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HomeNewsCan Allergies Give You A Stiff Neck

Can Allergies Give You A Stiff Neck

Cleaning Your Nasal Passages

Can your neck cause back pain?

Regularly cleaning your nasal passages with a salt water solution known as nasal douching or irrigation can also help by keeping your nose free of irritants.

You can do this either by using a homemade solution or a solution made with sachets of ingredients bought from a pharmacy.

Small syringes or pots that often look like small horns or teapots are also available to help flush the solution around the inside of your nose.

To make the solution at home, mix half a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into a pint of boiled water that’s been left to cool to around body temperature do not attempt to rinse your nose while the water is still hot.

To rinse your nose:

  • stand over a sink, cup the palm of one hand and pour a small amount of the solution into it
  • sniff the water into one nostril at a time
  • repeat this until your nose feels comfortable you may not need to use all of the solution

While you do this, some solution may pass into your throat through the back of your nose. The solution is harmless if swallowed, but try to spit out as much of it as possible.

Nasal irrigation can be carried out as often as necessary, but a fresh solution should be made each time.

How Does Neck Pain Start

In older people, neck pain usually starts slowly due to wear and tear in the joints or arthritis. Young people can experience sudden neck pain due to a car accident, a sport injury, or work-related strain.

Common causes of neck pain include:

  • Muscle strains. Too many hours hunched over your desk or over your smartphone can trigger muscle pain. If you dont seek treatment for your muscle pain in a timely manner, you may develop myofascial pain syndrome, a chronic form of muscle pain. The hallmark of myofascial pain syndrome is a taut band of muscle, known as a trigger point. Multiple trigger points in your neck muscles can cause considerable neck pain.

For more information on muscle pain,

Can Allergies Affect Joint Pain

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    If you suffer from allergies, you likely know the toll they can take on your sinuses. But what about the rest of your body? Can allergies affect joint pain? Believe it or not, allergies, whether seasonal or food-related, can affect joint pain. Allergy symptoms appear for a variety of reasons, but some symptoms like joint pain may occur because of the humidity and rapid temperature changes that accompany the spring season.

    During allergy season, many individuals experience a spike in allergy symptoms, particularly when there is a high pollen count. Some individuals will have mild symptoms like a stuffy nose and sneezing.

    Others, on the other hand, can experience pain in their neck, back and joints. Joint pain is widespread. A national survey showed one-third of adults claimed to have experienced joint pain within the previous 30 days.

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    Can Seasonal Allergies Cause Joint Inflammation

    Another potential link is that allergies can lead to fatigue, which can also make sore joints feel worse. Changes in weather can also lead to joint pain. This is especially true for cold and damp climates and weather-related changes that coincide with seasonal allergies.

    Muscle and joint pain can be a coexisting problem resulting from arthritis, Lyme disease and certain immune disorders. It can also be linked to bursitis and osteoporosis. There are other potential causes as well.

    If you experience sneezing and coughing as a result of your allergies, you may suffer from muscle, joint and neck pain due to the repeated sneezing or coughing. Seasonal allergies can also make you feel tired, which can ultimately make your symptoms worse.

    If youre not sure whether your joint pain is caused by allergies, the best way to distinguish symptoms is to take a short course of antihistamines. You can take antihistamines for a week to determine whether allergies may be a source for your pain.

    Is A Stiff Neck A Sign Of Allergic Reaction To A Flu Vaccine

    Infectious Mononucleosis

    Muscle aches and stiffness may occur following the flu vaccine, but are not cause for alarm and generally dissipate within two days. Signs of an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine include hives, trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, dizziness and weakness, states Healthline. Patients with these symptoms should seek immediate medical care.

    Severe allergic reactions to the flu vaccine are rare, according to Healthline. They typically appear within a few hours of receiving the vaccine. Patients who are allergic to chicken eggs should not get the flu vaccine, since it is made from chicken eggs. Those who have previously suffered an allergic reaction to a vaccine should also avoid the flu shot.

    There are many side effects associated with the flu vaccine but most are mild, according to Healthline. Some patients experience headaches after vaccination by injection or nasal spray. Headaches are considered a mild side effect, and tend to last two days or less. A low-grade fever below 101 degrees Fahrenheit is also common and is not a cause for alarm, though patients with fevers above 101 degrees F should seek medical attention. The most common side effect of the flu vaccine is soreness or pain at the injection site. The nasal spray form of the vaccine may also cause a runny nose or sore throat.

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    Seasonal Allergies: Occurrence And Symptoms

    Seasonal allergies are sometimes referred to as hay fever or allergic rhinitis.

    In the United States, allergies typically are at their worst during the spring season, when flowers start to bud and trees begin to bloom. In most parts of the country, allergies typically start in February and can last until early in the summer.

    Certain factors can influence the intensity and duration of allergy season. For example, milder winter temperatures can lead to early plant pollination. Additionally, a rainy spring can lead to rapid plant growth, ultimately causing an increase in mold and symptoms that can linger into the fall.

    Seasonal allergies develop because the bodys immune system has become sensitized and is overreacting to something in the environment that normally does not cause problems in other people. Some of the most common triggers of seasonal allergies include grass, pollen and mold.

    Some of the most common general allergy symptoms include:

    • Nasal congestion
    • Joint, back and neck pain

    Other factors can influence the severity of allergy symptoms. After a rainfall, pollen counts typically increase. Pollen counts are often higher on warm and windy days. On days with no wind, allergens are typically grounded. High humidity also promotes mold growth. In addition, pollen levels are generally at their highest in morning hours. Certain pollens, such as grass and ragweed, are most prevalent when the nights are cool and the days are warm.

    How To Manage Symptoms

    Although not often discussed, seasonal allergies can lead to body aches and pain in addition to other symptoms like congestion, coughing, and watery eyes. This is due to increased inflammation in the body. Repeatedly coughing and sneezing can trigger even more pain. Read more to learn how to better manage seasonal allergies and help prevent body aches.

    Verywell / Mayya Agapova

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    Don’t Ignore Chest Pain

    While chest pain can occur with allergies, it can also be a sign of a life-threatening heart attack. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect your chest pain might not be related to your allergies. Other signs of heart attack can include:

    • Shortness of breath

    Why Is Neck Pain So Common

    What causes stiff neck muscles after a stroke?

    Studies show that neck problems are common. Roughly 20-70% of adults experience neck pain that interferes with their daily activities, at some point in their lifetime.

    Your neck contains the top part of your spinal column , a likely source for injuries and pain. The cervical spine needs strength to support the head. . It also needs flexibility in order to allow the neck to twist and bend.

    The cervical spine has multiple parts:

    • 7 back bones They provide strength to your neck and protect the spinal cord.
    • 6 pairs of facet joints These small joints connect the backbones and provide flexibility in the neck.
    • 6 discs These cartilage cushions act as shock absorbers between the backbones.
    • 8 pairs of spinal nerves Spinal nerves branch out from the top of the spine to reach the head, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands. They receive touch temperature, and pain sensations from the skin and control upper body movements .

    The cervical spine is like a finely tuned instrument, with its multiple parts working together to produce precise movements. If any of these parts wear out or suffer injuries, you will experience neck stiffness and pain.

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    When To See A Doctor For A Stiff Neck

    If a stiff neck has not shown improvement after a week, it should be checked by a doctor. Also, regardless of how long it has lasted, a stiff neck accompanied by any red flag symptomssuch as a fever, headache, nausea or vomiting, or unexplained sleepinessshould be seen by a medical professional immediately.

    See What Is Causing My Neck Pain and Headache?

    When To See A Doctor For Sinus Infection

    According to the , you should see a doctor if you have a sinus infection with:

    • changes in vision or difficulty with eye movement
    • severe symptoms, such as an intense headache or facial pain
    • worsening symptoms after you initially felt better
    • symptoms that last longer than 10 days and havent improved
    • fever that lasts longer than 3 to 4 days

    Additionally, you should see a medical professional if youve had several sinus infections in the past year.

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    Managing Allergies And Preventing Body Aches

    Seasonal allergies usually strike during spring, summer, or fall, depending on your specific allergens. Unfortunately, there’s no way to prevent seasonal allergies and body aches. However, there are things you can do to help manage your symptoms.

    Avoid your allergens whenever possible: Plan outdoor activities during times of the day when allergen levels are lower. For example, pollen levels tend to be higher in the mornings than in the evenings.

    Wear a mask: If you have to be outdoors for significant periods of time during allergy season, consider wearing a mask to help filter allergens out of the air you breathe.

    Watch the forecast: Weather can have a significant impact on seasonal allergies. While rain washes pollen away, pollen levels can spike right after a rainfall. Other allergens, such as mold, thrive in hot, humid weather.

    Stay inside on windy days: Wind lifts allergen particles off the ground, making you more likely to breathe them in.

    Sinus Infection And Neck Pain: Is There A Correlation

    Stiff Neck Sore Throat Headache Swollen Glands

    People with allergies or chronic colds understand that sinus infections can be a real pain in the neck. Most cases of acute sinusitis get better on their own. Your doctor may recommend treatments to help relieve sinusitis symptoms, but acute sinusitis can cause potentially dangerous complications. Read on if youre wondering if sinus infections can cause neck pain.

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    Treating A Pinched Nerve In Your Neck

    Your doctor may recommend one or a combination of the following treatments for a pinched nerve in your neck:

    • Cervical collar. This is a soft, padded ring that limits motion. It allows the neck muscles to relax.
    • Physical therapy. Following a specific set of guided, physical therapy exercises can strengthen neck muscles, improve range of motion, and relieve pain.
    • Oral medication. Prescription and OTC medications your doctor might recommend to ease pain and reduce inflammation include aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen, and corticosteroids.
    • Injections.Steroid injections are used to lessen swelling and relieve pain for a long enough period for the nerve to recover.

    Surgery is an option if these less invasive treatments dont work.

    The Link Between Seasonal Allergies And Neck Pain

    Winter is finally over. The flowers are blooming, the sun is out, and you are miserable seemingly endless cycles of itchy sneezing, sinus congestion and sinus congestion. If seasonal changes trigger your allergies, youre certainly not the only one. According to Healthline, around 17.9 million adult Americans are diagnosed with allergic rhinitis every year. That equates to around 7.8% of the countrys population.

    While some people only have to deal with allergy symptoms during seasonal changes, others have to put up with the additional distress caused by neck pain. If youre one of these people, youve probably wondered if theres a connection between the two. Over the course of this blog, well discuss some possible reasons behind this pattern.

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    How Is Allergic Rhinitis Treated

    Several allergy medications can improve symptoms and help you live with hay fever. These treatments come in many forms, including liquids, pills, eye drops, nasal sprays and injections. Talk to your provider before taking any medication, especially if youre pregnant or have other health concerns. Your provider may suggest:

    Antihistamines: Antihistamine medications are available with a prescription or over the counter. They work by blocking the histamine that your body releases during an allergic response. Antihistamines come as pills, liquids, eye drops, nasal sprays and inhalers. They include:

    • Levocetirizine .

    Antihistamines can cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol when taking antihistamines, especially if youre going to drive.

    These medications relieve congestion in the nose and sinuses. You can take decongestants by mouth or use a nasal spray. They include:

    • Afrin® nasal spray.
    • Phenylephrine nasal spray .
    • Pseudoephedrine .

    Corticosteroid nasal sprays: These sprays and inhalers reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms of hay fever. The most common nasal sprays are Flonase®, Nasacort® and Rhinocort®. Side effects include headaches, nasal irritation, nosebleeds and cough.

    Your provider might recommend immunotherapy in the form of a pill that you place under your tongue.

    Seasonal Allergies And Joint Pain

    Sinuses, Neck, Posture, McKenzie!

    Its officially spring and with warmer weather, it brings new life back to our lives. Unfortunately, these pretty flowers and blooming trees bring with them unwanted pollen that can cause allergic reactions in many of us. From runny noses to watery eyes, your body can be negatively impacted by these blossoming buds. Did you know that another downside of seasonal allergies is that they can actually affect your joints as well? While you may not associate one with the other, they are in fact connected. In understanding this connection you can hopefully learn how to prevent it and have a happier spring season.

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    What Is A Skin Prick Test

    This common test is painless and accurate, though it may be a little uncomfortable. Your provider places a small sample of different allergens on your skin and scratches or pricks the skin with a needle. Scratching the skin allows the allergen to get under the surface.

    If youre allergic to the allergen, the area will become red, itchy and irritated in 15 to 30 minutes. You may develop raised, hive-like welts called wheals that show an allergic reaction. A skin prick test is a safe, effective way to determine which allergens are causing your symptoms.

    Most Common Serious Condition With Stiff Neck

    Meningitiswhich in its most dangerous form is a bacterial infection that causes the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord to be inflamedis the most common serious condition associated with a stiff neck.

    See Spinal Cord Anatomy in the Neck

    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , a fever, headache, and stiff neck are typically early symptoms of bacterial meningitis.1 When any two of these symptoms are present together, they should be immediately checked out by a doctor.

    See When Neck Stiffness May Mean Meningitis

    Meningitis symptoms usually develop within a few days of exposure, and the individuals condition could worsen gradually or rapidly. Early treatment for meningitis is critical for having a good outcome. Delayed treatment could result in poor outcomes, such as hearing loss, brain damage, or even death.

    It should be noted that a stiff neck is not always present with meningitis, and other symptoms could include nausea, heightened sensitivity to light or loud noises, or confusion, among others.

    Meningitis is a bacterial infection that causes the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord to become inflamed.

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    When To See A Doctor For Neck Pain

    According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, you should seek medical care if your neck pain is:

    • accompanied by pain that radiates down your legs or arms
    • accompanied by headaches, tingling, numbness, or weakness

    In general, its a good idea to see a doctor if youre worried about your neck pain, or if the pain is affecting your quality of life.

    Why Do Allergies Cause Neck Pain

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    This depends on how a person reacts to their allergens. For example, some people find that their lymph nodes swell in response to their allergies, causing neck pain. Others have allergies that cause neck swelling. And others still cough and sneeze so much that they strain their neck.

    Even if your allergies do not directly impact your neck, they can lead to neck pain. Everyday stressors add up over time and impact the body in a variety of ways. This increased stress forces the body to compensate for it in different waysone way is affecting the muscles in the area!

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