaise is a popular condiment all throughout Spain, especially here in Barcelona, but is often made with milk instead of eggs. And unfortunately, croquettes are a no-go most of the time as well. These creamy little bites are made with bechamel sauce, which contains milk. However, many places offer bechamel-free croquetas, so if youre not sure, just ask! When it comes time for dessert, stay away from crema catalana, which has milk as a primary ingredient as well.

Choose An Experienced Caregiver For Allergy Treatment


While there is no cure for food allergies, multiple research studies are ongoing in the quest for a cure. Moreover, research into the causes of such allergies holds additional promise and may be key to preventing them from developing.

Further information about allergies to food is available through the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network at For assistance in managing your known food allergies or to find out if you have any such allergies, please schedule a consultation with Carolina Asthma and Allergy Center by calling 1-704-372-7900 today or contacting us online. We provide allergy testing, treatment, and personalized care recommendations that can help you manage food and other allergies.

Also Check: Allergies Cause Shortness Of Breath

The Health Translations Directory Is Always Improving

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health has been contracted to manage and improve Health Translations. We are regularly reviewing our collection and improving your experience of the directory. We rely on your contributions. If you are aware of a multilingual health resource, produced in Australia, please register it here or let us know.

How To Diagnose A Food Allergy

To diagnose your food allergy, youll typically follow three general steps, with the help of your allergist.

  • Compile a history of your reactions to the specific food in question.
  • Evaluate the length of time between ingestion of the food and development of symptoms.
  • Determine whether similar symptoms have occurred on other occasions when the food was eaten.
  • Undergo one or more food allergy tests.
  • Since food allergies may include a host of similar foods , any reactions to similar types of food should be included in the history you give your allergist.

    When undergoing tests, youll go through screening that look for evidence of food-specific IgE antibodies and proof of reactivity through elimination diets and oral food challenges.

    Skin Prick Tests and Blood Allergy Testing

    Skin prick tests and blood allergy testing are performed to document the presence of specific IgE antibodies. These forms of allergy testing, however, can be falsely positive in some cases, so they should be combined with personal observances and, if possible, the oral food challenge.

    The Oral Food Challenge

    The oral food challenge is considered the gold standard in diagnosing food allergies. The oral food challenge requires that allergy sufferers ingest small amounts of the foods they may be allergic to. Since it involves physically consuming the foods in question, the oral challenge is one of the most accurate diagnostic methods.

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    Important Spanish Vocabulary For Gluten Allergies

    • Enfermedad celiaca = celiac disease
    • Yo soy celiaco/a = Im celiac.
    • No puedo comer productos que tengan como ingrediente: trigo, centeno, cebada o avena = I cannot eat things that contain wheat, rye, barley or oats.
    • Libre de gluten OR sin gluten = gluten-free
    • Almidón de trigo = wheat starch
    • Soy celiaco/a y debo seguir una dieta sin gluten = Im celiac and must follow a gluten-free diet.
    • ¿Esta comida contiene trigo, centeno, cebada o avena? = Does this dish contain wheat, rye, barley, or oats?
    • Puedo comer alimentos que contengan arroz, patatas, verduras y frutas, huevos, queso, leche y pescado = I can eat dishes with rice, potatoes, vegetables, fruit, eggs, cheese, milk, and fish.
    • Sin salsa por favor = No sauce, please!
    • ¡Gracias por tu ayuda! = Thank you for your help!

    How Do I Find Out If I Have Allergies

    FRONT: English

    If you sneeze and itch a lot, wheeze, or often get sick after eating a certain food, your doctor may want to check you for allergies. He or she will ask you a lot of questions about your health, about the animals and plants in your home, and about the foods you eat. Your answers will provide clues about what you might be allergic to, and your doctor may ask you to stay away from a pet or stop eating a certain food to see if your symptoms go away.

    Your doctor may send you to an allergist , a special doctor who helps people who have allergies. An allergist may give you a scratch test to see if a tiny bit of an allergen will cause a reaction on your skin. You’ll feel a quick pinch when the doctor makes the scratch or scratches. If you’re allergic, one or more spots will become bumpy, itchy, and red like a mosquito bite.

    Some doctors also might test a kid’s blood to look for IgE, a substance called an antibody that signals an allergic reaction. If you have large amounts of this antibody in your blood, you are probably allergic to the allergen.


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    Explaining Food Allergies In Spanish

    One of the very best things about cultures of the Spanish-speaking world is the food. Tapas, paella, arepas, ajiaco, burritos, tacos, tamales, empanadasbut hit pause. Allergies come first! The last thing you want is to feel your worst in a restaurantabroad. So here are some common food allergies in Spanish:

    • los huevos
    • la mostaza
    • el gluten

    Eating With Allergies In Madrid Faqs

    How do I say gluten free in Spanish?

    The most commonly used phrase for gluten free in Spain is sin gluten.

    How do I say lactose intolerant in Spanish?

    Lactose intolerant in Spanish is translated as intolerante a la lactosa. To describe your own needs, use it with the verb soy at the beginning of the sentence: Soy intolerante a la lactosa.

    What is trigo in Spanish food?

    Trigo means wheat, so its a good word to look out for if youre gluten free.

    How do you say allergic in Spanish?

    If you identify as male, say alérgico. If you identify as female, it would be alérgica.

    Do Spanish restaurants accommodate allergies?

    Most, if not all, restaurants in Spain will go out of their way to ensure your food doesnt contain any risky allergens, as long as you tell them so.

    Update Notice: This post was originally published on August 8, 2018 and was updated with new text and photos on May 31, 2021.

    Want our insiders guide to eating in Madrid? Just add your email address in the form below!

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    Do You Have Food Allergies

    by: Beth A. Seiler, M.D.

    Food allergies affect approximately 6 percent of children younger than three years of age and 4 percent of adults in the United States. Those percentages may sound small at first, but according to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology , more than 50 million people suffer from some type of allergy, and food allergies seem to be developing an increasing prevalence in both the United States and other developed countries.

    Food allergies are most common in infants and young children. However, they may occur at any age. An adverse food reaction is a generic term referring to any abnormal reaction after ingestion of food. While adverse food reactions may mirror minor food allergy symptoms, they are not the same. Adverse food reactions may be secondary to a food allergy but more commonly could be related to a food intolerance or sensitivity.

    Unfortunately, the prevalence of a food allergy diagnosis also appears to be increasing around the globe. For example, one study found a five-fold increase in peanut allergies in the United Kingdom between 1995 and 2016. Were seeing indications of similar increases in the United States. Recent events involving childhood and collegiate deaths related to food allergies have reinvigorated a call to improve awareness and understanding.

    Translations Do You Have Any Allergies

    Your Guide to Food Allergy
    • Do you have any allergies or illnesses that I should know about?

      ¿Tiene alguna alergia o enfermedad que deba conocer?

    • Do you have any allergies or illnesses that I should know about?

      ¿Tiene alguna alergia o enfermedad que deba conocer?

    • Do you have any allergies or illnesses that I should know about?

      ¿Tiene alguna alergia o enfermedad que deba conocer?

    do you have any allergies¿tiene algún tipo de alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Eres alérgica a algoDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergiesTienes alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿tienes alergiasDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Eres alérgicaDo you have any allergies¿Eres alérgico a algoDo you have any allergies¿ Tiene alergiasDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Eres alérgicodo you have any allergiestienes alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tiene usted algún tipoalergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alergiasDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tiene usted alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tienes alguna alergiado you have any allergies¿tienes alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Eres alérgicoDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Tiene alguna alergiaDo you have any allergies¿Sufre algún tipo de alergia

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    What Are The Most Common Allergies To Food

    Although, any food can cause a food allergy, 90 percent or more of allergic reactions are caused by specific common triggers. In children, cows milk, wheat, soybeans, eggs, and peanuts are the most common offenders. While peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish are the most common foods involved in food allergies in adults.

    Although we used to think that childhood food allergy to milk, eggs, and wheat would usually be outgrown by five years of age, new studies suggest that for approximately half of those children wont see their allergies resolved until the teenage years. Strict avoidance of the food from the diet increases the probability that the food allergy will resolve. Some allergies to food, such as peanuts, tree nuts, and seafood, tend to be life-long and can be quite severe. Additionally, siblings of a child allergic to peanuts have a four-fold increased chance of developing their own peanut allergy.

    Additional risks for developing allergies to food occur within the environment. Exposure to microbes and pollutionas seen in urban areasincreases an individuals risk of developing an allergy.

    Fighting On The Allergy Front

    You might not be able to control your allergies completely, but you can do yourself a favor by avoiding anything that causes your allergy symptoms.

    Pets. If you are allergic to an animal, you might have to find a new home for your pet. If you can’t do that, it can help to keep pets out of your bedroom, have someone bathe them at least once a week, or have the animal live outside. You’ll also want to avoid pets at other people’s homes.

    Dust mites. If dust mites are your trouble, your mom or dad can use special covers for your bed and wash your sheets and blankets in very hot water to get rid of them. Keeping your room neat and clean also will help. Store stuffed animals or other stuff that attracts dust somewhere other than your room.

    Food allergies. If you have food allergies, always read food labels to check the ingredients and learn the different names for the food allergen. Even though you may have eaten a food before, always check the label because ingredients may change. If you’re not sure about a food, don’t eat it. Instead, ask a grownup if it’s safe. Your mom or dad can help teach you which foods and ingredients you should avoid.

    Also, your parents can help you pack safe snacks for occasions away from home when everyone else might be having something you can’t, such as peanut butter ice cream. Then, instead of feeling left out, you can snack along with your friends without risking an allergy attack and, even worse, having to go home early!

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    Su Gua Para La Alergia Alimentaria

    Una combinación de nuestros mejores recursos en un formato fácil de usar diseñado para personas y familias que han sido diagnosticadas recientemente con alergias alimentarias.

    Afiches de información sobre alergias alimentarias diseñados para educar al personal del servicio de alimentos sobre cómo pueden ayudar a mantener saludables a los comensales con alergias alimentarias

    Un programa de educación que puede ayudar a los niños a aprender cómo ser un buen amigo de los niños con alergias alimentarias. Los materiales disponibles en español incluyen: un Afiche PAL, Folleto, Hoja de Instrucciones para los Padres, Guía de Presentación, Certificado y Marcapáginas.


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